Borrowing Money. Borrowing Get a loan Repay that amount PLUS interest Amount repaid depends on:...

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Borrowing Money


Get a loan Repay that amount PLUS interest Amount repaid depends on:

Rate of interest○ High = more money spent○ Low = less money spent

Amount of monthly payment○ The higher the payment, the quicker you’ll pay

it off


Interest: payment for using someone else’s money (stated in percentage)

Interest Rate: Percentage charged

For lenders, interest = incentive

Loan Agreement

Contract requiring both the borrower and lender to do exactly as stated in the document

Credit card, mortgage, auto, etc.

Basic Components

Amount – Exact amount borrowed (ex. $5,000)

Interest Rate – Rate of interest you’ll pay (ex. 10% or .10)

Payment – EXACT amount you are required to pay back, how often you’ll make a payment (ex. $5,500 over 2 years = $229.70 per month)

More Basic Components

Late Fees – Additional amount owed if a payment is late

Default – What happens if you fail to make a payment.

Depending on the type of loans, terms and conditions will vary.

4 Types of Credit

Secured credit Unsecured credit Installment credit Non-installment credit

Secured Credit

Backed by collateral You pledge something of value to lender Lender can seize/sell that item if you

don’t pay Often the easiest to obtain Cars, real estate, jewelry, etc.

Easiest to obtain.

Unsecured Credit

Loaner lends based on willingness and ability to repay

Greater risk because of no collateral Lender looks at credit history If you fail to pay, lender can sue you The court can order you to pay

Based primarily on how you handled money in the past.

Installment and Non-Installment

Installment Credit Non-Installment Credit

Secured (collateral) or unsecured (none)

Ex. Credit cards, Auto, personal, education, etc.

Secured (collateral) or unsecured (none)

Ex. Cell phone, doctor’s office bill, cable bill

Borrow? Don’t Borrow?

Borrow money when you are investing in the future – not just to buy something you want now.

Borrowing to make minor purchases causes overspending and generates more debt

Borrow? Don’t Borrow?

You’re at the mall with friends and see some jeans you really want, but you don’t have the money to buy them.

DON’T borrow

Not an investment in future, can cause over spending

Borrow? Don’t Borrow?

You have just graduated from college and have a new job. You have enough money for a down payment on a house, but need a loan to buy the house.


You have a steady income and a home is an investment

Borrow? Don’t Borrow?

You receive a scholarship to go to your favorite college, but it is not enough money to pay all of your expenses.


Education is an investment in yourself.

It Is In Your InterestModule 7.2

Calculating Interest Rates

Interest Rate


dollar amount of interest charged

amount of money borrowed

Simple Example

Borrow: $1,000

Interest Rate: 6% or .06

$1,000 x .06 = $60

You pay $1,000 + $60

$1,060 TOTAL

APR – Annual Percentage Rate

What interest rates are always stated as The percentage cost of credit on an

annual basis, which must be disclosed by the law.

More complex than the simple example because few loans are repaid within one year with just one payment.

Finding APRBorrowing 3 months at 6%

Step 1: # of months in the year

# of months you’re borrowing $

Step 1: 12 / 3 = 4

Step 2: rate of interest paid TIMES answer in Step 1

Step 2: 6 x 4 = 24 it’s 6, not .06

APR = 24%

2 years at 6%

1: 12 (# months in the year)

24 (# months borrowed)

12/24 = .5

2: Rate of interest TIMES Step 1 Answer

6 x .5 = 3

APR = 3%


Lenders are REQUIRED to report the APR in bold on the front of all loan contracts

Can be calculated in different ways Causes confusion Read all fine print before signing


Credit Card Interest Rates Can range from low (0%) to high (25%+) Credit card companies can increase

interest rates at any time for any reason Most give 30 days notice Make sure you read any information

sent to you by lender

Making Minimum Payments A percentage of your balance Drops as you pay balance Making ONLY minimum payments

means you’ll pay a lot of interest for a long time

GREATLY increases cost of the good/service


Amount charged on credit card: $2,400

Minimum payment each month: $48

$2400 - $48 = $2,352 still owed

It will take 288 months to pay off that $2,400. In the end you’ll pay $3,456.59

$1,056.59 in interest


That’s ONLY if you don’t charge anything else on that credit card

If you can’t afford to pay off your bill each month, rethink your decision to charge the purchase

Prepayment Clause – allows the borrower to make additional payments/pay off early

7.3Borrowing Money

Before Applying for Loans It is recommended that you get a copy

of your credit report to check it for errors.

Credit History the way you have handled other loans and

payments includes every application you have made

for a loan, a charge account, or a credit card amount of credit you have your required monthly payments

Lenders want to be sure you have not borrowed so much money that you cannot pay your bills, and they want to see whether or not you pay your bills on time.

Credit Bureau Compile your credit history into a report Provides information to lenders and others who

need information about you Specializes in gathering information from

various sources Your credit file may also include information

about your Incomeyour work historyany legal actions taken against youNumber of times you applied for credit

Credit Bureaus

Use the information to develop a credit score based on five major factors:your credit historyyour current level of debthow long you have used creditthe types of credit you havehow often you apply for new credit.

FICO (high score = low rates, low score = high rates)

3 main credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

Lenders pay a fee to get your credit file and make their decisions based on your FICO score.

FICO stands for Fair Isaac Corporation Other factors: income, how long you have

worked at your job, the kind of credit you are requesting, and anything else that gives them a complete picture of your ability to repay the loan.

Credit Score Effects

Your credit score impacts more than just your ability to get credit.Getting a job Renting an apartmentThe rate of interest you are charged when

you borrow money

Credit Scores

High Score Low Score

Good money manager Pay your bills on time

(most important) Responsible consumer Show maturity in your


Bad money manager Don’t pay bills on time Irresponsible Immature

you are a high risk as a potential borrower, renter, or employee

Negative information

Late payments and loan defaults stay in your credit files for seven years

Bankruptcy remains for a maximum of ten years

Information about lawsuits or unpaid judgments remains seven years or until the statute of limitations expires, whichever is longer.

Payday Loan Companies

Offers loans to high risk customers at very high fees

Random Facts

If your credit card is lost or stolen and you report it immediately, the most you can lose is $50.

If you want to dispute any information included in your credit file, you need to write a letter or file a report online with the credit bureau.

Consumer Credit Legislation ensure that consumers and lenders are

treated “fairly” and “equally.” Provide you with good information to

help you make informed decisions about financial mattersprivacy rightsunfair business practicesfraudmisrepresentation

Enforcing Legislation

Most done by the U.S. Department of Justice or the Federal Trade Commission

State laws vary from state to state Oklahoma = State Attorney General’s


7.4 (ACTS)Consumer Credit Legislation

Vocab Review

Secured Credit Credit with collateral for the lender

Credit History An official record of a borrower’s credit

activity, including borrowing and payments

Loan Agreement

A type of contract between the borrower and the lender explaining the requirements of fulfilling the loan

Interest Rate

The percentage rate of interest charged to the borrower

Interest Payment for the use of someone else’s


Installment Credit

A loan repaid with a fixed number of equal payments

Credit Bureau

An establishment that collects and distributes credit information of individuals and businesses

Credit Repair Organizations Act

Makes it illegal for groups to make false promises or claims about improving your credit history

Fair Debt Collections Practices Act

Prohibits debt collectors from engaging in unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices when collecting debts

Equal Credit Opportunity Act

Ensures all individuals have an equal opportunity to receive credit or loans

Truth in Lending Act

Requires all lenders to inform potential lenders about the cost of borrowing money, including finance charges and the annual percentage rate

Consumer Credit Reporting Act

Requires free credit reports for the unemployed, persons on public assistance, and fraud victims