Bms wed sponsored breakfast shoutlet

Post on 13-May-2015

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Shoutlet: Who We Are

The industry’s most comprehensive Enterprise Social Marketing Platformto publish, engage, and measure custom social marketing campaigns


5 Years From Now…

Marketing Spending is on the Rise

By 2017, CMOs are going to be spending more on IT than CIOs do

1. Marketing is becoming increasingly technology-based

2.Harnessing and mastering big data is now key to achieving competitive advantage

3.Many marketing budgets already are larger and faster growing than IT budgets

Source: Gartner webinar, “By 2017 the CMO will Spend More on IT Than the CIO”, January 2012


From Simple to Sophisticated

Social Media Publishing: A Sign of the Times

•Transition from simple to sophisticated

•Involves timing, optimization and tools

•An entire industry has emerged to meet the demand

Source: Jeremiah Owyang, Altimeter Group, future-of-the-social-media-management-system-space


Data is the Biggest Challenge for Marketers

Source: IBM, “From Stretched to Strengthened, Insights for the Global Chief Marketing Officer Study”, October


Using Customer Insights in Marketing


Social Automation as Part of the Process


Summit Active

The Scenario:

For the past several months, Summit Active had been working on plans to incorporate a more strategic use of scheduling and automation in its social media plan

They are looking to devote more time each day to interacting with outdoor enthusiasts on Facebook and Twitter

Scheduling content allows them to focus more attention on monitoring, planning future content, and producing video


Summit Active: Pre-Launch

Ongoing: Everyday Interaction / Community Management


Summit Active: Product Launch

Ongoing: Everyday Interaction / Community Management


Summit Active: Contest Launches

Ongoing: Everyday Interaction / Community Management


Summit Active: Coupon Code

Ongoing: Everyday Interaction / Community Management


Summit Active: Contest Ends

Ongoing: Everyday Interaction / Community Management


Shoutlet: Social Switchboard™

Social Switchboard™Trigger-Based Social Campaign Automation

• Plan and build sophisticated social marketing campaigns in advance

• Launch related content on a triggered system with messaging relevant and tailored to the behaviors of the community

• Integrate social marketing communication across numerous social networks with one campaign

• Build triggers that publish content to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, web apps, HTML pages, and more

• Choose from a vast array of triggers including dates, times, or community behavior milestones


Qdoba’s Trigger-Based Campaign


Social Management and Marketing Expertise