Breeding Success Through Openness

Post on 06-May-2015

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The talk I gave at Edge of the Web in Perth.


Breeding success through openness

Chris Messina Edge of the Web

November 6, 2008Perth, Western Australia



“Low hills closed in on either side as the train eventually crawled on to high, tabletop grasslands creased with snow. Birds flew at window level. I could see lakes of an unreal cobalt blue to the north. The train pulled into a sprawling rail yard: the Kazakh side of the Kazakhstan-China border.

. . .

“Workers unhitched the cars, lifted them, one by one, ten feet high with giant jacks, and replaced the wide-gauge Russian undercarriages with narrower ones for the Chinese tracks. Russian gauges, still in use throughout the former Soviet Union, are wider than the world standard. The idea was to the prevent invaders from entering Russia by train. The changeover took hours.”

— Robert D. Kaplan, The Ends of the Earth

What is “open”?


What is “openness”?

Chris’ Characteristics of “Openness”






The Rules of BarCamp•You do talk about BarCamp.

•You do blog about BarCamp.

•If you want to present, you must write your topic and name in a presentation slot.

•Only three word intros.

•As many presentations at a time as facilities allow for.

•No pre-scheduled presentations, no tourists.

•Presentations will go on as long as they have to or until they run into another presentation slot.

•If this is your first time at BarCamp, you have to present.*

Photo by the Ryan King. Shared under Creative Commons.


Photo by Chris Messina

paved cowpaths of microformats

Source: Paul Downey. Shared under Creative Commons.

<a href=“” >My site</a><a href=“” >Brynn</a>

<a href=“” rel=“me”>My site</a><a href=“” rel=“friend met sweetheart”>Brynn</a>











Photo by Tantek Çelik. Shared under Creative Commons.


Twitter circa July 2006.

DiSo Project & the Open Stack


•contacts, relationships & identity


•permissions & privacy


•messaging & notifications




The Open Stack

Credit: Joseph Smarr

Google vs Facebook








WWW Foundation

Open Web Foundation

One Final Thought

Source: NASA and STScI

Source: NASA and STScI

Source: NASA and STScI



me -›