Brenda Coffey Video Resume

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Brenda CoffeyEcommerce Manager

SEO SpecialistTaxonomist


Why The Bright Choice?• Professional Experience:

• 2009 - Present: Candy Concepts, Inc – and - Complete management of two e-commerce venues to include duties in business, ecommerce, and SEO. Significant contributions include:

– From August 2009 to November 2011, keywords increased from 170 short-tail key phrases in the top 20 of Google to 2,324 key phrases in the top 20 for according to SEM Rush -800 of this increase in keywords was achieved in the October 2011 – November 2011 time frame.

– Organic search engine traffic rose dramatically for both websites from Aug. 2009 – November 2011. In addition, web sales rose by over 400% from August 2009 to November 2011.

– March 2011 – November 2011, reduced shopping cart abandonment rate by over 50% by changing the existing taxonomy structure to make it easier for customers to locate the products that most interest them.

– Increased average order value by 180% from March 2011 – November 2011 through offering products that are directly relevant to customer interest and also cross-linking to products that are more loosely related to the product purchased (such as linking wooden basket displays to wrapped candies).

– Successfully increased traffic during the "Panda" update due to solid SEO methods and a willingness to make adjustments.

– Transitioned two web stores to new shopping cart venues in September 2010 without losing search positioning, even with new URL structures.


Why The Bright Choice?• Professional Experience:

• June 1994 – August 2009: Self-Employed SEO / E-commerce/Webmaster/Graphic Designer/Taxonomist

• Ecommerce consulting included analyzing competition and prioritizing strategies to advance key goals for clients utilizing skills in taxonomy, shopping cart set-up and management, and content creation. Various positions necessitated successfully learning a wide variety of ecommerce venues.

• Created and implemented SEO strategies that enhanced the visibility of various websites in search engines and greatly increased organic traffic to those websites.

• Analyzed SEO metrics to gain insight about the successfulness of SEO campaigns and make adjustments where necessary. In addition, kept abreast of search engine algorithm changes and modified strategies as necessary to comply with new criteria.

• Created a 600 slide training program that consisted of six modules utilizing practical learning techniques and inclusion of graphics to enhance the assimilation of the material presented.

• Designed websites to amplify the goals of website owners, such as dissemination of information and/or ecommerce conversions.


Why The Bright Choice?Candy Concepts - - 2009 Traffic Report

144,387 TOTAL Website Visitors in 2009 – Before I began with the company and implemented new SEO strategies


Why The Bright Choice?Candy Concepts - -2009 Traffic Report

66,153 ORGANIC Website Visitors in 2009 – Before I began with the company and implemented new SEO strategies


Why The Bright Choice?Candy Concepts - -2011 Traffic Report

257,257 TOTAL Website Visitors in 2011 – A vast improvement over 2009


Why The Bright Choice?Candy Concepts - - 2011 Traffic Report

147,259 Organic Website Visitors in 2011 – A vast improvement over 2009


Why The Bright Choice?Candy Concepts - - 2011 Traffic Report

Again, charts show significant increase in organic traffic during my tenure.


Why The Bright Choice?Candy Concepts - - 2011 Keyword Report

This chart illustrates the increase in keywords in Google during my tenure.


Why The Bright Choice?


• Google Adwords Certification was earned through successful completion of the following exams:

• Google Advertising Fundamentals

– Exam covers basic aspects of AdWords and online advertising, including account management and the value of search advertising.

• Advanced Reporting & Analysis

– Exam covers intermediate-to-advanced best practices for maximizing account performance using Google Analytics, Website Optimizer, the AdWords Report Center, and other analysis techniques.

• Advanced Search Advertising

– Exam covers intermediate-to-advanced best practices for managing AdWords campaigns.

• Advanced Display Advertising

– Exam covers intermediate-to-advanced best practices for advertising on YouTube and the Google Display Network.


Why The Bright Choice?• Business Achievements:

• Lead an e-commerce team in the day-to-day activities of running an e-commerce website. Effectively conducts employee training, oversees the reworking of the taxonomy structure of the websites, and ensures proper product presentation. Also supervises the loading of new products onto both websites which incorporates skills such as search engine optimization, writing to garner customer attention, and technical proficiency. In addition, contracts with, manages relationships with, and ensures quality work from external contractors.

• Locate new products to offer on our e-commerce venues, contact potential vendors, and negotiate favorable terms with the aforementioned vendors, including international negotiations. Effectually oversees the gathering of all necessary materials from vendors to ensure proper presentation of merchandise, such as dimensions, specifications, and images.

• Decision-making, often in situations that require immediate attention, demonstrates adaptability. In addition, multi-tasking and determining the precedence of tasks in a business where priorities must be continuously reassessed exhibits a keen business sense.


Why The Bright Choice?• E-commerce Management Achievements:

• Taxonomy and navigational management entailing establishing and maintaining a site structure that is logical and consistent throughout the website to ensure consumers can quickly locate products of interest to make purchasing easy. Category presentation that maximizes interest in high profit margin items by presenting these items first in each category showcases creativity in problem solving.

• Product management accountability is comprised of controlling all product content including descriptions, images, product options, pricing, promotions, and search engine optimization to maximize conversions. Other related functions involve overseeing promotional content such as up-selling and cross-selling with the goal of amplifying the total amount of each sale.

• Technical expertise is exhibited through full responsibility of functional aspects of ecommerce platforms such as integration of payment processing solutions and management of key aspects including tax, shipping, and checkout options. Other important technical duties include maintaining CRM systems, automatic email responders, inventory settings, built-in social commerce functionality, order management, and making adjustments to the design of the e-store as needs dictate.


Why The Bright Choice?• SEO / SEM Achievements:

• Highly skilled SEO professional with great success in e-commerce, organic optimization campaigns seeks new challenges and greater responsibility. Static site optimization and e-commerce optimization experience indicates adeptness. Has experience with all phases of SEO - optimization planning, keyword analysis, content creation, meta-tag generation, and optimization analysis.

• Successfully creates content that is properly optimized as well as designed to maximize conversions. In addition, copywriting skills are extremely versatile with the ability to conform to predetermined guidelines as well as following standard grammatical protocol.

• Designs, manages, and analyzes retargeting campaigns to successfully recapture visitor interest with special offers after they have left the website. Successfully creates, manages, and analyzes e-mail marketing campaigns to increase conversions of existing customer base.


Why The Bright Choice?Tools:

• SEO / SEM: Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Keyword Tool, Google Merchant Center, Word Tracker, SEM Rush, SEOmoz, SEO Book, SEO Quake, Majestic SEO

• SEO Editing: Note Tab Pro, Dreamweaver, Front Page, Various Shopping Cart

WYSWYG and HTML Editors, Various Content Management Systems

• Web Languages: Editing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

• E-commerce Solutions: VirtueMart, Nexternal Solutions, Core Commerce, 3dCart, Big Commerce, Interspire, X-Cart, Volusion, Yahoo Stores, NetSuite Ecommerce Edition, Cube Cart

• Other: Constant Contact, Infusionsoft, MS Office, Photoshop CS5, DoubleClick for Publishers


Brenda Coffey - The Bright ChoiceEnd

• Thank you for reviewing my resume. Please contact me if you wish to discuss my qualifications further.

Best Regards,

Brenda Coffey
