BodyPartsActions HandOver

Post on 11-Jul-2016

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body parts esl activity


Many metaphors are based on people’s hands and on such parts of theirhands as fingers, knuckles, thumbs, and palms. This is because people do so manythings with their hands, and unlike internal organs of the body that we do not see,people’s hands are out in front and clearly visible. This chart illustrates some of theextended uses of the word hand.

LexicalTerm Extensions Sample Sentences

hand handicraft People who are handy are good with handicrafts.handle The hands of a clock could as easily be called the arms.handout Handles on cups, knives, pans, and suitcases are meant to connect to people’shandshake hands.handwrite When you hand in your homework or give someone a handout, you actually usehandy your hands.

But when you hand someone over to the police or win a contest hands down,your hands may not be involved.

If a man asks for a woman’s hand in marriage, he wants more than her hand.Hand-to-hand combat probably involves bayonets and rifle butts more than hands.Hands are such useful parts of the body that some workers are referred to simply

as ranch hands or deck hands.When the handwriting is on the wall, something is obvious, even if nothing was

actually written on a wall.

As you think about the sample sentences in the chart, decide on three in whichhand is used to stand for something that really includes more than someone’s hand.Talk about the meanings and see if you can create three additional sentences to illus-trate the same principle.

A hand is only part of what is being talked about.





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Hand It Over

Now do something similar for metaphors based on an action that hands do. You willhave more to choose from in this category.

The hand metaphor is based on an action.




Now read these charts showing extensions of words that name parts ofpeople’s hands. Choose one idea from each part and write a sentence that illustrates ametaphorical use of the word on the appropriate part of the hand on the next page. Beready to share your sentence when the class talks about fingers, knuckles, thumbs, andpalms. Tell whether your metaphor is based on shape or action or on something else.

LexicalTerm Extensions Sample Sentence

finger to finger The Finger Lakes in upstate New York fan out like fingers.fingerling Ladyfingers are only one kind of finger food.fingernail Some small fish are called fingerlings.fingerprint Having a finger in every pie is interfering in other people’s business.fingertip Having things at your fingertips means being prepared.ladyfingers In the days of Sherlock Holmes, fingerprinting was a new tool for detectives.

knuckle knuckle To knuckle down to a task is to work at it earnestly.Calling someone a knucklehead is almost the same as saying he or she is

a bonehead.A knuckle sandwich is a hit in the mouth.To knuckle under means to put your fists down and adopt a nonfighting stance.In baseball a knuckler or a knuckle ball is a slow pitch controlled by the way the

pitcher holds the ball.

thumb thumb It takes strong thumbs to push in thumb tacks.thimble Because thumbs are good for flipping pages, dictionaries have thumb indexes.

To thumb a ride is to hitchhike. Thumbs up! means you like something.The State of Michigan is shaped like a mitten with the thumb sticking out into

Lake Huron. A thumbnail sketch is unusually small.The famous dwarf, Tom Thumb, was named after Hans Christian Andersen’s

story of Thumbelina.Sewing thimbles are literally “bells for thumbs.”If you thumb your nose at someone or something, you are expressing disdain.



palm palm tree Palm trees are named because the fronds look like people’s hands turned inside out.palmist A computer company chose Palm as the name for its handheld computer to

emphasize how small it is.Palm Sunday is named after the palm branches laid in Christ’s path when he

entered Jerusalem.A palmist is someone who tells the future by reading the lines on people’s palms.If someone palms something off on you, they have tricked you into taking it.

Figure 3.1 A handful of metaphors






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Workshop 3.2

Answer Key for Hand It Over Possible Answers: When the hand is only part of what is being talked about: ranch hands, deck hands, hand in marriage. When the hand metaphor refers to an action: handicrafts, a handout, hand-to-hand combat, handwriting on the wall.