Book cover (overlord) research

Post on 15-Jan-2017

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Book Cover (OVERLORD)Research

Imperial War MuseumPhotographs

(Secondary Research)

Book Cover Versions

My Own Photographs (Primary Research)

My Own Photographs

Book Cover Version 1This is my first version of my book cover, I think this is a good version of my potential book cover aas I like the poppy shape and how it works with the images in the background. The grey and dark background really brings out the red title which makes it reasonably easy to read. However at the same time the text is too bright. To get this image I combined images together and drew a shape of a poppy on top. I then used the trace and embed option to get rid of the colours and some parts of the image, doing that brought me the black and white effect of the images with the poppy and then I only added in the grey background.

Book Cover Version 2 Filter Testing (Photo shoot image)

These filters are all good filters for my book cover as they really bring the image out and give it a old look. The filter that I like the most is the one on the bottom left, as the darkness around the edges and brightness around the people in the image, make it look like it is a dark memory from the past that is trying to be forgotten but can’t be.

Book Cover 2 (Photo shoot image)

This is a good book cover as the design of it works really well to what the book is about. I filtered the image out and made the edges and spaces in between is blacked out and the people in the image are bright. This works really well because it acts almost as a dark memory that is trying to be forgotten by someone but it can’t be forgotten. I used a bullet font for the title to reflect the idea of weapons and war. For the author font I also used a bullet font but this time it went through the name of the author which is reflecting that people were shot in the D-Day landings and died.

Book Cover Version 3To do this book cover I used a dark background which looks like the sky at night when its misty. The plane and bomb silhouette really works with the background, also I decided to add in the name of the book to the bombs so the letters look like dropping bombs themselves which reflects the theme of war. The dark and wet look to the book cover reflects the dark time during the war and also the appalling conditions that took place in the war.

Final Book Cover

I have decided to use this as my final book cover because of the way it presents itself. I like how the darkness and brightness contrast each other and make the image look like a dark memory from the past trying to be forgotten but can’t be forgotten. I also like the type of type I have used in the form of bullet holes for my text. This relates to the theme of war and violence as weapons were used in wars and soldiers were killed which links to the idea of that period of time as a dark memory ex soldiers would want to forget.