Bonnie Walker Ministries - April Newsletter

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April 2015

You Have Risen! We Love You Jesus!!!

Parenting Tip I Don’t Know!

When children ask about death & dying, answer simply!

An “I don’t know” or a “I don’t understand either” are perfectly acceptable answers!

Greater Love is to watch the struggle and not “fix it” so the lesson can be learned or the character strengthened!

Mommy Moments Sunday, after church, Elijah wanted to talk with me privately. He said, with his voice full of awe, "Guess what?" I couldn't guess and he excitedly couldn't contain it any longer. He burst out, "I have a Grandma!" Now, my mind is racing because we had just buried my Mama, his Granny (who was his last living-on-earth grandma). So I questioned, "You do? What's her name?" He smiled and replied, "I don't know." I must have looked puzzled because he continued to explain. "She was that lady in my class at church with the other teachers. She said that she was my grandma!" I was speechless! Sifting through my own pain and loss, I had been totally oblivious to the magnitude and depth of the loss in Elijah's little five-year-old heart. But God knew! In His infinite wisdom and kindness, He laid it on this dear woman's heart to tell little Elijah that she would be his grandma. Even more amazing, she had no idea of Mama's recent departure, or of our loss. . . But God did! It brings such comfort to my mothering heart to be reminded that He loves and cares to meet the needs of my children more that I ever could! Even down to the smallest hurting heart. . . Elijah now has a Grandma!


Bonnie Walker Ministries April 2015

Children’s Spotlight – Menorah Walker, age 15

It is SO amazing how God can change your life in so many ways at once!

My mom gave me away when I was two weeks old. My sick grandmother couldn’t take care of me, so I ended up back with my mom and her boyfriend. Neither of them took good care of me. They were both involved in drugs, and would even get me involved in their dysfunction. It wasn’t long before I was placed in foster care, along with my other three siblings.

Thankfully, my new foster parents went to church each Sunday, and that’s where I met my now mom, Bonnie. She taught us in children’s church who we are and what we’re born to do in Christ. I believe I’m called to dance and be a worship leader.

After my adoption I suddenly had older teen siblings, and I wanted to be accepted and “cool,” so I let some rebellion come in. Everything went downhill then. I began having “boy” trouble, bringing up rejection issues from my past, and before I knew it I was stuffing the pain down and dealing with it in the worst way.

Instead of talking about my pain and praying with my mom, I began cutting myself. I stopped living for God. I finally couldn’t hide the cutting anymore and mom got my youth pastors involved in helping me. I began to get better and opened my heart back up to my mom again.

Then, this past December our youth pastor took us to The Winter Ramp in Tennessee. I was prayed for the first night there and I am forever changed! I knew I was supposed to go to the Ramp School of Ministry. Satan tried to discourage me, telling me that I’d never make it, but the prayer team from The Ramp prayed for me again and …

ALL my guilt, shame, and pride of the past is GONE! I am now a leader in my youth group and teaching my youth group dances to perform. I just want to encourage others that you are never too far from Jesus to come back and remember who you were born to be!


Bonnie Walker Ministries April 2015

As many of you already know, my Mama went home to be with Jesus February 24th. I'm assured there was a tremendous celebration that took place in Heaven. Here we are glad that her earthly body is no longer suffering, but sad that we can't be with her now -- not later. In preparation of the pain that her home-going would bring, the children and I made a list of all the things we could think of that Granny would do when she got to Heaven. The list ranged from seeing Jesus to seeing her baby that she miscarried, but at the top of the list the children thought Granny going swimming would be the most fun. It really helped when that time came to talk about fun things Granny was getting to do in Heaven! à continued on next page à

From My Heart To Yours

Daniel & his wonderful reading tutor…

We love you Ms. Ingrid Williams!!!


Bonnie Walker Ministries April 2015

MORE “FROM MY HEART… “ The loss has left me very pensive and thoughtful. Reliving a lot of memories, walking through the pages of my life that had her fingerprints and heartbeats all over them. This very ministry was birthed with a love for children that first came through my precious Mama's heart. Mama never met a child that she wouldn't, couldn't, or didn't love! And gratefully she imparted that gift to me! Not by a laying on of hands, but by the gentle steps of her life walked out before me. Another most precious gift of her legacy that she gave was her love for Jesus! At her funeral, the pastor noted that she had taught her children to love the Lord. Of all the gifts she gave, of all the life lessons taught, of all the endless acts of kindness and love performed --- that one gift is the one I hold most dear . . . taught to love Jesus! I can't even imagine my live without Him. I can't imagine walking through all this pain and loss without the comfort of knowing I'll see Mama again, because of all that Jesus has done! In realizing and pondering all this, it's made me super conscious of what kind of legacy I am leaving my children. What will they remember when I take my flight Heavenward? As parents, every look, every deed, every word and the tone of every word sends a message. What message am I writing on the hearts of these precious souls that Jesus has entrusted to my care? I pray that like Mama's, it's a message of laying down my life for the needs of others. . . A legacy of never-ending LOVE!

Thank you all for your prayers during our time of loss. I honestly don’t know how we would’ve made it without your prayers and acts of service! Love and prayers,


Comedy Corner 2-year-old granddaughter, Britsadie:

Britsadie: Mommy, I have to pee!

Josey: Can you hold it for just a minute?

Britsadie: Yes, I won’t drop it!