Blue dart

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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scm of blue dart


Topic Supply Chain Strategies of Blue Dart Presented by Avishek kumar Suvashis Mahapatra BidishaBhattacharya

BLUE DART is South Asia's leading integrated air express carrier and premium logistics-services provider.

It has the most extensive domestic network covering over 13,880 locations, and service more than 220 countries

Warehouses at 14 locations across the country as well as bonded warehouses at the 6 major metros of Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Hyderabad

ISO 9001 - 2000 countrywide certification by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance for their entire operations, products and services.

It’s Competitive Advantage lies in:

Blue dart’s vast and unparalleled Domestic Network .

A spectrum of services to provide customized solutions.

Its Customs and Regulatory expertise. Its Technology. Its Air Network.  Its financial credibility .  Its People force.

Company’s Vision:

"To be the best and set the pace in the air express integrated transportation and distribution industry, with a business and human conscience. We commit to develop, reward and recognize our people who, through high quality and professional service and use of sophisticated technology, will meet and exceed customer and stakeholder expectations profitably."

Company’s future plans:

Blue Dart would also leverage its vast customer base for global distribution through its alliance with DHL.

There domestic network will continue to differentiate itself in all areas of our core competencies - supply chain management, logistics and Ecommerce.

Blue Dart-Federal Express Relationship:

Blue Dart and FedEx have determined a new agreement in October 1997 to coincide.

This agreement, Blue Dart is the exclusive provider of transportation, pickup and delivery, customs and related services for FedEx's International Priority shipments.

Blue Dart continues to consolidate its dominant domestic position, and service and enhance its international customer base as a licensee of FedEx, to support FedEx's international growth


Between India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal.

 Regional Priority: Documents (RPDX) Regional Priority: Non-Documents (RPDT)

Let see different type of regional services:


INTERNATIONAL SERVICE International services of Blue dart are taken

over DHL EXPRESS in 2002. Quality network of Blue Dart and DHL.


A supply chain is a network of sub-suppliers, suppliers, internal operations, trade customers, retail customers, and end users.

Supply chain management is a loop that starts with the customer and ends with the customer.

It requires looking at your business as one continuous process that absorbs such traditionally distinct functions as forecasting, purchasing, manufacturing, distribution and sales, and marketing into a continuous flow of business interaction.

Factors shaping supply chain management

It is believed that six business and economic forces will most impact future supply chain management. These include the three external factors: consumer demands, globalization & information/ communication.

Three additional topics are : competition, regulation and environmental concerns

Blue dart purchases from suppliers in two primary ways:

Centralized purchasing Decentralized purchasing


E-Shipping Tools-These tools are convenient aids to support your shipping management processes.

Track Dart shipment by using the Track Dart box, which is available on the upper left panel of every page on our website.

Mail Dart- the Waybill Number or the Reference Number to track the status of your shipments. This feature helps you to track Single or Multiple shipments.To track the status of your shipments by Waybill Number enter the waybill numbers either in `Subject' or in the text of the mail, each Waybill number .

Location Finder: Find the service locations of Blue Dart and the Blue Dart counter or franchisee located closest to you.

Transit time finder- Check the transit times for your domestic and international shipments, and for the various services offered by Blue Dart to help you identify the service that meets your requirements.

Price Finder- Calculate your shipping costs for your domestic and international shipments by using our Price Finder.

COSMAT II: COSMAT II (Computerized On-line System for Management, Accounting and Tracking) is a complete ERP system indigenously developed by Blue Dart.

SMART- SMART (Space Management Allocation Reservation and Tracking), is an inhouse developed state-of-the-art technology system, which allows real-time space and revenue management on the Blue Dart Aviation network.

Ship Dart:Ship Dart is a Blue Dart proprietary solution especially created for the convenience of regular customers. Ship Dart enables user control over the entire shipping and tracking processes.

Customized Solutions:Blue Dart has delivered customized solutions to various industry segments such as Finance, Pharmaceutical, Consumer Durables and Information Technology, among others.

E-Business Tools These tools may be efficiently integrated with your

systems to provide you with a convenient and cost-effective solution to your shipping requirements.

Internet Dart : Track on-line the status update of your shipments sent over the last 45 days. You may track by a range of dates, origin, destination, delivered or undelivered shipments or service used, on-line.

Shop Track : Shop Track is an API (Applications Program Interface) designed specifically to support and enhance the services provided by a portal or any e-business

Pack Track: Pack Track is an API (Applications Program Interface) designed for any client involved in logistics, distribution and inventory control

Mobile Dart: Mobile Dart- WAP works on any mobile phone or device which supports Wireless Application Protocol. Using Mobile Dart-WAP, the customer can check the current status of his shipments on-line by entering the waybill number


Analyze the observed routes by comparing beneficial routes of Blue Dart with the competitor.

Map the transit time of surface transportation in tabulation form.

Observe the routes which are beneficial in terms of cost cutting and time saving
