Brainstem -

Post on 01-Nov-2021

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Non-cranial nerve nuclei Nucleus Site

Gracile nucleus Medulla (underneath gracile tubercle)

Cuneate nucleus Medulla (underneath cuneate tubercle)

Infeiro olivary nucleus Medulla

Pontine nucleus pons

inferior colliculus Midbrain

superior colliculus Midbrain

Red nucleus Midbrain

Substantia nigra Midbrain

Pretectal area Midbrain

Gracile nucleus

Cuneate nucleus

Internal arcuate fiber

Decussation of medial lemniscus

Non-cranial nerve nuclei in medulla oblongata

Inferior olivary nucleus

Pontine nucleus

Non-cranial nerve nuclei in pons

Nucleus of inferior colliculus

Non-cranial nerve nuclei in midbrain

superior colliculus

Red nucleus

Substantia nigra

Degeneration of the substantia nigra can result in Parkinson’s disease

Pretectal area

The junction of midbrain and diencephalon

The efferent fibers project to the bilateral accessory

nucleus of oculomotor nerve, involving both direct and

indirect light reflex of eye.

White matter

Ascending tracts

• Medial lemniscus

• Spinal lemniscus

• Trigeminal lemniscus

• Lateral lemniscus

Medial lemniscus

Conduct the

proprioceptive and

fine touch of the

contralateral trunk

and limbs




Spinothalamic lemniscus (tract)

Transfers the pain,

temperature and

rough touch-


sensation of the

contralateral trunk

and limbs

Ventral posteromedial

nucleus of thalamus Trigeminal lemniscus

(trigeminothalamic tract)

Trigeminal ganglia

Conduct the pain, temperature and touch-

pressure sensation from the skin,teeth and

mucous membrane of contralateral head and face

Lateral lemniscus

From bilatral cochlear

nuclei and superior

olivary nuclei

Conducts the auditory

sensation of both ears

Terminated to the nucleus

of inferior colliculus or

the medial genticulate


Descending tracts

• Pyramid tract:

Corticospinal tract (to spinal cord)

Corticobulbar tract (to brainstem)

• Rubrospinal tract

• Tectospinal tract

• Vestibulospinal tract

• Reticulospinal tract

Corticospinal tract

Corticobulbar tract

Nucleus of Oculomotor n.

Nucleus of trochlear

Motor nucleus of trigeminal n.

Nucleus of facial n.

Nucleus of ambiguus n.

Nucleus of accessory n.

Nucleus of hypoglossal n.

Nucleus of abducent n.

Corticonuclear tract



Innervate bilateral general

somatic motor nuclei and

special visceral motor nuclei

Lower part of the

nucleus of facial nerve

and nucleus of

hypoglossal nerve only

receive the fibers of

contralateral corticobulnar


Reticular formation of brain stem

• Ascending reticular activating system (ARAS)

• Motor central and vital centres – Cardiovascular center

and respiratory center

• Serotonergic rapheal nuclei

Gracile nucleus

Cuneate nucleus

Internal arcuate fiber

Decussation of medial


pyramidal tract Hypoglossal n.

Spinal nucleus of

trigeminal n. 请在此放置您的文字

Dorsal nucleus of

vagus n.

Nucleus of

hypoglossal n.

Nucleus of ambiguus

Nucleus of solitary tract

Transverse section through decussation of medial lemniscus

Necleus of hypoglossal n.

Dorsal nucleus of vagus n.

Nucleus of


Nucleus of

solitary tract


Medial lemniscus

Nucleus of ambiguus

Inferior cerebella


Hypoglossal n.

Inferior olivary nucleus

Spinal nucleus

of trigeminal n.

Transverse section through mid-olive level (medulla oblongata)

Spinal thalamic


Pontine nucleus

Superior cerebella


Pyramid tract

Nucleus of abducent n.

Nucleus of facial n.

Genu of facial n.

Spinal nucleus

of trigeminal n

Medial lamniscus

& trapeziod body

Lateral lamniscus

Transverse section through facial colliculus (pons)

Accessory nuleus of oculomotor n.

Nucleus of oculomotor n.

Mesencephlic nucleus of

trigeminal n.

Medial lemniscus

Red nucleus

Pyramid tract

Frontal pontine tract




Substential nigra

Transverse section through level of superior colliculus (midbrain)

Superior colliculus