Blue Light Annual Report-2014

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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03 Chairperson’s Report05 Patron’s Message06 Blue Light Sergeant’s Report07 Board Members09 Purpose and Objectives10 About Blue Light 11 Board Report14 State Council Members15 Financial Reports23 Independent Auditor’s Report25 Income And Expenditure Statements31 Blue Light Event Attendance Figures33 Life Members


Chairperson’s Report

It is my pleasure to present the Blue Light (SA) Inc. Annual Report for the financial year ending 30 June 2014. Members of the 26 Blue Light branches and five sub branches, including police officers, both on and off duty, together with unsworn staff and members of the South Australia Police (SAPOL) Police Volunteers Program (PVP) have continued to deliver youth programs for the betterment of young people in South Australia over the past 12 months.

Blue Light (SA) Inc. has been true to its mission of enabling youth engagement by supporting SAPOL’s Youth Programs Unit through the provision of Blue Light programs and activities to achieve positive outcomes for young people. In this report I acknowledge the valuable contribution from the Board members, State Councillors, Branch Committee members and volunteers ‘on the ground’. There is no hierarchy of importance within the organisational structure in apportioning credit for the positive outcomes of our mission. Every member of the organisation can be equally proud of their contribution toward enriching the lives of young South Australians.

Earlier this year, after an extensive period of consultation, Blue Light (SA) Inc. held a Special General Meeting where a new Constitution and Regulations were adopted by the membership. Blue Light was experiencing a number of challenges arising from the dynamic environment categorised by increased risk, which was a catalyst for change. The Constitution brought with it significant structural changes that established a Board to replace the State Council as the governing body of the organisation. This Board essentially carries out the work of the previous Executive Committee, which was appointed by the State Council, but had no legal standing or authority to act. The Board is appointed by the State Council at the Annual General Meeting and are the office holders under the Associations Incorporations Act and Responsible Persons under the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC).

The Blue Light Strategic Plan 2013 - 2016 has continued to complement the SAPOL Strategic Direction with an emphasis on community engagement and the high visibility of police working together with the community to enrich an already high rate of public confidence.

In the past financial year a total of 501 Blue Light events were conducted throughout the state, which involved participation of 41,775 young people. These events include the traditional Blue Light discos, ‘Living Skills’ program, ‘Kids Cops and Karts’, ‘Rock ‘n Bowl’ events and the growing popularity of ‘movie discos’. Camps, including those at Errappa and Noorla Yo-Long, are still strong within Blue Light and are evidenced by 150 camps involving more than 5,000 young people.

The ‘Police Link’ programs at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital and Flinders Medical Centre provided a total of 13 visits and offered an opportunity for more than 300 young inpatients and their parents to engage with police officers to provide respite from their illness/injuries, with an opportunity for the promotion of activity books containing subtle crime prevention messages.

Blue Light is making a significant contribution to rural South Australia from Mount Gambier through to the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands. In particular, police and Blue Light branches are working closely with the Department of Education and Child Development and the South Australian National Football League (SANFL) on the APY Lands in the development of youth programs and activities involving sport, education and fun for young members of these remote Aboriginal communities. A total of 28 events were conducted within this region and involved more than 1,520 young people.

The Holden Hill and Salisbury Blue Light Rangers continue to provide an ideal environment for young people to experience a touch of police culture, discipline and structure as well as an opportunity to develop other character building qualities that prepare them for adult life. An increasing number of these members are seeking and gaining employment with SAPOL as both police officers and civilian support staff.

Sound financial management remains a focus with the continued utilisation of developed standardised templates and guidelines. The Finance and Audit Committee continue to work with branches on the development of efficient and effective electronic practices. For the financial year ending 30 June 2014, the Blue Light (SA) Inc. surplus is $2,829. The total net assets value is $664,552 and the total income over the past 12 months was $588,687.

Blue Light (SA) Inc. has had a long-standing relationship with other Blue Light organisations throughout Australasia and New Zealand and has over the past financial year been in discussions with these organisations to facilitate joint initiatives and the sharing of ideas.

In November last year I had the privilege of attending the International Blue Light Conference in New Zealand where I had the opportunity to see the long-term benefits of the Blue Light brand. We heard from Dr. James Johnston, a young but extremely accomplished surgeon who gave an account of how a Blue Light scholarship, together with leadership skills and confidence developed through Blue Light activities throughout his younger years were instrumental in his progression to university and attaining his medical degree.

I will conclude my report with some words from Dr. Johnston’s speech that resonated so strongly and provide proof that Blue Light activities do make a difference.

“How does Blue Light change the outcomes of youth…..can the provision of fun and support through numerous activities and events make a positive difference? Well, in my opinion the answer to this question is a no brainer – absolutely it can. Blue Light is to adolescents, what vaccination is to medicine. By this I mean that one of the things that the medical profession has struggled with for years is the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff model. Whereby we sit and wait until things are so bad that it takes a huge amount of time, effort and money in order to generally only offer damage control. We rely on fancy machines and complex operations to provide services that in many instances should not be necessary if we had only focused on prevention in the first place. When you think about vaccination, the very best outcome is not to see what it is that you are trying to prevent.”

(Dr. James Johnston, speech at the International Blue Light Conference, Auckland, NZ, 2013)

Kev LawtonChairpersonBlue Light (SA) Inc.

03 04

Patron’s MessageBlue Light activities are successful joint initiatives between SAPOL and Blue Light (SA) Inc. that address youth crime prevention by structured recreational and learning activities for youth.

For more than 30 years, Blue Light has assisted SAPOL to engage with young people in building positive relationships. By breaking down barriers between police and young people the negative stereotypes on both sides can be put aside by providing a positive experience for both parties. This building of relationships between police and young people has had a positive effect in the reduction of crime and violence in South Australia.

High visibility and availability to the community are a key focus in SAPOL’s Strategic Direction. By way of youth events and activities, Blue Light provides SAPOL with an opportunity for positive interaction with the youth of South Australia.

Improving community engagement, especially with Aboriginal and diverse communities, is essential to providing appropriate policing services. SAPOL’s Blue Light activities conducted in the APY Lands are testament to this. Local police permanently stationed in these communities are using popular Blue Light events to interact with young people, building a relationship of trust between all parties.

With the delivery of youth ‘at risk’ leadership camps and other innovative programs such as the ‘Living Skills’ program, Blue Light has demonstrated it can make a positive impact on the lives of our youth. Within Blue Light there is a crime prevention and youth engagement focus which provides an important message to our youth.

As Patron of Blue Light (SA) Inc., I would like to acknowledge the dedication and commitment displayed by the police officers and civilian volunteers who conduct Blue Light programs on behalf of SAPOL.

Together we can assist to build community resilience and support our young people who are the future of South Australia.

Gary T. Burns.Commisioner of Police

Blue Light Sergeant’s Report

As we enter into the 33rd year of Blue Light in South Australia, it is timely to reflect on what we have achieved over the journey. From small branches holding discos around the state, the Blue Light brand has grown to what it is today. Blue Light in South Australia has 26 registered branches and five sub-branches across the state extending from the APY Lands in the north, Yalata in the west to Mount Gambier in the south-east. Blue Light has two Outdoor Adventure Camps at Millicent (Noorla Yo-Long) and Iron Knob (Errappa).

Blue Light (SA) Inc. organised 501 events catering for 41,775 young people around regional and metropolitan South Australia. This is a reduction on last year and demonstrates that Blue Light has substantial challenges to the organisation into the future. For Blue Light to remain an active and relevant youth organisation, it requires a change in the way Blue Light connects with our young people. There has been a significant effort by many within the organisation to look outside the square and this has been the strength of Blue Light over the years. I look forward to see what new innovative ideas are explored over the next year.

The international Blue Light body held two meetings over the past year with the aim of establishing an international organisation. It is envisaged that by having an international focus Blue Light will have the ability to have a collective approach to many youth issues and initiatives. The first of these initiatives is the International Blue Light Camp held from 10 - 14 July 2014 on the Gold Coast. Blue Light (SA) Inc. supplied a team of young people and supervisors for this camp. This is the second year that Blue Light (SA) Inc. has supplied a team.

For the third consecutive year Blue Light received the Variety Club Venue Hire Grant. The grant of $25,000 assisted branches with the venue hire fees associated with running events. I would like to thank Variety Club for this valuable assistance.

I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in Blue Light over the past year and congratulate you all for your dedication and commitment.

Rick O’Dea OAMBlue Light Sergeant

05 06

Suzanne McGettrick has served at numerous metropolitan and country postings in an operational and Officer in Charge capacity. Suzanne is a member of the Governance Committee and current Treasurer for Christies Beach Branch. She has completed a Certificate III in Business Administration and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. Suzanne was awarded the Hellwig Bravery Award in 2007 and is a life member of Blue Light (SA) Inc.

Jo Mareolas (B. Mgt., Ad. Dip. Policing, Assoc. Dip. JA) commenced her involvement with Blue Light as a cadet in 1985. Jo is currently the Manager of Transit Crime Prevention Section. She is a Blue Light Camp Manager and was a member of Northside Blue Light from 2005 – 2013. Jo is a past Blue Light State Councillor, Vice President and Treasurer and received life membership to Blue Light in 2008. She has completed a Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment and is a former member of the Watch SA Board.

Paula Davies (B. Ec., LLB, GDLP, GDPS) is a member of the Risk Management and Compliance Committee and joined the Executive in 2013. She is a Senior Solicitor within the Office of the General Counsel (formerly known as Legal Branch), having commenced employment with SAPOL in January 2012, and is currently seconded to Strategy, Policy and Programs Section within the Commissioner’s Support Branch. A graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), Paula has been on the boards of various community organisations over the past 20 years and is also a member of the CEO Review Panel and Audit Committee of her local council, providing an overarching legal and risk management perspective.

Gino Spiniello is the Secretary, having been elected to the Board in 2013. Gino is a General Duties Supervisor currently attached to the Police Academy as a Project Officer. He has a background in general duties policing (metropolitan and country), prosecution and in an advisory capacity while on secondment with the Australian Federal Police. Gino has been involved with Blue Light events since joining SAPOL as a cadet in 1997. He was actively involved as a committee member with Port Adelaide Blue Light between 2004 – 2006 and 2008 – 2011. Gino’s committee experience also includes representation on the Workplace Consultative Committee and Occupational Health and Safety Committee.

Neil Hodgson is the Youth Programs State Coordinator in the Youth Programs Unit within Strategy, Policy and Programs Section. Neil is the Commissioner’s Representative on the Blue Light Board and State Council.

Rick O’Dea (OAM, Assoc. Dip. JA) is SAPOL’s Blue Light Sergeant. Rick started with Blue Light at Whyalla in 1982 and served with the Port Augusta, Whyalla, Errappa, Leigh Creek and Riverland Blue Light branches. He has completed a Certificate IV in Business (Governance) and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. Rick was awarded Police Officer of the Year in 1998, followed by an Order of Australia Medal in 2003 for service to youth and is a life member of Blue Light (SA) Inc.

Kevin Lawton (B. Mgt., Grad. Cert. Mgt., Assoc. Dip. Bus., Assoc. Dip. JA, MAICD) is the Chairperson having been elected in 2012. Kevin commenced with SAPOL in 1985 and worked with the Elizabeth Branch at Blue Light discos and camps in the early years. He is the Operations Manager at the Security and Emergency Management Service and has served in numerous metropolitan operational roles and as a Prosecutor. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and is also a Company Director in the health insurance sector.

Colleen Hilditch (Adv. Dip. Policing) is the Deputy Chair and Chair of the Governance Committee. Colleen is a Supervisory Trainer at the Police Academy. She was involved as a committee member with Westside Blue Light from 2003 – 2010 and was Branch Treasurer during that time from 2005 – 2009. Colleen has completed the Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment, and the Blue Light Camp Supervisors Course.

Phil Vincent (B.Ec., B. Fin., Grad Cert Mgt, GAICD, JP) is the Treasurer and Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee. Phil joined SAPOL in 2000 as a Graduate Accountant and has worked within the Business and Crime Services. He is currently the Manager of the Forensic and Investigative Accounting Section within the Commercial and Electronic Crime Branch. Phil is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and also a Company Director in the health insurance sector and with Crime Stoppers South Australia.

Anthony Fioravanti (B. Bus. (HRD), Grad. Cert. Mgt., Assoc. Dip. Mgt.) is a committee member and Chair of the Risk Management and Compliance Committee. Anthony is currently the Officer in Charge, STAR Group and has been a Local Service Area (LSA) Commander in a country LSA and numerous metropolitan LSAs. He is also a long-serving committee member of the South Australia Police Sports Federation.

Nicci Lycett (Adv. Dip. Policing) is a member of the Marketing and Branding Committee. Nicci currently works in Training and Officer Development, after an extensive career across various sections within SAPOL. She has been a life member of Blue Light SA Inc. since 2010 and has served Westside Blue Light (formerly Port Adelaide Blue Light) as a committee member since 2000 where she was the Branch Treasurer from 2000 – 2005. Nicci has previously been a State Councillor committee member and has completed the Blue Light Camp Supervisors Course. She is also a committee member and the current Treasurer of Ride Like Crazy Inc.

Kerry Rouse is the Chair of the Marketing and Branding Committee and a member of the SAPOL Youth Programs Unit. She took on the marketing role for Blue Light after having fulfilled the secretary role since joining the Board in 2010. From 2006 – 2010 Kerry was a committee member at Westside Branch. She has completed the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and the Blue Light Camp Supervisors Course.

Board Members

07 08

09 10

Blue Light is a crime prevention program originating in Victoria and adopted by police in South Australia in 1981. The first Blue Light disco was held in South Australia in 1982 and in the same year Blue Light (SA) Inc. was incorporated. Blue Light’s purpose derives from its mission, which is to enable youth engagement through the provision of Blue Light activities to achieve positive outcomes with an emphasis on those at risk or socially disadvantaged.

Blue Light was brought about by the need to address policing issues involving young people by providing them with a safe environment to participate in activities and engagement opportunities with police. Blue Light programs are conducted with support and co-operation of South Australia Police (SAPOL) through a close liaison with the Blue Light Sergeant and SAPOL Youth State Coordinator.

Blue Light (SA) Inc. is a registered charity and regulated by the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC). The organisation consists of 26 branches and five sub-branches throughout metropolitan and regional areas of South Australia, which are governed by the Blue Light (SA) Inc. Constitution and Regulations. The branches operate autonomously and each appoints a member who sits on the State Council, which meets a minimum of twice a year. The State Council elects a Board at its Annual General Meeting of members, which provides the strategic direction and corporate oversight of the organisation. The Board provides a good governance framework through the establishment of four committees consisting of the Governance Committee, Finance and Audit Committee, Risk Management and Compliance Committee, and the Marketing and Branding Committee.

Blue Light’s activities have evolved from the traditional discos to include camps, ‘Living Skills’ programs, ‘Midnight Basketball’ programs, skate competitions, ‘Kids, Cops and Karts’, ‘Rock ’n Bowl’ events, ‘Under-age Rages’ and movie disco nights. SAPOL operate the Noorla Yo Long and Errappa Blue Light camp sites on a full-time basis and works with branches and other agencies to deliver camp programs that establish group cohesion through team building and encourage joint problem solving methodologies that can be transferred to the work environment.

All activities are financed through fundraising, grant applications and event activities. SAPOL provides a degree of ‘in kind’ support to the police and civilian volunteers that provide the various Blue Light programs. There is a close working relationship between the branches and SAPOL Local Service Area Crime Prevention Sections.

Blue Light events are organised and supervised by police officers and members of the Police Volunteers Program (PVP) and are conducted in a safe environment; free from alcohol, drugs, smoking, bullying and violence. Core values of Blue Light volunteers are professionalism, integrity, inclusiveness and leadership, each of which is enshrined in the Blue Light Strategic Plan 2013 – 2016.

About Blue LightBlue Light’s purpose derives from its mission ‘to engage young people into safe and positive activities in a fun learning environment to create positive relationships and improve community values’.

The Blue Light objectives are:

• develop and deliver educational crime prevention programs in a supervised environment, which is free from drugs and anti-social behaviour

• develop, sustain and support partnerships that provide services to young people through the development of positive role models;

• build trust and problem solving skills

• improve social and physical competency

• reduce peer pressure by increasing self-esteem

• co-ordinate and support the activities of branches

• encourage community and civilian volunteer involvement within Blue Light programs and represent the interests and welfare of those volunteers

• promote Blue Light as a child safe environment

• be apolitical, non-sectarian and inclusive of all persons regardless of race, sexuality, ethnicity, disability or any other discriminatory meaning under the Equal Opportunity Act 1984.



Your Board members submit the financial report of Blue Light (SA) Inc. for the year ended 30 June 2014.

Blue Light BoardThere were no significant changes to the organisation’s principal activities during the financial year.The names of the Blue Light Board members throughout the year and at the date of this report are:

Mr K. R. Lawton (Chairperson) Ms C. Hilditch (Deputy Chairperson)Mr P. Vincent (Treasurer) Mr G. Spiniello (Secretary)

Ms P. Davies Mr A. FioravantiMrs N. Lycett Mrs S. McGettrickMs J. Mareolas Mrs K. Rouse

Senior Sergeant N. Hodgson (Commissioner’s Representative)Sergeant R. O’Dea (Blue Light Sergeant)

Principal ActivitiesThe principal activities of Blue Light (SA) Inc. during the year were the delivery of youth programs.

Significant ChangesThere were no significant changes to the organisation’s principal activities during the financial year.

Operating SurplusThe surplus/(deficit) from ordinary activities amounted to: $2,829.38This result includes the consolidation of all activities from: Blue Light (SA) Inc. Errappa Blue Light Camp Noorla Yo-Long Blue Light Outdoor Adventure

Short and Long-Term ObjectivesBlue Light (SA) Inc. objectives in line with its strategic plan are to enable youth engagement through the provision of Blue Light activities to achieve positive outcomes for young people.

Board Reportfor the period ended 30 June 2014

Performance ManagementThe Blue Light (SA) Inc. State Council appoints a Board at its Annual General Meeting, which provides strategic direction and corporate oversight to the organisation. The Board has established four committees to provide this direction and good governance. Each of these committees has developed a Committee Charter to guide its activities. Each committee reports to the Board on their area of responsibility on a regular basis. The Board also has a strategic plan, which sets out key objectives and priorities. The committees report the following:

Governance Committee (Chair, C. Hilditch) Over the past year the Governance Committee has overseen the development and review of a comprehensive suite of the Board level policies that provide a sound governance foundation and rigorous risk management framework. This policy framework provides for compliance with the regulatory requirements of the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC).

The Board, through this committee, is committed to remaining compliant with all ACNC requirements.

The Governance Committee has corporate governance responsibilities for Blue Light (SA) Inc. including reviewing and making recommendations on the governance activities of the organisation.

Finance and Audit Committee (Chair, P. Vincent) The Finance and Audit Committee’s role is to discharge responsibilities in relation to finance and audit to enhance the credibility and objectivity of financial reporting of Blue Light (SA) Inc. During the past financial year the Finance and Audit Committee reviewed and enhanced the templates and associated documentation and guidelines which were developed and published in the previous financial year.

The Committee has worked with SAPOL’s Audit and Risk Management Section to review practices and has put in place a process to reconcile cash takings from events. A budget has been approved by the Board for 2014-15 and a small grants scheme initiated, where all branches have been invited to nominate initiatives and apply for funding.

The Committee complied with the ACNC Regulations and Governance Standards with regard to financial reporting requirements and submitted an Annual Information Statement.

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Risk Management and Compliance Committee (Chair, A. Fioravanti) The Risk Management and Compliance Committee has oversight responsibility for the risk management and compliance framework of Blue Light (SA) Inc.

The committee is undertaking a comprehensive review of organisational risks at corporate and branch level that will result in early identification of risks and the development of improved risk management policies and procedures.

Marketing and Branding Committee (Chair, K. Rouse) The Marketing and Branding Committee oversees the marketing and branding framework of Blue Light (SA) Inc.

It is undertaking a review of related policies and the need for consistent branding throughout the organisation. It has been involved in a review of the branding, including logo, corporate clothing and ongoing development of the new Blue Light website (

Meetings of the BoardDuring the financial Year, five meetings of the Board were held. Attendance by each Executive member were as follows:

E: Number of meeting eligible to attendA: Number of meetings attended

Dave Taylor ErrappaCathy Busbridge WestsideAndrew Prevett AdelaideJane Pink Adelaide Hills, Southern Fleurieu, Kangaroo IslandAmy Marrett Police Link W&CHJeanine Hansen Copper Triangle, Mid NorthMary Skeldon APY LandsJo Eason Port Augusta, Roxby DownsDes Noll Noorla Yo-LongSue McGettrick Christies BeachDi Baker-Tagg Port LincolnPaul Scicluna Mount Gambier (Lucindale SB)Ian Kluge Murray Bridge (Tailem Bend SB)Josh Silvy Two WellsIan Skewes GawlerChris Bettess Elizabeth (Salisbury Rangers SB)Chloe Stewart RiverlandTamara Schwerk Sturt (Police Link Flinders SB)Dale Knoote-Parke Northside (Holden Hill Rangers SB)Matthew McDonnell WhyallaNeil Bailey BarossaAnthony Taylor Ceduna

Executive Committee

Governance Committee

Finance & Audit Committee

Risk Management Committee

Marketing & Branding

CommitteeE A E A E A E A E A

K Lawton 7 6 - - - - - 1 - -C Hilditch 7 5 4 4 - - - - - -P Vincent 7 7 - - 5 5 - - - -K Rouse 7 4 - - - - - - 2 2S McGettrick 7 3 4 4 - - - - - -J Mareolas 7 4 - - 5 3 - - - -A Fioravanti 6 5 - - - - 3 3 - -P Davies 6 3 - - - - 3 3 - -G Spiniello 6 4 4 4 - - - - - -N Lycett 6 3 - - - - - - 2 2N Hodgson 7 4 - - - - - - - -R O’dea 7 6 - - 5 5 3 3 - -

Board Reportcontinued

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State Council Members

15 16

Financials 2013-14 Blue Light (SA) Inc.

The accompanting Notes from part of this Financial Report

Financials 2013-14 Blue Light (SA) Inc.

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Financials 2013-14 Blue Light (SA) Inc. Financials 2013-14 Blue Light (SA) Inc.

21st November

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Financials 2013-14 Blue Light (SA) Inc. Financials 2013-14 Blue Light (SA) Inc.

100 Angas ST


100 Angas ST


(An original document will be signed at the Annual General Meeting to be held at 9:00 am on 21 November 2014, and retained by the Secetery of Blue Light (SA) Inc.)


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Financials 2013-14 Blue Light (SA) Inc. Financials 2013-14 Blue Light (SA) Inc.

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Branch Total Events Attendance

Adelaide 7 762Adelaide Hills 7 881APY Lands 28 1520Barossa 6 791Ceduna 0 0Christies Beach 20 4106Copper Triangle 3 430Elizabeth 60 3398Gawler 13 3724Kangaroo Island 4 307Lucindale (SB) 1 14Mid North 3 374Mount Gambier 4 340Murray Bridge 4 332Northside 23 2344Police Link WCH 11 236Police Link FMC (SB) 2 100Port Augusta 14 1763Port Lincoln 6 670Riverland 8 592Roxby Downs 3 589Southern Fleurieu 4 608Sturt 20 2528Tailem Bend (SB) 5 444 Two Wells 5 1000Westside 17 1561Whyalla 7 683Holden Hill B/Light Rangers (SB) 36 562Salisbury B/Light Rangers (SB) 30 479

TOTALS 351 36233

Disco / Under Age Rage / EventsAttendance Figures 2013-14



Total Attendances 2013-14

Site Total Events AttendanceErrappa 57 2811Noorla Yo-Long 67 2284Other 26 447

TOTALS 150 5542

Event Total Events AttendanceDiscos/Events 351 36233Camps 150 5542

TOTALS 501 41775

Frank Rillotta 1996Sue Nancarrow 1996Ian Nancarrow 1996Brian Watkins 2000Garry Elliott 2000Graham Brett 2004Ian Drummond 2004Helen Hookings 2004John Hookings 2004Christine Bettess 2004Marie Cartledge 2004Michael Schultz 2004Ross Linke 2004Pauleen Linke 2004Stephen Mills 2004Kerry King 2005John Myers 2005Karen Robinson 2005John White 2005Mark Southam 2006Grant Pyatt 2006Graeme Rowley 2007Mark Rowley 2007

Eric Rowley 2007Eric Priest 2007Julie O’Keefe 2007Wayne Pearson 2008Bill Prior 2008Joanne Mareolas 2008*Tony McMahon 2009David Uthenwoldt 2009Suzanne Waydock 2009Melinda Brewster 2009Suzy Skewes 2009Emma Moreland 2009Ian Skewes 2010Nicole Lycett 2010Mardi Foweraker 2010Natalie Matthews 2010Daniel Guzej 2012Peter Schulze 2012Bernadette Reilly 2012Alice Schaaij 2012Andrew Gosling 2013 Richard O’Dea 2013

*denotes deceased

Blue Light (SA) Inc. Life Members