Board of Trustees - · Trustee Mutala moved that the Board of Trustees of Edmonton...

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Terry Harris, Ward 71 Carla Smiley, Ward 73 Lisa Turchansky, Ward 76 Sandra Palazzo, Ward 72 Debbie Engel, Ward 74 Laura Thibert, Ward 77 Alene Mutala, Ward 75 SUPERINTENDENT Joan Carr Page 1 of 2

Board of Trustees Public Board Meeting Agenda 2017-2018: #5 Date: December 12, 2017 Time: 3:00 p.m. Location: Public Board Room, Lumen Christi Catholic Education Centre 9807-106 Street, Edmonton AB T5K 1C2 Phone: 780 441-6002 Web:

1. Call to Order 5 Min

1.1 Opening Prayer Father Julian Bilyj 1.2 Treaty Six Acknowledgement Board Chair 1.3 Roll Call 1.4 Acknowledgement of Announcement by Superintendent Carr T. Harris 1.5 Approval of the Agenda 1.6 Minutes A. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Minutes (i) November 28, 2017 B. Matters Arising from the Minutes 1.7 Appointments/Delegations/Presentations

2. Reports 2.1 Reports for Information/Discussion A. School Resource Officer Program J. Carr, R. Martin 2.2 Presentation and Review of Accountability Report(s) A. Edmonton Catholic Schools Staff Faith Formation

Plan 2017-2018 J. Carr, T. Cusack

J. Naccarato, S. Talarico Fr. J. Bilyj, Fr. D. Dowle

3. Board Decisions Items 3.1 A. Alberta School Foundation Fund (ASFF) J. Carr, B. Devlin B. Three-Year Education Plan Development Process and Timelines J. Carr, B. Radyo C. Ben Calf Robe – Agreement from Modernization/Addition to

Replacement School J. Carr, C. Nissen,

J. Naccarato

4. Celebration of #ECSDfaithinspires: 4.1 Board Chair Report for December 2017 T. Harris 4.2 Superintendent Report for December 2017 J. Carr

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Terry Harris, Ward 71 Carla Smiley, Ward 73 Lisa Turchansky, Ward 76 Sandra Palazzo, Ward 72 Debbie Engel, Ward 74 Laura Thibert, Ward 77 Alene Mutala, Ward 75 SUPERINTENDENT Joan Carr Page 2 of 2

5. Adjournment 5.1 Closing Prayer Father Julian Bilyj 5.2 Motion to Adjourn

Minutes of the November 28, 2017 Public Meeting of the Board Page 1 of 6

Board of Trustees Public Board Meeting Minutes 2017-2018: #4 Date: November 28, 2017 Time: 3:00 p.m. Location: Public Board Room, Lumen Christi Catholic Education Centre 9807-106 Street, Edmonton AB T5K 1C2 Phone: 780 441-6002 Web:

1. Call to Order 5 Min

1.1 Board Chair Harris called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Father Dean Dowle began the meeting with the Gospel Reading of the day.

1.2 Treaty Six Acknowledgement Board Chair Harris acknowledged that we are on the traditional land of Treaty 6 and home of Métis Nation of Alberta Zone 4. We also acknowledge the Inuit and other diverse Indigenous peoples whose ancestors have marked this territory for centuries, a place that has welcomed many peoples from around the world to make their home here. We, at Edmonton Catholic Schools, commit to restoring and honouring the Truth and Reconciliation calls to action; we strongly believe that truth must be acknowledged to move forward to reconciliation. Together we call upon all our collective communities to build a stronger understanding of all peoples who dwell on this land we call home.

1.3 Roll Call Present: Terry Harris, Board Chair Debbie Engel Alene Mutala Sandra Palazzo, Vice-Chair Carla Smiley Laura Thibert Lisa Turchansky

1.4 Approval of the Agenda Trustee Smiley moved that the agenda of the November 14, 2017 Public Meeting of the Board be approved, as circulated.


Minutes of the November 28, 2017 Public Meeting of the Board Page 2 of 6

1.5 Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meetings A. November 14, 2017 Public Meeting

Trustee Smiley moved that the minutes of the November 14, 2017 Public Meeting of the Board be approved, as circulated.

Carried 1.6 Appointments/Delegations/Presentations

There were no presentations scheduled.

2. Reports 2.1 Reports for Information A. Audited Financial Statements August 31, 2017

Trustee Mutala moved that the Board of Trustees of Edmonton Catholic Separate School District No. 7 acknowledges receipt of the Audited Financial Statements dated August 31, 2017 as information and approves their release to the public and to Alberta Education. Carried

Trustee Mutala moved that, based on the evidence provided in the Audited Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report, the Board of Trustees determines that following Quality Indicators have been met, as per Board Policy 12-Appendix B, relative to the current evaluation period:

QI 4.1 Ensures accepted accounting principles are being followed. QI 4.2 Ensures all deficiencies identified in the previous audit report and

management letter have been remediated to the satisfaction of the auditor.

QI 4.3 Ensures adequate internal financial controls exist and are being followed. QI 4.5 Ensures school-based funds are monitored to ensure appropriate

expenditures, reserves and accounting processes. QI 4.6 Ensures the Board is informed annually about incurred liabilities. QI 4.8 Monitors and reviews expenditures to ensure continuous improvement in

terms of value for money. Carried

B. Fall Budget Update 2017-2018**

Trustee Palazzo moved the Board of Trustees of Edmonton Catholic Separate School District No. 7 acknowledged receipt of the Fall Budget Information Update for 2017-2018. Carried

2.2 Presentation and Review of Accountability Reports A. Annual Education Results Report

(AERR 2016-2017 and Three-Year Plan 2017-2020) Trustee Engel moved that the Board of Trustees approves the combined Annual Education Results Report 2016-2017 and Three-Year Education Plan 2017-2020 “Rooted in Jesus…Hearts to Love, Hands to Serve”. Carried

Minutes of the November 28, 2017 Public Meeting of the Board Page 3 of 6

Trustee Turchansky moved that based on the evidence provided in the Combined Annual Education Results Report 2016-2017 and Three-Year Education Plan 2017-2020 “Rooted in Jesus…Hearts to Love, Hands to Serve”, the Board determines that the following Quality Indicators have been met, as per Board Policy 12-Appendix B, relative to the current evaluation period:

QI2.1 Conducts an analysis of student success and ensures school principals develop action plans to address concerns.

QI2.2 Identifies trends and issues related to student achievement to inform the Three-Year Planning process, including recommendations for innovative means to improve measurable student achievement.

QI2.3 Ensures parents and students are satisfied with levels of achievement. QI2.4 Ensures there is measurable, improved student achievement over time. QI2.5 Meets Alberta Education’s expectations re: AERR format, process and content. QI2.6 Meets all timelines with provision for appropriate Board input relative to the

Combined AERR / Three-Year Education Plan. QI2.7 Ensures the District’s academic results are published. QI8.1 Ensures the three-year planning process involves appropriate stakeholder input

and results in high stakeholder satisfaction. QI8.3 Develops short and long-range plans to meet the needs of the District and

provide for continuous improvement. QI9.1 Ensures District compliance with all Alberta Education and Board mandates

(timelines and quality). Carried

3. Board Decision Items 3.1 A. Locally Developed Courses (i) Renewal of Senior High Locally Developed or Acquired Courses Trustee Mutala moved that the Board of Trustees of Edmonton Catholic Separate

School District #7 approves for renewal the following locally acquired course as read to be implemented in September 2018 for a period of 4 years until August 2022. Carried

* Courses have been developed by Edmonton Catholic School staff unless otherwise noted.


1206 Beginner Music - Choral Acquired from Edmonton Public Schools 5


2630 3630

Cake Decorating Introduction 25 Cake Decorating Advanced 35

Acquired from Wolf Creek Public schools

3 3

Minutes of the November 28, 2017 Public Meeting of the Board Page 4 of 6


1212, 2212 Introduction to Canadian Studies 15/25 Acquired from Calgary Board of Education 5


1213 Introduction to Science 15 Acquired from Calgary Board of Education 5


2754, 3754 Forensic Science Acquired from Edmonton Public Schools 3


1146, 2146, 3146 Learning Strategies 15/25/35

Acquired from Calgary Catholic School District

3 and 5


3158 Portfolio Art 35 3 and 5


1723, 2723, 3723 Science Literacy 15/25/35 Acquired from Holy Spirit School Division 3


1209 Speech and Debate 15 Acquired from Edmonton Public Schools 3


2625, 3625 Sport, Exercise & Health Science (IB) 25/35 Acquired from Calgary Board of Education 5


1987, 2987, 3987 Technical Theatre 15/25/35 Acquired from Calgary Board of Education 3 and 5


1206 Beginner Music - Choral Acquired from Edmonton Public Schools 5


2630 3630

Cake Decorating Introduction 25 Cake Decorating Advanced 35

Acquired from Wolf Creek Public schools

3 3

Minutes of the November 28, 2017 Public Meeting of the Board Page 5 of 6


1212, 2212 Introduction to Canadian Studies 15/25 Acquired from Calgary Board of Education 5


1213 Introduction to Science 15 Acquired from Calgary Board of Education 5


2754, 3754 Forensic Science Acquired from Edmonton Public Schools 3


1146, 2146, 3146 Learning Strategies 15/25/35

Acquired from Calgary Catholic School District

3 and 5


3158 Portfolio Art 35 3 and 5


1723, 2723, 3723 Science Literacy 15/25/35 Acquired from Holy Spirit School Division 3


1209 Speech and Debate 15 Acquired from Edmonton Public Schools 3


2625, 3625 Sport, Exercise & Health Science (IB) 25/35 Acquired from Calgary Board of Education 5


1987, 2987, 3987 Technical Theatre 15/25/35 Acquired from Calgary Board of Education 3 and 5

(ii) New Senior High Locally Developed Course Trustee Turchansky moved that the Board of Trustees of Edmonton Catholic Separate

School District #7 approves the new locally acquired course, Chamber Ensemble 15/25/35, to be implemented in September 2017 for a period of 4 years, until August 2021. Carried

Minutes of the November 28, 2017 Public Meeting of the Board Page 6 of 6

Course Description

*Acquired from Calgary Board of Education


Chamber Ensemble 15/25/35 3 and 5

(iii) Renewal of Junior High Locally Developed Courses Trustee Turchansky moved that the Board of Trustees of Edmonton Catholic Separate

School District #7 approves the renewal of the following locally developed courses as read for implementation in September 01, 2018. All courses are renewing for four years, until August 31, 2022. Carried

* All these courses have been developed by staff of Edmonton Catholic Schools


Approaches to Learning 7,8,9

COURSE NAME Dance 7,8,9


Film Studies 7,8,9

COURSE NAME Polish Language Arts 7,8,9

4. Celebration of #ECSDawesome: 4.1 Board Chair Report The Board of Trustees acknowledged receipt of the Board Chair’s Report on #ECSDawesome for

the period November 1 to November 28, 2017.

4.2 Superintendent Report The Board of Trustees acknowledged receipt of the Superintendent’s Report on #ECSDawesome,

November 2017 for information purposes.

5. Adjournment 5.1 Father Dean Dowle said the Closing Prayer. 5.2 Trustee Engel moved the meeting adjourn at 4:47 p.m. Carried

**2.1B – does not require a motion. Minutes should be amended to read: Trustee Palazzo moved the Board of Trustees of Edmonton Catholic Separate School District No. 7 acknowledged receipt of the Fall Budget Information Update for 2017-2018. Carried

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December 12, 2017 Public Meeting of the Board 2.1A

November 28, 2017 TO: Board of Trustees FROM: Joan Carr Superintendent ORIGINATOR: Robert Martin Assistant Superintendent, District Operations and IITS SUBJECT: School Resource Officers (SRO): Essential Partnership Background The partnership between Edmonton Catholic Schools and the Edmonton Police Service continues to be one of mutual and positive cooperation, respect and dedication to improving the lives of all its citizens. The School Resource Officer has become an essential component with numerous and immeasurable benefits to our students. They are located in the following schools: • Archbishop O’Leary Catholic High School • Austin O’Brien Catholic High School • Louis St. Laurent Catholic Junior/Senior

High School • St. Francis Xavier Catholic High School • St. Joseph Catholic High School • Mother Margaret Mary Catholic High

School • Holy Trinity Catholic High School • Oscar Romero Catholic High School • H.E. Beriault Catholic Junior High School • St. Nicholas Catholic Junior High School • St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Junior High

School • Ben Calf Robe Catholic Junior High School


EIGHT CHARACTERS OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION . . . Community • Hospitality • Justice • Tradition • Sacramentality • Humanness • Rationality • Spirituality

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Additionally, at the District level, we benefit from the two SRO Unit sergeants who are regularly consulted on police and situational matters. They also play a critical role in Edmonton’s Community Threat Response & Intervention Support Protocol. We have prepared a document based on feedback from school administrators, staff, SROs, students and parents highlighting the outstanding work that our School Resource Officer program has done for more than 35 years. Recommendation That the Board of Trustees acknowledges receipt of the document “Edmonton Catholic Schools & the School Resource Officer Program”.

“Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours.” - St. Teresa of Ávila

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. - Hebrews 13:16

Cooperation | Respect | Dedication

Edmonton Catholic Schools Page | 01 School Resource Officer Program

The partnership between Edmonton Catholic Schools and the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) continues to be one of mutual and positive cooperation, respect and dedication to improving the lives of all its citizens. As part of the EPS, the School Resource Officer (SRO) program that has been a pillar in our high schools for more than 35 years.

The School Resource Officer has truly become an essential component in our District. It is ‘community policing’ in its purest form! Edmonton Catholic Schools has asked for each of the eight high schools and four junior high schools’ perspective regarding the SRO program. We have compiled their stories and statements here; for the purposes of this document, names have been omitted.

Edmonton Catholic Schools Page | 02 School Resource Officer Program

The following examples are but a few of the benefits that schools have highlighted:

• help with school based conflict resolution and investigation.

• immediate help with matters that require Police intervention.

• help build a positive relationship between students and law enforcement by daily positive interaction.

• SRO has become involved in school life such as coaching the girls volleyball team.

• involved with mentoring students and students-at-risk.

• part of the weekly Learning Team meetings that discuss student needs, concerns and resolutions.

• helps with lunch time supervision to strategically use the time to get to know students.

• has helped investigate after hours property crime.

• has helped respond and assist in emergency situations (i.e. when a student broke both of her arms).

• by working in two neighbourhood schools, she can help both schools with shared matters.

• SRO can visit feeder schools to begin the relationship building process.

• The difference in the atmosphere and rapport is the pure presence and sense of comfort that the SRO brings to students and staff and how it is overwhelmingly evident.

• By his simple presence in the school or at a school function off site, has a calming effect on students, as they can address him wherever he may be, stop by his office or ask him to meet for advice on all matters from home to law.

• He is an integral part of our school staff and the students have great respect for him, which in turn leads to the development of the respect for EPS when these same students are out on the street as citizens engaged in activities.

• excellent opportunity to build a positive view of police officers, not just the negative views of what one might be exposed to in the media.

• SROs help build positive relationships with students, in which they see the police as a positive influence for themselves.

• Our SRO has given different types of presentations to students including:

- “ Positive body images” to the girls PE classes, - Dangers of the different types of drugs, - “ No means No” regarding sexual activities to

both the male and female students.• working on different types of cases in the

schools such as theft, drug use, social media concerns, and bullying that the school simply may not have the expertise to deal with.

• working with both parents and students in helping to resolve various issues that arise in school.

• working to be very proactive in the school rather than just reacting to things that are happening.

• getting involved in coaching, fitness classes and working with students one on one.

• important part of Student Support Services team in dealing with students around mental health issues.

• presenting information to staff at meetings; integral to professional learning for all staff.

• presenting to parents at meetings regarding various topics.

• helps make the schools safer, works with other SRO’s and regular Edmonton Police Service members in school lock downs and emergency protocol.

• go above and beyond to help students (spent 2 hours trying to locate a stolen pencil case for a student).

• Police BBQ, always up for helping with fundraisers – volunteering in the community serving our students.

• goes to the annual play.• kids go to his office to decompress and chat...

they affectionally call him “Consty.”• sits with students that are interested in going

into policing, and will work with them to develop their skills to be a good police officer.

• helps students that are dealing with legal issues, but would be too scared to go to a police station, or contact the police in any other way, but are comfortable going to him for advice/help.

• SRO works hard to establish relationships with our students so that they see police in a positive light.

• teachers in student services are constantly working with SRO to provide necessary supports to students.

• SRO has reached out to organizations to provide winter jackets to over 20 of our students that come from low socio-economic backgrounds.

• without the SRO, our school would not be able to provide the same level of support and care for our students.

• the SRO offers a different perspective – from a legal standpoint & from experience with youth and the law.

Edmonton Catholic Schools Page | 03 School Resource Officer Program

The following anecdotes emphasize the importance of having School Resource Officers in our schools. These stories have been submitted by each of our schools that have an SRO.

Our SRO is building relationships by helping coach our girls volleyball team. She also contributes to the school

website and student newspaper (Constables Corner). She attends after-school events such as the Welcome Back BBQ and Christmas Family Night to help extend her community building to the families of our students. She’s truly become integral

to our community.

Edmonton Catholic Schools Page | 04 School Resource Officer Program

The following account is from one SRO currently assigned at an ECSD High School.

While at Oscar Romero I could connect well with the FNMI kids. It was a slow process and took a while to get them to talk with me casually. It was important to me to build relationships with that group of kids as most have not had very good interactions with police in the past. I was determined to get them to see me as a person, not just a police officer. I was hugely supportive of the FNMI group of kids at my high school, and I eventually grew on them. By the end of my stay at the school, a large group of the kids would sit outside my office daily before school, during their lunch, and after school. They felt comfortable asking me questions about a wide variety of topics including personal and professional.

One morning I had a student attend my office right as school was starting. She and her mother were experiencing various forms of abuse at the hands of her father. The previous night had been extremely rough, and she came to me first thing that morning for help. I could get patrol involved, and they effected the arrest of her father. Legal conditions were put in place to keep her and her other family members safe. She related to supports at the school to help her through that rough time.

At my high school, several reports were cc’d to me from patrol involving a grade 12 boy who was experiencing some family turmoil. Initially in speaking with this boy, he did not feel comfortable to tell me what he was experiencing. Through steady rapport building, the boy eventually opened to me. I discovered he had been kicked out of his home as he didn’t get along with his mother. His mother was quite mentally unstable and frequently verbally and psychologically abusive. So much to the point of threatening to kill herself and telling the boy it was his fault. This abuse had been going on for years. The boy was now in grade 12 and although he was very academic, he was struggling to keep his grades up. He was severely malnourished as well, which was another concern of mine. I got Child Services involved. I was then able to help the boy get put on student benefits, which allowed him to collect approximately $880/month. He was living on his own, so that would help him make ends meet. I also hooked him up with the food bank as he didn’t have any food to eat. As he lived close to the school, the food bank dropped off his supplies every few weeks, and I would drive it to his apartment for him as it was very heavy to carry.

While at my high school, I had built solid rapport with a female student in grade 11. She struggled significantly with her mental health. She would come see me daily, and my goal was to always have her leave my office in a better mood than she had coming in. I connected well with her father and would keep him updated when she wasn’t having good days. Although she was a good student academically, she was struggling to get to class which affected her grades significantly. One day she came to me and had a serious mental breakdown about another girl at the school, and how she had visions of physically harming this other girl. She went into detail as to what she wanted to do. The way in which she broke down was worse than anything I had seen with her before. She trusted that I was a safe person for her to talk to and to express herself. It was quite tough on me as I knew what I had to do, but I also knew what I would be breaking. I initiated a level 1 and level 2 Violent Threat Risk Assessment on her. Although this broke the trust she had in me, it was the only option I had. It was determined that she was a moderate to high risk to the safety of this other student. I worked with the admin team and it was decided she would be better suited at Alternative Education, an outreach high school. She related to the Assessment Support Intervention and Success team and ended up doing much better in that environment. Her grades and her family dynamic improved. Her father later reached out to me to thank me for all that I had done for his daughter.

I have coached volleyball, swim, and I teach spin classes. Coaching these sports has allowed me to get to know the kids better. I feel I have established a good reputation at my high school for being fair. The kids know I am not out to get them, I want to help them learn from their mistakes before they head out into the real world. They also know that if I must charge someone that I don’t take that lightly. I believe they know it’s because all other options have run out. I have several kids attending my office daily to chat about their day, or seek help when they or their friends are in trouble. I am an alliance member of the Bridge Builders (GSA) and attend as many meetings as possible. I attend CALM classes and gym classes throughout the year to talk about consent and healthy relationships. My goal is to always empower the kids to have high standards of themselves and others.

Edmonton Catholic Schools Page | 05 School Resource Officer Program

The power in the SRO program comes when you have a member of the Edmonton Police Service who is gifted in connection, exemplary in working with families and students during difficult situations, has a vision for youth that is laced in dreams and hope and works to communicate

with all stakeholders. Our Constable has created community change at Mother Margaret Mary and in our greater community.

In his tenure, he has:

• implemented the Payoff* Program where he works one on one with youth completing community service to ensure they do not reoffend. He has had no youth reoffend after mentorship with his program. (*This is an extrajudicial sanction. Payoff, is a method of having students, who have committed minor offences that could result in a charge, to enter in an agreement with the SRO to ‘payoff’ the ways of their errors through an agreed upon activity. For instance, the student could participate in a workout program, clean litter on school property, help the SRO with tasks, etc. A fringe benefit is relationship building with the SRO. When the student meets their end of the agreement, any contemplated charges are avoided.)

• disrupted gang activity, through his positive connection to gang members who see him as a trusted individual and a way out.

• worked alongside families daily to support youth who have received charges in the community. This follow up helps follow and support students through the process to reduce the rate of reoffending.

• ran a community wide “foodraiser” for the Food Bank which saw 24 EPS Members compete against 24 high school kids resulting in the donation of 350 lbs of food.

• presented a Fentanyl Presentation with a fellow officer which hosted family members of deceased youth, members of the EPS unit, and community members of AHS. The webcast of the presentation will be used to educate 20, 000 + students in Edmonton Catholic Schools.

• written a monthly column for the School Newsletter focusing on community issues.• coached multiple teams and supported multiple school events. Having a police officer serve in this capacity has

encouraged recruitment and created a very personal connection with police for our students.• supported administration daily with students who are involved in behaviours which are outside of the School

Conduct Policy. These supports help to significantly reduce the number of times students are involved in this behaviour.

• attended Parent Council meetings and has put on Family Information Nights around topics such as Vaping, and the dangers of Social Media.

• partnered with the Y50 Unit to help keep students involved in an investigation safe.

His track record speaks of the benefits of the SRO unit. That said, it is his spirit and personality that make it powerful. Our SRO believes that youth aren’t defined by poor decisions. He believes in creating goals and in working tirelessly towards those goals which not only help students transform, but help them to create greater change in their community. He is a Changemaker!

Edmonton Catholic Schools Page | 06 School Resource Officer Program

Anecdote from a student

Our constable is one of the kindest people I know. He’s incredibly honest and hardworking and puts so much

effort into connecting and inspiring students in a way they understand, showing his passion for his work and helping the people around him. He gives ample opportunity to learn not only through police challenges and courses he makes available but also through his own experiences which he doesn’t hesitate to share with those who ask. He’s been such a positive influence in the school community and to me personally. I’m glad to have had him as my SRO.

Edmonton Catholic Schools Page | 07 School Resource Officer Program

Anecdote from a parent

This matter involved the parent’s daughter and another male.

The largest impact of his involvement was with the male student; the constable was able to make him understand the density

of his actions. As a protective father I was very comfortable with the resolution.

Edmonton Catholic Schools Page | 08 School Resource Officer Program

Anecdote from a school staff member

Our constable helps to build positive relationships between the student and police population. I have witnessed him

build relationships with the students that enable the students to be able to tell their own truths and can be honest with him. Through this process the student is able to build safety within their lives where as they may not have been able to follow through with the police matter if they did not already have a relationship with him. I have watched our SRO take very intense experiences and circumstances and deal with the student and families from a caring and empathetic lens. Not only does he support the students to feel safe but he supports the staff within the school feel safe as well.

Edmonton Catholic Schools Page | 09 School Resource Officer Program

Our SRO has identified a threat to admin, as well as the potential for violence at another nearby school, then acted

to alert police resources. This was also an example of where her investigation identified a larger threat to public safety, an investigation

continued by the Edmonton Police Service. Other strengths that she has:

• Building positive relationships with staff and students. She assists with the girls’ volleyball team, will do same with the girls’ basketball team, and will be involved in the school play production as the animal trainer! As with last years’ play production at her previous school, she will train her own dog, Lucy, for the part of Toto in The Wizard of Oz.

• Last year, at her previous school, she gained the trust of a vulnerable student who disclosed, for the first time, that she was being sexually abused.

• Her presence in the hallways before and after school, and during transition times, as well as outside after lunch, adds to student safety. Students take the opportunity to talk to her, as she is friendly and approachable.

• She works with our Braided Journeys Transition Coach to assist our FNMI students to realize their potential, and in creating positive relations and breaking down any barriers or distrust.

• Our SRO frequently responds to parent inquiries. Appointments are made with parents to discuss difficulties/legal issues related to their children’s well-being.

• She supports the school administration in dealing with difficult students or situations.

• She supports and facilitates school lockdown drills, and acts as a liaison with other SROs for the school’s benefit.

• She uses her bike for checking on the school’s immediate area, and for being visible in the neighbourhood.

Edmonton Catholic Schools Page | 10 School Resource Officer Program

Anecdote from a high school’s Mental Health Therapist

I highly value the relationship between the school, the SRO and health services. In my previous world, I have experienced the positives and the greatness that wrap-around supports can provide for children and families. Having previously been part of wrap-around supports that include children services, health services, police/justice, and various community resources I

can attest to the level of support that can be achieved. As a member of 5 different functioning teams of specialized individuals (school, health services, and police) it is apparent that this triad is very capable of providing the resources necessary for children to have opportunities to be successful at life.

I have the pleasure of working closely with 2 teams of school staffs, and 2 SROs within ECSD, and 3 Teams of school staff with, and 3 SROs within EPSB. The 5 teams that I am a part of function to support children in similar fashions. As a therapist who comes from the crisis world, I am familiar with working closely with the police so when I first entered this role, the first thing that I wanted to achieve was to build a strong partnership not just between myself (health services) and the school, but between myself and the SROs.

My idea of a strong partnership between the officers and myself is modeled after the relationships that mental health therapists have with PACT officers. I came into this role with the belief that the officers I work with should feel a level of support that allows them to know they are not alone and are supported in their work with students who present with elements of mental health challenges. At first, I wasn’t sure how this was going to unfold as I’m only in each school 1 per week; however, over time I have seen it blossom many different ways. I have found the officers to be warm and welcoming to health services, and keen to ask questions about behaviours, and mood states that they see in the children they encounter. The officers are open to consultation, requesting input and opinion about situations they face. The officers all are open to candid discussion, and engage in learning about different mental health issues, along with treatment for same. All of this is important to the partnership because they are all open to my own inquiries of learning about criminogenic factors that affect the children. This does not just stop at health services, I have been able to observe the same for the officers in their actions with the school. They will seek out, ask questions, and provide strong, positive and valuable solutions to situations. The officers consistently follow through on the tasked action items. And when there is opportunity to put all three stakeholders together in a room with case presentations/consultations there is genuine compassion, empathy and immediate support that can be put into action within a very short period of time for the child at risk.

I have had the pleasure of experiencing many successes in addressing complex mental health, providing children with support for academic success, and providing prevention /mitigating unhealthy behaviours that put children at risk with the SRO, the school and health service partnership.

8Edmonton Catholic Schools Page | 11 School Resource Officer Program

These are just a few examples of how the partnership works:

• SROs are welcome to sit in on crisis mental health assessments. In September, the SRO was able to partake on a crisis assessment that I completed on a student that was under the influence at school. Other SROs have been able to sit in on Crisis Assessments for suicidal/homicidal children that have resulted in children requiring hospitalization.

• SROs are open to understanding why a child may need to be apprehended under the recommendation from a mental health assessment when the child is deemed to be at risk.

• SROs are open to recommending health services for follow up – i.e. Addictions counselling, PCHAD, etc. when they encounter substance use behaviours in adolescents.

• SROs think outside traditional crime and punishment thinking. They provide alternative options for children to learn from their actions, and are given opportunities for change.

• SROs have come asking about children’s cognitive limitations, and have sought out learning about children with various developmental needs – and then seek out ways of interacting with said students in ways that are more relatable to the child when the child’s capacity for insight is limited.

There have been a few key incidents that stand out for me, in which I cannot put a price on the partnership because it is priceless...

• I had a student at my school who was homicidal/suicidal, and I deemed high risk. This student was a clear apprehension and needed psychiatry; my SRO was off site, and I was unable to get ahold of the officer, so I was able to call another SRO at another site, who was also willing to help, and directed me to an available SRO at an Edmonton Catholic High School. We have worked together in our 2nd year at the school, understood how I worked, and knew the validity of my assessment – he called patrol, and was able to articulate to patrol what had occurred, and what I needed help with. He was able to get patrol to attend, and work with me to help take this client to hospital under the mental health act. I greatly appreciate the efficiency that this affords to the situation. I also appreciate how the officer trusted in the partnership “vouched” for the mental health work that was already completed. This afforded me the opportunity to transition the student to hospital with dignity and respect.

• I was made aware of a student who was high on school property- the SRO sat in on the assessment with the student, and myself to assess risk. We were able to get the student’s parents to school, and she was taken home. However, after that incident, the SRO was able to understand why the student was high, and how the student’s mental health was impacting her ability to make healthy coping choices. Instead of being punitive and dismissive of the student for drug use, she had empathy towards the student and continued to offer support and follow up with the student by assisting with risk mitigation, due to the nature of people the child was associating with. I greatly appreciated how she was able to recognize and work with the knowledge of the severity of mental health symptoms that were the contributing factor of drug use for this student.

The highlights of my day are to see students yell out in the hall “hi Constie” and want to hang out in the Constable’s Office, and just be playful and collegial with them. I am continuously blown away by these officers’ ability to continue to break down the barriers of stigma and attitudes that many children grow up with and the dedication that they have to their role as a healthy role model that can influence children’s daily lives. It is a pleasure to work alongside them within the schools.

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As a school, staff always refer to students who come to us with concerns that could involve EPS, directly to our SRO. He is a valuable part of our school

Student Services Team and his rapport with students is so well developed that staff feel comfortable in redirecting questions to him. His office is adjacent to our school cafeteria and if he is not present in the office, he will be visible in a classroom or in the school hallways, engaged in conversation with students or addressing a concern.

In developing relationships with the community, our SRO frequently patrols the neighbourhood at lunch and during classes, especially on days where there are events going on at the school. He has met many of the neighbours and has listened to their voice and helped us deliver a message from the school of cooperative efforts to better the community. He insists that students maintain the strong trust and relationship that we maintain with our neighbours and he finds that if a student has made a choice that negatively impacts the community, he ensures that the student follows up to apologize and undo, where possible, the wrong that occurred. This effort has great far-reaching implications for our school and has helped us maintain a very strong relationship with the unique dynamics of population in our community of Ottewell.

Beyond the school, our SRO has volunteered to assist the Junior Boys Football team during practices, but more regularly, Constable will attend our Senior and Junior Football games and stay with the players on field level. This unique relationship has developed a deep personal connection with many of these athletes. He is also present to many home games of our other sports including volleyball and basketball and that dedication to the spirit of the school and community has validated his presence in the school as an authentic member of staff, with great experience in many life matters.

Our SRO is a highly respected member of our high school community as a leader, support staff, caregiver and mentor. His effects are felt across the neighbourhood, but within the school he has established himself with credibility amongst the students, staff and parents and he is an essential component of the daily interactions of our high school community.

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In closing, at the District level, we benefit immensely from the two SRO Unit sergeants who are regularly consulted on police and situational matters. Indeed, they play a key and critical role in Edmonton’s Community Threat Response & Intervention Support Protocol. Their support has proven to be immeasurable time and again! Their expertise and availability for advice, problem-solving and guidance truly makes not only our schools safer but also the entire City of Edmonton a better community for everyone!

School Resource Officer Program

Edmonton Catholic Schools9807-106 Street nw | Edmonton AB, T5K 1C2 | Tel: 780 441-6000