Body Transformation Certification - Course Brochure

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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BODY TRANSFORMATION CERTIFICATIONThe most comprehensive and valuable Certification in Fitness Industry

Over the course of 16 weeks we will mentor you in the 5 starprocess proven to unleash your potential and help you become

a highly paid Body Transformation Coach

Do you want to be the best of the best in the fitness industry?


The difference between a Personal Trainer (PT)and a Body Transformation Coach (BTC)

WHAT DO BTCs DO DIFFERENT?They follow the 5 R’s of the Fitness Industry revolution

REPUTATION - Be recognised for the value you provide

REFERRALS - Get countless clients from satisfied customers

REWARDS - Getting handsomely paid for what you love doing

PT’s change programs

PT’s count reps

PT’s change your body

PT’s businesses grow linearly

PT’s spend time for money

PT’s fit the mould

PT’s take supplements

PT’s build their bodies

PT’s can’t turn clients away

PT’s post pictures of their meals on Instagram

PT’s don’t value their service and end up getting paid very little

PT’s think their clients hire them to get an amazing physique

PT’s don’t get asked to do speaking gigs

PT’s think they have too many expenses to make any investments

PT’s see themselves as PT’s

PT’s play the old model of time for money

PT’s think results are 80% nutrition and 20% training programs

PT’s don’t believe in a coaching model because theydon’t even use coaches for themselves

BTC’s change lives.

BTC’s make every rep count.

BTC’s change your body, mind & soul.

BTC’s businesses grow exponentially.

BTC’s spend time building their business.

BTC’s break the mould.

BTC’s prescribe supplements.

BTC’s build their brands and bodies.

BTC's choose their clients.

BTC’s use social media to build their brands.

BTC’s value their time and their life-changing servicesand charge the right price for them.

BTC’s know their clients hire them to get an amazing life.

BTC’s get paid to give speaking gigs around the world.

BTC’s know they need to invest in themselves to get greater profits.

BTC’s see themselves as fitness entrepreneurs.

BTC’s sell results.

BTC’s know it’s 100% mental, without the right mindsetthe client won't even turn up. At BTA we teach how to getyour client the right mindset.

BTC’s understand that as coaches themselves, they need to have mentors and coaches who guide them and keep them accountable throughout their journey towards success.

RESULTS - Transform all your clients

REST - Have more free time

In June 2014, the Body Transformation Certification was launched. Since its found-ing, small groups of personal trainers and body transformation coaches are taken through a structured process of learning, mentorship and implementation. Over the course of 16 weeks, participants work on the 5 key elements of successful body transformations to deliver a remarkable level of service and make more money, they become BTC’s.

The method is designed to move you towards being in the top 5% in the profession - the combination of passion, excellence and financial rewards.

Personal Trainers can enrol into the Body Transformation Certification only after they have been through the BTA Discovery Ses-sion (a process that ensures they are ready to become BTC’s). Each intake is limited in size to ensure a high degree of participation and accountability. Selection criteria is a key strategy for maximising the results of the method.

Building a fitness business that doesn’t have you working all the hours under the sunisn’t easy and it doesn’t happen by accident.

The Body Transformation Certification is especially suitable to those who are willing to get out

of their comfort zone, follow a proven success system and be

held accountable to a new level of high performance.

Harold TackieThe difference between this course and other courses I’ve done in the past is just VAST. They don’t teach just the How but also the Why which is massively important and is not taught in other courses, and the depth of knowledge is vastly superior too. In a sense it's like driving a normal car or driving an F1 car.


These 5 strengths are a powerful guide, however strategy is nothing without implementation. The Body Transformation Certification creates a high performance community dedicated to

one thing; output. When you bring up your skills in these 5 strengths and implement with excel-lence, the acceleration you experience in your life and business will astound you.

TRAININGMindsetBTC’s know how their clients’

mind works. They know how to create powerful psychological associations with exercise that ensure their clients fall in love with exercise and their bodies.

Their clients are lead machines! Body Sculpting

BTC’s use little known body sculpting and conscious

connective techniques that get their clients incredible definition

and hardness while boosting their confidence skyhigh. Without

these techniques and knowledge BTC’s would take literally years to

get these levels of definition in their clients.

Sales Know-HowBTC’s get to choose who they work with because they know sales inside out. They use this knowledge to avoid the dread-

ed time for money trap and sell extremely valuable four

and five figure packages.

Nutrition CustomisationBTC’s know that just getting their clients macro’s right isn’t enough these days. With modern mass

food production techniques BTC's customise their clients' nutrition and supplementation to get the

most incredible results.

Personal BrandingBTC’s create their own brand where people recognise them as a leading

expert and have people speaking positively about them when they’re

out of the room. BTC's can leave their area and work anywhere and still get success because they have a power-

ful brand.


I t ’s more than just a set of technical sk i l ls . A BTC needs tohone f ive specif ic strengths that set them apar t f rom therest . The 5 Star Service:

THE 3 LEVELSto the fitness industry


Rep Counters


Most people make the mistake of giving up too early and leaving Fitness, rather than go from PT to BTC in the industry they know and love.

The Rep Counters or newbies enter the indus-try with buckets of enthusiasm but often lack the technical skills to add real value and typically end up badly paid. Over time, most will drop out of the industry and go on to start from scratch in the next industry. Those that stay on develop technical capability in delivering high value but have lost some of their passion and enthusiasm along the way.

The regular PT’s begin to get cynical about the industry and lose the hunger to make it to the level of the BTC. With the endless 80 hour work-weeks they begin to get discouraged and lose belief that they too can make it to the highest level in the industry. They com-pete on price as a commodity and are quickly discouraged when they try to break mould and differentiate themselves from the other regular PT’s in their gym.

Rather than giving in, or searching for a new path, BTC’s push forward to the pinnacle of the industry. They are at the top of the fitness business and mastermind with other top fitness people attracting new opportunities all the time and end up making even more money and live an even better lifestyle. BTC’s have more fun, earn way more money and have their own distinct style in their work.



Not every client can transform

There is no money in the fitness busi-ness

Offering a general service gets all kinds of clients

It is a competitive and lonely industry

More qualifications make you a better trainer and get you better paid

Getting people to see the value of fitness is hard

Moving areas is certain death for your business

Working in a gym chain is a good idea

There is a proven methodology to trans-form every client. BTA has it.

It is currently a 250 billion pound industry and it keeps growing

Offering a specific service for a niche gets you the clients you want

It doesn’t have to be, top performers in the industry are friends

Your fitness qualification doesn’t teach you how to become an entrepreneur

Persuasion is a science, learn how to show more clients the value of fitness with a step by step methodology that leaves you in control of your income

When you build a powerful brand and client portfolio, any city in the world will be open to you

Paying extortionate rents or working unpaid hours for gyms does nothing for your brand and this diminishes your personal business

Mark DhammaI sold a $15,000 body transformation package on Monday! Thank you Lazo for forging the way, showing what's possible and teaching me how!

THE 80/20 RULEof fitness income

In the fitness industry as in many other things in life, the 80/20 rule is at play. What this means is that the top 20% of trainers are making 80% of the total income in the indus-try. And the top 20% don't distribute the money evenly either. The top 5% in the indus-try - always BTC’s - are making more than 2/3 of the money in the fitness industry, while the remaining 1/3 is split between the remaining 95% as shown in the graph.

Having a holistic set of skills is what enables BTC’s to get results nobody else is getting and make the money nobody else is making. At the same time having skills in only one or two of these areas makes it already harder for the Rep Counters and PT’s to compete.

Income distribution isn’t fair. The fitness indus-try is no exception!

This is why we say:“If you want to be rewarded like a BTC, you need to become a BTC”


Rep Counters



You may have a great service but if you can’t get people to see the value of it you are dead in the water. This program is your chance to tap into the proven strategies of a master of Fitness Sales.

Apply the BTA Scientific Method of Sales and use the propietary BTA Referral Engine that make your clients do the selling for you

Design a powerful pitch that inspires you and your clients and get a sales script that sells

Learn how to switch from a restricted time/service model to a results/value model that creates a passive income in your business

Create the right product ecosystem to deliver more value increasing the number of clients you can serve

Learn the BTA Sales Consultation

We will guide you through the process of creating and selling high value packages which in turn will lead to an incredible jetset-ter lifestyle. It combines a clear repeatable breakdown of the sales process with a unique questioning process that will draw things out of the client you never would have imagined. Without question you will develop more certainty, clarity and confidence in your selling than ever before.

SALES KNOW-HOWwhy having sales know-how?

“In this small class size, I’m able to give you specific, pinpointedfeedback, on what (exactly)

has to improve about your busi-ness, brand or idea.”

Lazo Freeman

Mike HoadIn the first 3 months of this year I generated £22k in sales! I got a 10x return on my invest-ment with BTA back in December. Money talks.

The Body Transformation Certification includes:A full day masterclass on mastering Sales

PERSONAL BRANDINGwhy build a brand?

The Body Transformation Certification includes:A full day masterclass on Building a compelling Brand and Creating your Brochure

Your reputation both online and offline is the most important marketing tool at your busi-ness’s disposal. If you are able to control the perception of you and your brand when your prospects and clients aren’t in the room you can make sales in your sleep.

Having a personal brand saves you time. When you are a known player in the industry, the right people can come and find you. So instead of chasing people on a gym floor, you have people finding you online and through your network and you get to choose who you work with rather than working with just anyone because you need the money.

Define your ideal market niche that allows you to stand out of the crowd and multipliesyour profit

Hone your core message and learn how to deliver it to across social media platforms

Create a personal brand that wins attention and grows your business

Craft your brand essence which ensures your market fit as an expression of who you are

The step-by-step blueprint to create a brochure that Sell 4 and 5 figure packages

A high quality brand, leads to high quality clients and opportunities. The shining stars of the industry don’t need to say how good they are; their brand does the talking for them.

A BTC has a brochure that describes his services and sells high-priced packages. During the Person-al Branding lectures, we will give you the exact blueprint on how to create a brochure that sells 4 and 5 figure packages and we will assist you in the process of creating that brochure from A to Z. We will review your copywriting to make it sales oriented and assist you in creating your very own distinct fitness brand.

Luke GrahameEven in Cardiff this program took me from £300 sales per client up to £1,500 per package. Now I’m in London the sky is the limit!



The Body Transformation Certification includes:A full day masterclass on mastering Mindset

Darren StockDid a value assessment on Friday with a client, and then the walk of wants we learned in the course. Managed to have her in tears in the middle of Norwich and move her physique value up a notch at the same time. POWERFUL. Then she signed up to a 12-month contract!! Changing mindset in the street, changing lives. The BTA way!

Don't you agree your clients would get amazing, incredible results if only they would follow exactly what you said? Doesn´t it make sense that BTC's have far less stress because they know that their clients follow their programme all the time? How important is to you that your clients fall in love with exercise and just as much as you do? Do you believe that if you helped them love exercise as much as you do that they would send you a tonne of leads too and it would make business easier? You´re right, it does make life easier. Mastering Mindset training is key to the success of a BTC. This program is your chance to tap into the mind of a mindset master, Lazo Freeman and see how it´s done.

Applied PMA (Positive Mental Attitude)

The step-by-step BTA Kick-off Consultation

Run the Walk of Wants to create a vision for you and your clients

Take the BTA value assessment and use it to make your clients fall in love with exercise

How to shift your clients’ image, break limiting beliefs and manage negative emotions and transmute them into positive action

A big mistake that personal trainers make is that they don’t show their clients how to get the physique changes that they’re looking for. A builder builds you a house, an accountant does your accounts and a BTC transforms your body. One of the fastest ways to create a break-through in your client’s body is to move beyond thinking just about the exercises and nutrition and get your client to begin developing a conscious connection with their body: the Mind-Muscle connection.

If your coaching leaves out this crucial step then you’re massively shooting yourself in the foot and it will massively hurt your end product as a coach. Giving your clients hugely noticeable differences in their physique is what will sell you to their family and friends their body will be doing your sales for you, allowing you to focus on more important and enjoyable things.

While doing the Body Transformation Certification working with BTA you will learn how to:

Learn how to develop mind-muscle connection techniques that get the best results quicker

How to use mandatory posing to inspire your clients through visualisation

Physically anchor empowering emotions during workouts that will get your clients lift harder than ever

Learn the Freeman Fit Principles® and how to use them

Learn best-practice compound, isolation, mobility and stretching exercises to get your clients’ best results

BODY SCULPTINGwhy learn Body Sculpting?

Barry AshThe course is absolutely phenomenal. I’ve done many courses in my life, I’ve been in the industry about 20 years and this is the best ever. I’ve learned so much on this course. Spoke to a client last night about the information I got and how we can help him… this is fantastic.

The Body Transformation Certification includes:A full day practical masterclass on Body Sculpting


The PT mistake is just winging it with their clients’ nutrition. BTC’s know the key to incredible results is customisation. They know that there are no cookie cutter programs because everyone requires different amounts of different nutrients to perform at optimal level, with results directly affected. At BTA, we massively stress testing. Once you’ve got the blueprint, customisation can happen. Don’t guess, test!

A client’s goals change and as such so will their program, someone won’t necessarily be doing close to the same program a year from now. It’s all about results.

Without question, great customisation can transform everything and take your business to a whole new level, however, until you have established yourself as a Body Transformation Coach with a results reputation, it is nearly impossible to meet eye to eye and get the big clients.

With training given by Beverly Hill’s #1 celebrity trainer, Rehan Jalali, coach of Sylvester Stallone, Ben Affleck and countless Olympic gold medallists and Super Bowl winners, trust him when he says:‘this stuff gets you where you want to go!’

You will learn the following and much much more:

Learn how to assess your clients’ needs through blood testing and other best-practice test-ing methodologies

Learn how to design a bespoke nutritional plans for your clients based on the test analysis

Learn how to prescribe supplements and supplement stacks

What to do before/during/after workouts to increase gains by 300%

Learn Rehan Jalali’s Detox Formula

NUTRITION CUSTOMISATIONwhy know about Nutrition Customisation?

Tony ChinThe level of information given is up there. It kind of makes you panic a bit because you have so much to learn but at the same time you know you’re learning it from the best.

The Body Transformation Certification includes: A full day masterclass on Nutrition Customisation with Rehan Jalali

During the course of the Body Transformation Certification you and your fellow students will be held accountable every week of your own personal and business goals. This will help you connect with the coaches and mentors and with each other’s minds, networks and creativity, thereby creating a culture of new ideas, sharing and giving.

These sessions will consist of:

SMART Goal setting

Creating strategies

Install processes to implement strategies

Keep each other accountable to completing goals

Celebrate your wins to hijack reward systems forcontinuous success

On the top of this, once a month there will be a completely open Q&A session where the coaches and mentors will be replying to all your questions in any area you consider relevant for your business. Remember, you are as good as the questions you ask.

Every choice we make has an impact; the combination of our best thinking and decision-making is what defines our destiny. Good decision-making is like compound interest: make the right decisions and watch your value grow.

Learn from your fellow students, coaches and mentors so that you can make the right choices, saving you time, money and effort. Let every good decision you make be an appreciating asset so that you can achieve not only your business goals but your life goals too.

Community is the ultimate solution to playing your best game. Psychologists say you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with e.g. if you hang around with 9 people who are doing badly in business you’ll probably be the 10th! The key is to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can drive you on to the next level and hold you to a higher standard. At BTA we provide a supportive environment for you to become your best self and to allow authentic expression within a safe and non-judgemental group of individuals.

You will be part of a diverse group of people with their own unique life experiences, coming from different nationalities, backgrounds, and ethnicities; who will help you in your endeavours. You will share this trans-formative experience with them, giving you priceless lifelong friendships.

“The fitness industry doesn’t have to be a lonely place, top performers

are actually quite close.”Lazo Freeman

16-WEEK COURSEthat involves accountability and mentorship


WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE 16-WEEK Body Transformation Certification?


Sales Know-How: with Lazo Freeman

Body Sculpting: with Lazo Freeman & Rehan Jalali

Nutrition Customisation: with Rehan Jalali

Mindset: with Lazo Freeman

Personal Branding: with Lazo Freeman & Patrick Rea


Weekly Accountability with Patrick Rea & Joan Muni

Monthly Q&A Sessions with Lazo Freeman


Course Workbook

Quick-learn Papers

How-to & Content Videos


We guide you, step-by-step through the process of creating your Sales Brochure, before showing you how and where to get it professionally designed for maximum impact

Body Transformation Final Project with your analysis on a practical application of the course principles


Rehan Jalali’s Advanced Nutrition & Supplementation Customisation Certification

Body Transformation Certification


People think it takes years or even a decade to become a Body Transformation Coach. In fact, it’s about doing the key things right while holding yourself to a higher standard.

How do our clients so consistently achieve such dramatic results in such a short time frame?

The answer, we believe, is the power of momentum combined with a high performance environment and a commitment to change.

When you are clear, focused and in flow, taking on new challenges becomes easy. You get into the zone by concentrating on what’s important and, as you do, you rise to a new level of skill and productivity.

All our students achieve their results WHILE they run their business. Nothing good happens without effort, and there is never a perfect time . If not now, when? When was the last time you went for a drive and had the good fortune of all the traffic lights being green on the way to your pre-determined destination? Never right?

In the everchanging fitness industry, Rep Counters run rampant and they completely devalue the name of the PT. People on the street have a very difficult time telling the difference and the industry suffers as a result, except of course the BTC´s. Having your PT qualification is no longer enough. It does not enable you to reach a great lifestyle and all good PT's have a BTC in them. Therefore, the most important investment of time and money is in yourself. With commitment and our support you too can become a BTC.

“If you are committed to something worthwhile, something you believe in, the resources you

need will show up”Lazo Freeman

Without question, the BTC strategy, guidance and business perspective will give you clarity on the exact next steps you need to orchestrate your rise as a BTC, however it’s the momentum generated by the like-minded community that will keep you motivated, focused and accountable to making it happen.


After winning multiple major awards in Natural bodybuilding contests in the UK and the US, Lazo focused on Personal Training but soon found himself dissatisfied. His results were excellent thanks to his deep knowledge nutrition and body sculpting experience thanks to his bodybuilding days; but his wallet wasn’t seeing the benefits of the hard work.

He ran into a roadblock, he noticed some clients transformed and others didn't. So he decided to learn how the human mind worked. He spent almost £100k on finding the answers to this question. Along the way he found his mindset mentors. Applying what he learnt transformed his mindset and those of his clients irreversibly.

He remodeled his services on the understanding that as a coach of higher value he needed to present himself as such. He needed to differentiate himself and the services he provided; he rebranded as a BTC.

This both communicated that he was different to the average PT and would be providing a better service; it also ensured that his clients understood that for such a bespoke service they would have to pay a premi-um. Having done so, he limited his service, specialising in only training London’s elite professionals, offering a 12 week body transformation package designed to bring in those who wanted results and trulywere passionate about transforming their bodies. This way he became London’s no.1 BTC.

His goal throughout this process is to change the world one body at a time. He is determined to spread the good effects of Body Transformation, and in order to do it he formed the Body Transformation Academy, the vehicle for bringing this change to the world by sharing the universal principles of transformation to all the personal trainers of the world.

The BTA’s goal is to change the world by mentoring personal trainers to ensure that they excel in their craft, and earn what they deserve whilst doing so; in the process he believes the world will benefit from having highly skilled transformation coaches providing the best services available to change not just bodies but lives.


Recognised as the #1 Body Transformation Coach in the UK by the Association of Professional Coaches, Trainers & Consultants, champion natural bodybuilder, he first got known for being the face of USN and training CEO’s Business Leaders & the super rich of London. Now he has left that all behind to become the trainer to trainers helping them move from Personal Training to the highly paid world of Body Transformation so that he can change the world one body at a time.

Rehan’s celebrity clients include Oscar® winning actors, Emmy® award winning TV stars, and Grammy® winning musicians. Rehan has developed cutting edge customized nutrition and supplementation programs for actors getting ready for movie roles, musicians preparing for videos, and celebrities peaking for appearances including award shows.

He has over 250 nationally and internationally published articles on nutrition and supplementation. Rehan has worked with many Olympic and professional athletes including Gold medalists. Long considered an authority on sports nutrition, Rehan is the author of The Six Pack Diet Plan, The Sports Supplement Buyers Guide, The Ultimate Performance Guide to Fitness Success and coauthor of The Bodybuilding Supplement Guide.

He is host of the supplement segment on the weekly Canadian TV show The Art of Building Bodies. He is a nationally published scientific writer, monthly columnist, and model who has appeared in Newsweek, US Weekly, Life & Style, InTouch, Men's Health, Muscle and Fitness, Men's Fitness, Ironman Magazine, Physical, Let's Live, SLY, Maximum Fitness, MuscleMag International, Nirvana, Inside Fitness, Health Supplement Retailer, Vitamin Retailer, Oxygen Muscle Media, Hydrate, Adrenaline, Whole Foods Magazine, Grappling, Mind and Muscle Power, Real Solutions, Personal Fitness Professional, Health Products Business, Olympi-an's News, The Washington Post, The Orange County Register, the Houston Chronicle, Angeleno,Human Performance, Muscle News, Muscle & Body, Pumped, Muscle News,,, and among others.

Rehan is also a natural bodybuilder who has appeared on ESPN and CBS. He has held numerous bodybuilding titles, including Mr. Texas and the Ironman Naturally Bodybuilding Champion. He is a member of the American Medical Writer's Association.


Rehan Jalali is President of the Supplement Research Foundation ( He is a nationally recognized Certified Sports Nutri-tionist (C.S.N.) who has developed over 100 cutting edge products for the dietary supplement industry. He has been involved with Body Transformation Academy since its foundation in 2014, and shared his best secrets since the first group certification.



Patrick is one of the founding members of the Body Transformation Academy. He is a full time coach experienced in coaching the BTA philosophy, he has helped dozens of PTs on their journey to become BTC’s while getting their businesses to record breaking revenue while on the programme and build up their personal brands.


Joan is an experienced project manager who created his first company at age 25 and sold it only 3 years later. He is an NLP practitioner and has been a coach at BTA since the start of the Body Transformation Certification, helping clients grow their business and manage their time effectively to achieve all their goals as BTC’s.

Nazia KhatunYou need to have community spirit. What I love about BTA is the online community and the support that we get from the coaches during the program and this support has translated into more money for my business.

The BTA’s goal is to change the world by mentoring personal trainers to ensure that they excel in their craft, and earn what they deserve whilst doing so; in the process he believes the world will

benefit from having highly skilled transformation coaches providing the best services available to change not just bodies but lives.

SUCCESS STORY Laura Ash and Barry Ash

Laura Ash and Barry Ash are lovely! Everyone says so because they have a wonderful manner and are lovely to be around with a warm disposition.

When we met Laura and Barry they had both exited careers in the police and in the prison system and they had also been in business as coaches and trainers with Rock Solid Body Transformations for 2 years and were looking for ways to expand their brand and their reach.

Since Rock Solid began, they had a deep burning desire to bring the best out in people. Not just some people but thousands of them. They weren’t sure how this would happen but they knew something big was starting to stir.Laura and Barry wanted to reach a bigger audience and were forced to deep dive into their core ideas and philosophies on what service they really wanted to provide and who it was for.

From this they worked on their persuasion and influence skills and it got to a stage where they have a 100% success rate with sales over the phone and Laura even closed a £4k client without having ever met her before!

“Who would I recommend this course to? Well… to be honest with you I wouldn’t like to recommend it to anyone because I feel this is my little business secret and I don’t want anyone else getting in on this information because it is so precious, but it is going to be worthwhile because it will help you take your business to the next level, without a doubt, it’ll give you the motivation and drive and all the secret tips and hints to get your client to achieve because you want them to go out and say-Hey you know Laura and Barry at Rock Solid did a really good job with me - and that’s the best kind of referral that you can get.” – Laura Ash

Using their persuasion and influence skills they finalised a deal for a partnership with internationally recognized fitness and wellbeing expert, Jessie Pavelka of The Biggest Loser and Obese: A Year to Save My Life fame. With the added profile, Laura and Barry noted that orders started to fly in and they had to raise their prices.

They have since been featured in Top Santé Magazine along with previous appearances on the Active Channel and ITV.Since doing the Body Transformation Certification, they now have the confidence and inspiration. They feel like they can give their clients the service of the next level. Barry after having learnt the Mindset Transformation materials spoke to a client the night of doing the course and used it on a client had them literally in tears of joy.

Now, Laura and Barry are in the position to show the world how warm hearted and lovely they really are with their partner-ship with Jessie Pavelka they can now help thousands more people while growing their own business and improving their own service.



He wanted to be priced in the premium end of the market (a well justified position) and he wanted clients chasing him, rather than him chasing them so that he could pursue his dream of being a champion bodybuilder.

Simon signed up for the Body Transformation Certification in June and immediately had a breakthrough in the way he was going to do business. On the Monday after spending the weekend with Lazo and Rehan he handed in his notice at Fitness First, Devonshire Square (the City of London). Rather than working 50 hours a week killing himself and sacrificing valuable downtime to grow his physique he put that all behind him. What he did first was to fire most of his clients and give up paying rent in Fitness First and then work with the clients he liked more often, having them train together with him.

What he found was that once he applied the Business Transformation Formula principles, after 30 days he was working 10 hours a week instead of 50 hours AND he was more profitable than ever! Simon’s physique grew incredibly well seeing him clinch at 2nd place at the highly competitive Natural heavyweight division of Musclemania and this resulted in him receiving an invitation to the British Open later in the year.

With all this extra time to work on his physique and his business, things seemed to just fit into place more easily than they had before and he pulled in his first £6.5k client for 6 months who he only sees twice a week. Now Simon has more time than ever to visit his girlfriend’s beautiful homeland of Norway and relax, he has more money in his pocket than ever before, his bodybuilding dreams are being realised AND he just bought a new car with all the extra cash he made.

In short, he recognised the mountain of value he was already standing on and is now producing the goods at a whole new level.

Myles O’ReillyBest decision I’ve made in a long time. I’m making more than I ever had and I’m working less hours. It’s also been good to see myself get better each week, constant progression and growth. In these next two weeks consecutively I’ll be hitting personal bests in terms of the money I’m making. In Belfast at the minute where I see most PTs cutting their prices and I’m actual-ly putting mines up. It’s a good feeling.


Despite him having competed internationally in boxing for England, his hourly rate was only marginally higher than most Personal Trainers who had NEVER been successful in sport or had any awards. Like many in the industry, he thought that the key to his success was doing more courses, getting more qualifications and having a nice website. Tony was working hard with his clients and getting great results… but not seeing the financial rewards.

“When you’ve got someone in that place, for a breakthrough, that you give them the shift, you’re seen as a powerhouse and they just want to plug into you” – Tony McCarthy

Tony heard about Lazo and he really “got it”. He realised that he hadn’t differentiated himself from other Personal Trainers and he hadn’t used his success to establish himself as an authority on Body Transformation yet. The first thing he did was to develop his business mindset. Rather than believing a lot of things about the industry that simply weren’t true, like you can’t make more than £70 an hour personal training or that you couldn’t get out of selling sessions per hour instead of selling results and he never ever thought he could charge £7,000 for a 6 month package! He found out pretty quickly that he could do that and more.

When Tony pulls out his booklet and shows before and after shots of his clients, jaws hit the floor. In 12 weeks, Tony can transform a fatty to a muscle man and a skinny guy into a buff guy. He then directs them to his gym Body Studios in Shoreditch and invites them to make friends with him on his Facebook profile. By the time you see all of his photos and his testimonials; you know that he is THE man for ‘Radical 12 Week Transformation. Now, Tony only trains business execu-tives and high powered City workers these days and he has a waiting list! It wasn’t the awards that made it happen. It wasn’t the years of getting outstanding results with his clients. It was following the 6 step formula that caused a dramatic shift.

Tony is now a Body Transformation Coach and charges in excess of 500 per cent of his industries average. He is on his way to earning more than most doctors or lawyers and he has a lot more fun because he lives his passion.

Ash AliI have learned so much on this course, it’s what I always wanted to do, I’m so happy. My confidence is through the roof. The people who have taught me: Rehan, Lazo… I mean come on, what more can you ask for? If you can get in this course, do it. Take yourself to the next level, why be second to none? Be the best.



Each Body Transformation Certification is made up of a vibrant group of extraordinary trainers who are committed to supporting each other to their highest potential. If you are serious about exploring whether this journey is right for you, then join us for a Discovery Session!

A discovery session is a fantastic chance for you to transform your business, if you want more clients, if you want to live the life you want, so that you’re not stressed, you’re about to make a key decision that will provide you with insights as to your hidden value, we’re going to help diagnose and solve your biggest business challenge on how to move forward in the context of the 5 steps of becoming a Body Transforma-tion coach.

Why attend a discovery session?

Uncover the inhibitors that are keeping you from your Personal Best.

Discover 2 key frameworks that will help you identify, organise and commercialise your ‘mountain of value’.

Address any concerns or challenges you may need to overcome.

Discuss the BTA enrolment criteria and payment options.

YES! I would like to attend the BTA Discovery Session!

Great! Please tick the box that best reflects you:

I have a fitness business with turnover of < £20k.

My business’ gross revenue is between between £20k - £29k.

My business’ gross revenue is between between £30k - £49k.

My business’ gross revenue is between than £50k - £80k.

My business’ gross revenue is greater than £80k.

I have talents and a track-record of experience that I want to turn into a fitness business.

Full Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Phone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postcode: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hand over this sheet or contact with the above details to book a BTA Discovery Session.



Laura Ash and Barry Ash are lovely! Everyone says so because they have a wonderful manner and are lovely to be around with a warm disposition.

When we met Laura and Barry they had both exited careers in the police and in the prison system and they had also been in business as coaches and trainers with Rock Solid Body Transformations for 2 years and were looking for ways to expand their brand and their reach.

Since Rock Solid began, they had a deep burning desire to bring the best out in people. Not just some people but thousands of them. They weren’t sure how this would happen but they knew something big was starting to stir.Laura and Barry wanted to reach a bigger audience and were forced to deep dive into their core ideas and philosophies on what service they really wanted to provide and who it was for.

From this they worked on their persuasion and influence skills and it got to a stage where they have a 100% success rate with sales over the phone and Laura even closed a £4k client without having ever met her before!

“Who would I recommend this course to? Well… to be honest with you I wouldn’t like to recommend it to anyone because I feel this is my little business secret and I don’t want anyone else getting in on this information because it is so precious, but it is going to be worthwhile because it will help you take your business to the next level, without a doubt, it’ll give you the motivation and drive and all the secret tips and hints to get your client to achieve because you want them to go out and say-Hey you know Laura and Barry at Rock Solid did a really good job with me - and that’s the best kind of referral that you can get.” – Laura Ash

Using their persuasion and influence skills they finalised a deal for a partnership with internationally recognized fitness and wellbeing expert, Jessie Pavelka of The Biggest Loser and Obese: A Year to Save My Life fame. With the added profile, Laura and Barry noted that orders started to fly in and they had to raise their prices.

They have since been featured in Top Santé Magazine along with previous appearances on the Active Channel and ITV.Since doing the Body Transformation Certification, they now have the confidence and inspiration. They feel like they can give their clients the service of the next level. Barry after having learnt the Mindset Transformation materials spoke to a client the night of doing the course and used it on a client had them literally in tears of joy.

Now, Laura and Barry are in the position to show the world how warm hearted and lovely they really are with their partner-ship with Jessie Pavelka they can now help thousands more people while growing their own business and improving their own service.

“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combinethem in creative ways”

- Robert Greene

"Changing the World One Body at a Time"