Box at work on demand storage and moving done with ruby on rails

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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What is it?

Box at Work is Berlin-based, operates in major cities in Germany and Switzerland and plans expansion abroad.

Families and companies can enjoy 24 hours free collection and returns of their stuff in plastic boxes with affordable and clear pricing.

The company also offers to rent boxes and additional handy items to organize moving nice way.

Our contributions

Initial goal was to migrate from wordpress site to ruby on rails application within 2 weeks time.

Then the goal was substantially enlarged to make fully new user experience and next generation platform.

From Wordpress to Ruby on Rails web app

We migrated from wordpress site to ruby on rails application within 2 weeks time.

For both Ruby on Rails website and mobile API development we used Gitflow, rspec and cucumber autotests, and using GitHub, Jenkins, Capistrano, Ubuntu servers.

Team for Ruby on Rails platform development

We used agile scrum with one week sprints over 6 months of Ruby on Rails website development.

UX prototype

We started with UX/UI and graphical design.

Development of backend basic features and migration routine was done in parallel with UI prototyping.

After first month UI prototype was ready and we started crafting landing pages, order workflow and customer area.

Android and iOS mobile apps for clients

Mobile apps development and Ruby on Rails mobile API was done within one month with waterfall process.

For Ruby on Rails mobile API development we used continuous delivery infrastructure based on Gitflow, rspec and cucumber autotests, and using GitHub, Jenkins, Capistrano, Ubuntu servers.

Technologies and integrations

Ruby on Rails, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Ubuntu,

Capistrano, Cucumber, PostgreSQL, Sass, Query, Jenkins, GitHub, Haml, Git, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Appcelerator, Jira.


Adyen, Mailgun, ZopimChat, InfinityCloud, Rollbar, Google Tag Manager.


The project was quite challenging:

Full stack Ruby on Rails development of the platform from start to finish.Migration from WordPress to the Ruby on Rails platform.Various integrations of external services.One time and recurring payments with the same payment gateway in two

currencies in Germany and Switzerland.Order workflows for 2 services.Mobile app with the storage inventory and features to scan barcodes and take
