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Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering



Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Scheme and Syllabus

M. Tech (VLSI Design and Embedded systems)

Batch 2018 onwards


Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Vision of BMS College of Engineering

Promoting Prosperity of mankind by augmenting human resource capital through Quality

Technical Education & Training

Mission of BMS College of Engineering

Accomplish excellence in the field of Technical Education through Education, Research

and Service needs of society

Vision of Electronics and Communication Department

To emerge as a Centre of Academic Excellence in Electronics, Communication and related

domains through Knowledge acquisition and Knowledge dissemination meeting the global

needs and standards.

Mission of Electronics and Communication Department

Imparting quality education through state of the art curriculum, conducive learning

environment and Research with scope for continuous improvement leading to overall

Professional Success.


The department has, defined the following PEOs for the PG programme in VLSI Design &

Embedded system.


PEO1: Graduates shall be capable of building their career in industries, R&D establishments or in

academia in the domain of VLSI Design and Embedded systems.


PEO2: Graduates shall be capable of conducting research leading to technology solutions of societal



PEO3: Graduates shall collaborate, manage and execute projects in teams using relevant

tools/technologies and demonstrate professional behavior.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering



Program Outcomes (POs), are attributes acquired by the student at the time of graduation.

These attributes are measured at the time of Graduation, and hence computed every year for

the outgoing Batch. The POs are addressed and attained through the Course Outcomes (COs)

of various courses of the curriculum.

PO1: An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work

to solve practical problems

PO2: An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document

PO3: An ability to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area of VLSI Design and

Embedded systems. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the

Electronics and communication engineering program (UG)

Distribution of credits

Total Number of Credits (I Sem – IV Sem) = 88 Credits

Distribution of Marks

For each subject CIE will be conducted for 50, SEE for 100 (will be reduced to 50) and

hence total marks of 100 are allotted to each subject including CIE(50) and SEE (50)

Category No of Credits

Program Core Course 26

Program Elective Course 15

All programme core Course 02

Open Elective Course 04

Internship 9

Technical Seminar 04

Audit Courses 2 units

Project Work 28

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


M. Tech. (VLSI Design and Embedded systems)


Subject Code Course Title CREDITS


18ECVEBSAM Applied Mathematics 3 0 0 3

18ECVEPCDI Digital IC design 3 0 1 4

18ECVEGCES Advanced Embedded System 3 0 1 4

18ECVEPCAI Analog IC design 3 0 0 3

18ECVEPEZZ Elective -1 3 0 0 3

18ECVEPEZZ Elective -2 3 0 0 3

18ALLPICRM Research Methodology 2 0 0 2

Total 20 0 2 22

Note: Two electives to be chosen from the list below:

Elective will be offered for a minimum strength of six candidates (out of 18) / eight

candidates (out of 24)

Elective -1 and Elective -2

18ECVEPEST Static Timing Analysis 18ECVEPELP Low Power VLSI Design

18ECVEPECA Advanced Computer

Architecture 18ECVEPEEC

Embedded Computing and


18ECVEPEMP Device Modeling and

Processing Technology 18ECVEPEAV Advances in VLSI Structure

Note: (i) The Course Code Expansion: Ex.: 18ECVEBSAM: 18 = Year of syllabus introduced /

revised, EC = Dept., VE = Program, BS = Basic Science, AM = Advanced Mathematics.

PC/PE: Program Core / Program Elective, GC/GE: Group Core / Group Elective, OE: Open


ZZ (course abbreviation of Electives),

(ii) Exception for 18ALLPICRM: ALLP = All Program, I = Institution C = Core, RM = Research


Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


M. Tech. (VLSI Design and Embedded systems)


Subject Code Course Title CREDITS


18ECVEPCMS Mixed Signal Circuit Design 3 0 1 4

18ECVEPCDT Design for Testability 3 1 0 4

18ECVEGCRT Real Time Operating Systems 3 0 1 4

18ECVEPEZZ Elective -3 3 0 0 3

18ECVEPEZZ Elective -4 3 0 0 3

18ECVEOEZZ Open Elective 4 0 0 4

Total 19 1 2 22

Note: Two electives to be chosen from the list below:

Elective will be offered for a minimum strength of six candidates (out of 18) /

eight candidates (out of 24)

Elective -3 and Elective -4

18ECVEPESV System Verilog and


18ECVEPEPD Physical Design

18ECVEPEHS Hardware-Software Co-

design 18ECVEPEAA

Embedded Design using

ARM Architecture


System On Chip

Architecture 18ECVEPEMD Memory Design and Testing

Open Elective

18ECVEOEMM MEMS and Micro Systems

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


M. Tech. (VLSI Design and Embedded systems)


Subject Code Course Title CREDITS


18ECVEGEZZ Elective 5 2 1 0 3

18ECVEPWP1 Project Work- Phase 1











18ECVESR01 Technical Seminar 0 0 2 2

Total 0 0 22 22

Elective 5

18ECVEGEUV UVM Methodology



Introduction to scripting


Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


M. Tech. (VLSI Design and Embedded systems)


Subject Code Course Title CREDITS


18ECVESR02 Technical Seminar-2 0 0 2 2

18ECVEPWP2 Project Work Phase-2 0 0 20 20

18ECVENCAC Audit Course 0 0 0 2 UNITS

Total 4 0 20 22

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Applied Mathematics


TITLE Applied Mathematics

CREIDTS 3 L-T-P 3-0-0

Course Outcomes and POs addressed:

At the end of this course, student shall be able to:

CO-No Course Outcomes



Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the underlying concepts of

random variables and stochastic processes


CO2 Demonstrate knowledge of the mathematical concepts and computational

aspects of linear algebra and graph theory


CO3 Analyse domain related engineering problems and develop analytical

problem solving approach making use of the theoretical concepts



Module 1:

Review of basic probability theory. Definition of random variables and probability

distributions, probability mass and density functions, expectation operator, illustrative

examples (8 hrs)

Module 2:

Moments, central moments, characteristic functions, probability generating functions -

illustrations Poisson, Gaussian and Erlang distribution examples. Pair of random variables –

Joint PMF, PDF, CDF. (7 hrs)

Module 3:

Random Processes - Classification. Stationary, WSS and ergodic random process. Auto-

correlation function-properties, Gaussian random process, Engineering Applications of

Random processes. (6 hrs)

Module 4:

Linear Algebra: Introduction to vector spaces and sub-spaces, definitions, illustrative example.

Linearly independent and dependent vectors- Basis-definition and problems. Linear

transformations-definitions, Matrix form of linear transformations - Illustrative examples,

Computation of Eigen values and Eigen vectors of real symmetric matrices - Given’s method.

(8 hrs)

Module 5:

Computational Graph Theory: Graph enumerations and optimization: DFS-BFS algorithm,

shortest path algorithm, min-spanning tree and max-spanning tree algorithm, basics of

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


minimum cost spanning trees, optimal routing trees, optimal communication trees, network

flow algorithms (7 hrs)

Text Books:

1. S L Miller and D C Childers, “Probability and random processes: application to signal

processing and communication”, Academic Press / Elsevier 2004.

2. David C. Lay, “Linear Algebra and its Applications”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education,


3. Geir Agnarsson and Raymond Greenlaw “Graph Theory- Modeling, Applications and

Algortihms”, Pearson Education, 2007.

Reference books:

1 A. Papoulis and S U Pillai, “Probability, Random variables and stochastic

processes”, McGraw Hill 2002

2 Roy D. Yates and David J. Goodman, Probability and Stochastic Processes: A friendly

introduction for Electrical & Computer Engineers/

3. MIT Open courseware, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Course 18.06

4 Nausing Deo, “Graph Theory with applications to Engineering and Computer Science”,

Prentice Hall of India, 1999.

Digital IC Design





Digital IC Design

CREIDTS 4 L-T-P 3-0-1



Course Outcomes



Design, write program and simulate Static and Dynamic circuits to meet the



CO2 Analyse the given circuit to arrive at the specification PO3


Engage in literature survey in a group on the topic related to course and

submit a detailed report


Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Prerequisite: The Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Structure, MOS System under External

Bias, Structure and Operation of MOS Transistor, MOSFET Current-Voltage Characteristics,

MOSFET Scaling and Small-Geometry Effects.

Module 1

Static Characteristics of MOS Inverters: Resistive load inverters, CMOS Inverter.

Module 2

Dynamic Logic Circuits: Introduction, Basic Principles of Pass Transistor Circuits, Voltage

Bootstrapping, Synchronous Dynamic Circuit Techniques, Dynamic CMOS Circuit

Techniques, High Performance Dynamic CMOS Circuits.

Module 3

Circuit Simulation: Sources and Passive Components, Transistor DC Analysis, Inverter

Transient analyses, Sub circuits and measurements, Optimization, SPICE Commands, Level 1

model, Level 2 and 3 models, BSIM Models, Design Corners. Other SPICE commands.

Module 4

Principles of RTL Design: Verilog Coding Concepts, Verilog coding guide lines:

Combinational, Sequential, FSM. General Guidelines, Synthesizable Verilog Constructs,

Sensitivity List, Verilog Events, RTL Design Challenges.

Module 5

Synthesis, Libraries and Technology Mapping: Introduction to synthesis, logical synthesis

of combinational and sequential circuits, Synthesis Methodologies, Pre and post synthesis

mismatch, Translation, mapping and optimization. Overview of Libraries, design constraints,

importance of wire load models.

Reference Books

1. Sung Mo Kang & Yosuf Leblebici, “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and

Design”, Tata McGraw-Hill, Third Edition.

3. Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis by Samir Palnitkar, 2nd Edition

4. Verilog HDL Synthesis A Practical Primer by J. Bhasker

5. Fundamentals of Digital Circuits by A. Anand Kumar, 2nd Edition

6. Principles of VLSI RTL Design: A Practical Guide by Sanjay Churiwala , Sapan Garg, 2011

Digital IC Design Lab

Lab Work: 2 hrs/week

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the laboratory work, students will be able to:

Design digital Circuit using CMOS Technology

Use EDA tools like Cadence, Synopsis, Mentor Graphics and other open source

software tools like Ngspice,

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


List of Experiments:


1) Use VDD=1.8V for 0.18um CMOS process, VDD=1.3V for 0.13um CMOS Process and

VDD=1V for 0.09um CMOS Process.

Input Characteristics Analysis

a) Plot and analyse ID vs. VGS at different drain voltages for NMOS, PMOS. Determine Vt

b) Plot log ID vs. VGS at particular gate voltage (high) for NMOS, PMOS and determine

IOFF and sub-threshold slope.

Output Characteristics Analysis

a) Plot ID vs. VDS at different gate voltages for NMOS, PMOS and determine Channel

Length modulation factor.

b) Plot ID vs. VDS at different drain voltages for NMOS, PMOS, plot DC load line and

calculate gm, gds, gm/gds, and unity gain frequency. Tabulate your result according to

technologies and comment on it.

2) Use VDD=1.8V for 0.18um CMOS process, VDD=1.2V for 0.13um CMOS Process and

VDD=1V for 0.09um CMOS Process.

a) Perform the following

i. Plot VTC curve for CMOS inverter and thereon plot dVout vs. dVin and determine

Transition voltage. Calculate VIL, VIH, NMH, NML for the inverter.

ii. Plot VTC for CMOS inverter with varying VDD.

iii. Plot VTC for CMOS inverter with varying device ratio.

b) Perform transient analysis of CMOS inverter with no load and with load and determine

tpHL, tpLH, 20%-to-80% tr and 80%-to-20% tf. (use VPULSE = 2V, Cload = 50fF)

c) Perform AC analysis of CMOS inverter with fan-out 0 and fan-out 1. (Use Cin= 0.012pF,

Cload = 4 PF, Rload = k)

3) Perform simulation to measure the power and delay for digital circuits.


Design, Write Verilog code for the circuits given below, Simulate, synthesize, view report,

Use EDA Tools like Cadence, Mentor Graphics, and Synopsis.

1) Adder

2) Magnitude Comparator

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


3) Parity Generator

4) D and T F/F

4) Universal Shift Register

5) Counter

Advanced Embedded Systems



COURSE TITLE Advanced Embedded


CREIDTS 4 L-T-P 3-0-1



Course Outcomes


CO1 Comprehend concepts in the field of Embedded Systems


CO2 Apply concepts to build Embedded Systems


CO3 Develop C programs for execution on microcontroller/SOC development

board based on ARM architecture. Develop Python programs to interface

with Embedded Systems.


CO4 Engage on market survey of various available Computer/Embedded

architecture based on performance, power consumption and pricing criteria.


Students Prerequisite:

Introduction course on Embedded Systems, Microcontrollers (any)

Basic C Programming Skills

Module 1

Introduction to ARM architecture and Real Time Embedded Systems:

Introduction to ARM Architecture, Difference between Microcontroller, Application Processor

and Realtime Processor architectures. Detail study of ARM Cortex-M processor. Introduction

to peripheral interface scheme in ARM processors. Operating Modes and Exceptions. Time

Management in Embedded Systems. ARM Instruction Set and its features.

Module 2

Embedded C Programming:

Detail study of bitwise operators in C. Arrays, Structures and Unions. Pointers and Dynamic

Memory allocation. Pre-processor Directives in C. Modular C programming approach. Relook

into data types of C. Memory Map and Storage Classes of C. Storage Type Qualifiers.

Module 3

Python Programming:

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Introduction Python Programming, data types, lists, tuples, dictionaries, conditional

statements, iterative statements, functions. File and I/O handling, serial device interfaced to

external devices. Strings and data formatting, integer, bytes, hexadecimal representation.

Module 4

Firmware Architecture for Embedded Systems:

Super Loop, Interrupt driven, RTOS, CMSIS RTOS, Low Power Operations. Speed Power

Product, Optimisation for time and space.

Module 5

Debugging Techniques for Embedded Systems:

Introduction to GNU Debugger gdb. uVision IDE based debugging techniques. Single

Stepping, Break Points, Watch Points, and Memory Probing. Simulation using uVision.

Lab Prerequisite:

Any ARM Cortex M0-4 microcontroller development board on Windows-7 or above

platform, Kiel uVision MDK IDE. C compiler on Windows, preferably Cygwin. USB to

Serial devices. Lab and Theory sessions are integrated.

Lab Work: 2 hrs/week

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the laboratory work, students will be able to:

Use Embedded programming language like Embedded C and Scripting Language like


Design and Use Cortex-Mx Microcontroller based embedded Systems

List of Experiments:

Many more lab experiments based on each topic and peripheral. Study datasheet and technical

reference manual of case-study Cortex-Mx microcontroller.

1. Install Keil MDK for ARM along with development board drivers. Interface

development board to development PC. Download and test blinky code example.

2. Develop a super loop to transmit ADC data on UART to PC every one second.

3. Develop a interrupt routine to accept 100 bytes of data from PC over UART and send

out on SPI or I2C bus. Consider buffering and non-buffering approaches.

4. Utilize CMSIS RTOS and develop a user interface console with keyboard, display and

any serial interface protocol.

5. Transfer periodically sampled data from any analog peripheral to either PC or another

analog peripheral using DMA process. Code could be standalone or CMSIS based.

6. Develop Python code to interface external peripherals connected to PC.

7. Send emails using Python program.

8. Post data on to any webpage using Python.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


9. Read data from webpage Python program and transfer the same to microcontroller over


10. Receive data from microcontroller on to PC using Python and either email that data or

post it on to any webpage.

Reference Books:

1. Joseph Yiu, “Definitive guide to the ARM Cortex-M3”, Latest available edition

2. Hennessy and Patterson, “Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach”, Latest

available edition

3. Shibu K V, “Introduction to Embedded Systems”, Latest available edition

4. Michael J Pont, “Embedded C”, Latest available edition

5. Leonard Eddison, “Python Programming”, Latest available edition

6. Technical reference manual and datasheets of Cortex-M3 microcontroller and other


And many other online tutorials and references.

Analog IC design




CREIDTS 3 L-T-P 3-0-0


No Course Outcomes



Develop efficient analytical tools for quantifying the Analog circuits by

inspection, aiming Analog design octagon.


CO2 Design stable Analog Integrated Circuits to meet given specification PO3

CO3 Demonstrate Different Operational amplifier topologies through literature

survey in groups.


Module 1

MOS I/V Characteristics, second order effects, MOS device models. Basics of single stage


Module 2

Design and Analysis of Gain, Input, output Impedance of single stage amplifiers, frequency

response of Common-Source and Source Follower

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Module 3

Differential Amplifiers: Design and analysis of Differential Amplifiers for a given


Module 4

Current Mirrors current mirrors, Cascade mirrors and active current mirrors

Noise: Types of noise, Noise in Single stage amplifier, Noise bandwidth

Module 5

Design of Two Stage Operational amplifier, Folded Cascode Operational amplifier, Telescopic

operational amplifier

Reference Book:

1. “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, Behzad Razavi, TMH, 2007.

2. Paul. R.Gray, Robert G. Meyer, “Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits”,

Wiley, (4/e), 2001

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


I Semester electives

Static Timing Analysis

Module 1

Introduction: Basics of timing concepts

Delay Concepts for Digital Designing: Types of Delays in Digital Circuits, Different Cause

for Delay

Timing parameters of digital circuits: Timing Parameters for Combinational Logic Gates,

Timing Parameters for Sequential Circuits, Concept of Delay Path in a Design,Clock Concepts

Module 2 Resources for Static Timing Analysis Flow: Libraries, Netlist, Parasitics for Delay

Calculation: Device Parasitics, Interconnects, Parasitics Extraction Formats, linear v/s. non-

linear delay model

Module 3 Concepts of Noise and Crosstalk for static timing Analysis: Coupling Capacitance Concept,

Type of Crosstalk Noise or Glitch, Types of Crosstalk Delta Delay, Noise Libraries, Crosstalk

Effect on Timing Analysis, Strategy of Crosstalk on Nanometre Design: Cause for Crosstalk

on Integrated Circuits, Crosstalk Prevention Methods.

Module 4 Constraints for STA: Clock Constraints, Other Timing Constraints, 5.2.2 External Delays

of DUA, Timing Exceptions: Multicycle Path, False Path, Clock Grouping, Case Analysis,

Disable Timing, Path with Derate



Static Timing Analysis

CREIDTS 3 L-T-P 3-0-0

CO Description PO

CO1 Ability to apply the learnt basic concepts of STA to evaluate the delay of

the circuits and analyse the generated report to identify critical issues and

bottleneck for the violation and suggest the techniques to make the design

to meet timing


CO2 Ability to write their own constraint file and create the environment

required for the given design and its specification to undergo for analysis

using the EDA tool.


CO3 Ability to understand the journal research papers related to Timing

analysis techniques and able to present suitable techniques for the given



Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Module 5 Timing Violations and Verification: Slack, Critical Path of Timing Report,Setup Violation,

Hold Violation, Multicycle Path, Half Cycle Path, Timing Checks for Asynchronous Timing

Paths, Recovery and Removal Violation Check, Input/Output Timing Path Checks ,DRC

Violation Check,Multi Speed Clock Domain, Crosstalk Checks, Techniques to Fix Timing

Violation: Techniques to Fix Setup Violations, Techniques to Fix Hold Violations

References: 1. “Static Timing Analysis for Nanometer Designs: A Practical Approach”, J. Bhasker, R.

Chadha, Springer, 2009.

2. “Static Timing Analysis for VLSI circuits”, R.Jayagowri, Pushpendra S. Yadav,

MEDTECH, A Division of Scientific International , 2018.

Low Power VLSI Design




Low Power VLSI Design

CREIDTS 3 L-T-P 3-0-0

Module 1

Sources of Power dissipation: Dynamic Power Dissipation -Short Circuit Power, Switching

Power, Glitching Power, Static Power Dissipation, Degrees of Freedom.

Module 2 Supply Voltage Scaling Approaches: Device feature size scaling Multi-Vdd Circuits

Architectural level approaches: Parallelism, Pipelining Voltage scaling using high-level

transformations Dynamic voltage scaling Power Management.

CO Course Outcomes PO


Ability to extend the knowledge on basics of MOSFETs and Power

Dissipation in MOS circuits to obtain the concepts of different techniques

for power optimization.


CO2 Ability to use the EDA tool to implement the designed circuit with

techniques of power optimization in the design and justify obtained report

by class room presentation.


CO3 Ability to understand the journal research papers related to low power and

updates their knowledge for new techniques to incorporate in projects of

the specified stream.


Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Module 3 Switched Capacitance Minimization Approaches: Hardware Software Tradeoff Bus

Encoding Two’s complements Vs Sign Magnitude Architectural optimization Clock Gating

Logic styles.

Module 4

Leakage Power minimization Approaches: Variable-threshold-voltage CMOS (VTCMOS)

approach Multi-threshold-voltage CMOS (MTCMOS) approach Power gating Transistor

stacking Dual-Vt assignment approach (DTCMOS).

Module 5 Special Topics: Adiabatic Switching Circuits Battery-aware Synthesis Variation tolerant

design CAD tools for low power synthesis


1. Pal, Ajit, Low-Power VLSI Circuits and Systems, Springer publisher, 2015


1. Anantha P. Chandrakasan and Robert W. Brodersen, Low Power Digital CMOS

Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.

2. Kaushik Roy and Sharat C. Prasad, Low-Power CMOS VLSI Design, Wiley-Inter

science, 2000.

3. NPTEL Computer Science and Engineering, Department of

Computer Science and Engineering ,IIT Kharagpur

Advanced Computer Architecture


COURSE TITLE Advanced Computer


CREIDTS 3 L-T-P 3-0-0

CO Course Outcomes PO

CO1 Acquire knowledge on the basic concepts of computer design, identifying the

performance parameters and quantitative principles. Recognize the instruction

level parallelism and different methods used for scheduling and structuring the

code. Understand the memory hierarchy, the I/O system and their impacts on

system development. Analyse the performance and Identify the limitations of

ILP for the efficiency of multi pipeline architecture. Recognize the

performance improvements by implementing shared memory and cache

coherence and Identify associated issues in Inter-processor communication.


CO2 Make a report of the selected topic and able to present it PO2

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering



Introduction and Review of Fundamentals of Computer Design: Introduction; Classes

computers; Defining computer architecture; Trends in Technology; Trends in power in

Integrated Circuits; Trends in cost; Dependability, Measuring, reporting and summarizing

Performance; Quantitative Principles of computer design.

Pipelining, Instruction –Level Parallelism, Exploitation and Limits on ILP: Introduction to

pipelining, ILP; Crosscutting issues, fallacies, and pitfalls with respect to pipelining; Basic

concepts and challenges of ILP.

Module 2

Memory Hierarchy Design, Storage Systems: Review of basic concepts; Crosscutting issues

in the design of memory hierarchies; Case study of AMD Opteron memory hierarchy; Fallacies

and pitfalls in the design of memory hierarchies.

Module 3

Advanced topics in disk storage: Designing and evaluating an I/O system – The Internet

archive cluster; Case study of NetAA FAS6000 filer; Fallacies and pitfalls Definition and

examples of real faults and failures; I/O performance, reliability measures, and benchmarks,

Queuing theory; crosscutting issues.

Module 4

Hardware and Software for VLIW and EPIC Introduction: Exploiting Instruction-Level

Parallelism Statically, Detecting and Enhancing Loop-Level Parallelism, Scheduling and

Structuring Code for Parallelism.

Module 5

Large-Scale Multiprocessors and Scientific Applications Introduction, Inter processor

Communication: The Critical Performance Issue, Characteristics of Scientific Applications,

Synchronization: Scaling Up, Performance of Scientific Applications on Shared-Memory

Multiprocessors, Performance Measurement of Parallel Processors with Scientific



1. John L. Hennessey and David A. Patterson, “Computer Architecture – A quantitative

approach”, Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, Fifth edition, 2012.

2. Richard Y. Kain, “Advanced Computer Architecture a Systems Design Approach”, PHI,


Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Embedded Computing and networking



Embedded Computing and


CREIDTS 3 L-T-P 3-0-0

CO1 Understand different types of Embedded Applications. Analyse various

development tools, WAN, LAN and PAN protocols. Customize Linux for

different environment. Port OS to embedded board and to build Arm tool Chain


CO2 Make an effective presentation of the selected topic PO2

Module 1 Types of embedded application: Super loop, Interrupt driven, priority, round robin, OS based.

Embedded Android: Android Mobile and Tablet, Android TV, Android Wearable, Android

Auto, Glass.

WAN : MPLS, HHTP, MQTT, Coap etc

LAN: TCP / IP, UDP, Socket Programming

PAN: Bluetooth, BLE, zigbee

Module 2 Introduction to Software Development Tools: GNU GCC, make, gdb, static and dynamic

linking, C libraries, compiler options, code optimization switches, lint, code profiling tools.

Module 3 Interfacing Modules: Sensor and actuator interface, data transfer and control, GPS, GSM

module interfacing with data processing and display, OpenCV for machine vision, Audio signal


Module 4 Building an Embedded System: Creating the Root File system, Building the Linux Kernel,

Building the Root File system, Running UML, Networking.

Module 5 Embedded ARM Devices: Building ARM tool chain, Installing an Operating System on ARM

board, Using ARM board Serial Port, Remote Serial Port.

Text books:

1. Modern Embedded Computing - Peter Barry and Patrick Crowley, 1st Ed.,

Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann, 2012.

2. Linux Application Development - Michael K. Johnson, Erik W. Troan, Adission

Wesley, 1998.

3. Assembly Language for x86 Processors by Kip R. Irvine

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


4. Embedded Operating System - Alan Holt, Chi-Yu Huang, Springer

5. Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manuals

Reference books:

1. Operating System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin and Greg Gagne.

2. The Design of the UNIX Operating System by Maurice J. Bach Prentice-Hall

3. UNIX Network Programming by W. Richard Stevens

Device Modeling and Processing Technology



18ECVEPEMP COURSE TITLE Device Modeling and

Processing Technology

CREIDTS 3 L-T-P 3-0-0

CO Course Outcomes PO


Comprehend fundamentals of semiconductors, theoretical and practical

aspects of electronics technology – Very Large Scale Integration. All the unit

process steps involved in planar process starting from silicon crystal growth

to CMOS Process. Analyse SPICE Models of Diodes, BJT, MOSFETs,



CO2 Ability to submit a report on the SPICE models fabrication process


Module 1

Fundamentals: Semiconductor Physics, Principle of circuit simulation and its objectives.

Introduction to SPICE: AC, DC, Transient, Noise, Temperature extra analysis.

Junction Diodes: DC, Small signal, large signal, High frequency and noise models of diodes,

Measurement of diode model-parameters.

Module 2

Modelling of BJT: DC, small signal, high frequency and noise models of bipolar junction

transistors. Extraction of BJT model parameters.

Module 3

MOSFETs: DC, small signal, high frequency and noise models of MOSFETs, MOS

Capacitors. MOS.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Module 4

Models: Level-1 and level-2 large signal MOSFET models. Introduction to BSIM models.

Extraction of MOSFET model parameters.

JFET, MESFETs & HBTs: Modelling of JFET & MESFET and extraction of parameters.

Principles of hetro-junction devices, HBTs, HEMT.

Module 5

CMOS Processing Technology: An overview of wafer fabrication, Wafer Processing –

Oxidation – Patterning – Diffusion – Ion Implantation – Deposition – Silicon gate nMOS

process – CMOS processes – n-well- p-well- twin tub- Silicon on insulator – CMOS process

enhancements – Interconnects circuit elements.

Text Books

1. S.M.Kang & Y.Leblibici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits-Analysis & Design, TMH, 3rd


2. S.M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Wiley Pub.

3. Neil H E Weste, David Harris, Ayan Banerjee, CMOS VLSI Design 3rd edition, Pearson



1. Sedra and Smith, SPICE.

2. H.M. Rashid, Introduction to PSPICE, PHI.

3. B.G. Streetman & S. Baneerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, PHI.

4. R. Raghuram, Computer Simulation of Electronic Circuits, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

Advances in VLSI Structure

CO Description PO


Ability to understand multiple-gate MOSFET’s. Strained-Si technology, thin

body MOSFET’s and Emerging nano materials. Apply the short channel

effect to define new structures and requirement of new materials. Analyse

thin body MOSFET structure and its impact, Impacts of substrate; nano



CO2 Use modern tool to simulate different structure and observe the performance

comparison and make an effective documentation






CREIDTS 3 L-T-P 3-0-0

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Module 1

Transistor and multiple-gate MOSFET’s development, history, review of MOSFET

principles and performance metrics

Module 2

Issues in short-channel MOSFET electrostatics; scale length fundamentals for thin-body

MOSFETs (FinFET, planar Fully-Depleted SOI MOSFET and Gate-All-Around MOSFET)

Module 3

Advantages of thin body MOSFET’s electrostatics quantum mechanical effects; effective

carrier mobility; high-field velocities. Parasite resistance; thin-body MOSFET’s carrier

transport MOSFET compact modelling and Technology CAD (TCAD)

Module 4

Impacts of substrate; Fin shape tuning; Gate stack process, FinFET’s source/drain process,

Multiple-gate MOSFET’s threshold voltage engineering. Multiple-gate MOSFET performance

dependence on channel orientation and strain

Strained-Si technology and its effectiveness on Multiple-gate MOSFETs high-mobility

channel transistors (Group III-V )

Module 5

Emerging nano materials: Nanotubes, nanorods and other nano structures, MOSFET like

structure of carbon nano tubes.

Reference: 1. Research papers

2. MOOC:





CREIDTS 2 L-T-P 2-0-0

CO Course Outcomes


CO1 Ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document PO2

CO2 Able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area of specialization PO3

Module 1:

Meaning and sources of research problem, , Objectives and Characteristics of research – Errors

in selecting research problem, Research methods Vs Methodology - Types of research-Criteria

of good research – Developing a research plan.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Module 2:

Investigations of a research problem - Selecting the problem - Necessity of defining the

problem – Data collections-analysis- Importance of literature review in defining a problem -

Survey of literature -Necessary instrumentations

Module 3:

How to write paper-conference articles-poster preparation, thesis report writing, inclusion of

references, journal reviewing process, journal selection process, filling about journal template,

developing effective research proposal-plagiarism-research ethics

Module 4:

Nature of Intellectual property, IPRs- Invention and Creativity - Importance and Protection of

Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) – procedure for grant of patents and patenting under PCT-

types of patents-technological research and innovation- international cooperation on IP.

Module 5:

A brief summary of : Patents-Copyrights-Trademarks, patent rights-licensing and transfer of

technology-patent databases-case studies on IPR-Geographical indications-new developments

in IPR-protection of IPR rights


1. Garg, B.L., Karadia, R., Agarwal, F. and Agarwal, U.K., 2002. An introduction to

Research Methodology, RBSA Publishers.

2. Kothari, C.R., 1990. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Age

International. 418p.

3. Anderson, T. W., An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Wiley Eastern

Pvt., Ltd., New Delhi

4. Sinha, S.C. and Dhiman, A.K., 2002. Research Methodology, Ess Ess Publications. 2

5. Subbarau NR-Handbook of Intellectual property law and practise- S Viswanathan

Printers and Publishing Private Limited 1998.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering



Program Core Course Syllabus

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering



Program Core Course Syllabus

Mixed Signal Circuit Design





Mixed Signal Circuit Design

CREIDTS 4 L-T-P 3-0-1



Course Outcomes PO

CO1 Demonstrate Transceiver basic building blocks like PLL, Data converters,

Sample and hold circuit.


CO2 Design and simulation of identified blocks of Transceiver and submit a

technical report


Prerequisite: Data converter fundamentals

Module 1

Feedback amplifier: Types, topologies, Effect of Feedback on noise,

Module 2

Oscillators, VCO: General consideration, Ring oscillator, LC oscillator, Voltage Controlled


Module 3

PLL, Charge pump PLL, Non-ideal effects in PLL, Delay locked loops and applications.

Module 4

Switched capacitor circuits, Sampling switches, Switched capacitor Amplifiers.

Module 5

Study of errors in Data converters

Reference Book:

1. “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, Behzad Razavi, TMH, 2007.

2. CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, 3rd Edition –R. Jacob baker.

3. Roubik Gregorian: Introduction to CMOS Op-amps and comparators, Wiley.

4. David A Johns, Ken Martin: Analog IC design, Wiley 2008.

Lab Experiments:

Lab Work: 2 hrs/week

Course Outcomes:

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


At the end of the laboratory work, students will be able to:

Design digital Circuit using CMOS Technology

Use EDA tools like Cadence, Synopsis, Mentor Graphics to simulate and measure

performance parameters of Analog and Mixed Signal circuits

List of Experiments:

1) Design and Analyse frequency response (Phase Margin, gain Margin) and noise for the

following circuits for a given specification,

a) Two Stage Operational amplifier,

b) Folded Cascode Operational amplifier,

c) Telescopic operational amplifier

2) Design sub blocks of PLL and measure all the parameters.

3) Design a simple ADC/DAC and analyse

Design for Testability





Design for Testability

CREIDTS 4 L-T-P 3-1-0

CO Description PO


Apply the concept of faults and failure models to generate the number of

fault models & Automatic Test Pattern Generator (ATPG) for the given

design under test (DUT).

Analyze and identify the given fault in given DUT(can be logic circuit or

memory) and conclude the suitable available solution to test these faults.

Ability to generate the Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG) with

different techniques using EDA tool


CO2 Engage on Literature survey and make an effort to suggest new solution as

a team PO1,


Module 1

Introduction to Testing

Testing Philosophy, Role of Testing, Digital and Analog VLSI Testing, VLSI Technology

Trends affecting Testing, Types of Testing, Fault Modeling: Defects, Errors and Faults,

Functional Versus Structural Testing, Levels of Fault Models, Single Stuck-at Fault.

Module 2

Logic and Fault Simulation

Simulation for Design Verification and Test Evaluation, Modeling Circuits for Simulation,

Algorithms for True-value Simulation, Algorithms for Fault Simulation, ATPG. Fault

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Diagnosis of Digital Circuits, Test Generation Techniques for Combinational Circuits,

Detection of Multiple Faults in Combinational Logic Circuits.

Module 3

Testability Measures

SCOAP Controllability and Observability, High Level Testability Measures, Digital DFT and

Scan Design: Ad-Hoc DFT Methods, Scan Design, Partial-Scan Design, Variations of Scan.

Module 4

Built-In Self-Test

The Economic Case for BIST, Random Logic BIST: Definitions, BIST Process, Pattern

Generation, Response Compaction, Built-In Logic Block Observers, Test-Per-Clock, Test-Per-

Scan BIST Systems, Circular Self-Test Path System, Memory BIST, Delay Fault BIST.

Module 5

Boundary Scan Standard

Motivation, System Configuration with Boundary Scan: TAP Controller and Port, Boundary

Scan Test Instructions, Pin Constraints of the Standard, Boundary Scan Description Language:

BDSL Description Components, Pin Descriptions.

Power issues in IC Testing

Text books:

1. Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory and Mixed Signal VLSI Circuits

- M.L.Bushnell, V. D. Agrawal, Kluwer Academic Pulishers.

Reference books:

1. Digital Systems and Testable Design - M. Abramovici, M.A.Breuer and A.D Friedman,

JaicoPublishing House.

2. Digital Circuits Testing and Testability - P.K. Lala, Academic Press.

Real Time Operating Systems


Design high performance software applications with real time deterministic

response. PO3

CO2 Configure and Optimize Embedded RTOS to achieve desired High Performance

Computing response. PO3







Real Time Operating Systems

CREIDTS 4 L-T-P 3-0-1

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering



Make an effective oral presentation pertaining to RTOS and related high

performance computing concepts. PO2

CO4 Engage on Literature survey about High Performance & Deterministic systems, both

from hardware and software perspective and submit a report PO1

Module 1

Basic concepts of RTOS: Defining RTOS, characteristics of RTOS, objects and services, real

time scheduling approaches, Library-Based RTOS (Kernel-less approach), monolithic kernels,

microkernels, virtual machines.

Module 2

RTOS objects: Tasks and task states, Semaphores: need, types, typical operations, mutual

exclusion, priority inversion avoidance. Queues: States, typical operations, non-interlocked

one way data communication, no-interlocked and interlocked two way data communication,

broadcast data communication, Queues within an Interrupt Service Routine,

Module 3

RTOS objects:

Critical Sections and Resource Management, Pipes: Pipe states, pipe control blocks, typical

operations, uses of pipes

Module 4

RTOS services: TCP/IP communication, client server model, sockets and ports, exception

handling, interrupt mechanism

Module 5

Comparison of available RTOS, Selection criteria of an RTOS for an IoT application

Application implementation: Process of designing firmware, boot loader, device drivers,

developing interface code for module developed for any hardware: C program-based

application layer code and kernel level code to configure and access data in/out of any chosen



Embedded and real time operating systems by Wang, K.C., Springer 2017, ISBN-10 :

3319515160 and ISBN-13 : 9783319515168

Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems by Qing Li and


CMP Books

NPTEL lectures on ‘Real Time Systems’

Mastering embedded Linux programming by Chris Simmonds Publisher: Packt

Publishing, 2017 ISBN: 9781787283282 OR

Using the free RTOS Real Time Kernel by Richard Barry,

Lab exercises: (Can be implemented using any RTOS and any hardware)

Task creation, priority assignment, scheduling, deletion (Verify/design scheduling

algorithms and check its efficiency)

Resource management: Semaphores and mutexes, priority inversion

Queue management

Interrupt management

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


II Semester electives

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


II Semester electives

System Verilog and Verification





System Verilog and


CREIDTS 4 L-T-P 3-0-0

CO-No Course Outcomes PO


Define, Understand and Explain OOPs concepts and system Verilog

data types, Apply system Verilog constructs to create verification

environment, Analyse coverage driven verification for given design

under test(DUT)


CO2 Able to conceptualize and obtain 100% code coverage and functional

coverage by determining the set of input constraints and assertions in

test benches and able to document the effort to obtain coverage


Module 1

Verification Concepts: Concepts of verification, importance of verification, Stimulus vs

Verification, functional verification, test bench generation, functional verification approaches,

typical verification flow, stimulus generation, direct testing, Coverage: Code and Functional

coverage, coverage plan.

Module 2

System Verilog: System Verilog constructs - Data types: two-state data, strings, arrays:

queues, dynamic and associative arrays, Structs, enumerated types. Program blocks, module,

interfaces, clocking blocks, modports.

Module 3

System Verilog: SV Classes: Language evolution, Classes and objects, Class Variables and

Methods, Class instantiation, Inheritance, and encapsulation, Polymorphism.

Randomization: Directed Vs Random Testing. Randomization: Constraint Driven


Module 4

System Verilog: Assertions, Introduction to Assertion based verification, Immediate and

concurrent assertions.

Coverage driven verification: Motivation, Types of coverage, Cover Group, Cover Point,

Cross Coverage, Concepts of Binning and event sampling.

Building Test bench: Layered test bench architecture.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Module 5

Introduction to Universal Verification Methodology, Overview of UVM Base Classes and

simulation phases in UVM and UVM macros. Unified messaging in UVM, UVM environment

structure, Connecting DUT- Virtual Interface


1. Janick Bergeron, Writing Testbenches Using SystemVerilog

2. Chris Spear, SystemVerilog for Verification

3. Janick Bergeron, Eduard Cerny, Alan Hunter, and Andy Nightingale, Verification

Methodology Manual for SystemVerilog

Physical Design





Physical design

CREIDTS 3 L-T-P 3-0-0

Module 1

Physical design flow, Libraries and File Formats. Introduction to physical design automation,

Physical Design flow, EDA tools, Input files, Libraries: Standard Cells, Transistor Sizing,

Input-Output Pads, Library Characterization, Constraints based design, File formats:Library

Exchange Format (LEF), DEF (Design Exchange Format), Liberty Timing File (LIB).

Module 2

Partitioning and floor planning. Partitioning Techniques, Classification of Partitioning

Algorithms, Floor planning, Design Style Specific Issues, macro placement, Floor planning


Module 3

Placement: Design Style Specific Placement Problems, Goals of placement, and Sanity checks

before placement. Classification of Placement algorithms, Simulation Based Placement

Algorithms: Simulated Annealing, Force Directed Placement, Interconnection Topologies,

Estimation of Wire length.

CO Course Outcomes PO

CO-1 Demonstrate the basic design flow in VLSI physical design automation and

the basic algorithms used for implementing the same PO3

CO-2 Make an Effective Documentation of Physical Design Flow using industry

level EDA tool. PO2

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Module 4

Clock Tree Synthesis and Timing Analysis. Sanity checks before CTS. Need and goals of CTS.

CTS related Terminologies. Clock skew reduction techniques and Topologies. Clock buffering

mechanism. Post CTS Optimization. Basic timing related quantities.

Module 5

Routing and signoff checks, Goals of Routing, Routing Prerequisites, Routing Constraints,

Global Routing, Track Assignment, Detail Routing, Routing algorithms. Design Rule Check

(DRC), Layout versus Schematic (LVS), commonly faced LVS issues, IR Drop Analysis:

Static IR drop analysis, Dynamic IR drop analysis, Methods to reduce IR drop: ELECTRO

MIGRATION (EM): Methods to fix EM

Text Book

Khosrow Golshan,“Physical Design Essentials-An ASIC Design Implementation

Perspective”, 2007 Springer Science+Business, Media

Sherwani, Naveed A. “Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation”

Reference books:

Sarafzadeh, C.K. Wong, “An Introduction to VLSI Physical Design”, McGraw Hill

International Edition 1995.

Preas M. Lorenzatti, “ Physical Design and Automation of VLSI systems”, The

Benjamin Cummins Publishers, 1998.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Hardware-Software Co-design




TITLE Hardware-Software Co-design

CREIDTS 3 L-T-P 3-0-0

CO Course Outcomes PO


Understand fundamental issues in co-design, Learn about prototyping and

emulation, Understand compilation techniques, and learn related tools.

Acquire ability to differentiate various target architectures.


CO-2 Acquire ability to generate specifications and develop verification plans and

make a documentation.


Module 1

Co- Design Issues: Co- Design Models, Architectures, Languages, A Generic Co-design


Co- Synthesis Algorithms: Hardware software synthesis algorithms: hardware – software

partitioning distributed system co-synthesis.

Module 2

Prototyping and Emulation: Prototyping and emulation techniques, prototyping and

emulation environments, future developments in emulation and prototyping architecture

specialization techniques, system communication infrastructure

Module 3

Target Architectures: Architecture Specialization techniques, System Communication

infrastructure, Target Architecture and Application System classes, Architecture for control

dominated systems (8051-Architectures for High performance control), Architecture for Data

dominated systems (ADSP21060, TMS320C60), Mixed Systems.

Module 4

Compilation Techniques and Tools for Embedded Processor Architectures: Modern

embedded architectures, embedded software development needs, compilation technologies,

practical consideration in a compiler development environment.

Design Specification and Verification: Design, co-design, the co-design computational

model, concurrency coordinating concurrent computations, interfacing components, design

verification, implementation verification, verification tools, interface verification

Module 5

Languages for System – Level Specification and Design-I: System – level specification,

design representation for system level synthesis, system level specification languages,

Languages for System – Level Specification and Design-II: Heterogeneous specifications

and multi-language co-simulation, the cosyma system and lycos system.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Text books:

1. Hardware / Software Co- Design Principles and Practice – Jorgen Staunstrup, Wayne Wolf

– 2009, Springer.

2. Hardware / Software Co- Design - Giovanni De Micheli Maria Giovanna Sami, 2002,

Kluwer Academic Publishers

Reference books: 1. A Practical Introduction to Hardware/Software Co-design - Patrick R.

Schaumont - 2010 – Springer

System on Chip Architecture





System On Chip Architecture

CREIDTS 3 L-T-P 3-0-0

Module 1

Review of Moore’s law and CMOS scaling, benefits of System On Chip integration in terms

of cost, power, and performance. Comparison on System on Board, System on Chip, and

System-in-Package. Typical goals in SoC design cost reduction, power reduction, design effort

reduction, performance maximization. Productivity gap issues and the ways to improve the gap

– IP based design and design reuse.

Module 2

System On Chip Design Process: A canonical SoC Design, SoC Design flow, waterfall vs

spiral, top down vs bottom up, Specification requirement, Types of Specification, System

Design Process, System level design issues, Soft IP vs Hard IP, IP verification and Integration,

Hardware-Software co design, Design for timing closure, Logic design issues, Verification

strategy, On chip buses and interfaces, Low Power, Hardware Accelerators in Soc.

Module 3

Embedded Memories, cache memories, flash memories, embedded DRAM. Topics related to

cache memories. Cache coherence. MESI protocol and Directory-based coherence.

CO Course Outcomes PO


Apply concepts of Moore’s law, CMOS scaling to understand the

System on Chip with its need, evolution, challenges, goals, superiority

over system on board & stacked ICs in package. Analyze Typical

goals in SoC design and also inter connect architecture


CO2 Design solutions for issues at system level, and issues of Hardware-

Software co design and make an effective presentation. PO2

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Module 4

Interconnect architectures for SoC. Bus architecture and its limitations. Network on Chip

(NOC) topologies. Mesh-based NoC. Routing in an NoC. Packet switching and wormhole


Module 5

MPSoCs: What, Why, How MPSoCs, Techniques for designing MPSoCs, Performance and

flexibility for MPSoCs design

Case Study: A Low Power Open Multimedia Application Platform for 3G Wireless.

Reference Books: 1. Sudeep Pasricha and Nikil Dutt,"On-Chip Communication Architectures: System on

Chip Interconnect”, Morgan Kaufmann

Publishers © 2008.

2. Rao R. Tummala, Madhavan Swaminathan, “Introduction to system on package sop-

Miniaturization of the Entire Syste”,

McGraw-Hill, 2008.

3. James K. Peckol, “Embedded Systems: A Contemporary Design Tool”, Wiley Student


4. Michael Keating, Pierre Bricaud, “Reuse Methodology Manual for System on Chip

designs”, Kluwer Accademic Publishers, 2nd

edition, 2008.

5. Sung-Mo Kang, Yusuf Leblebici, “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits”, Tata Mcgraw-

Hill, 3rd Edition.

Embedded design using ARM architecture





Embedded design using ARM


CREIDTS 3 L-T-P 3-0-0

CO1 Acquire the knowledge on ARM organization and the feature rich ARM Cortex

architecture and to understand serial communication techniques with microcontroller.

apply skills to model complete Embedded System.

CO2 Analyze digital and analog peripherals, memory of ARM Cortex-Mx


CO3 Conduct experiments with ARM Cortex board to develop various application

CO4 Ability to Demonstrate the development of embedded applications using ARM

Cortex platforms, in a team or individual

to Introduction to Embedded Systems, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, RISC & ARM

Architecture, Introduction to ARM Cortex – M Processor Family, Introduction to Software

development process and platform.

Lab: Introduction to mbed/similar development board, Keil/similar IDE environment, Blinky

Code, Key Input Single/linear/matrix, Interfacing character & graphic LCD.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


ARM Cortex – M Architecture Programming Model, Instruction Set, Interrupts & Exception

Handling, Timers & PWM

Lab: Experiments with Timers, Generation of 3 phase PWM, Sine wave generation, speed

control of DC motor using PWM

Memory model, DMA, Floating Point Operations, Serial Communication peripherals:

UART+SPI+I2C, Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard

Lab: Interfacing two devices using UART, Read/Write Memory chip using SPI, Interface RTC

chip using I2C

Analog peripherals ADC, DAC, interfacing analog sensors like, temperature, pressure

sensors. Low power configurations of ARM microcontrollers

Lab: Generating waveforms using DAC, Acquiring analog signals using ADC and

characterizing using FFT

DSP on ARM Cortex-M4, Developing Closed Loop & PID Control Systems

Lab: Interfacing with PC using Serial peripherals are using wireless devices

Reference Books:

1. Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design: Applying the ARM mbed, by Rob Toulson

& Tim Wilmshurst, Newnes, 2012

2. The Definitive Guide to ARM® Cortex®-M3 and Cortex®-M4 Processors, by Joseph Yiu,

Newnes, 2013

3. The Designer's Guide to the Cortex-M Processor Family: A Tutorial Approach, by Trevor

Martin, Newnes, 2013

Memory Design and Testing





Memory Design and Testing

CREIDTS 3 L-T-P 3-0-0

CO1 Acquire the knowledge on Semiconductor memories, Apply the knowledge of

CMOS technology and electronic circuits theory to design semiconductor

memories, Analyze different types of memories, Apply the knowledge of

CMOS technology and electronic circuits theory to design semiconductor



CO2 Ability to submit a report on the impact/growth of Advanced Memory

Technologies for societal and sustained development. PO2

Module 1

Random Access Memory Technologies: SRAM Cell Structures-MOS SRAM Architecture,

MOS SRAM Cell and Peripheral, Circuit Operation, Bipolar SRAM Technologies, Silicon On

Insulator (SOl) Technology, Advanced SRAM Architectures and Technologies, Application

Specific SRAMs.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Module 2

Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAMs): DRAM Technology Development, CMOS

DRAMs, DRAMs Cell Theory and Advanced Cell Structures, BiCMOS DRAMs, Soft Error

Failures in DRAMs, Advanced DRAM Designs and Architecture, Application Specific


Module 3

Non-volatile Memories: Masked Read-Only Memories (ROMs), High Density ROMs,

Programmable Read Only Memories (PROMs), Bipolar PROMs, CMOS PROMs, Erasable

(UV), Programmable Road-Only Memories (EPROMs), Floating-Gate EPROM Cell, One-

Time Programmable (OTP) EPROMS, Electrically Erasable PROMs (EEPROMs), EEPROM

Technology and Architecture, Non-volatile SRAM, Flash Memories (EPROMs or EEPROM),

Advanced Flash Memory Architecture.

Module 4

Memory Fault Modelling, Testing and Memory Design For Testability and Fault Tolerance.

RAM Fault Modelling, Electrical Testing, Pseudo Random Testing, Megabit DRAM Testing,

Non-volatile Memory Modelling and Testing, IDDQ Fault Modelling and Testing, Application

Specific Memory Testing.

Module 5

Semiconductor Memory Reliability and Radiation Effects: General Reliability Issues,

RAM Failure Modes and Mechanism, Non-volatile Memory Reliability, Reliability Modelling

and Failure Rate Prediction. Design for Reliability, Reliability Test Structures, Reliability

Screening and Qualification. Radiation Effects, Single Event Phenomenon (SEP), Radiation

Hardening Techniques, Radiation Hardening Process and Design Issues, Radiation Hardened

Memory Characteristics, Radiation Hardness Assurance and Testing, Radiation Dosimetry,

Water Level Radiation Testing and Test Structures.

Text Books

1. A.K Sharma, “Semiconductor Memories Technology, Testing and Reliability”, IEEE


2. Luecke Mize Care, “Semiconductor Memory design & application”, Mc-Graw Hill.

3. Belty Prince, “ Semiconductor Memory Design Handbook”

4. Memory Technology design and testing 1999 IEEE International Workshop on: IEEE

Computer Society Sponsor.

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Open elective

MEMS & Microsystems

CO Description PO


Understand the fundamentals of MEMS and its application, scaling,

miniaturization, fabrication.

Analyse the working of sensors, actuators and transducers.

Design, modelling and packaging of micro systems


CO2 Able to make Documentation of Innovations in MEMS and Micro Systems PO2

Module 1 Overview of MEMS & Microsystems: MEMS & Microsystems, Typical MEMS and Micro

system products — features of MEMS, The multidisciplinary nature of Microsystems design

and manufacture, Applications of Microsystems in automotive industry, health care industry,

aerospace industry, industrial products, consumer products and telecommunications.

Module 2

Transduction Principles in MEMS & Microsystems: Introduction, Micro sensors — AW

Sensors, thermal, Chemical, biomedical, optical, Pressure radiation, mechanical, magnetic,

Micro actuation using thermal forces, piezo eclectic and electrostatic forces and shape-memory

alloys. MEMS with micro actuators, microfluidics.

Module 3 Microsystems Fabrication Process: Introduction, Photolithography, Ion-implantation,

diffusion, oxidation, CVD, PVD, etching and materials used for MEMS, Some MEMS

fabrication processes: surface micro-machining, bulk micromachining, LIGA process, LASER

micro machining.

Module-4 Micro System Design and Modelling: Introduction, Design considerations: Process design,

Mechanical design.

Scaling Laws in Miniaturization: Introduction to scaling, scaling in geometry, scaling in

rigid body dynamics, scaling electrostatic forces, electromagnetic forces, electricity, scaling in

fluid mechanics & heat transfer.

Module-5 Micro system packaging: Over view of mechanical packaging of microelectronics micro

system packaging, Interfaces in micro system packaging.

Wire bonding, Sealing of MEMS devices and various Packaging technologies.





CREIDTS 4 L-T-P 4-0-0

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering



Master of Technology


VLSI Design and Embedded system

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Scripting Languages

Overview of Scripting Languages – PERL, TCL, CGI, VB Script, Java Script. 8hrs

PERL: Operators, Statements Pattern Matching etc. Data Structures, Modules, Objects, Tied

Variables, 8

Inter process Communication Threads, Compilation & Line Interfacing. 9

UVM Methodology concepts

Prerequisite: Introduction to Universal Verification Methodology, Overview of UVM Base

Classes and simulation phases in UVM and UVM macros. Unified messaging in UVM, UVM

environment structure, Connecting DUT- Virtual Interface

Over view of OVM Environment with OVM Libraries

Introduction to OVM, OVM and Coverage-Driven Verification (CDV), Test bench and

Environments. OVC Overview. Data Item (Transaction). Driver (BFM). Sequencer. Monitor.

Agent. Environment. The System Verilog OVM Class Library. OVM Facilities.

Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM). Transaction-Level Modeling Overview. TLM Basics.

Transaction-Level Communication. Basic TLM Communication. Communicating Between

Processes. Blocking versus Nonblocking. Connecting Transaction-Level Components. Peer-

to-Peer connections. Port/Export Compatibility. Encapsulation and Hierarchy. Hierarchical

Connections. Analysis Communication, Ports, Exports.

Developing Reusable Open Verification Components (OVCs)

Modelling Data Items for Generation. Inheritance and Constraint Layering. Defining Control

Fields (“Knobs”). Transaction-Level Components. Creating the Driver. Creating the

Sequencer. Connecting the Driver and Sequencer. Fetching Consecutive Randomized Items.

Sending Processed Data Back to the Sequencer. Using TLM-Based Drivers. Creating the

Elective 5

18ECVEGEUV UVM Methodology



Introduction to scripting



CREDITS 3 L-T-P 3– 0 – 0


CREDITS 2 L-T-P 2– 0 – 0

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Monitor. Instantiating Components. Creating the Agent. Creating the Environment. The

Environment Class. The OVM Configuration Mechanism.


OVM User Guide, Version 2.1.2, © 2008–2011 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (Cadence). All

rights reserved. Cadence Design Systems, Inc., 2655 Seely Ave., San Jose, CA 95134, USA.

© 2008–2011 Mentor Graphics, Corp. (Mentor). All rights reserved. Mentor Graphics, Corp.,

8005 SW Boeckman Rd., Wilsonville, OR 97070, USA

Verification Methodology Manual for System Verilog, © 2008–2011 Cadence Design

Systems, Inc. (Cadence). All rights reserved.Cadence Design Systems, Inc., 2655 Seely Ave.,

San Jose, CA 95134, USA. © 2008–2011 Mentor Graphics, Corp. (Mentor). All rights eserved.

Mentor Graphics, Corp., 8005 SW Boeckman Rd., Wilsonville, OR 97070, USA

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Course Title: Project work (phase-1)

Course Title: Internship


CREDITS 8 L-T-P 0 – 0 – 8

Course Outcomes of phase-1

CO1 Identify a suitable project by making use of the technical and engineering

knowledge gained from previous courses with the awareness of impact of

technology on the Society and their ethical responsibilities.


CO2 Collect and disseminate information related to the selected project within

given time frame.


CO3 Communicate technical and general information by means of oral as well

as written Presentation skills with professionalism.



CREDITS 9 L-T-P 0 – 0 –9

Course Outcomes of Internship

CO1 Ability to develop a sound theoretical and practical knowledge of new




Ability to Develop domain specific problem solving and critical thinking

skills, individual responsibility towards their internship goal as well as

participate as an effective team member, to gain exposure to professional

work culture & practices


CO3 Develop effective presentation & communication skills, and create proper

documentation of the work


Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Course Title: Technical Seminar




CREDITS 02 L-T-P-S 0 – 0 – 2

CO1 Identify the problem through literature survey by applying depth

knowledge of the chosen domain


CO2 Analyse, synthesize and conceptualize the identified problem PO3

CO3 Communicate clearly, write effective reports and make effective

presentations following the professional code of conduct and ethics


CO4 Comprehensively study the domains and reflect the same towards the

future enhancements of the work


Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Master of Technology


VLSI Design and Embedded system


Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Course Title: Technical Seminar


CO1 Identify the problem through literature survey by applying depth

knowledge of the chosen domain


CO2 Analyse, synthesize and conceptualize the identified problem PO3

CO3 Communicate clearly, write effective reports and make effective

presentations following the professional code of conduct and ethics


CO4 Comprehensively study the domains and reflect the same towards the

future enhancements of the work




CO1 Identify the modern tools required for the implementation of the project. PO3

CO2 Design, examine critically and implement or develop a prototype for the

identified problem during Phase I


CO3 Communicate technical information by means of oral as well as written

presentation skills with professionalism.





CREDITS 02 L-T-P 0 – 0 – 2




CREDITS 20 L-T-P 0 - 0 – 20