Boost Your Email Marketing Metrics by Crafting Great Preheaders

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Discussing how to boost your email marketing metrics by crafting great preheaders.

The content in the top line of an email is known as the preheader. It can be a very important factor, with the ability to drive opens, second only to the subject line. Here’s the best ways to get the most out of your preheader.

The preheader is often underused by email marketers. It is quite effective when used in support of the subject line, but not copying it. Consider the preheader just about as important as the subject line, and dedicate as much time to crafting a perfect one.

Your preheader should be held to a single line. Prompts for alternative version should be held short, such as “View Webpage” or “View Mobile Edition.” It is good practice to underline the links in the preheader, so that your subscribers know that it is clickable.

The preheader is not so much headline as it is both introduction and summary. Some email marketers have become experts in condensing powerful calls to action to fit into a preheader. It is a skill worth developing.

As in every other aspect of email marketing, the best and indeed only way to determine what works best for your brand is to test, test, and test some more. Just because your major competitor has adopted a particular preheader strategy does not mean that it will work for you.

For visual learners (video): Use preheaders to boost your email marketing metrics

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