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FALL 2016

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TEN YEARS AFTER THE FIRERabbi Eliot Isaac Malomet

Iwill never forget that morning. It wasabout 4 a.m. when I got the call. “Rabbi,this is Stuart,” said Stuart Mitnick, the shul

president at the time. “There’s a fire at theshul.” I quickly ran over to the shul and notbelieving my eyes, the flames began to burstout of the Benner Street entrance. There wereat least three companies there at the time tryingto put it out. This was really happening. Theshul was on fire. The blaze kept going andgoing through the morning. More and morefire companies were called up, at the peak ofthe fire there were close to a hundred people onthe scene fighting the fire, standing by for firstaid and providing aid and comfort. By the latemorning the fire was under control, and by thelate afternoon it was officially put out. Iwalked inside and my eyes stung. Thesynagogue was in ruins. The bimah, the entiresanctuary, the Kroll auditorium, they were alldestroyed. It was too much to look at. Theroom was still hot and smoky and the scent ofburnt wood, melted plastic and scorched carpetwas unbearable.

It was a Thursday and we had toquickly mobilize for Shabbat. We put out anautomatic phone message to the entirecongregation to come to a hastily organizedmeeting that night at the old “Y”. The firstresponders reported to us, and we learned thatwe weren’t going to be back in that building fora while. Some of us knew from the first day,that we would never be going back into thatbuilding again. From then on we began aperiod of wandering, to the “Y” for regularShabbat services, to 431 Raritan for dailyminyan and office functions, and to theHighland Park High School for the HighHolidays and larger events. We put teamstogether to manage the operations of the shul,to go through the process of adjustment, toengage in planning for the future and to designand build our beautiful new building and somuch more. At the same time we kept up all ofour programming. We didn’t skip a beat. Let’snot forget that when the fire took place themerger of the HPCTC and the CAE was in itsfinal phase and that all happened seamlessly.We held events to open the new office, to

honor the first responders, to bury thedestroyed books and artifacts, and on and onuntil we broke ground on the new buildingand dedicated it in 2009.

And here we are, 10 years removedfrom that Thursday, August 24, 2006. What aremarkable 10 years it has been! We couldn’thave accomplished anything without anincredible lay leadership team and devotedstaff. The loss of the Temple building was tragicand catastrophic, but in hindsight (and frankly,during the days and weeks afterwards) we knewthat it could have been infinitely worse. ThankGod it was not. From our destruction cameour renewal. We have such a beautiful shul,and such an amazing community that is proudto call this shul its second home.

The fire has marked us all in waysthat are profound and will have a lasting effecton us for the rest of our lives. We are gratefulfor everything. We take nothing for granted.We are so proud and so blessed.

A new year is about to begin, but thememories of the past decade come back to mewith great vividness at this time. Withgratitude to God for enabling us to reach thisseason, and with amazement at this wonderfulcongregation who brought a newcongregational era into being, I wish you ajoyful and meaningful New Year. May it be ayear of health, of hope and a year of peace.

Shana TovahRabbi Eliot I. Malomet

Rebbetzin Devorah HilsenrathSheldon and Bonnie Freidenreich

The Officers, Directors and Members of the Highland Park Conservative Temple—Congregation Anshe Emethpray that God grant to us, the house of Israel, and to all people

a New Year of peace, freedom, health and happiness.

Don’t Forgetto Order yourLulav and Etrog

Perform the mitzvah of gathering the ArbahMinim (Four Species)

during Sukkot.

Lulav and Etrog sets

are only $40 eachPlace your order no later

than Friday, October 7

Pick-up is Thursday,

October 13 beginning at 10 a.m.

and Friday, October 14 from

9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

BREAK FREEYom KippurAfternoon

Wednesday, October 12

Join us to continue the soulsearching on this day of individualintrospection in the midst of asupportive prayer community.

Nurture your spirit during thespecial time between Musaf

and Mincha

Watch your mail for more details!

Marla and Rich Zirin on the birth of theirgranddaughter, Abigail Eve Lowenstein.

Sondra and Donald Botvinick on theengagement of their granddaughter,Rochelle.

Faith Rost on the marriage of her daughter,Peninah, to Nir Gal.

Susan and Mark Lubeck on the Bat Mitzvah oftheir granddaughter, Lauren Schiffman.

Hazel Rabinowitz on the Bat Mitzvah of hergreat-granddaughter, Lauren Schiffman.

Lisa Geller on the Bar Mitzvah of her son, AviGeller.

Marge and Al Sandler on the engagement oftheir granddaughter, Sophie Milrom.

Debbie Gerber on the birth of her grandson,Max Brian Gerber.

Mindy and Marty Golden on the engagementof their son, Andrew, to Michelle Forman.

Devorah Hilsenrath on the birth of her great-granddaughter, Alma Rachel.

Devorah Hilsenrath on the marriage of hergrandson, Gedalya Heuman and Avital.

Linda and Al Tondow on the marriage of theirson, Nathan, to Rachel Margolis.

Adena Lebeau and Jeff Kress on the Bat Mitzvahof their daughter, Kira Kress.

Marge and Al Sandler on the marriage of theirgranddaughter, Sophie Milrom, to EitanMelamed.

Rochell and Keith Epstein on the birth of theirgrandson, Dylan Everett Epstein.

Heather and Matthew Nover on the birth oftheir daughter.

Anthony Bayer on his special birthday inSeptember.

Meryl Gonchar on her special birthday inSeptember.

Saul Fishman on his special birthday inSeptember.

Powell Saks on his special birthday inSeptember.

Fred Robinson on his special birthday inSeptember.

Dr. Brigitte Goldstein on her special birthday inSeptember.

Gert Klaus on her special birthday inSeptember.

Dr. Hy Zimmerberg on his special birthday inSeptember.

Deborah Rebhuhn on her special birthday inOctober.

Gail Markowitz on her special birthday inOctober.

Dr. Yakov Epstein on his special birthday inOctober.

Linda Katz on her special birthday in October.Nona Schwartz on her special birthday in

October.Miriam Finard on her special birthday in

October.Judy Swan on her special birthday in

November.Ken Wasserman on his special birthday in

November.Dr. Stanley Messer on his special birthday in


Nahamu NahamuRita Paszamant on the loss of her husband, David Paszamant.

Christine Joseph on the loss of her husband, Dr. Mark Mollick.

Arthur Cohen on the loss of his wife, Barbara Cohen.

Eugenia Rothstein on the loss of her brother, Samuel Mandel.

Family and friends of Anita Schrier.

Ethel Feller on the loss of her daughter, Aviva LaGasse.

Bob and Carolyn Metz on the loss of Bob’s sister, Dana Naigur.

Drew and Carol Daley on the loss of Drew’s mother, Mildred Daley.

Carey and Hillary Glass on the loss of Carey’s father, Bernard Glass.

Mazel Tov

PAGE 2 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth


President Sheldon Freidenreich Financial Secretary Arnold SchifmanPresident Elect Zoltan Kemeny Recording Secretary Joy Kuchinsky1st Vice President Stuart Feinblatt 2nd Vice President Dr. Barbara Chabner

Craig ArtelDavid BrotmanIra CohenNanette CohenCarey GlassMarty GoldenDavid Greenblatt

Dr. Peter HeimannMarc HermanSue KheelSteve Lerner Carrie MitnickUri MittlerBarbara Parkoff

Stanley RavensHenry SalmonLinda SchmidtMarcia ShiffmanDan ShifrinAl TondowJerry Trub


Jacob Willner z’lA. Harry Freedman z’lLouis Beck z’lDavid Michelson z’lPhilip Susswein z’lAbram Freidberg z’lHarry Kroll z’lStuart Katz z’lDaniel Rockoff z’l

Dr. Hans FisherKarl Ringel z’lDr. Theodore StahlGertrude KlausArthur CohenDr. Theodore SulzbergAlbert RappaportDr. Elliot BrooksBenjamin SchallEdward Guttenplan

Roy TanzmanKevin Leff Hon. Gayle Brill MittlerFred MorganDr. Peter SchildStuart MitnickSamuel KamensCarl LevyDr. Mitchel RosenLinda Tondow


Barbara Cohen z’lEdward CohenDr. Marlene Herman

Charles Mandel z’lArline SchwartzmanIra Susswein z’l

Joseph TabakHon. Herbert Tanzman z’l


Rabbi Eliot Isaac Malomet Rabbi Emeritus Yakov R. Hilsenrath zt”l

Men’s Club President: Al Davis Sisterhood President: Marsha Goldwasser


Saturday, September 10 - 8:45 a.m.Kiddush following servicesPlease join us for Shabbat

Services as we install our newlyelected Board of Trustees.

Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth PAGE 3

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGESheldon Freidenreich, President

Raritan Valley Chapter ofHadassah and our AJAinvite you to join us

Tuesday, September 13 at 8 p.m. when

Suri GrussgottAssistant Director of theWorld Jewish Congress,

North Americawill present

“Report from Buenos Aires - the Long Road in the Pursuit of Justice for Argentine Jewry.”

Everyone is welcome!Refreshments will be served.

It’s hard to believe that the summer isover. Soon we’ll be back into our regularroutine at home, as well as in the Temple.During the past two month, with your help, wewere able to maintain our daily minyan andShabbat services despite many being away onvacation.

I want to thank our members whovolunteered to lead services and read Torah onShabbat. and the service coordinators whowork very hard to assure that all aspects of theservices are covered. I especially want to thankRabbi Stephanie Dickstein, Rabbi Sara Rich,Rabbi Esther Reed, Rabbi Morty Schwartz andBarry Mael for filling in for Rabbi during hisabsence

Next month we will come together as acongregation to observe the High Holidays.We are now in the month of Elul, beginningthe period of spiritual preparation with thesounding of the shofar at weekday morningservices and recitation of psalm 27 twice a day.Elul is traditionally the time to begin theprocess of asking forgiveness for wrongs doneto others. I do wish that you forgive anywrongs that I may have committed andtogether we strive for the betterment of ourcongregation.

As you know, after three years ofserving our congregation, Chazzan RandallLevin decided to take a position in South

Huntington, NY. While we’re disappointedthat he will not be leading our services, we arealso happy for him and wish him muchsuccess.

After being appraised of thesituation, the Religious Committeeimmediately began looking for a High HolidayCantor. I’m happy to announce that CantorAlty Weinreib will be the Chazzan this year.Cantor Alty is a musician by profession, havingbeen trained at the Yeshiva UniversityCantorial School. I want to thank PhilGoldwasser for arranging the interviews andthe members of the Religious Committee whowere able to be at the interviews.

Because the holidays are so late this year,our adult education program will be beginningvery shortly with Talmud Class with RabbiMordechai Schwartz and ConversationalHebrew with Ilana Rozett. Both programshave been well received in the past and I knowthat they will continue to be successful. I hopethat you take advantage of these educationalopportunities.

I want to thank you for your continuedmembership. On behalf of the Officers andMembers of the Board, we wish everyone ahappy, healthy and prosperous new year. I lookforward to greeting you during the HighHoliday period.

Congratulations to the newly elected Highland Park Chapter USY Board!!

• President: Simona Moyal • Israel Awareness VP: Sasha Khodorkovsky• Religion/Education VP: Jonah Beberman

• Social Action/Tukun Olam VP: Michelle Rothberg• Membership/Programming VP: Jonah Rosen • Communications VP: Will Schwartz

YOUTH NEWS:USY and Kadima are getting ready for an amazing year. USY is our highschool youth group and Kadima is our middle school group. If youwould like to get your middle or high school students involved withKadima or USY, please email our youth chair, Phil Goldwasser at

Our Kadima Advisor, Meredith Brooks, is planning fun meetings on the following dates for the fall: September 15 & 29,

October 13 & 27, and November 10 & 22.

We will be hiring a new USY Advisor and dates for the USY programs will be announced soon.

Join us forThe Mysteries of the

Book of Jonahwith

Rabbi Mordy Schwartz

Sunday, October 9 at 9:30 a.m.We will closely read the Book of Jonah,the traditional Haftara reading for Yom

Kippur Mincha.

Fee: Members $6; non-members $10

The Holocaust Remembrance andEducation Committee will

present our annual

Kristallnacht CommemorationThursday, November 10 8:00 p.m. at the Temple

Please join us to remember, to reflect andto hear our speaker’s personal experiencesas historians and Holocaust survivors.

PAGE 4 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth

If “three’s the charm” then my fourth go‘round as a Men’s Club president comes withan IMPERATIVE to get it right! (Okay, it’s myfirst time at HPCT-CAE.) So how will weknow if I get it right? The first, and mostimportant, test will be if the pronoun changesfrom “I” to “we.” Our club can’t accomplish itsgoals or see growth unless we make it happen –despite anything that I might do.

For there to be a “we,” our club mustgrow. With over 400 family units at our shul,we finally reached 94 paid up members lastyear. Even allowing for women onlyhouseholds, that’s a pitiful number comparedto what it should be for a shul such as ours.Beyond growth, we need active participation.Of our 94 members, only 10 serve on theMen’s Club Board, seven recent past presidentsand the same guys who have been serving foryears. It is my not-so-humble opinion thatevery member of HPCT-CAE needs to supportthe synagogues arms: men to join and be activein Men’s Club; women in Sisterhood. I can’tspeak for Marsha, but I have several open boardpositions waiting to be filled. (If timeconstraints are so tight as to make activeparticipation impossible right now, at leastsupport us by paying your dues.) With theHigh Holidays approaching, now is a greattime to say, “Hineni – Here I am!” (in bodyand spirit).

Back in May, we participated in the shul’s

annual calendar meeting and I’m thrilled toreport that we filled the calendar with amultitude of varied activities aimed at a set ofdifferent target audiences – hopefully,providing something for everyone. We kick offwith a trip to Citi field to see the Mets take onthe Miami Marlins. Baseball not your thing?Join us at the shul on September 11 forTouchdowns and Torah, featuring our NY Jets.Come Sukkot we will leave off the “hard stuff ”as we proudly sponsor “Burgers & Brews in theBooth.” Phil Goldwasser promises a choiceselection of brews to sample and Phil Schmidtwill once again be our grillmeister – burgers toorder. Make mine rare, Phil! Our full calendarwill accompany our membership letter. Watchfor it in the mail! How well our functions aresupported and attended will be another metricof “got it right.”

Call it “T.O.T” or “cards on the table.”We’re looking at a New Year, new leadership,and new opportunities at our feet. Witheverything else on my plate, I’M ready for afourth go ‘round. The critical question is: AreWE?

From Helene and myself and the entireMen’s Club Board and our families, an earlywish for a Shana Tova U’M’Tuka to you and allyou hold dear.

B’vracha, Al Davis

NEWS FROM THE MEN’S CLUB – THE PREZ SEZ Al Davis - President Men’s Club


“Burgersand Brewsin the Booth”

WELCOME NEW MEMBERSRebecca Steckel and Larry Marks reside in Piscataway. Rebecca is a phyisican andLarry is in the financial services industry. They have three adult children.

Laura Levi ton and Sheldon Hochheiser live in Highland Park. Laura is a privatefoundation officer and Sheldon is a historian.

YOUR HELP IS NEEDEDSunday, October 2 at 9:30 A.M.

We will be setting up our sukkah.

Rain Date: Sunday, October 9 at 9:30 a.m.

Todah Rabah!

A special thank you to all ofthe parents who contributed to thekiddush.

We would also like to thankall those who made contributions tothe Scholarship Fund. Yourgenerosity allows the fund tocontinue to provide support for theyouth of our congregation.

We want to thank our Temple“family” for all the support we receivedduring and after Shiva for Barbara. Wewere overwhelmed by your manycharitable donations, Shiva visits andvarious types of support at that verydifficult time. We are truly blessed to bea part of this wonderful caringcommunity and give special thanks toRabbi Malomet for his consistentattention and love. – Arthur Cohen andFamily

Please accept our sinceregratitude for your kind words ofsympathy, donations and meaningfulvisits after the passing of our belovedsister, sister-in-law and aunt, DanaNaigur z”l. – The Metz Family

The Scholarship Committeewould like to thank Simona Moyal forher outstanding talk about her summerprogram at the Annual ScholarshipShabbat

Thursday, October 20at 6:30 p.m.

Be on the lookoutfor more information soon!


Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth PAGE 5

Welcome to another year of HPCT-CAE Sisterhood. Our Sisterhood is dedicatedto strengthening and uniting the women of ourcongregation through a variety of programs,providing opportunities to learn and grow asJewish women, and finding opportunities toconnect to and help our larger world. We are apart of a larger network of Sisterhoods broughttogether under the umbrella of the Women’sLeague for Conservative Judaism. Women’sLeague or WLCJ’s mission is “engaging,enriching, and empowering ConservativeJewish women” by providing us with resourcesfor learning, programming, social action, andmore, and connecting us withConservative/Masorti women around theworld. When you join our Sisterhood youbecome a part of an international group ofJewish women. Please send in your dues andmembership form and join our community. Ifyou need a new form, they are available on theWelcome Table in the lobby.

September alone shows the diversity ofprograms and projects that Sisterhood offersand proves that there is something for everywoman in our community. First up is ourAnnual Rummage Collection from Thursday,September 8 – Sunday, September 11. Whencleaning out your closets for the fall, pleaseconsider sharing your gently used clothing forall ages with our community at large. Thenjoin us on Monday, September 12 for ourOpening Tea Party featuring a tasting anddemonstration with Kathleen Hipelli fromOne Steep at a Thyme in Jamesburg. We willalso talk about the upcoming Sisterhood yearand give out gifts to those that have alreadypaid their dues. Our regular Monday eveningZumba classes begin on September 19 and 26and then resume after the holidays. Finally,finish out the month with our Fall BookDiscussion about The Boys in the Boat by

Daniel James Brown on Wednesday evening,September 28. Sisterhood book discussions areopen to all interested readers and you need notbe able to attend every time to join in thediscussion.

While October is busy with the Jewishholidays, take some time to get ready forSukkot at our Sukkah Decorations andOrigami Night on Thursday, October 5.Several Sisterhood women will lead us as wemake homemade decorations to use in ourSukkah or home.

Be sure to look out for our AnnualSimchat Torah Children’s Luncheon fundraiser.The monies raised through our luncheonfundraisers are used not only to provide ourTemple youth with luncheons twice a year, buthave also paid for highchairs, step stools,library books, and more. This year Sisterhoodalso made a major contribution to the newAbove and Beyond playground. Thank you foryour ongoing support of this fund.

Our 67th Annual Fashion Show will beheld on Tuesday, November 1. Please note thechange in date from Election Day. This is oneof our major social events and fundraisers forthe Sisterhood, so bring your friends andfamily for a wonderful evening out.

Lastly, but VERY important, is theTorah Fund campaign. Your donation to theTorah Fund gives you the opportunity toparticipate in the preservation, promotion, andjoy of Conservative/Masorti Judaism bysupporting our educational institutions aroundthe world as they train our future rabbis,cantors, educators, Jewish communal serviceworkers, and more. Donations are accepted atmany levels. With a minimum gift of $180,benefactors receive a beautiful pin.

We look forward to welcoming you toSisterhood throughout the year. Be sure towatch for our Sisterhood flyers in the monthlymailings and in your emails for all of the detailsabout our programs and events. If you are notreceiving our emails, please contact me. Asalways, feel free to email or call me or 732-296-0316with any questions, suggestions or ideas tomake the Sisterhood an even more wonderfulplace to dedicate your time and effort.

SISTERHOOD REPORTMarsha Goldwasser, Sisterhood President

Sisterhood Clothing CollectionCLOTHING,SHOES & HANDBAGS ONLY

Distributed to local agenciesDrop off in the Legacy Roomfrom Thursday, 9/8 throughSunday, 9/11

HPCT-CAE Sisterhood 67th Annual

Dinner and Fashion ShowTuesday, November 1

(NOT on Election Day) 6 p.m.

Dinner by Exquisite CaterersFashions Coordinated by

Rachel’s Boutique

Watch your mail for the invitation and details!

One Steepat a Thymewith Kathleen Hippeli

Monday, September 12–8 p.m.

An Introduction to Tea and Tea Etiquette

Join Sisterhood for tea, scones anddesserts while learning about upcoming

programming for the year.


with Rabbi Mordecai SchwartzThursday Evenings at 8 PM

Starting October 27th for 5 sessions

SisterhoodFall Book DiscussionThe Boys in the Boat

Nine Americans and their epic quest for goldat the 1936 Berlin Olympics

Wednesday, September 28 - 7p.m. at the home of Sue Kheel,

343 Felton Ave, Highland Park

PAGE 6 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth

TORAH FUND Women EnsuringConservative/Masorti Jewish Education

The Jewish Theological Seminary needs your help more than everto ensure our legacy of future generations of Conservative Jewscontinues.

For $180, you can become a benefactor and receive this year’sbeautiful new Women’s League Torah Fund pin P’ri yadehah,which means “the fruit of her hands,” is a phrase from Eishet Chayil in the Bookof Proverbs (31:31). The wheat branch featured in the 2016 pin/pendantsignifies the sustenance we wish for all our family and friends, and the olivebranch represents our prayers for peace.

For information, please contact Helene Davis or 908-757-3674.

15th Annual Jewish Film Series

Time To SayGoodbye

Saturday, November 19 - 8 P.M.

Twelve-year-old Simon Grünberg, aJewish kid, has a lot to deal with at adifficult hormonal age. Since the recentdivorce of his parents, life in Hamburghas been like a ping pong ball, as hetravels back and forth between hismom and dad. Complicating matters,the family is religiously divided.Newly-observant father Frankdesperately insists that his squeamishson sacrifice his foreskin before his BarMitzvah, while liberal-minded momHannah is fed up with the piousposturing of her ex-husband.

Meantime, Simon falls head over heelsin love with the new Rabbi, Rebecca(who is, unfortunately, twenty years hissenior). With the Machiavellianscheming of friends Clemens and Ben,a rivalry to win her heart fuels a familyfeud.

German with English subtitles.

$8 donation suggested

The Temple Sisterhoodwill be sponsoring theAnnual Simchat Torah


for all the children in ourcongregation

Tuesday, October 25

All are welcome to Siddur Lev Shalem: Dreaming the Dream of Godwith Rabbi Stephanie Dickstein

Chancellor Arnold Eisen wrote in his forward, “I am proud to introduce you to the many pleasures of this remarkableprayer book, which, like Conservative Judaism as a whole, takes tradition forward in a way at once faithful, learned, loving and bold. .. (it) invites us to “dream the dream of God”, as Abraham Joshua Heschel put it, in words that

join our hearts and minds to those of our ancestors.”

Join us for three sessions as we explore various ways in which the new siddur presents the Shabbat and holiday liturgy sothat can enrich our personal, spiritual and communal experience of prayer. We will also discuss how prayer, in the settingof this siddur, can enhance our Jewish community and connection with the Jewish people and all of God’s creation.

Thursdays, November 14, 21 and 28 • Cost will be $25 for members and $36 for non-members.

Women’s Only

Zumbawith Andrea Orlando

Mondays at 7:15 p.m.

Get Fit and Have Fun!Fall session starts September 19th.

We love to be a welcoming community

Can you help by being a Shabbat Greeter? If so, please email or speak to Joy Kuchinsky, orDavid Greenblatt at

Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth PAGE 7

Stop in to the



whenever you are looking for books on a Jewish topic.

If you’re looking for children’s books tohelp your family enhance their HighHoly Day preparation, the Temple

Library is the place to go!

Information about the library is onthe Shul website.

Weave a Tallit... Make a custom tallit for yourself or as avery special gift. No weaving experienceneeded to produce a beautiful and customtallit - even if you have never threaded aneedle; even if you never designed anythingbefore. And tying the tzitzit? If you can tieyour shoes, you can make the fringes onyour own tallit! Weave a tallit or tefillinbag. Or weave a challah or matzoh coverfor your home, a bride or groom, a bat/barmitzvah or a house gift.

The opportunity to weave an heirloomgarment for your sons, daughters,grandchildren, husbands, wives or otherfamily and friends – or even for yourself, isnow available. You do not have to know how to weave or even be someone whohas done creative handiwork in the past. Volunteers from Neve ShalomSisterhood will guide you through the process. With our help, you can weave.

This ongoing program is open to the entire community, men and women,boys and girls. The loom is located at Neve Shalom Congregation, 250 GroveAvenue, Metuchen, NJ 08840.

For more information, pricing, and to schedule your time on the loom,contact:

Steve Parkoff – or 732-494-8268Barbara Parkoff – or 732-494-5642

A portion of proceeds will be donated to HPCT-CAE.Remember, you do not have to be crafty, handy or a weaver.

Save The Date!

Saturday, December 17 at 8 P.M.



Trio SefardiIn memory of

Norman Shiffman



Saturday December 17 -

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Flory’s Flam a one-hour documentary about

90-year old Sephardic US NationalHeritage Fellow musician Flory Jagoda.


Join our Hebrew Ulpan and Update Your Hebrew Speaking and Reading Skills

We have classes for all levels. Come and enjoy speaking and reading Hebrewin a relaxed and fun environment with our teacher, Ilana Rozett

Beginners' Hebrew:Thursday evenings at 7 P.M. starting September 29 • Learn the aleph-bet and basic

reading, writing, conversational Hebrew, and simple vocabulary.

Intermediate Hebrew:Tuesday evenings at 7 P.M. starting September 27 • Build vocabulary through conversation, reading and writing supplemented by a simple text and workbook.

Advanced Hebrew: Tuesday evenings 8 P.M. starting September 27 • Build your knowledge of Hebrew

and focus on comprehension, creative writing and conversation

To Register, contact the Temple Office at (732) 545-6482,or e-mail Linda Tondow at

PAGE 8 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth

PICTURE GALLERYEnjoy pictures from Sisterhood’s Installation of Officers and 12th Annual Neshama and “Women of

Torah” Award Dinner and the dedication of our Above & Beyond Playground.

Highland Park C

onservative Temple C

ongregation Anshe E



KOL NIDRETuesday, October 11 ......................................................................................................6:00 PM

No one will be seated during Kol Nidre. Please be in your seat no later than 5:45 PM Services will start precisely at 6:00 PM because we need to start before sundown.Candle lighting facilities will be available in the Temple. Light Candles Before 6:05 PM

Wednesday, October 12 ................................................................................................8:30 AMMincha ...........................................................................................................................4:20 PMNeilah .............................................................................................................................5:35 PMYom Kippur Ends ...........................................................................................................7:02 PM

SHABBAT HA’AZINUFriday, October 14 .............................................................................Evening Services 6:00 PMCandle Lighting ...................................................................................................before 5:59 PMSaturday, October 15 ....................................................................................................8:45 AM Mincha 5:30 PM......................................................................................Shabbat ends 6:58 PM

SUKKOTSunday, October 16 ............................................................................Evening Services 6:00 PMCandle Lighting ..................................................................................................before 5:57 PMMonday, October 17 ...............................................................................8:45 AM and 5:30 PM Candle Lighting from pre-existing flame ..............................................................after 6:55 PMTuesday, October 18 ...............................................................................8:45 AM and 5:30 PMYom Tov Ends ................................................................................................................5:53 PM

SHABBAT HOL HA-MO’ED SUKKOTFriday, October 21 ..............................................................................Evening Services 5:45 PM Candle Lighting ...................................................................................................before 5:49 PMSaturday, October 22 .....................................................................................................8:45 AMMincha - 5:15 PM ..................................................................................Shabbat Ends 6:48 PM

HOSHANA RABBAHSunday, October 23 .......................................................................................................8:30 AM

SHEMINI ATZERETSunday, October 23.............................................................................Evening Services 5:45 PMCandle Lighting ...................................................................................................before 5:47 PMMonday, October 24 .....................................................................................................8:45 AM

Yiskor Recited during ServicesMincha……………………………………………………………………………… 5:15 PM......................................................................................................................................................

SIMCHAT TORAHMonday, October 24 ........................................................................................Mincha 5:15 PMSpecial Service for Young Children..............................................................................5:45 PMSimchat Torah Celebration..........................................................................................6:45 PM

Candle Lighting from pre-existing flame................................................................after 6:45 PM..................................................................................................Light Refreshments after ServicesTuesday, October 25 ......................................................................................................8:45 AM

Children’s Luncheon – Sponsored by Sisterhood – After ServicesMincha following completion of Morning Services ...............................approximately 1:15 PM Evening Services ........................................................................................................... 6:30 PM

Yom Tov Ends 6:44 PM

Please pull out this special High Holy Day section

High Holy Day ServicesThis year there will be one service for the entire congregation in the Kaplan-Rutman Sanctuary,

and two parallel Torah readings in the Kaplan-Rutman Sanctuary and the Lower-Level “Blue Room”.

Services conducted by Rabbi Eliot Isaac Malomet Liturgy chanted by Cantor Alty Weinreb

Youth CongregationsTorah Time – Ages 3 years and up – Marlene Herman – Upstairs Skylight Room

Rosh Hashanah – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Yom Kippur – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Rosh Hashanah and Yom KippurGrade Place ..................................................................Time1-3 – Mini-Minyan Conference Room 2 (Upstairs) .....10:00 AM – 1:00 PM4-6 – Junior Congregation Classroom 6 (Upstairs) .................10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Babysitting for younger children will be available on Rosh Hashanah from 10:00 AM until the conclusion ofServices, and on Yom Kippur from 10:00 AM to the conclusion of Services.

Please call the Temple Office for reservations.

ROSH HASHANAHSunday, October 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Evening Services 6:15 PMCandle Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:19 PMMonday, October 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:30 AMTashlikh – 4:30 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mincha followed by Ma’ariv 6:00 PM

We will meet at Donaldson Park for Tashlikh on the banks of the Raritan River.Candle Lighting from pre-existing flame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .after 7:16 PM

Tuesday, October 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:30 AMMincha – 6:00 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Yom Tov Concludes – 7:14 PM

TZOM GEDALIAHWednesday, October 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fast Begins 5:33 AMServices at 6:45 AM and 7:30 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fast Ends 7:00 PM

SHABBAT SHUVAFriday, October 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Evening Services 6:00 PMCandle Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . before 6:11 PMSaturday, October 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:45 AMMincha – 5:45 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shabbat Ends 7:08 PM

YOM KIPPURTuesday, October 11Mincha Service, Erev Yom Kippur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:30 PM


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The Eve of Rosh Hashanah is Sunday, October 2. Candles are to be lit before 6:19 p.m. After striking the match and lighting the wicks, it is customary to move one’shands in a circular motion three times, as a symbolic invitation of the angels, and thencover one’s eyes while reciting the blessing by heart. The blessing for the candles isfollowed by the Shehecheyanu blessing. The Hebrew text of both blessings is found in themachzor. Following the blessings, many add their own private mediations for the NewYear. Here is a transliteration of the blessings:

Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam asher kidshanu be-mitzvotav ve-tzivanu le-hadlik ner shel Yom Tov.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with the commandments and commanded us to light the candles of the holiday.

Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam she-he-che-ya-nu ve-ki-ye-ma-nu ve-hi-gi-anu la-zman ha-zeh

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe,Who has given us life,sustained us, and enabled us to reach this day.

Meditation for the New Year:

Yehi ratzon milfanekha, she-tehadesh aleinu shanah tova u-metukah.

May it be Your will, that You grant us a beautiful, sweet year.


Candles are to be lit on Monday evening, after 7:16 p.m. from an existing flame. TheYom Tov blessing for the candles is recited.


Prior to the meal it is customary to bless the children:

For boys:

Yesimha Elohimke-Efrayim ve-khe-M’nashe

May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh.

For girls:

Yesimeh Elohim ke-Sara Rivka Rachel ve-Leah

May God make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah.

For all Children:

Yevarekhekha Adonai ve-yishmerekhaYa-eir Adonai panav elekha ve-yihunekahYisa Adonai panav elekha ve-yaseim lekha shalom.

May God bless you and watch over you.May God shine His light upon you and be gracious to you.May God lift up His face upon you and grant you peace.


Kiddush is recited prior to the meal. A Hebrew text and English translation of theKiddush may be found in the Machzor. Here is a transliteration:

Hold the cup of wine and recite:

Savri maranan ve-rabanan:Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam borei pri ha-gaften.

Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam asher bahar banu mikol am ve-romemanu mi-kol lashon ve-kidshanu be-mitzvotavva-titen lanu Adonai Eloheinu be-ahavaet Yom Hazikaron ha-zehYom Teruah, mikra kodeshzekher litzi’at mitzrayimki vanu vahartave-otanu kidashta mikol ha-amim

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udvarkha emet ve-kayyam la’ad.Barukh ata AdonaiMelekh al kol ha’aretz mekadesh Yisrael ve-Yom ha-Zikaron.


Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olamshe-he-che-ya-nu ve-ki-ye-ma-nu ve-hi-gi-anu la-zman ha-zeh.


It is traditional on Rosh Hashanah and throughout the holidays, to eat round shapedchallah symbolizing the cycle of the year and the cycle of life. Following the ritual washingof the hands, Netilat Yadayim, Ha-Motzi is recited over the challah.

Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olamHa-motzi lechem min ha-aretz.

Blessed are You, Lord our GodKing of the UniverseWho brings forth bread from the earth.

It is the custom to dip the challah in honey before eating it.


Among the various food customs of Rosh Hashanah, the most prevalent is dipping applesin honey. Following the motzi, but prior to the formal meal, we distribute wedges of appleand dip them into a bowl of honey. We recite the following:

Yehi ratzon milfanekha, Adonai Eloheinu ve-elohei avoteinushe-tehadesh aleinu shanah tova u-metukah.

May it be Your will, O Lord our God,and God of our ancestorsthat you renew for usa year that is good and sweet.


Join in the community Tashlikh service, on Monday, October 3, at 4:30 p.m. inDonaldson Park.


Join us for Mincha at 1:30 p.m. Following mincha (or at any time prior to Yom Kippur)it is customary to perform Kapparot. In our community we symbolically perform thisritual by giving tzedakah. Say the following while holding the tzedakah:

This is my exchange, this is my substitute, this is my expiation. This tzedakah shall go

to a worthy cause and I shall proceed to a good, long life and peace.It is customary to eat an appropriate meal for the fast. CANDLE LIGHTING FOR YOM KIPPUR

For Yom Kippur, light candles on Tuesday, October 11, before 6:05 p.m. Candle lighting will be available at shul. Use the following blessing:

Baruch atah AdonaiEloheinu melech ha-olam asher kideshanu be-mitzvotav ve-tzvivanu le-hadlik ner shel Yom HaKipurim.

SHEHECHEYANU is also recited:

Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu Melekh ha-olam she-he-che-ya-nu ve-ki-ye-ma-nu ve-hi-gi-anu la-zman ha-zeh

*PLEASE NOTE: ERUV TAVSHILINIs recited prior to Rosh Hashanah and the 1st and last days of Sukkot.Please consult a Siddur for the appropriate blessings.

Join us Saturday evening, September 24th for ourPre-Yamim Noraim Study: Selichot Program

at 10:30 – 11:30 p.m. Selichot Services – 11:30 p.m.

Watch for more details!

The ten days starting with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippurare commonly known as the

Days of Aweor Days of Repentance (Yamim Noraim)This is a time for introspection and a time to re-evaluate

ourselves before Yom Kippur.

Come join us at 4:45 p.m. on Saturday, October 8th (Shabbat Shuvah)

in the sanctuary for a series of teachings on the subject of Repentance (T’Shuva).Speakers to be announced.

Each Speaker will talk for approximately 15-20 minutes on a topic connected to Repentance (T’Shuva).Brief question and answer period to follow.

This event is open to the community. Prepare to be Awed.


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Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth PAGE 15

Above and Beyond kicked off thesummer with a special playground dedication.Our Above & Beyond families enjoyed a pizzadinner and sing along, followed by thededication and ribbon cutting. Special thanksto the donors: Ed and Freda Cohen, BartWeinstein and Dr. Debra Goldstein, Josephand Rifka Moyal, and the Sisterhood of the

Highland Park Temple-Congregation AnsheEmeth, whose generous contributions enabledus to make this vibrant playground a reality.And Todah Rabbah to the playgroundcommittee: Ira Kizner, Gittel and JustinFooterman, Marcia Shiffman and LindaTondow, for giving of their time and expertiseto bring this project to fruition. We know thatthe Above and Beyond kids will enjoy thisbeautiful playground for many years to come.

All of the children at Above and Beyondhad a fabulous summer as they enjoyed lots offresh air and water fun on our playground.They went on frequent nature walks, enjoyedweekly music, movement and dance classes andof course, our Shabbat party was always one ofthe highlights of our action-packed week!

The preschoolers also joined in theworld-wide Olympic spirit as they held theirown Mini Olympics with obstacle courses,relay races, gymnastics and Olympic-themedart projects. As always, we are so proud of ourlittle champions!

We are happy to announce that MorahDebbie Erdfarb has joined our staff as theCenter Coordinator. She enhances ourprogram with her weekly music class and also asthe Jewish enrichment teacher. We lookforward to an exciting school year with afabulous staff and a robust enrollment in all ofthe classes.

Best wishes for a very sweet New Year fromeveryone at Above & Beyond!


Irma Greenstone, Dora Leder, JulianStamm, Max Bernstein, William Dubrow, RuthKroll, Sidney Kurtz, Sylvia Rimmer, Ben Rubin,Ella Heimann, Arthur Waffenfeld, SamuelBerkowitz, Bessie Levine, Gerald Shorr, MoisheGinzburg, Jerome Levy, Anna Lieberman, FreidaRubinoff, Leonard Schenerman, Frances Frank,Claude Reitstein, Ida Rich, Phillip Rubin,Herbert Tanzman, Rose Bamberger, SamuelQuart, Jacob Risch, Anna Tunis, Theresa Weiss,Katie Cohen, Hyman Sandler, JackSchneiderman, Louis Toporek, Mindy Weinberg,Sandra Berkowitz, Hartley Shein, MarshallSorkin, Ira Susswein, Edward Ehrlich, LawrenceHofrichter, Saul Karp, Janet Schwartz, MeyerTrachtenberg, Neil Weiss, Benjamin Kranz, LouisPritz, Frances Schocket, Samuel Stein, MartinKling, Julius Miller, Anna Shragowitz, CeliaPomper, David Rutman, Marilyn Epstein,Abraham Sonberg, Edith Digiesi, LauryannFriedman, Sam Kobren, Harold Mandel, HarryBelgrad, Sylvia Bergstein, Andrei Katz, MiltonPaige, Alex Sandler, Sidney Schiffman, ElkaCohen, Linda Cerboni, Joey Freidenreich, EstherLaibowitz, Ronald Levy, Hyman Pell, LouisRobins, Elyse Cohen, Benjamin Dwin, EthelEpstein, Harold Hershkowitz, Laszlo Kemeny,Roberta Kirsch, Harry Kroll, Harold Tamaroff,Florence Becker, Lillian Dubinsky, Fred Frant,Louis Glasser, Goldie Granich, Ruth Rothschild,Jesse Politziner, Szerena Solowitz, Simon Cohen,Susan Cutler, Louis Mondschein, Dora Susswein,Katie Zamost, Adolph Cabot, Miriam Falk,Natalie Federman, Israel Spector, Yetta Gottlieb,Bessie Greenberg, Faye Klein, Edward Ross, SamSchneider, Celia Smilowitz, Mates Stahl, WilliamZack, Zacai Moyal, Nathan Sharff, ElsieLieberman, Celia Schneiderman, Rose Morgan,Rose Narod, Dora Salasin, Sharon Zimmerberg,

William Berman, Stanley Hochheiser, EdithLevine, Alex Rimmer

MONTH OF OCTOBERBebe Rudkin, Dorothy Schiff, Ethel

Tamaroff, Eric Frisch, Felix Goldsmith, StevenGordon, Louis Lieberman, Lillian Goldsmith,Max Nissenbaum, Dean Swan, Shirley Langer,Uri Ronnen, Fae Sadowsky, David Pleet, LenaShapiro, Edward Ehrlich, Isadore Goldberg,William Metz, Joseph Sathan, Ruth Cohen, ClaraKimel, Arnold Santoro, Nisel Baron, IrvingBelsky, William Feldman, Jean Schafrank, SidneyBeck, Frances Deutsch, David Katz, WilfordRatzan, Evelyn Shaffer, Chaim Stollman, JulieSwan, Frederick Korff, Beatrice Raab, KarlRebarber, Miriam Angiel, Josef Kondioti, VitaPritz, Faye Rosen, Rena Schifman, SylviaWeinstein, Harriet Guttenplan, Jane Beck,Beatrice Flagler, Barney Nusbaum, Alvin Ricks,Rose Robinson, Morris Schall, Sophie Breslin,Louis Dworeck, Joseph Lieberman, Percy Ratet,Aaron Beck, Elaine Guth, George Goldsmith,Kenneth Rozett, Edith Saks, Samuel Samuels,Pearl Baron, Minnie Fuchs, Theodor Geffner,Helen Lipow, Arnold Miller, Mildred Urbach,Nathan Mandel, Bernard Chabner, RichardGeller, George Gens, Irene Kaufman, EmilRabinowitz, David Schwartzman, SamuelHoffman, Esther Susser, Adam Kondioti,Seymour Lobel, Solomon Mitnick, Tillie Pass,Harry Rosenbloom, Jacob Sulzberg, Jay Chernow,Debby Kirsch, Bertha Olitzky, Jacob Reiser, EliasKushnick, Bruce Ross, Reuben Oshinsky, RobertBraunschweig, Elvin Fineberg, Daniel Lubeck,Jacob Solomon, Schulim Trattner, Leslie Cohen,Nathan Berman, Esther Horwitz, JonathanKallman, Alvin Rockoff

MONTH OF NOVEMBERLeila Bussell, Miriam Davis, Theodore

Langer, Mae Tucker, Yetta Sadof, William Rosen,Libby Sadwith, Marcia Spears, Julius Rosenthal,Sam Solomon, Joel Bermann, Marcus Beymann,Ceil Lakind, Dorothy Engelhardt, Rose Ginzler,Irene Grossman, Lester Grossman, HerbertHalper, Abraham Kraut, Bela Lichtman, FannieRatet, Miriam Rebhuhn, Fannie Stein, HermannBamberger, Lillian Gushin, Ivy Kelson, SamuelKronman, Sheldon Lasher, Herman Rabinowitz,Lawrence Robinson, Harry Silbert, SolomonClark, Alice Faur, Benjamin Feldbaum, SandorGross, George Gutman, Robert Mars, HiltonNelson, Gussie Greenstone, Bernard Tunis,Dorothy Wolfe, Nathan Biller, Anna Gottlieb,Abraham Gross, Joseph Herbach, Isabel Steiner,Eliazar Bresler, Martin Dubrow, SamuelFeinblatt, Charles Mandel, Gussie Pavloff, AbeFeld, Jacob Feldman, Hyman Guth, JosephGutowski, Ruth Robinson, Samuel Fridman, BenLubeck, Helen Zimmerberg, MorrisZimmerberg, Max Bloom, Celia Gabowitz,Arthur Ginzler, Edith Kesselman, Gustav Lerner,Esther Zankel, Theodore Zeelander, HarryWeinstein, Max Siederer, Alex Silver, AbrahamTeitlebaum, Israel Unterman, Miriam Lewin,Harry Avroch, Mona Berman, Paul Langer, JeanTalmadge, Dorothy Adler, Solomon Chazan,Michael Raab, Wilbur Bergstein, Harry Berg,Joseph Goodman, Lillian Kaplowitz, Paul Levine,Paula Eisdorfer, Myron Kushner, William Turitz,Susanne Goldstein, Leah Gordon, Harvey Polen,Burton Greenberg, Pearl Lagowitz, Jack Marks,Edward Schoen, Fannie Tondow, Mary Cohen,Bertha Eichen, Howard Vogel, Morris Friedman,Else Goldstein, Rose Isaacs, Ella Mendlovich,Sam Roth, Morris Miller, Harry Schildkraut, LeoBuchanan, Abe Gordon, Moe Pomper, IrvingRothberg, Gladys Zagnit, Sylvia Zagorin, EstherRobins, Paula Wiesenfeld, Kivie Yafie

Yahrzeits(If you are not already receiving notification about a yahrzeit, and would like to, please contact the Temple Office.)

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Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth PAGE 17

We Gratefully Acknowledgeand thank the following generous contributors to our funds

AJAElly Ehrlich in memory of Milton Frant.Elly Ehrlich in memory of Barbara Cohen.Elly Ehrlich in memory of Samuel Mandel.Judy and Steve Richman in memory of Barbara Cohen.Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor the birthday of Elly


CAPITAL CAMPAIGN FUNDJoan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the special wedding

anniversary of Francine Kritchek and HyZimmerberg.

Elaine Rand Fromkin in honor of Florence Thaler’s 100thBirthday.

Elaine Rand Fromkin in honor of Joe Tabak and familyand their dedication of the beautiful Torah crown inmemory of Harriet.

Elaine Rand Fromkin in memory of David Paszamant.Marlene and Ed Herman in honor of the special wedding

anniversary of Brenda and Roy Tanzman.Dr. Elliot Brooks and family in memory of David

Paszamant.Madeline Crass and Steve Klein in honor of the special

wedding anniversary of Brenda and Roy Tanzman.Madeline Crass and Steve Klein in honor of the 100th

birthday of Florence Thaler.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of

Rose Kibel.Elaine Rand Fromkin in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of

Rose Kibel.Bobbie and Stan Bruskin in memory of David Paszamant.Judy Tamaroff in memory of her sister, Ruth Bishop.Mildred Tanzman in memory of Rose Tanzman.Bonnie and Sheldon Freidenreich in memory of Louis

Zagorin.Madeline Crass, Steve Klein and Gussie Mandel in honor

of the Bat Mitzvah of Lauren Schiffman.Victoria Zagorin in memory of Louis Zagorin.Hazel Rabinowitz in honor of the Bat Mirzvah of Lauren

Schiffman.Ruth-Ann and Harold Gerr in memory of Brian Kheel.Theodore M. Choplick in memory of Mollie Choplick.Linda and Barry Diamond in honor of the special

birthday of Ina Nelson.Linda and Barry Diamond in honor of ten years of good

health for Stuart Mitnick.Esther and Ray Sabin in honor of the birth of Adam Scott

Morgan.Linda and Barry Diamond in honor of the special

birthday of Ira Cohen.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the 35th wedding

anniversary of Rachel Modiano and Jonathan Ehrlich.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the engagement of

Jeremy Siegman.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of Wendy Rosen and

the publication of her new book.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of Amy Schonfeld

being honored by EBJC.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the special birthday

of Ira Cohen.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the special birthday

of Al Sandler.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the engagement of

Sophie Milrom.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the special birthday

of Phil Schmidt.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the birth of Adam

Scott Morgan.Muriel Federman Levine in memory of Barbara Cohen.Gittel and Justin Footerman in memory of Barbara

Cohen.Linda and Al Tondow in memory of Barbara Cohen.Linda and Al Tondow wishing Leslie Fishbein a speedy

and complete recovery.Lisa Zimmerman and Seth Gross in memory of Barbara

Cohen.Marge and Al Sandler in memory of Barbara Cohen.Diane and Robert Levy in memory of Barbara Cohen.Susan and Marc Howard in memory of Barbara Cohen.Ellen and Maurice Elias in memory of Barbara Cohen.Geltie Cohen in memory of Barbara Cohen.Charisse R. Lillie in memory of Barbara Cohen.Tom Ellis in memory of Barbara Cohen.Margaret Tobey in memory of Barbara Cohen.Paula and Aaron Kondioti in honor of the special

anniversary of Brenda and Roy Tanzman.Paula and Aaron Kondioti in memory of Barbara Cohen.Gary and Nona Schwartz in memory of Abe S. Schwartz.Carrie Mitnick in memory of Barbara Cohen.Eliot Brooks in memory of Barbara Cohen.Helen and David Pudlin in memory of Barbara Cohen.Eileen and Lars Dolente in memory of Barbara Cohen.Lisa and Joseph Kohn in memory of Barbara Cohen.Geoffrey and Susan Kahn in memory of Barbara Cohen.Michael and Lavinia Smerconish in memory of Barbara

Cohen.Jason and Marje Armstrong in memory of Barbara Cohen.Mark Stewart and Mary G. Scanlon in memory of

Barbara Cohen.Jim and Kathleen Munley in memory of Barbara Cohen.Betsy and Richard Sheerr in memory of Barbara Cohen.Larry and Donna Kane in memory of Barbara Cohen.Julian and Lois Brodsky in memory of Barbara Cohen.Elaine Rand Fromkin in memory of Barbara Cohen.Lynette and Len Seader in memory of Barbara Cohen.Cathy and Ira Cohen in memory of Barbara Cohen.Lynette and Len Seader in honor of the birth of Adam

Scott Morgan.Lola Kamp in memory of Barbara Cohen.Eduardo Mestre in memory of Barbara Cohen.Suzy Levin in memory of Buzzy Levin.Suzy Levin in memory of Barbara CohenSuzy Levin in memory of Samuel Mandel.Sally Friedland in memory of Barbara Cohen.LeRoy S. Zimmerman in memory of Barbara Cohen.Ashley McGee in memory of Barbara Cohen.Marsha and Robert Thaler in memory of Barbara Cohen.Lisa and Tim Klein in memory of Barbara Cohen.Ron Meyer in memory of Barbara Cohen.Jocelyn Schwartzman in memory of Barbara Cohen.Doris Siederer in memory of Barbara Cohen.Susan and Phillip Baron in memory of Barbara Cohen.Susan and Phillip Baron in honor of Ed Herman for his

friendship.Elaine Rand Fromkin and Drew and Russ Fromkin in

memory of Julius Rand.

Ramos Torres Family in memory of Barbara Cohen.The Philadelphia Foundation in memory of Barbara

Cohen.Judee and Clay von Seldeneck in memory of Barbara

Cohen.Fairman Group Family Office in memory of Barbara

Cohen.Charles and Elise Pizzi in memory of Barbara Cohen.Michael and Christine Angelakis in memory of Barbara

Cohen.Don Liu in memory of Barbara Cohen.Nona and Gary Schwartz in memory of Barbara Cohen.Carman Notarianni in memory of Barbara Cohen.Elaine Rand Fromkin in honor of the special birthday of

Ina Nelson.Judy and Bernie Schanzer and Sheila and Henry Schanzer

in memory of Dana Naigur.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in memory of Barbara Cohen.Linda and Barry Diamond in honor of Wendy Rosen’s

book publication.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in memory of Dana Naigur.Bonnie and Sheldon Freidenreich in memory of Barbara

Cohen.Lynn and Al Rappaport in memory of Barbara Cohen.Sue and Mark Lubeck in memory of Barbara Cohen.Dorothy and Ed Sved in memory of Barbara Cohen.The Phillies Organization in memory of Barbara Cohen.Teri and Richard Beck in memory of Barbara Cohen.Cathy and Ira Cohen and family in memory of William

Levine.Lynette and Len Seader in honor of the marriage of

Peninah Rost and Nir Gil.Arnie and Mindy Schifman in memory of Mildred Daley.Ilene and Richard Jacobs in memory of Barbara Cohen.Janice and Arthur Block in memory of Barbara Cohen.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in memory of David Thaler.Maureen and John Landers in memory of Barbara Cohen.Carolyn and Robert Metz in honor of the 95th birthday

of Sylvia Abrams.Arlene and Barbara Julius in memory of Aviva Feller

LaGasse.Carolyn and Robert Metz and family in memory of Anita

Schrier.Carolyn and Robert Metz in memory of Barbara Cohen.Lynette and Lenny Seader wishing Ceil Stern a speedy and

complete recovery.Conner, Strong and Buckelew in memory of Barbara

Cohen.Elisabeth and John Wiener in memory of Barbara Cohen.Michael Glatt in memory of Barbara Cohen.Elaine Rand Fromkin in honor of the special birthday of

Icky Klaus.Elaine Rand Fromkin in honor of the special birthday of

Gert Klaus.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in memory of Joseph Wilf.Ina Nelson in honor of the special birthday of Icky Klaus.Flo Feinberg in honor of the special birthday of Icky

Klaus.Elaine Rand Fromkin in honor of the engagement of

Andrew Golden and Michelle Forman.Mindy and Arnie Schifman in honor of the marriage of

Nathan Tondow and Rachel Margolis.Jean Rubenstein in memory of Abraham “Buddy” Spitz.

PAGE 18 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe EmethElaine Rand Fromkin in honor of Ed Cohen being

acknowledged and honored in the recent NJJNarticle.

ENDOWMENT FUNDDoris Frisch and family in memory of Philemon Frisch.Diane Hoffman in memory of Vera S. Lipman.Madeline Mandel Crass in memory of Grandpa Morris

Mandel.Irma Rockoff in memory of David Paszamant.Stephen Klein in memory of Sanders Klein.Joseph Tabak in memory of Beatrice Tabak.Irma Rockoff in memory of Barbara Cohen.Irma Rockoff in memory of her mother, Rose Avroch.Lisa Zimmerman and Seth Gross in honor of Al Tondow

for his generous heart.Lew Bloom in memory of his sister, Rose Bloom.Teri Manes in memory of Leroy Manes.Irma Rockoff in memory of Louis Rockoff.

GENERAL DONATIONS Ilana and Gil RozettKenneth Deitz in memory of Sarah Oshinsky.

LIBRARY FUNDBeatrice Beck in memory of David Paszamant.Beatrice Beck in memory of William Beck.Linda and Barry Diamond in memory of Brian Kheel.Linda and Barry Diamond in honor of the birth of the

grandson of Teri and Richard Beck and great-grandson of Arline Schwartzman.

Arline Schwartzman in memory of David Paszamant.Paula and Larry Metz in memory of David Paszamant.Arline Schwartzman in memory of Barbara Cohen.Teri and Richard Beck in memory of William Beck.

MEALS FUNDSusan and Phillip Baron in honor of the birth of Israel

Horan.Susan and Phillip Baron in memory of Alfred Schwartz.Susan and Phillip Baron wishing a refuah shelemah to

Barbara Cohen.Susan and Phillip Baron in honor of the special birthday

of Beverly Teich.Ed Cohen in memory of Bennie Cohen.Randy and Carl Levy in memory of Alfred Schwartz.David Cohen in honor of Nanette Cohen receiving the

HPCT-CAE Sisterhood Humanitarian Award.Dr. Elliot Brooks in memory of Mark Mollick.Marshall Berman in memory of his father, Joseph

Berman.Phyllis Schneider in memory of her mother-in-law, Mollie

Schneider.Teri and Richard Beck in memory of David Paszamant.Arlene and Stanley Ferman in memory of Jacob

Lieberman.Susan Baron in memory of her mother, Rae Walfish.Sandy and Carlos Katz in memory of Manfred Katz.Florence Feinberg in memory of her father, Robert

Eichen, and her brother, Ralph Eichen.Sima Schall in memory of her mother, Ida Gross.Ellen and Maurice Elias in memory of Agnes Elias.Ted Stahl in memory of Dana Naigur.Diane and Powell Saks in memory of Mildred Daley.Diane and Powell Saks in memory of Harriet Saks.George and Evelyn Lander in memory of Harry Lander.Barbara and Howard Sorkin in memory of Esther Sorkin.Melvin and Minnie Goodman in memory of Phoebe

Weiner.Arlene and Stanley Ferman in memory of Jennie

Lieberman.Fred Shaffer in memory of David Evan Shaffer.Arlene and Stanley Ferman in memory of Howard Paige.Arlene and Stanley Ferman in memory of Eva Perlstein.Alfred Bloch in memory of Mathilde Bloch.

SCHOLARSHIP FUNDAndy and Lori Stevens in honor of the Rutgers

graduations of Arielle Stevens and Jeremy Freidman.Susan and Mark Winter in memory of Manuel Schwartz.Bobby Stone and family in memory of Harriet Tabak.Adena Lebeau, Jeff Kress and family in memory of Toby

Siegel.Adena Lebeau, Jeff Kress and family in memory of

Marion Holdowsky.Adena Lebeau, Jeff Kress and family in memory of Alfred

Schwartz.Janet and Shlomo Peleg in memory of Marion

Holdowsky.Stanley Messer in memory of Nathan Messer.Minda Shein and Kent Roth in memory of David

Paszamant.Muriel Federman Levine in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of

Lauren Schiffman.Ellen and Maurice Elias in honor of the following

graduations: Mikaela Zirin, Maayan Malomet,Yaakov Malomet, L.E. Weinstein, Rachel Konik andAdam Sherman.

Stephen Klein in memory of Sadie Klein.Marilyn and Phil Rabinowitz in honor of the Bat Mitzvah

of Lauren Schiffman.Marilyn and Phil Rabinowitz wishing Mark Lubeck a

speedy and complete recovery.David Mitnick in honor of Marlene Herman. Thank you

for Torah Time!Anne and Allan Greenberg in memory of David

Paszamant.Gittel and Justin Footerman in honor of the special

birthday of Florence Thaler.Pauline and Jerry Gellerstein in memory of Max

Greschler.Elaine and Stuart Singer in memory of David Paszamant.Barbara and Kenneth Daniels in memory of Charles

Daniels.Anne and Allan Greenberg in memory of Barbara Cohen.Ruby Zack in memory of Philip Zack.Sheila and Stuart Kotler in memory of David Paszamant.Fredric and Mary Gushin in memory of Jack Gushin.Sandy and Stanley Ravens in memory of Dana Naigur.Terri and Michael Rosenberg in memory of Dana Naigur.Leslie Fishbein and Zoltan Kemeny in memory of Dana

Naigur.Ellen and Maurice Elias in memory of Bernie Novick.Anne and Allan Greenberg in memory of Dana Naigur.Theodore M. Choplick in memory of William Choplick.Ina Nelson in memory of Dana Naigur.Teri Manes and Jerry Trub in memory of Dana Naigur.Judy and Steve Lerner in memory of Dana Naigur.Martha Moskowitz in memory of Anne Harris.Rosalyn and Dan Shifrin in memory of Faye Goldstein.Teri Manes in memory of Shirley Manes.Rosalyn Shifrin in memory of her mother, Marion Davis.Reva and Irving Kaufman in honor of their daughter,

Esther, starting medical school in Grenada.Anne and Allan Greenberg in honor of the special

birthday of Shirley Abrams.

Jean Rubenstein wishing a refuah shelemah to HarrietSteinberg.

TZEDAKAH FUNDDiane and Barnett Hoffman in memory of Clara K.

Hoffman.Rita Paszamant in memory of Shirley Kirsch.Joy and Steve Kuchinsky in memory of David Kuchinsky.Leanore Rabinowitz in memory of Sarah Pleet.Lewis and Joyce Fishberg in memory of Jacob J. Fishberg.Lenore R. Feldman in memory of Ruth Berman.Leanore Rabinowitz in memory of Ethel Rabinowitz.Anne Glatt in honor of her daughter, Sharon Hurwich,

receiving the Judy and Josh Weston Award forExcellance in Teaching.

Mervin Kroop in memory of Jack Kroop.Muriel Federman Levine in memory of her sister, Felicia

Federman Solowey.Carolyn and Robert Metz in memory of Leah Silver.Carolyn and Robert Metz in appreciation of the beautiful

new Torah Crown dedicated in memory of HarrietTabak.

Nona and Gary Schwartz in memory of Freda Levine.Susan and Phillip Baron in memory of David Paszamant.Susan and Phillip Baron in honor of the college

graduation of Yaakov Malomet.Lisa and Michael Weis in memory of Brian Kheel.Lisa and Michael Weis in memory of Milton Frant.Lisa and Michael Weis in memory of David Paszamant.Lita and Jeffrey Greenberg in memory of Melvyn and

Anne Greenberg and Henry Klein.Sue Kheel in honor of Phyllis Novick for her many years

of Chessed on behalf of the Temple community.Harvey Klee in memory of Joseph Klee.Ann and Howard Newman in memory of David

Paszamant.Joan and Martin Adickman in honor of the 80th birthday

of Ina Nelson.Lewis and Joyce Fishberg in memory of Lee M. Fishberg.Carolyn Metz in memory of Gertrude Siegel.Jill and Steve Tamaroff in memory of David Paszamant.Nancy and Jim Tamaroff in memory of David Paszamant.Linda and Phil Schmidt wishing Esther and Ray Sabin

long and happy years in their new home.Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor of the special birthday

of Ina Nelson.Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor of the special birthday

of Beverly Teich.Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor of the marriage of

Nomi Gerber to Erez Paz.Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor of the marriage of the

granddaughter of Elly Ehrlich.Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor of the anniversary of

Freda and Ed Cohen and birthday of Ed Cohen.Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of

Michael Sorkin.Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of

Isaac Schwartz.Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor of the high school

graduation of Maayan Malomet.Linda and Phil Schmidt in honor of the college

graduation of Yaakov Malomet.Naomi and Alan Malakoff in memory of Brian Kheel.Judith Harrison and Steve Gross Lola Kamp in memory of Regina McDermott.Richard, Penny, Jeremy and Adam Blumstein in memory

of Samuel Blumstein.Arlene and Mitchell Frumkin in memory of Bernard

Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth PAGE 19Diamond.

Gustine Matt in memory of Dr. Mark Mollick.Beverly Teich in memory of her father, Isidore Rems.Jerrold Trub in memory of Rose Trub.Eugenia Rothstein in memory of Hilda Mester.Patricia WeissCarolyn and Bob Metz in honor of Debbie Gerber being

honored by HPCT-CAE Sisterhood.Carolyn and Bob Metz in honor of the special birthday of

Ina Nelson.Dr. David Ehrenfeld in memory of Anne S. Ehrenfeld.Dr. David Ehrenfeld in memory of Joan G. Ehrenreld.Ethel and Mel Rimmer in memory of Judy Shuman.Rose Sandler and family in honor of Al “Albie” Sandler’s

special birthday.Nathan Zankel in memory of Samuel Zankel.Susan and Mark Lubeck in memory of Sylvia Lubeck.Paula and Aaron Kondioti in memory of Annette

Edelstein Hortz.Larry Zamick in memory of his mother, Sheva Zamick.Sandy and Carlos Katz in memory of Martha Katz.Anne Glatt in memory of Moishe Glatt.Minnie and Melvin Goodman in memory of Lawrence J.

Goodman.Gerald Pomper in memory of Marlene Pomper.Phyllis Novick in memory of Dr. Bernard Novick.Sandy and Stanley Ravens wishing Rose Sandler a Refual

Shelemah.Ed and Michele Rockoff in memory of Frieda Rockoff.Paula and Aaron Kondiotio in memory of Mollie

Edelstein.Nathan Hindes in memory of Rose Hindes.Renée and Stuart Feinblatt in memory of Barbara Cohen.Lola Kamp in memory of Michael Fuchs.William Harris and Lori Nanton in memory of Herman

and Renee Harris.Elaine Grundt in memory of Michael L. Grundt.Nathan Hindes in memory of William Hindes.Drs. Cliff and Ellen Lacy in memory of Nina Lacy.Richard Schatzman and Debra S. Pawa in memory of

Frank Schatzman.William Gorelick in memory of Judith Gorelick.Jean Rubenstein in memory of Aviva Feller LaGasse.Lynn Montefusco in memory of Jack Gushin.Jean Belowich and family in memory of Lottie Belowich.Paula and Aaron Kondioti in memory of Joseph Edelstein.Dorothy Weiss in memory of her mother, Eva Berkowitz.Rabbi Kerry and Sheryl Olitzky in memory of Abe

Olitzky.Dr. Ted Stahl in memory of Alice Bamberger.Buena Rosenbloom in memory of Rae Rosenbloom.Lisa and Jeff Marder in memory of Stuart Marder.Sandy and Stan Ravens in memory of Sarah Ravens.Marge and Al Sandler in honor of the special birthday of

Icky Klaus.Anna Salzberg in memory of Sylvia Politziner.Barton Weinstein in memory of Golda Nusbaum.Anne Glatt in memory of Gladys Bell.


Barbara and Pete Schild in honor of the collegegraduation of Yaakov Malomet.

Barbara and Pete Schild in honor of the birth of AdamScott Morgan.

Barbara and Pete Schild wishing Leslie Fishbein a speedyand complete recovery.

Barbara and Pete Schild in memory of Samuel Mandel.

Marla Pastner in memory of Harriet Saks.Yakov Epstein in memory of Henry Epstein.Jean Gordon in memory of Samuel Gordon.Barbara and Pete Schild in memory of Mildred Daley.

TALMADGE/KHEEL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDGail and Mervin Kroop in memory of Brian Kheel.Carolyn and Robert Metz in memory of Brian Kheel.In memory of Brian Kheel from the members of theSisterhood Board:

Lisa Fischer, Sara Goodman Hand, Susan Winter, Lila Frost, Hillary Glass, Barbara Parkoff, Ina Nelson,Lynette Seader, Debbie Gerber, Gloria SchwartzHelene Knee, Paula Kondioti, Mindy GoldenTeri Manes, Nanette Cohen

Janet and Shlomo Peleg in memory of Brian Kheel.Elyse, Mark, Scott, Sue and Shane Pello, Erika Pello,

Michael and Jonathan Giardino in memory of BrianKheel.

Gloria Schwartz in memory of Brian Kheel.Cathy and Ira Cohen in memory of Brian Kheel.Sue Kheel in memory of Rose Kheel.

ANDREW GROSS SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRenée and Stuart Feinblatt in honor of the 100th

birthday of Florence Thaler.Renée and Stuart Feinblatt in honor of the birthday of

Linda Diamond.Renée and Stuart Feinblatt in honor of the birthday of

Joan Mitnick.Renée and Stuart Feinblatt in honor of the graduation of

Yaakov Malomet from Brandeis University.Renée and Stuart Feinblatt and family in memory of

Selma Feinblatt.


EDUCATION FUNDMarcia Shiffman in memory of Milton Frant.Carolyn and Robert Metz in memory of Milton Frant.Lisa and Mike Weis in memory of Milton Frant.Suzy Levin in memory of Milton Frant.James Altman in memory of Milton Frant.Linda and Phil Schmidt in memory of Milton Frant.Linda and Phil Schmidt in memory of Helen Kreiman.Cathy and Ira Cohen in memory of Milton Frant.Bernice Bernstein in memory of her mother, Blanche

Frant.Bernice Bernstein in memory of her daughter, Jill

Bernstein Welsh.


Arlene Schenerman in honor of the engagement of thegranddaughter of Sondra and Donald Botvinick.

Arlene Schenerman in memory of David Paszamant.Arlene Schenerman in honor of the 29th wedding

anniversary of Shari and Brad Schenerman.Arlene Schenerman in honor of the 30th wedding

anniversary of Jill and Scott Luxenberg.Arlene Schenerman in honor of the special birthday of Ina

Nelson.Arlene Schenerman in honor of the special birthday of Al

Sandler.Arlene Schenerman in honor of the first anniversary of

Brooke and Jordan Kaplan.Arlene Schenerman in honor of the special birthday of

Icky Klaus.

HILTON NELSON PASSOVER FUNDCelia and Murray Tracy in honor of Ina Nelson’s special

birthday.Flo Feinberg in honor of the special birthday of Ina

Nelson.Gittel and Justin Footerman in honor of the special

birthday of Ina Nelson.Milecofsky/Wachspress families in honor of the special

birthday of Ina Nelson.Beechie and Philip Rubin in honor of the special birthday

of Ina Nelson.Joan and Stuart Mitnick in honor of the special birthday

of Ina Nelson.Joanne and Stanley Zimmerman in honor of the special

birthday of Ina Nelson.Lori and Jonathan Caplan in honor of the special birthday

of Ina Nelson.Phyllis Novick and Murray Sternberg in honor of the

special birthday of Ina Nelson.Linda and Al Tondow in honor of the special birthday of

Ina Nelson.Gustine Matt in honor of the special birthday of Ina

Nelson.Carol and Howard Shapiro in honor of the special

birthday of Ina Nelson.Rochelle and Keith Epstein in honor of the special

birthday of Ina Nelson.Bruce Berman in honor of the special birthday of Ina

Nelson.Ina Nelson in memory of Frances Rubin and Morris

Lichtenstein.Ina Nelson in memory of Marv Goodman.

EDYTHE SCHRIER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDIna Nelson in memory of Anita Schrier.Rose Sandler and family in memory of Anita Schrier.Maureen and Robert Tereshko in memory of Anita

Schrier.Shirley Rosen in memory of Anita Schrier.Muriel Levine in memory of Anita Schrier.Dorothy and Edward Kopil in memory of Anita Schrier.Sharon and Luis Cadalzo in memory of Anita Schrier.Gisella Pasco in memory of Anita Schrier.Eleanor and Irving Stein in memory of Anita Schrier.Shirley and Sol Levine in memory of Anita Schrier.Barbara Glassman, Arnie Buck and Mark Buck in

memory of Anita Schrier.Fannie Freeman in memory of Anita Schrier.Michelle Frey and all of Marlene Stein’s friends at MARO.Sherry and Ira Goldman in memory of Anita Schrier.Elayne Landesberg in memory of Anita Schrier.In memory of Anita Schrier from women of Jewish

Family Services:Sima Balisak, Gwen Meisner, Tildy Eisen,Irene Cutler, Mary Kesterman, Irene Leber, Fran Terr,Edith Reich, Selma Josephson, Paula Schulman,Clara Jacob, Risa Waters

Deborah Szyfer and Steven Schlelen in memory of AnitaSchrier.

Donna and Philip Mastellone in memory of Anita Schrier.Barbara Dubno in memory of Anita Schrier.Arlene Julius in memory of Anita Schrier.Gail and Mark Andrews in memory of Anita Schrier.Shelley and Philip Stein in memory of Anita Schrier.Annette Finkel in memory of Anita Schrier.Beatrice Greenhause and the Gonchar family in memory

of Anita Schrier.

Friday, November 11 – Saturday, November 12

Join us as Dr. Golinkin, President of The Schechter Institutes, Inc. andPresident Emeritus of the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, explores "Halakha for OurTime: A Conservative Approach to Jewish Law.”

Please see the invitation that will be mailed to you for lecture times, and fee and reservations for Friday night dinner.

PAGE 20 Highland Park Conservative Temple Congregation Anshe Emeth

Our Adult Education Committee has put together another exciting year of classes, lectures and Shabbatons. Here’s a sample; save these dates and plan to attend!

Yom Tov Classes and Workshops• The Mysteries of the Book of Jonah with Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz, Sunday October 9 at 9:30 a.m.

We will closely read the Book of Jonah, the traditional Haftorah reading for Yom Kippur Mincha.• Pre-Yamim Noraim Study: Selichot Program with Rabbi Malomet, Saturday Evening, September 24 at 10:30 p.m• Pre-Passover Workshop with Rabbi Malomet: Monday evening, April 3 at 8 p.m.

Weekly Study and Classes• Shabbat Torah Study with Barry Mael: Shabbat afternoon before Mincha, through November 5, 2016. Resumes March 18, 2017• Talmud for Everyone Talmud on Sundays with Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz: Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Starts Sunday, September 11• Torah on Mondays with Rabbi Malomet: Mondays at 12:30 p.m. Starts Monday, October 31• Torah on Tuesdays with Rabbi Malomet: Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Starts Tuesday, November 1• Midrash Halakah with Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz on Thursday evenings: starts 8 p.m. on Thursday, October 27 for five sessions.• Midrash Aggada with Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz on Thursday evenings: starts 8 p.m. on Thursday, December 8 for four sessions.• Hosea with Rabbi Mordecai Schwartz on Thursday evenings: starts 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 4 for four sessions.• Hebrew Ulpan Beginner’s, Thursday at 7 p.m.; Intermediate, Tuesdays at 7 p.m.; Advanced, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. Starts Tuesday,

September 27 and Thursday, September 29.• Siddur Lev Shalem Dreaming the Dream of God with Rabbi Stephanie Dickstein, LMSW. Starts 8 p.m. on November 14 for three


Shabbatons• Dr. Julius and Ethel Mintz Scholar-in-Residence Shabbaton: Friday-Saturday, November 11 & 12: Rabbi David Golinkin, President,

The Schechter Institutes, Inc.; President Emeritus and Professor of Jewish Law, Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies. Topic: Halakhahfor Our Time: a Conservative Approach to Jewish Law.

• Sandor and Suzanne Gross Memorial Cantorial Shabbaton: Friday-Saturday, February 3 and 4. • CAE Legacy Shabbaton: Saturday, May 6. Topic and speaker to be announced.

Cultural Events: • Saturday evening December 17 at 6:30 p.m.: Flory’s Flame, a one-hour documentary about 90-year old Sephardic US National

Heritage Fellow musician Flory Jagoda. Followed by Shirainu Concert at 8 p.m., featuring Trio Sefardi.• Film Series (all are Saturday nights at 8 p.m.) Nov. 19, Dec. 3, Jan. 7, Jan. 28, Feb. 18 and Mar. 4





BE A SPONSOR! Please consider becoming a sponsor for AJA and Film Series. Forms are on the Welcome Table or contact the Temple Office for more details.

10th Annual Dr. Julius and Ethel MintzScholar-in-Residence ShabbatonWith Scholar-in-Residence Dr. David Golinkin