Bonkers over Bookmarks Students display creativity … - Book...

Post on 21-Jul-2020

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Bonkers over Bookmarks – Students display creativity in making book marks

Art is both: creation and recreation.-Lin Yatung

In order to continue with the endeavour of instilling love for reading in the

student populace of JSSPS in the month of June, the Reading Program infused

the making of bookmarks, and using it, as part of the initiative.

Busy in the Bookmaking Business

The activity helped the students explore and

create interesting and arty bookmarks.

They worked enthusiastically and experimented

with different shades of colours, sizes and

styles to flaunt their artistic portrayal and


Students across the School

Flaunting their Creativity

There was much buzz about the day and the

children came to school bubbling with ideas and

tools for the job. Coloured paper, string and

coloured pencils seemed to dominate the

classes. The outcome of their dedication

floored the teachers, who were witnessing an

array of shapes and designs for the first time,

which ranged from rectangles to squares, ovals

to cylindrical and circles; all made with the

objective of displaying their art on the books that they would be reading.

The students wanted to display their work

on their class board for a day, for

everyone to look and admire. Each class

chose a title befitting their work. Some

titled it, ‘Bookmark Making Bonanza’

whereas others chose to call it, ‘Wall-e-

Pedia’ or ‘Walls of Learning.’

The embellishments that adorned

the class walls and boards for a


The day ended with a few students writing what they felt about the activity and

how it would help them become better readers. Arnav Nigam of 8C remarked, ‘I

will now want to show of my bookmark at home and at school, so I must get

myself a book to read first.’

The purpose achieved, the teachers felt confident that yet another way of

encouraging students to take up pleasure reading had been successful.