Bone Graft Harvesting From Distant Sites Concepts and Techniques

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bone graft harvesting sites


Bone Graft HarvestingFrom Distant Sites:Concepts andTechniques

Kenneth J. Zouhary, DDS, MDa,b,*


� Graft � Harvest � Iliac � Tibial � Cranial � Calvarial



Reconstruction of the moderately to severely re-sorbed maxillary and mandibular alveolar bone inpreparation for endosseous dental implant place-ment can be one of the most challenging taskspresenting to the oral and maxillofacial surgeon.Bell1 summarized the aim of bone grafting over40 years ago ‘‘to place a readily vascularizableosteogenic organic structure in intimate contactwith a vascular osteogenic cancellous host bed’’while adhering to ‘‘sound orthopedic principles.’’A number of autogenous, allogeneic, xenogeneic,and alloplastic grafts have been employed aloneor in various combinations to meet this challenge.

The ideal bone graft material for implant recon-struction should have the following characteristics.The graft material should have the structural integ-rity to maintain space during bone ingrowth, graftconsolidation and maturation, and implantosseointegration. It should be able to promote cellsat the recipient site to form bone within the graft.The graft material should be able to be resorbed,remodeled, and replaced as the viable nativebone. The resultant augmented alveolus shouldbe stable over time after implant restoration andfunctional loading. The material should have easeof harvest (if autogenous) and placement to mini-mize procedure length, thus maximizing potentialfor graft success while minimizing patient

a Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, BirmiBirmingham, AL 35233, USAb Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, UniveSouth, Birmingham, AL 35233,USA* Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, BirmiBirmingham, AL 35233.E-mail address:

Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 22 (2010) 301–316doi:10.1016/j.coms.2010.04.0071042-3699/10/$ – see front matter. Published by Elsevier I

morbidity. The graft should have a repeatable andpredictable outcome.2

Although there is no ideal bone graft, autogenousbone remains the gold standard for alveolar recon-struction as it possesses the three classic qualitiesof the ideal graft, including osteoinduction, osteo-conduction, and osteogenesis. Osteoconduction isthe passive ingrowth of vascular tissue and mesen-chymal stem cells into the scaffold structure pre-sented by the graft material. Osteoinduction isa two-stageprocess, which includescell recruitmentand cell differentiation. The first stage of osteoinduc-tion involves the active recruitment of undifferenti-ated mesenchymal stem cells to the graft site bybone morphogenic proteins present within the graftmaterial. The second stage involves triggering ofthe stem cells to differentiate into osteoblasts.Osteogenesis refers to the transfer of osteoprogeni-tor cells already present within the graft. Inherent tothe concept of osteogenesis is the cells’ ability tosurvive the transplant, proliferate at the recipientsite, and differentiate into osteoblasts. Osteocon-duction is a property that most graft materialspossess. Many bone graft materials also containvarious amounts of osteoinductive potential. Thisosteoinductivity is often unpredictable and inconsis-tent even within the same grafting material. Osteo-genesis, however, is unique to autogenous bonegrafts and is arguably the most important quality ofthe three.

ngham VA Medical Center, 700 19th Street South,

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When selecting the appropriate bone graftsource, there are multiple factors that one mustconsider with regards to the recipient site, thedonor site, and the patient. One must first considerthe size of the defect to be restored to help deter-mine the quantity of bone graft required. One mustalso decide what type of defect is to be restored todetermine the quality of graft required: corticalversus cancellous. Operative time and donor sitemorbidity are major factors to be considered andhelp to guide the choice of graft material. Onlyafter careful consideration of these factors in lightof the patient’s comorbidities and expectationswill one be able to select the appropriate harvestsite for each particular patient and application.

Much of what is known about the behavior ofvarious autogenous bone grafts to the dental alve-olus comes from past experience with congenitalalveolar cleft defects. Early animal studies showedthat membranous bone grafts maintained volumebetter than endochondral bone grafts when usedas a corticocancellous onlay graft. This led toa consensus that membranous bone grafts weresuperior to endochondral grafts based on theirembryologic origin. Thus cranial bone andmandibular bone were often preferred for onlaygrafting in craniofacial applications. Ozaki andBuchman3 hypothesized that membranous boneresorbed less over time compared with endochon-dral bone because of its microarchitecturalfeatures (relative cortical and cancellous composi-tion) rather than its embryologic superiority. Theyfound no statistical difference in rate of resorptionbetween two cortical onlay grafts of different em-bryologic origin when the cortical and cancellouscomponents were separated. Rosenthal andBuchman4 proceeded to examine the behavior ofembryologically diverse bone grafts in inlay graftsas opposed to onlay grafts. They created four crit-ical size defects in rabbit crania and grafted eachwith either membranous cortical, endochondralcortical, endochondral cancellous, or a controlconsisting of no bone graft at all. They found thatall three grafted sites increased in bone volumecompared with the control. Interestingly, theyfound that the endochondral cancellous bonevolume increased the most. They concluded thatthe ratio of cortical to cancellous graft was farmore influential in graft performance than embryo-logic origin. They also concluded that inlay graftsbehave differently than onlay grafts, thus theselection of donor site must fit the type of defectto be corrected.

Autogenous bone can be harvested from eitherintraoral or extraoral (distant) sites. Intraoralharvest sites include, but are not limited to, themandibular symphysis, external oblique ridge,

ramus, retromolar pad, alveolus, tori, tuberosity,and zygomatic buttress. Intraoral bone grafts arenot typically limited by their quality but rather bytheir quantity. When larger alveolar augmentationsand jaw reconstructions are undertaken, extraoralharvest sites can be exploited for increasedamounts of cortical and cancellous bone.

Extraoral harvest sites typically used in jawreconstruction include the iliac crest, the proximaltibia, the calvarium, and the rib. Although histori-cally popular for preprosthetic ridge augmenta-tion, rib grafts have been largely abandoned asa graft source for alveolar reconstruction due tothe inferior bone quality and severe resorptionobserved under the compressive forces of themasticatory apparatus. More recently, osseousfree flaps have been employed in alveolar recon-struction in combination with endosseousimplants.5 These osseous flaps are often used inconjunction with oncologic postablative or post-traumatic reconstruction and fall outside of thescope of this article.

The volume of bone available for harvest fromextraoral sites is quite variable depending onpatient factors such as size, age, and gender.The average volumes reported in the literatureare even further confounded by the inconsistentdegree of graft compression. Whereas thecalvarium contains large amounts of corticalbone and the tibia houses large amounts ofcancellous bone, the iliac crest is a reservoir oflarge amounts of both cortical and cancellousbone. The anterior iliac crest can yield 50 cc ofparticulate bone and uncompressed marrow ora corticocancellous block of 5 � 3 cm. The poste-rior iliac crest can produce 100 to 125 cc of corti-cocancellous bone or a 5� 5 cm block. 25 to 40 ccof non-compressed cancellous bone can be har-vested from the proximal tibia. The calvariumprovides abundant cortical bone from the outercortex and variable amounts of cancellous bonefrom the diploic space (Table 1).


The anterior iliac crest bone graft (AICBG) isadvantageous as it can provide up to 50 cc of cor-ticocancellous graft of excellent quality. It allowsfor two surgical teams with simultaneous graftharvest and recipient site preparation. The majordisadvantages of this harvest site are risk ofsensory nerve injury and gait instability.

The relevant anatomy includes the bony land-marks of the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)and the iliac tubercle, which lies approximately 6cm posterior to the ASIS. In a cadaveric study byEbraheim and colleagues,6 the thickest portion of

Table 1Typical noncompressed graft volumes availablefor harvest



Tibia 25–40 cc 1 � 2 cm

Anterior Ilium 50 cc 3 � 5 cm

Posterior Ilium 100–125 cc 5 � 5 cm

Calvarium variable, minimal abundant

Bone Graft Harvesting From Distant Sites 303

the ilium was 16.9 � 2.3 mm at the iliac tubercle,which was 45% thicker than at a point 3 cm poste-rior to the anterior superior iliac spine. The thickestregion of the crest extended 54.0 � 10.2 mm pos-teriorly from a point 3 cm posterior to the anteriorsuperior iliac spine. The relevant muscularanatomy includes the external oblique, tensorfascia lata, gluteus medius, and iliacus. Bloodsupply to the iliac crest comes from the deepcircumflex iliac artery and the most commonsource of significant bleeding during harvestcomes from a branch of the internal iliac artery,namely the superior gluteal artery. Sensory nervesat risk of injury include the lateral cutaneousbranch of the subcostal nerve, the lateral cuta-neous branch of the iliohypogastric nerve, andthe lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. There issome conflicting data as to the most commonlyinjured nerve during graft harvest with each ofthe three sensory nerves being cited by differentauthors (Fig. 1).7–9 Chou and colleagues9 demon-strated the subcostal nerve to be at particular riskduring this dissection. Bilateral dissections wereperformed on 10 cadavers and the nerves weretraced back to their spinal origins. The subcostalnerve was found to be 6 to 11 cm posterior tothe ASIS with a mean distance of 9 cm. A separatestudy of 54 cadaveric specimens showed ananomalous course of the lateral femoral cutaneousnerve in 4% of the dissections with the nervecrossing 2 to 3 cm posterior to the ASIS, placingit at considerable risk during dissection.10 A thirdcadaveric study found just one lateral branch ofthe lateral femoral cutaneous nerve out of 34dissections (2.9%) crossing at a distance lessthan 5 mm posterior to the ASIS.11 It is importantto avoid the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve asdirect trauma or stretch injury can result in thevery painful neuropathy meralgia paresthetica.

The incision to the anterior iliac crest is designedwith the overlying skin retracted medially toprevent the surgical scar from lying directly over

the crest of the ridge and causing irritation fromclothing resting on the crest of the ridge (Fig. 2).A 4 to 6 cm incision is performed starting 2 cmposterior to the ASIS to avoid the lateral femoralcutaneous nerve and extending posteriorly towardthe tubercle. Dissection is carried through skin andsubcutaneous tissue down to the muscles. Thedissection continues through the aponeurosisbetween the external oblique and tensor fascialata muscles. The periosteum is sharply elevatedoff the crest of the ridge and the Iliacus muscle isretracted medially in a subperiosteal plane. Acortical block graft can then be harvested fromthe medial aspect of the crest and cancellousbone can then be harvested using bone curettes.After bone graft harvest, hemostasis is achievedusing cautery, bone wax, microfibrillar collagen,or Gelfoam. Drain placement is optional but notnecessary. Closure is achieved with multilayeredclosure of the periosteum, muscular aponeurosis,and skin.

Alternative graft harvest techniques have beenused successfully such as trephine, bicortical,and tricortical grafts, including the medial andlateral cortices as well as the crest of the ridge.In a randomized prospective study, Tayapongsakand colleagues12 found no significant differencebetween a medial and lateral approach with re-gards to postoperative morbidity. Falkensammerand colleagues13 described a technique for bicort-ical graft without disruption of the iliac crest byremoving a window of bicortical bone below thecrest from a lateral approach. Grillon andcolleagues14 described a graft modification byraising a laterally based osteoperiosteal flap fromthe crest of the ilium and removing a medial corti-cocancellous bone block; thus maintaining thenormal crest anatomy and potentially decreasingpostoperative morbidity. When a full thickness tri-cortical graft is taken, immediate reconstruction ofthe iliac crest has been shown to decrease post-operative pain and cosmetic deformity.15,16

When only cancellous bone is required, one offour classic harvest techniques can be used.8

The clamshell involves cortical expansion. Thetrap door employs a medial or lateral pedicle ofthe crestal cortex. The Tschopp technique usesa single oblique osteotomy and the Tessier tech-nique uses both medial and lateral obliqueosteotomies.

Complications associated with the AICBG are re-ported to range between 1% and 25% and includehematoma, seroma, nerve injury, cosmetic defor-mity, pelvic instability, abdominal hernia, ileus,perforation, infection, persistent pain, and iliaccrest fracture (Box 1). De Riu and colleagues17 re-ported a massive iliac abscess that presented 4

Fig. 1. Nerves vulnerable to injury with incision in the region of the iliac crest as depicted by two differentauthors. (A) The lateral branch of the subcostal nerve is shown to be especially vulnerable to injury where thegrafts are harvested from the anterior crest. M, muscle; n, nerve. (From Chou D, Storm PB, Campbell JN. Vulner-ability of the subcostal nerve to injury during bone graft harvesting from the iliac crest. J Neurosurg 2004;1:87–9;with permission.) (B) Relationship of the iliohypogastric nerve to the iliac tubercle, placing it at considerable riskduring bone harvest from the iliac crest. (From Kademani D, Keller E. Iliac crest grafting for mandibular recon-struction. Atlas Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 2006;14:161–70; with permission.)


years after graft harvest. It is recommended to usea reciprocating saw and to stay at least 3 cm poste-rior to the ASIS to prevent fracture of the iliac crestor spine.18 When fracture is encountered, it is typi-cally treated with conservative measures such asbed rest or weight bearing as tolerated on theaffected side.


The posterior iliac crest bone graft (PICBG) formaxillofacial reconstruction was first described in1980 by Bloomquist and Feldman.19 It is advanta-geous over the anterior approach as it containsa considerable amount of available bone graft,and it has a lower incidence of postoperativepain and gait disturbance. Disadvantages of theposterior approach include increased operativetime with patient repositioning and increasedanesthetic risks associated with prone positioning.Another disadvantage is that this approach doesnot allow for simultaneous harvest with twosurgical teams.

The majority of the bone available for harvest liesbeneath the insertion of the gluteus maximus onthe 3 � 4 cm triangular tubercle adjacent to thesacroiliac joint. The average maximum thicknessof the bone in this region is 17.1 mm.20 The gluteusmedius muscle inserts anterior to the gluteus max-imus. The dissection is performed between thesuperior cluneal (L1-L3) and middle cluneal (S1-S3) cutaneous nerves. The sciatic notch liesapproximately 10 to 12 cm inferior to the iliaccrest. The medial cortex of the iliac bone is linedby the iliacus muscle. Perforating vessels off thedeep circumflex iliac artery provide blood supplyto the bone. A terminal branch of the deep circum-flex iliac artery, the subgluteal artery, coursesthrough the sciatic notch and ramifies along theilium in the area of the triangular tubercle. Ina cadaveric study, Xu and colleagues20 analyzedbony features of the posterior ilium and relevantvital structures. The average distance from thePSIS to the superior cluneal nerves was 68.8 mmwith a range of 64–78 mm. The average distancefrom the iliac crest to the superior gluteal vesselswas 102.3 mm with a range of 92 to 114 mm.

Fig. 2. (A) Left anterior iliac crest incision placed lateral to the crest of the ridge and 2 cm posterior to ASIS. Inci-sion carried down through the aponeurosis between the tensor fascia lata laterally and the external obliquemuscle medially. (B) Exposure of the bony crest of the ridge with subperiosteal reflection of the iliacus muscleusing a periosteal elevator followed by a malleable retractor. (C) Bony osteotomies made with reciprocatingsaw 3 cm posterior to ASIS and extending 5 cm posteriorly (ASIS marked with horizontal surgical markingpen). (D) Corticocancellous block graft gently separated from lateral cortex using paired osteotomes. (E) Donorsite after removal of block graft demonstrating remaining cancellous bone available for harvest with bonecurettes. (F) Corticocancellous block graft harvested approximately 5 � 3 cm.

Bone Graft Harvesting From Distant Sites 305

Surgical approach to the posterior iliac crestbegins with the patient positioned prone with210� reverse hip flexion. A 6 to 10 cm curvilinearincision is made over the triangular tubercle,staying a minimum of 3 cm from the midline(Fig. 3). Dissection is carried through the skin,subcutaneous tissue, thoracodorsal fascia, andperiosteum. The thoracodorsal fascia can be iden-tified as a thick white fascial layer and it isthe caudal extension of the latissimus dorsi. The

gluteus maximus is sharply elevated off thetubercle. Only a small portion of the gluteus med-ius muscle is elevated in a subperiosteal plane.A 5 � 5 cm lateral cortical block graft can be har-vested extending along the crest of the ridge of thetriangular tubercle. Cancellous bone can then beharvested with bone gouges and bone curettes.Hemostasis is achieved with cautery, bone wax,microfibrillar collagen, or Gelfoam. Multilayeredclosure is achieved with closure of the periosteum

Box 1Complications associated with anterior iliaccrest bone graft harvest




Cosmetic deformity

Pelvic instability

Abdominal hernia



Persistent pain



and gluteus maximus followed by the thoracodor-sal fascia, subcutaneous tissue, and skin. A drainis typically placed and left to bulb suction. Thesite is then covered with microfoam tape and thepatient is repositioned to the supine position fororal reconstruction.

Fig. 3. (A) Right-sided posterior iliac crest bone harvest depnerves to the palpable bony landmarks. (B) Corticotomies agluteus maximus reflected. (C) Corticocancellous blocks andClosure of the incision with suction bulb drain in place la

Potential complications of the posterior iliaccrest bone harvest include, but are not limited to,compartment syndrome from subgluteal arterybleeding, ureteral injury, abdominal hernia, or clu-neal nerve injury Box 2. In a series of 839 harvestsover 25 years, Marx21 reported seroma to be themost common postoperative complication withan incidence of 3.6%. He also reported six hema-tomas (0.7%), four patients with gait disturbance(0.5%), and one postoperative bleed (0.1%). Hereported no symptomatic paresthesias orneuroma formations.

Several prospective studies looking at the rate ofpersistent pain and morbidity from PICBG harvesthave come from the orthopedic literature. Theseprospective studies showed persistent pain andmorbidity from iliac crest bone graft harvest for spinalfusion to be higher than previously reported. At 1year postoperative, 16.5% of patients reportedmore severe pain from the harvest site than theprimary surgical siteand 29.1% reported numbness.With respect to functional limitations resulting fromharvest site pain, 15.1% reported some difficultywalking, 5.2% with work activity, 12.9% with

icting the location of the superior and middle cluneallong the crest of the ridge and the lateral cortices withcancellous bone harvested from the posterior hip. (D)


Box 2Complications associated with posterior iliaccrest bone graft harvest


Ureteral injury

Abdominal hernia




Gait disturbance



Bone Graft Harvesting From Distant Sites 307

recreation, 14.1% with household chores, 7.6% withsexual activity, and 5.9% irritation from clothing.22 Ina separate study, at 3.5 years mean follow-up, 24%of patients reported harvest site numbness, and13% reported the numbness as bothersome.Harvest site pain resulted in functional limitationswith walking in 16% of patients, 10% with workactivity, 18% with recreation, 19% with householdchores, 16% with sexual activity, and irritation fromclothing with 9%. These rates of functional limitationare much higher than previously reported and maybe due to the increased sensitivity of the prospectivestudy design or targeted investigation of thesespecific symptoms. Validity of these findings islimited by patient ability to discriminate harvest sitepain from postsurgical or chronic back pain.23


One advantage of the anterior approach is thata bicortical or tricortical graft can be harvestedfrom the anterior ilium. The posterior harvest islimited to the lateral cortex and the crest of theridge since the medial aspect of the ilium contrib-utes to the sacroiliac joint. The posterior iliumcontains significantly more cancellous bone thanthe anterior ilium. This is partly due to increasedsurface area of the posterior ilium, but it is alsodue to the greater medial-lateral depth of theposterior iliac marrow space. A comparativeanatomic study of the anterior and posterior iliaccrests showed the surgically accessible marrowspace to be 15.75 mL for the anterior and 39.24mL for the posterior ilium with a ratio ofcompressed cancellous bone from the posteriorto anterior ilium of 2.4:1.24 Marx and Morales25

compared the morbidity of the AICBG with thePICBG in a randomized prospective study in 100consecutive patients with continuity defects of 6

cm or greater, thus requiring at least 60 cc cancel-lous bone. They found the posterior approach tohave decreased morbidity in all parametersmeasured including pain, ambulation, seroma,and blood loss (Table 2).

In a prospective nonrandomized study of 118patients, Kessler and colleagues26 compared thevolume of bone harvested, the operating time,and the postoperative morbidity between theAICBG (81 cases) and the PICBG (46 cases). Themean volume of bone harvested from the anteriorcrest was 9 cc (range 5–2) and from the posteriorcrest 25.5 cc (range 17–29). The mean operatingtime for the anterior approach was 35 minutes(range 22–48). The mean operating time for theposterior approach was 40 minutes (range 32–55). This did not include the additional timerequired for patient repositioning and redrapingwith a mean time of 20 minutes (range 14–27).The posterior approach caused less morbidityparticularly with respect to the statistically signifi-cant decrease in pain and gait disturbance(Table 3).

Nkenke and colleagues27 showed gait distur-bance and pain scores to be higher in the AICBGearly on as compared with the PICBG, but nodifference at 1 month postoperative. An extensivereview of the literature focusing on anterior andposterior iliac fractures after graft harvest was re-ported by Nocini and colleagues28 in 2003. Ofthe 35 cases reported in the literature at thattime, 24 fractures were associated with harvestingfrom the anterior crest and 12 were due to poste-rior crest harvest. Four out of 24 anterior fracturesrequired further surgical treatment (16.6%). Eightof the 12 posterior fractures required one ormore additional surgical procedures (66.6%).Although painful, fractures of the anterior iliac crestremain stable and heal spontaneously in mostcases without further complication. On thecontrary, fractures of the posterior iliac crest dueto graft harvest often require further surgical inter-vention and functional disability.


Bone graft harvest from the proximal tibia hasbeen well established as a source of cancellousbone with minimal morbidity.29 Catone andcolleagues30 first described the use of this site inreconstruction of the maxilla and maxilla. Advan-tages to the proximal tibia as a donor site includea low complication rate, a large amount of cancel-lous bone available, it is a technically simple andquick procedure, it allows for simultaneousharvest and recipient site preparation, and it candecrease costs to the patient as it can be

Table 2Donor site morbidity from anterior and posterior iliac crest graft harvest

Anterior Approach n 5 50 Posterior Approach n 5 50 P Value

Mean first day of ambulation 3.6 days 1.7 days .005

Seroma 12% (6/50) 2% (1/50) .005

Hematoma 6% (3/50) 0% (0/50) .050

Fracture 2% (1/50) 0% (0.50) .010

Pain level, day 1 7.2/10 3.1/10 .005

Pain level, day 10 4.4/10 0.3/10 .005

Limp, day 10 42% (21/50) 6% (3/50) .005

Limp, day 60 15% (8/50) 0% (0.50) .005

Data from Marx RE, Morales MJ. Morbidity from bone harvest in major jaw reconstruction: a randomized trial comparingthe lateral anterior and posterior approaches to the ilium. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1988;48:196–203.


performed as an outpatient or in office procedure.Reported disadvantages include the limitedamount of cortical bone available for harvest, vari-able amount of cancellous bone, and the quality ofthe cancellous bone.

Many of the reports of the volume of cancellousbone available for harvest are based on retrospec-tive review of cases performed. The amount ofbone harvested in these cases may be based onthe amount of bone required for reconstructionrather than the amount of bone available. Also,the literature is inconsistent with regards to report-ing of compressed versus noncompressed bone.To determine the amount of bone available forharvest Wang and colleagues31 performed a volu-metric analysis of the proximal tibia using a three-dimensional imaging reconstruction of 18 adult CTscans. They reported an average of 77 cm2 ofcancellous bone available for harvest in the

Table 3Complications after harvesting from the anterior an

Complication Anterior (n 5 81) Poster

Seroma 1 (1%) 3 (6%)

Hematoma 7 (9%) 2 (4%)

Infection 1 (1%) 0

Hyperesthesia 1 (1%) 0

Total 10 (12%) 5 (11%

Pain 57 (70%) 15 (33

Irregularities of gait

After 2 weeks 26 (32%) 3 (6%)

After 4 weeks 8 (10%) 1 (2%)

Data from Kessler P, Thorwarth M, Bloch-Birkholz A, et al. Harvrior and posterior sites. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2005;43:51–6

proximal tibia. This is two to three times theaccepted average. Tibial bone has a highercomposition of fat as compared with iliac cancel-lous grafts. The gross discrepancy between theresults of this imaging study and clinical studiesis due not only to incomplete harvest of the avail-able bone, but also due to compression of thecancellous bone during harvest and before report-ing. It is important to compress the cancellousbone to lyse and extrude the fat cells, concentratethe osteogenic progenitor cells, and to assist inmore consistent reporting of volume of bone har-vested. The easiest way to compress the har-vested bone is in a 10 cc syringe (Fig. 4G).

There are very few studies comparing tibial boneand iliac crest as sources for bone grafts. Theperception that the quality of cancellous bonefrom the tibia is of inferior quality as comparedwith the iliac crest is based mostly on anecdotal

d posterior iliac crest

ior (n 5 46) Total (n 5 127) P Value

4 (3%) —

9 (7%) —

1 (1%) —

1 (1%) —

) 15 (12%) —

%) 72 (57%) <.001

29 (23%) .002

9 (7%) —

esting of bone from the iliac crest: comparison of the ante-.

Bone Graft Harvesting From Distant Sites 309

reports of the appearance of the bone at the timeof harvest. This perception was challenged bya prospective study of 40 patients undergoingsecondary bone grafting in alveolar clefts. Thisstudy showed similar optical bone densities intibial and iliac crest bone grafts over the first 3postoperative months. Another significant findingin this study was the shorter hospital stay for thepatients in the tibial bone graft group.32

The classic approach to the cancellous bonepresent in the proximal tibial metaphysis is thelateral approach.33 The lateral approach iscentered over Gerdy’s tubercle located betweenthe tibial tuberosity and the fibular head (Fig. 4).There are no vital structures overlying Gerdy’stubercle making this a safe and effectiveapproach. Sensory innervation in this area issupplied by cutaneous branches of the lateral su-ral nerve. The anterior tibialis muscle lies inferior toGerdy’s tubercle along with branches of the infe-rior genicular artery and the recurrent anterior tibialartery. Gerdy’s tubercle is easily palpated in mostpatients and a 3 to 4 cm incision is made directlyover Gerdy’s tubercle. Dissection is carriedthrough the skin, subcutaneous fat, iliotibial tract,and the periosteum. This tends to be a very drydissection and tourniquet is not necessary. A 1to 2 cm cortical window is then outlined witha fissure bur. An oval window is recommendedas it produces less stress and reduces the risk ofpostoperative fracture. Bone curettes are thenused to first harvest the cancellous bone acrossthe plateau and finally down the shaft. Harvestingthe shaft last rather than first prevents the moreproximal bone from falling down the shaft delayingand complicating its removal. Caution must beused in harvesting bone superiorly to avoidentering the knee joint. If bleeding is encounteredin this harvest, it is usually from cortical perforatorvessels. A gelatin sponge or microfibrillar collagencan be placed in the bony cavity but is rarelyneeded. Layered closure includes the periosteumand iliotibial tract as one layer, followed by theskin. An Ace wrap is placed and the patient ispermitted to ambulate that same day with weightbearing as tolerated. Rarely, a cane will be neces-sary to reduce fall risk, and patients are to avoidvigorous exercise for 6 weeks.

Alternate approaches to the tibial bone graftharvest include the medial approach (Fig. 5). Her-ford and colleagues34 performed a study on 20cadavers comparing the medial and lateralapproaches. They found no statistical differencein the mean volume of bone harvested from eitherapproach. They reported the thickness of thecortex medially and laterally to be 1.4 mm and1.5 mm respectively. The incision for the medial

approach is centered over a point 15 mm medialto the tibial parallel line and 15 mm superior tothe tibial perpendicular line. This may be quitearbitrary as the tibial perpendicular line is basedon accurate determination of the location of thecenter of the tibial tuberosity. This can be difficultto determine in larger individuals where the tuber-osity may not be prominent. The relevant anatomyinvolves the pes ansernius which is the attachmentof the sartorius, gracillus, and semitendinosusmuscles. The pes is reported to be 4.85 mm infe-rior to the tibial perpendicular line. The medialapproach is potentially advantageous as it isdistant from any vital anatomic structures. Incomparison the lateral approach is closer to vitalstructures such as the articular surface, the ante-rior tibialis muscle, and the anterior tibial vessels,and is located within the anterior compartment.Herford and colleagues34 report that when usingthe medial approach the bone is closer to theskin, but this is debatable as Gerdy’s tubercle isa palpable bony landmark close to the skin. Incomparison, the medial approach incision isbased on measurements from the tibial tuberositywhich is often not as palpable as Gerdy’s tubercle,making the dissection less predictable.

When lesser quantities of bone are required, bonetrephination can be used for cancellous harvest withpotentially less morbidity.35–39 Although up to 40 mLof cancellous bone has been reported to be har-vested with a trephine.37 A major advantage of thetibial bone graft is that it is well tolerated in theoutpatient clinic with intravenous conscious seda-tion.39,40 It has also been described using only localanesthesia with good patient acceptance.35,41

Although tibial bone graft harvesting is a rela-tively simple and safe procedure, it is notwithout potential complication Box 3. Reportedcomplications include prolonged pain, gaitdisturbance, wound dehiscence, infection,unaesthetic scarring, hematoma, seroma, pares-thesia, fracture, and violation of the joint space.A recent meta-analysis by Schmidt and Town-send42 found just 63 major and minor complica-tions out of a collective group of 1,137 patients(5.5%). O’Keeffe and colleagues29 reporteda donor site complication rate of 1.3% in 230harvests. Alt and colleagues43 reported a compli-cation rate of 1.9% with one postoperativehematoma and no major complications. Kush-ner33 reported a 1.4% complication rate ina series of 141 patients including one wounddehiscence and one superficial infection. Onecase of early postoperative osteomyelitisrequiring further surgical intervention and longterm antimicrobials has been reported.42 Ina retrospective review of 75 patients undergoing

Fig. 4. (A) Bony landmarks for lateral approach to the left tibia highlighting the patella, tibial tuberosity, prox-imal fibula, and oblique incision overlying Gerdy’s tubercle. (B) Exposure of Gerdy’s tubercle. (C) Cortical osteot-omy overlying Gerdy’s tubercle. (D) Corticocancellous block harvest. (E) Cancellous bone harvest. (F) Fat dropletsdemonstrating fatty component of tibial bone. (G) Compression of cancellous bone. (H) Compressed tibial cancel-lous graft.


tibial bone graft for alveolar cleft bone grafting,Hughes and colleagues44 reported two cases(2.7%) of proximal tibia fracture. Thor andcolleagues45 reported one case of tibial fracture

secondary to graft requiring open reduction andinternal fixation. A biomechanical study onhuman cadaveric tibia quantified the effect ofvarious graft harvest defect sizes and locations

Fig. 5. (A) Medial approach for a right tibial bone harvest based on vertical and horizontal position of the tibialtuberosity (circle overlying Gerdy’s tubercle laterally). (B) Cortical osteotomy demonstrating thickness of tissueoverlying the medial approach as compared with the lateral approach. (C) Corticocancellous block harvestedfrom tibia. (D) Compressed cancellous tibial bone.

Bone Graft Harvesting From Distant Sites 311

on the deformation of the tibial plateau underload. Deformation of the plateau increased withboth increased diameter of the defect anddecreased distance between the defect andthe plateau.46

Box 3Complications associated with tibial bonegraft harvest

Prolonged pain

Gait disturbance

Wound dehiscience







Violation of the joint space

A prospective study compared trephined bonegrafts of the tibial shaft and iliac crest. There wereno significant differences between the two groupswith respect to objective assessment of postoper-ative pain or functional impairment, but the tibialtrephine procedure was easier, quicker, andcaused less blood loss. Subjective scores for painand difficulty in ambulating were much lower fortibial bone grafts than for iliac crest bone grafts.47


Calvarial bone has been widely used in cranialreconstruction. Tessier’s48 landmark article in1982 first described the use of autogenous calvarialbone grafts for facial reconstruction. The densecortical nature of cranial bone makes it ideal as anonlay material as it has been shown to have rapidrevascularization and decreased resorption ascompared with corticocancellous onlay grafts.Ease of harvest, close proximity to the surgicalsite, minimal postoperative bony and soft tissuedeformity, and quantity of bone available makethis a good selection when moderate-to-large


amounts of cortical bone graft are desired. Poten-tial disadvantages of the calvarial bone graftinclude risk of dural tear, postoperative contourdeformity, scarring, minimal cancellous bone

Fig. 6. (A) Patient prepped and draped for calvarial boneharvest exposure and surgical marking of proposed ostecm from the midline to avoid the sagittal sinus. (C) Waste stness of the outer cortical plate. (D) Corticotomies throughmm depth or the height of the saw blade tip. (E) Cortical bmallet. (F) Harvested cortical block grafts and donor site b

available for harvest, and the close proximity tothe recipient site which precludes the use of twosurgical teams.49 There are multiple surgical tech-niques described in harvesting the cranial bone,

graft harvest from the right parietal bone. (B) Boneotomies with medial extent of osteotomy at least 2rip designed with round bur clearly showing the thick-the outer cortical plate with a reciprocating saw to 3

locks separated from inner table with osteotomes andefore scalp closure.

Bone Graft Harvesting From Distant Sites 313

although most involve the parietal bone because ofits relative thickness and safety in harvest.

The local anatomy for the calvarial bone graftharvest is very straightforward. Typically the pari-etal bone is the preferred site as it has the maximalbone thickness and is located within the hair-bearing region of the scalp. Multiple studies havelooked at the thickness of the skull, but the mostcomprehensive study to date measured 40 pointson 281 dried skulls from the Cleveland Museum ofNatural History. The average skull thickness was6.3 mm ranging from 5.3 to 7.5 mm with a patternof greatest thickness toward the posterior parietalbone.50 The dissection to the parietal bone is safeand direct, passing through the layers of theSCALP (skin, subcutaneous fat, aponeurosis,loose connective tissue, and pericranium). Theskull itself is composed of the outer cortex, themedullary space or diploe, and the inner cortex(Fig. 6).

Although the calvarial bone graft harvest is notwithout risk, the incidence of major complicationsis very small Box 4. Alopecia is the most commoncomplication and can be minimized by limitedcautery along the incision line. Larson51 reporteddonor site morbidity in a series of 89 patientsundergoing graft harvest. All of their grafts wereprocured from the parietal-occipital region througheither a coronal incision or through a linear incisiondirectly over the harvest site. They encounteredtwo patients with inadequate bone thickness toharvest a split thickness graft, which resulted in du-ral exposure without dural tear or bleeding. Onepatient developed a postoperative hematoma.Preoperative radiographic evaluation can helpavoid a dural tear. Posterior-anterior and lateralskull films are suggested as a minimal preoperativestudy. However, cone beam or CT scans can moreaccurately and reliably measure cranial bone thick-ness.52 In a series of 33 patients undergoing calva-rial bone graft, Harsha and colleagues53 reportedthree instances of perforation of the inner cortex,

Box 4Complications associated with calvarialgraft harvest



Dural tear

Superior sagital sinus laceration

Epidural hematoma



one of which required primary closure of a duraltear. Cannella and Hopkins54 reported a lacerationof the superior sagittal sinus while harvesting anouter table graft. Other potential complicationsinclude injury to the middle meningeal artery result-ing in an epidural hematoma.

There are multiple ways to exploit the ampleamount of bone available in the calvarium. Harvesttechniques can be divided into split outer-tablegrafts (partial thickness of outer cortex), outer-table grafts (full thickness of outer cortex), split bi-cortical grafts, and full-thickness bicortical grafts.Stevens and Heit55 described a technique of har-vesting large, full-thickness outer-table cranialbone grafts using the Gigli saw. After standardexposure, they outlined the graft with a fissurebur into the diploe. They then elevated the outerperimeter of the graft site with a large acrylic bur,followed by outer-table removal with the Giglisaw. They described this technique as advanta-geous over other split-thickness techniques as itfacilitates the harvest of large pieces of outer-tablebone, it shortens the operation time, it decreasesthe chance of graft fracture, and it virtually elimi-nates inner-table perforation or fracture causedby osteotomes. The reported disadvantages ofthis technique were that it requires a larger softtissue reflection and that there is a learning curvefor those with limited experience using a Giglisaw. Multiple minimally invasive techniques havealso been described. An in-office harvest wasdescribed by using a bone scraper to collectbone shavings in which up to 14 cc of bone washarvested.56 Similarly, particulate bone can becollected using an oval bur and a suction equippedwith a bone trap.49


In the most extensive comparative donor sitemorbidity review to date, Tessier andcolleagues57 reported their combined complica-tion rate of each of the major bone graft donorsites in their group experience of 20,000 cases.Iliac crest complications included six hematomas,one hernia, 10 paresthesias, eight broken figure-of-8 wires requiring removal, and two retainedsponges requiring removal. In total, they experi-enced 27 complications of 5600 cases (0.5percent). Tibial bone graft complications includedone fracture, one late bleed, and one infection;thus three complications of 950 cases (0.3percent). Cranial bone grafts resulted in 12 hema-tomas or seromas, one retained sponge, twoinfections, nine dural lacerations requiring suture,and three neurologic sequelae, all transient (onehemiparesis, one leg weakness, and the other


unspecified). These totaled 27 complications in10,550 cases (0.3%).


Boyne and Herford58 suggested an algorithm foralveolar reconstruction before implant placementbased on the size and geometry of the defect.Regardless of the source of bone graft, the long-term stability of the graft under function is para-mount to a successful treatment. As in-office conebeam technology becomes more prevalent, clinicalresearchers will be able to better quantify andcompare the long-term success of various bonegraft sources and techniques for reconstruction.One study has shown preprosthetic calvarial boneinlay and onlay grafts to have a postgrafting volumereduction of 16.2% and 19.2% at 6 months and 1year, respectively, without a decrease in bonedensity.59


With adequate training and experience, bone graftharvest from distant sites has a very low incidenceof complications. A thorough understanding of therelevant anatomy, various harvest techniques, andpotential morbidity associated with each harvestsite will aid the surgeon in selecting the optimalbone graft source.


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