Brett Binford, Exhibitions Director NCECA Board Report ......Brett Binford, Exhibitions Director...

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Brett Binford, Exhibitions Director NCECA Board Report March-May 2018 Attended Pittsburgh Conference

● Participated in the Gallery Expo with Eutectic Gallery ● Assisted the Collector’s Tour and joined them on the bus, visitin galleries, and providing

information and suppport Worked on the 2018 NCECA Annual and NSJE

● Approved payments for artists from annual and 2018 NSJE ● Approved payments for shipping reimbursements ● Approved payments for Annual

Monitored and oversaw planning for the 2019 Minneapolis Annual exhibitions

● Coordinated information with curator Betsy Carpenter ● Coordinated and confirmed information with Nash Gallery ● Confirmed and oversaw our national “call for entries” ● Reviewed shipping budgets and monitored shipping strategy for invited represented

artists Identified Jurors for Minneapolis Student Juried exhibition

Planning and assisting in securing exhibition spaces for 2021, 2022. Shooting to get some contracts signed this summer to secure them. Confirming Richmond sites with Josh Green and the Onsites for the Annual and Student Juried exhibitions. RespectfullysubmittedbyBrettBinford,



Cynthia Bracker, Communications Director NCECA Board Report March-May 2018 General

● Worked on Budget with Josh ● Worked with office staff on a variety of matters as they came up ● Read all submissions for 2019 Programming ● Worked on revised NCECA Survey with Slippery Rock folks and Josh ● Regular meetings with Tony Wise ● Conversation with Paul Blais regarding future marketing partnerships

Communications projects

● Continued to manage the NCECA Blog and all NCECA social media ● Reminder to board members - A great video on how to submit your articles for the

NCECA blog is here: ● Continue to revise communication strategy including dates and deadlines, and areas of

planned growth/expansion/investigation. ● Worked with Julia to create instagram takeovers by the emerging artists ● Processed and posted 90+ videos on YouTube, representing all of the recorded lectures at

the 2018 conference ● Working toward development of the NCECA Voice for various platforms and featuring

different content across the different outlets Social Media report:

● FB Page Likes-12,147 ● FB Group Members -8212 ● Instagram - 23.2K ● Twitter Followers – 4870 ● YouTube Subscribers-2718


● Help to identify and work with a media consultant for Pittsburgh ● Develop and implement Brand Image strategies and regular assessment/evaluation

method ● Continue to move toward paperless/digital/green practices for NCECA products ● Oversee dissemination of 50th anniversary video ● Continue to engage the membership in two-way communication via appropriate social

media, surveys and direct contact RespectfullysubmittedbyCynthiaBracker,



Mary Cloonan, Program Director NCECA Board Report March-May 2018 • Heard a lot of great feedback about the Pittsburgh conference, from newbies and veterans

alike. Vendors were upset with the cost of moving things within the conference center, but I explained that was beyond our control, it’s a Union town and even NCECA has to pay to have our materials moved.

• There were some issues with Topical Discussions, in that attendees didn’t realize this was a no tech/mic/screen event. It is meant to be a smaller, group discussion format, so I think having the spirit of it written out in the program and on signage could help

• We trained a new tech for the AV Team during the conference, which will help when we are slammed in the Prep Room and if a team member isn’t available.

• Fielded questions about programming threads, lecture ideas or proposal requirements from

numerous applicants. • Excited for the new voices on the board, but will miss those that rotated off. We are going to

tackle 170 submitted proposals! This includes those for Demonstrating and Maker Space Artists in addition to the concurrent sessions.

• We will continue to host the FabLab, with the computer assisted design focused programming. Shoji Satake will again take lead on scheduling this room.

Goals: • Write more for the NCECA blog. • Organize files for a smoother conference planning and have better templates/formats, it’s

never ending, organic process • Work with the new Board to help them acclimate. Realizing that some of the 2017 people may

have not gotten info from their predecessor. • Watch the talks and demos from the Pittsburgh conference that I missed- which is all of it. Respectfully submitted, Mary Cloonan, Programs Director Please contact me at



Julia Galloway, Director at Large NCECA Board Report March-May 2018 International Artist-in-Residency Partnership: I have done background work needed to recommend that NCECA partner with residency centers for 2019. Du Chau from the Curaumilla Art Center in Chile and Ashley Bevington from Medalta International Artist in Residence Medicine Hat, Canada has successful experiences last year. I am working with them on blog postings about their experiences. We anticipate publishing in September and November, and a general information blog to correlate with the application deadlines anticipate January 10 at the latest. I have read through the International Residency Final reports back to 2013, people seem pretty happy with their experiences. I had heard though the rumor mill of some struggles with some of the locations, but didn’t see evidence from the final reports. I have been researching new international residencies, perhaps we will have new partners next year. Emerging Artist I recommend that we invite Eddie Dominguez and Linda Sikora to be the jurors for emerging artist for next year. Like last year, the EA deadline for applicants will be in early September. I will be doing an email blast, blog post, Instagram post and will ask the board for support in spreading the work about applying for this. Using Cindy’s excellent directional YouTube, I learned how to use word press! With this new found skill and interest I have been busy making blog post. From interviews or statements from Emerging Artist I made posts for Wade MacDonald, Janet Macpherson, Andrew Stansbury, Sara Parent-Ramos, Natalia Arbelaez, Rachel Eng, Christina Erives, Brooks Oliver, Sean O'Connell, Tom Jaszczak and Kyungmin Park. Thank you to Jill Oberman for getting a head start on the older essays. All but Kyungmin Park and Tom Jaszczak are willing to do an Instagram take over the week their YouTubes go live. I will fill in for them, and anyone who backs out. I am working on a calendar to publish the blog with Cindy. Last year during the jury process it became clear that letters of recommendation where of varying degrees of help in understanding the applicant. I emailed many of the past jurors that I was interested in changing the structure of the letters of recommendation. I got very interesting emails back and have these typed up the responses available upon request. I am working with the NCECA staff to develop the most effective way of gathering the information for the EA applicants. Using text boxes with questions, rather than often to general letters of recommendations for this process. This is not a change of content, rather, a shift in structure to get more specific information from the recommenders.



For both AIR and EA program I have been working closely with Kate Vorhaus to understand the process of this programing and the subtle nuances. For the good of the board: I was awarded the University of Montana Distinguished Scholar award this past spring, the first person in the arts to receive this since 1984 – it was a proud moment for my school, and myself. I am getting ready for a show in January, working with Kathy King in Boston, the first exhibition of the Urns for the Endangered Species of New England – I am taking a workshop at Anderson Ranch next week to learn how to China Paint images on the pots in this exhibition – very exciting! Respectfully submitted by Julia Galloway, Director at Large Please contact me at



Josh Green, Executive Director Staff Report March-May 2018

● Continued working on agreements 2019 exhibition venues in cooperation with Brett Binford and future onsite conference liaisons

● Extensive communications with 2020, 2021, and 2022 Onsite Conference Liaisons and Candidates; ● Travelled for meetings with exhibition venues at site of 2022 conference with Onsite Conference Liaison ● Composed communications for NCECA enews and blog ● Worked with finance manager, treasured, and other board members on preparation of 2018-19 budget ● Meetings on strategy related to future online programming with 92Y (Virtual Clay lecture series/

#GlobalDayofClay and National Clay week) ● Communication with Sarah Millfelt on conference planning, branding, community outreach, exhibition

calls, video production, St. Croix Pottery Tour, et. al. ● Participation on finance committee calls with Helen Anderson, Reena Kashyap, and Morgan Stanley

Investment adisers. ● Periodic communications with President and EC on various issues ● Worked with Steve Hilton and Holly Hanessian on recruitment of board members for upcoming

conferences. ● Travelled to Akron, Ohio for collection and museum visits and to research possible expansion opportunity

for NCECA ● Wrote and mailed personalized acknowledgement letters to all 2018 conference presenters ● Worked with economics professors at Slippery Rock University to develop post conference survey that

explores a more global financial impact of the conference. ● Worked with Visit Pittsburgh to obtain economic impact study of 2018 conference ($7-million). ● Conferences with Jon Prown and Janet McCall, in follow up to sponsored programs at 2018 conference ● Communicated with vendors interested in sponsorship opportunities for 2019 conference. ● Worked job descriptions for communications and development specialists as seasonal contract assistance. ● Communications with survivors of recently deceased NCECA members about establishment of memorial

funds and awards ● Periodic communications with individual and organizational members ● Collaborated with Cindy Bracker and Design Egg on resolution of 50th year video ● Developed press releases with Jennifer Chua ● Further work on editing of 2018-2023 Strategic Plan ● Communications with Programs and Communications Director on process for 2019 program proposal

review ● Worked with Web Manager and external developer on new single sign on coding for NCECA website ● Researched implications of GDPR regulations on NCECA membership software and communications ● Extensive communications with members interested in developing proposals for new programming

concepts. ● Communications with those who submitted program proposals for 2019 conference. ● Updated Adobe licenses from individual to team format ● Updated computer hardware for NCECA secretary.

Respectfully submitted by Josh Green, Executive Director Please contact me at



Holly Hanessian, President NCECA Board Report March-May 2018

Finance Committee Participated in Online meeting with the Finance Committee for a Quarterly Meeting.

2021 Conference DevelopmentHelped establish the on-site liaison and recommendation for the 2021 On-Site Conference Liaisons.

Survey/Changing Status of Boards Members Initiated a Survey starting with conversations with past board members. Welcomed new board members with initial email conversations.

Communication Had follow-up emails and conversations with outgoing board members about the conference and how to extend staffing to help Josh. Intermittently emailed and talked to Josh monthly about updates and important items of interest. Worked with Jen Chua on parts of press release.

Respectfully submitted by Holly Hanessian, President Please contact me at



Reena Kashyap, Treasurer NCECA Board Report March-May 2018 • Helen A prepared and emailed the FC/EC the financials for April/May 2018.

• Josh, Helen and the staff prepared the 2018-19 budget for the full board to review and vote at

the meeting in early June. Spoke with Helen and discusses budget in detail and went over budgetary projections.

• Investment portfolio update: Finance committee conference call/meeting was held on April 30th 2018 with Morgan Stanley advisors and informed about us about the current state of our portfolio.

Catherine Coleman of MS reviewed the investment portfolio which currently consists of 48.4% Equity/stock 26% Bonds 23.2% Structured Notes and 2.4% Cash with a balance in the portfolio of $3,179,764 and investment earnings of .69% or $21,648 for the 3 month period ending 3/31/18. Catherine noted NCECA’s current asset allocation is serving us very well in this volatile market. The portfolio continues to outperform the market which showed the S&P with a loss of .76 for the same period ending 3/31/18. • Helen summarized NCECA financials as of 3/31/18. Conference revenue consistent with last

year even though attendance was up, this was primarily due to large number of free or low cost K-12 student attendees. Discussed overage in actual versus budget including conference expenses and higher cost of Membersuite database. Discussed overage of $7k in “contract services-in office” office. Although over budget in this line we have a need to do database clean-up/maintenance. Finance committee approved hiring temporary employee Joy Eisenhauer to help with the database project.

• Revisited membership being part of conference registration. Finance Committee open to making it one price but agreed NCECA would still need to offer membership to those not attending conference. Discussed elimination of Transitional membership. Only $15 in cost difference from Standard membership ($40 versus $55) and low number of individuals in this category. Will propose to board drop Transitional Membership at June board meeting.

Action Item and Follow up: • For Discussion at board meeting 1) discuss concept of combining membership and conference

registration for conference attendees 2) discuss retiring Transitional membership.

• Request discussion to consider purchasing cyber insurance due to recent threats to online businesses and NCECA’s large exposure of personal data and information on the NCECA website and online database.

Respectfully submitted by Reena Kashyap, Treasurer Please contact me at, 914-552-2474



Kelly Kerr, Richmond Onsite Liaison NCECA Board Report March-May 2018

● Working to identify and secure exhibition space for the NCECA Annual Exhibition: (1) Visual Arts Center in partnership with neighboring gallery; Reynolds, Page Bond or

Glave Kocen (2) Virginia Museum of History & Culture

● Working to identify and secure a space for the Juried Student Exhibition:

(1) Art Space in Manchester (2) Shockoe ArtSpace

● VCUarts and the Visual Art Center of Richmond will host an informational coffee June

19, 2018 to build community support and regional awareness of the 2020 conference. Approximately 60 galleries, cultural centers and arts institutions will be invited. Efforts to engage and inform will continue through December 2018.

● The structuring of committees has begun. Proposed committees are as follows and will be

confirmed by Fall of 2018.

(1) Curatorial Committee: Brett Binford (NCECA exhibitions director), Blair Clemo (VCUarts Ceramic professor), Jeff Vick (Visual Arts Center faculty and Richmond onsite co-liaison), Rob Hunter and/or Michelle Erickson.

(2) Education Committee: Jordan Brown (Education Coordinator Visual Arts Center), Dr. Sara Wilson-McKay (VCUarts Art Education Department Chair).

(3) Outreach Committee: Kelly Kerr (Director of Event, VCUarts & onsite co-liaison) Emily Smith (Director, 1708 Gallery), Dr. Sarah Cunningham (Director VCU Arts Research Institute), Susie Ganch (VCUarts Craft & Material Studies Department Chair).

● Keynote recommendations:

(1) Joyce J. Scott. Baltimore, MD artist. 2016 MacArthur Fellow. (2) Sonya Clark. Amherst, MA. Former Department Chair, VCUarts Craft & Material

Studies. (3) Daisy Youngblood. Santa Fe, New Mexica. 2003 MacArthur Fellow.

● Proposed 2020 conference theme: Moving Forward, Looking Back: Intersecting Power,

History and Art.

● VCUarts Cinema is slated to produce a two-minute video in Fall of 2018 to promote the 2020 Richmond conference in Minneapolis in 2019.

● VCUarts Communications team will work in conjunction with the NCECA

Communications team to develop a graphic and color concept for the 2020 conference.



● VCUarts Research Institute will lead efforts to identify regional funding sources for

special programming.

● VCUarts Center for the Creative Economy is open to discussion around spearheading a study into the economic impact of NCECA on its host city.

● Proposed nominees for the Regional Award for Excellence: Michelle Ericson, Mike

Jubbar, Dan Finnigan. Respectfully submitted, Kelly Kerr, Richmond Onsite Liaison Please contact me at



Marge Levy, Past President NCECA Board Report March-May 2018 First Observations Attended one informal meeting of the board and was impressed with how well everyone listened to members and in the second part, how seriously all took their roles and responsibilities. Participated in Collectors Program and appreciated all the planning that went into it. Stand outs: diverse aesthetics in shows and exhibition sites - opportunities to meet with artists, special guests and board members - and varied and creative eating situations (even though some were odd and inappropriate). Few crowds. Collector home visits and ‘behind the scenes’ experiences are always tricky but we love them - studios too. Suggest trying to increase collector participation and numbers (encourage more regionally located collectors to join in) and arranging for collectors to see one or two specific conference programs, such as the Wingate session and Honors and Fellows and Past Masters presentations. A better bus with better systems and a bathroom might be appropriate as well. But the Collectors’ Program, overall, is a self-sustaining program worth continuing. Linda Ganstrom and other leaders were personable and helpful. I am so impressed with all of the conference center commercial exhibitors, non-profits, on-site shows, maker spaces, talks, registration, etc. Randall session was really good. Everything was not nearly as well developed and I am amazed how professional everything seems. Kudos to board and staff and on-sites and volunteers for all the behind the scenes work. Brava Bravo Whoopee. (No slides burned up either.) Continuity Hope to make connections with honorary members and fellows of the council. I need help and guidance from the staff on this. I have been a generous supporter of the council for years and hope to encourage others to do so as well, in a formal and informal way with the Development Committee. Look forward to assisting the Nominations Committee, the Undergraduate Student Fellowships group, and the Passed Masters Program. I hope to contact KOKO and perhaps she will write a KOKO update for the blog or newsletter. It might be entitled: KOKO KOKO KOKO. Tripling efforts seem to be needed as the pace of change and challenge is speeding up. FYI Pottery Northwest in Seattle is standing up to sports arena construction existential threats very well, so far at least. SOLA – Support Old Lady Artists – is a young organization in Seattle founded by Ginny Ruffner that I am helping with its development. In my spare time, I am a docent at the Seattle Art Museum, a supporter of two experimental theater and dance groups (On the Boards and Whim Whim) and continue to make ceramic objects.

Respectfully submitted by Marge Levy, Past President Please contact me at



Sarah Millfelt, Onsite Co-liaisons Minneapolis 2019 NCECA Board Report March-May 2018 The following is a brief summary of tasks completed since our last meeting.

● Meeting with various voices in clay in the greater Twin Cities, spreading the good word about NCECA. Identified additional NCECA concurrent venues and conducted site visits as needed.

● Secured $5,000 sponsorship from Minnesota State Arts Board for Northern Clay Center to support scholarships related to NCECA 2019 for outstate Minnesotans.

● Worked with two members of local NCECA planning team (including NCECA Board’s Rhonda Willers) to determine appropriate homes for some 35+ NCECA concurrent exhibitions. As of this report, and since early May, I have connected all but 4 exhibition contacts with their gallery host (includes Tier 1&2 exhibitions).

● Secured space at two libraries on University of Minnesota campus for two site specific exhibitions not part of the NCECA concurrent review process.

● Beefed up our NCC-generated marketing to various email lists, reminding local constituencies and our artist list of upcoming NCECA deadlines.

● Secured two primary/lead volunteers for NCECA conference (program volunteer coordinator and demonstrating artist volunteer coordinator).

● Worked with the membership manager at American Craft Council to plan NCECA Board/Community Soiree. A reception to which you’ve all been invited via email has been scheduled for Thursday, June 7, 5 – 6:30 pm, to take place at the American Craft Council offices. This reception will serve as the second of two official Media and Community gatherings in Minneapolis. I’ve put together a rich guest list of some 175+ local makers/academics/arts representatives/political representatives/collectors/locals we love.

Respectfully Submitted by Sarah Millfelt, Onsite Co-liaison, Minneapolis 2019 Please contact me at



Jill Oberman, Secretary NCECA Board Report March-May 2018

1. Attended the March 2018 NCECA Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, and attended all of the open and closed meetings, as well as the 50 Friends meeting. For each meeting attended, I recorded the minutes. These minutes have been written up and will be approved by the full board at our June meeting. Once approved, minutes can be found posted on the NCECA website.

2. Participated in the April 2018 Finance Committee Meeting (virtually) and took minutes for this meeting.

3. I worked with Josh Green and Holly to create a Board Exit Questionnaire, shared this

document with our exiting board members, and compiled their responses for review by Josh and Holly.

4. Collected Board and Staff reports to share at our June meeting

5. Reviewed 2019 programming proposals to prepare for selection discussion and action by

the full board at our June meeting. For the good of the Board: I started my new job as Curator and Gallery Coordinator at Red Lodge Clay Center in January and have been loving my new life back in Montana! Respectfully submitted by Jill Oberman, Secretary Please contact me at



Ashlyn Pope, Student Director at Large NCECA Board Report March-May 2018 NCECA Board Report:

1. Elected to Board March 2018 and attended first board meeting in Pittsburgh, PA. 2. Kept up with e-mails and communication with the board. 3. Talked with fellow Student Director at Large, Brandon Schnur multiple times for

guidance regarding NJSE juror selections for 2020 and some duties regarding new position on the board.

4. Developed a list of possible jurors for NJSE 2020. For the Good of the Board:

1. Passed MFA Candidacy Reviews 2. Received various exhibitions opportunities regionally and nationally. 3. Received the Kiki Smith Fellowship to attend Haystack for a workshop.

Respectfully submitted by Ashlyn Pope, Student Director at Large Please contact me at



Brandon Schnur, Student Director at Large NCECA Board Report March-May 2018 Board Responsibilities:

● Organized volunteers and operated the Student Critique Room at NCECA. ● Sent (via Email) thank you letters to participants in the Student Critique Room ● Conversed with fellow student director Ashlyn Pope about her responsibilities as junior

SDAL. ● Conversed with fellow student director about potential jurors for the NSJE. ● Kept up to date with board activities through Email, phone calls, Surveymonkey, Etc.

For the Good of the Board: ● Completed all required responsibilities and submissions for a Master’s of Fine Arts

degree at West Virginia University. ● Received various exhibition opportunities regionally and nationally. ● Applied to multiple teaching opportunities throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Respectfully submitted Brandon Schnur, Student Director at Large Please contact me at



Zach Tate, Director at Large NCECA Board Report March-May 2018 General:

● Attended 2018 NCECA Conference ● Elected as Director at Large ● Attended Board Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA ● Reviewed submitted presentation proposals for upcoming board meeting in Minneapolis




Rhonda Willers, Steward of the Board NCECA Board Report March-May 2018 2018 Conference Pittsburgh Events

● Attended 50 Friends meeting ● Attended Open and Closed Board Meetings at the end of the conference


● Learning new role as Steward of the Board ● Completing required board on-boarding requirements ● Beginning conversations about special projects to pursue

Board Responsibilities

● Meeting with Executive Committee in preparation of Spring Board Meeting ● Assisting in annual review of Executive Director ● Email communications for nominations inquiries




Keith Williams, Minneapolis Onsite Liaison NCECA Board Report March-May 2018 A summary of activities on behalf of the council in prep for the 2019 convention: Prior to my official time on the board:

● Regular planning meetings with primary on-site liaison Sarah Millfelt ● Served as secretary and occasional facilitator for local committee meetings ● Some footwork laying groundwork for exhibition placements ● Review of concurrent exhibition applications with appointed committee ● Participated in writing and production of promotional video ● Participated in and did prep and clean up for the evening board reception for the October

Board meeting in Twin Cities. In my service as Board Member March – present:

● Have initiated contacts related to a possible coordinated ceramic film event in concert/coordination with the conference with the Film Society of Minneapolis/St. Paul

● Have initiated conversations related to a one-day, post-conference event geared to K-12 educators with potential student participation… Have identified a leader and venue for the event if it comes together

● Have encouraged private liberal arts universities to establish ceramics exhibitions if they were not a part of our exhibition process

● Have initiated conversations in my role as on site helping to coordinate the Collector’s Tour

● Have had initial conversations with Cindy Bracker-Sturm regarding ideas for NCECA communications.

● Have established initial plans for a Janet Koplos curated exhibition at Concordia with plans for at least one other exhibition on campus as well

● Have made initial contacts regarding availability of local bands for dance and potential Randall Session presenters.




Russell Wrankle, Director at Large NCECA Board Report March-May 2018 Spoke with Sarah Millfelt about the Gallery Expo and the particular limitations associated with NCECA Minneapolis. And we discussed how to negotiate with galleries who want to “piggy back” off of the Gallery Expo’s success but not participate in the adjudication process For the Good of the Board Chairing a committee to hire at the lecturer level, a ceramics instructor at Southern Utah University where I teach. Exhibitions Drinking with Gods, Heroes and Kings – Animal-Shaped Vessels from the Ancient World at the Harvard Art Museums this Fall. Partnering with Kate MacDowell to Curate an Exhibition at Red Lodge Clay Center, Titled “Animals Among Us”. After a long and stressful search, Jason Walker has signed on as a ceramics instructor at Southern Utah University where I also teach. Respectfully submitted by Russell Wrankle Please contact me at



Helen Anderson, Accountant NCECA Staff Report March-May 2018

o 2018/2019 Budget 1. A Preliminary version of the budget will be presented to the Executive Committee by

Josh Green and Helen Anderson during the Executive session of the spring board meeting on Tuesday June 5, 2018.

2. The objective is to present a semi-final budget to the full board during the Minneapolis board meeting and have an authorized 2018/2019 budget before the board meeting adjourns at the end of the week.

3. All board and staff members will receive a copy of the authorized budget.

o April 2018 Financials (attached) Notable Items:

● Conference revenue was just below $1.2 million consistent with the last two years revenue.

● NCECA is awaiting $25,000 from NEA for 2018 and will be awarded $40,000 for 2019.

● June board meeting expenses still to be posted ● May/June Expenses for rent/payroll/benefits still to be posted ● Several exhibition expenses still to post for artwork commissions and shipping ● NCECA does not budget for Investment Gain/Loss. Currently investments show

gain of $196,845 still need to post May/June activity.

o NCECA Investment Portfolio NCECA’s portfolio at Morgan Stanley has two aspects, the investment portfolio and the cash operating account. The April Month end summary investment portfolio is attached. Since NCECA’s move to Morgan Stanley the portfolio is up 11.44% and YTD is up 1.53% (net of fees). We also have a large cash balance of approximately$1 million and anticipate needing approximately $750k to year-end.

o Year End

o As NCECA approaches our fiscal year-end of June 30, 2018 we ask that all budget managers and/or board members send any outstanding invoices that pertain to this year. As NCECA uses an Accrual system of accounting, it is imperative that any expenses (or revenue) that applies to this fiscal year be accounted for in the appropriate period.

o Please send all Board meeting reimbursement forms with original receipts attached to Helen by June 15th.


1. Financial Statements for period ending April 30, 2018 2. Merrill Lynch Portfolio Review as of April 30, 2018



ACTION ITEMS: 1. Please send all outstanding invoices and revenue to Helen as soon as possible. 2. Please make Helen aware of any outstanding expenses or revenue that pertains to fiscal

year end June 30, 2018 that will not be posted by year end. 3. Please send Board meeting reimbursements to Helen by June 15, 2018

Respectfully submitted by Helen Anderson, Accountant Please contact me at



Candice Finn, Website and Communications Manager Staff Report March-May 2018

Web Content

● Continued efforts to update and improve content on the website for conference, calls for entry, forms, job opportunities, industry links, archive past conference info, etc – worked with staff and board.

● Built new forms (pre-conference in WordPress and post-conference in MemberSuite)- in collaboration with Kate)


● Eblasts & Enews (worked with Kate, Josh, and Board), set up new templates in MemberSuite ● Managed and implemented content for the app along with sponsorship opportunities and

graphics- includes maps, speakers, bus tours, upcoming calls for entry, programming, banners, push notifications etc—worked with Josh, Dori, Tammy, and Kate.

● Assisted with voting—offered support, created playlist for candidates on YouTube, etc ● Created various ad campaigns on FB ● Disseminated photos and graphics for various publications and press releases.

Print Collateral

● Created ads to promote conference submitted to various publications ● Coordinated conference poster and postcard printing and mailing ● Designed: the print Program Guide (formatted all content, did ad checks for sponsors, mapped all

ads and content placements, etc), the Invitational Catalog: Visual Voices, as well as the NSJE catalog

● Designed signs for the Conference Center as well as conference badge ● Designed Emerging Artist cards ● Adapted the conference logo design for t-shirts, hoodies, water bottles, hats, conference bags and

badges ● Created awards for board, honorees, and fellows ● Designed and printed exhibition flags ● Coordinated printing, shipping and receipt of the above items at conference ● Assisted with graphics/imagery for NEA Grant ● Designed Appeal Letter with data merge

Respectfully submitted by Candice Finn, Website and Communications Manager Please contact me at



Jacqueline Hardy, Office Manager/Membership Coordinator Staff Report March-May 2018

● Lead on the implementation and staff collaboration of the new MemberSuite AMS for NCECA

❖ Coordinated the transfer of all data from former database to the new system. ❖ Attended ongoing configuration and training sessions with MemberSuite

representative. ● New MemberSuite Registration set-up and Management; Online store management of

Early bird, Advanced, and Onsite conference pricing. ● Managed the Expo Logic Badge-ON-DEMAND badge printing system that is integrated with

our current database. Coordinate with staff regarding the set-up of onsite registration ● Collaborate and trouble-shoot with NCECA members and staff via email and phone

regarding membership, website and conference registration issues with new MemberSuite AMS.

● Processed and entered NCECA memberships and conference registration via snail mail and phone.

● Created and implemented the production of the merchandise form and Onsite registration form for 2018 conference.

● Coordinate and organized packing all onsite materials for registration, office, and merchandise sales to be ready in Pittsburgh storage area.

● Collaborated with Linda and Josh Collectors Tour details and processed payments. ● Trained 4 onsite registration staff with the procedures for registration and name badge

pick-up pre-conference. ● Served as Onsite Registration Manager for the Pittsburgh, PA Conference March 14-17,

2018 ❖ Monday unpacked all office supplies and ensured conference merchandise

arrived; set up onsite registration counters with all supplies need for registration and credit card terminal programming

❖ Coordinated with the Expo Logic onsite staff member, Marc Strain, the setup of the badge printing system

❖ Coordinate and communicated with NCECA staff their required onsite duties and schedule

❖ Trained and delegated tasks to onsite volunteers to ensure registration efficiency ❖ Troubleshoot Online and Onsite membership and registration discrepancies ❖ Registration total : 6008 (More demographics and statistics upon request)

● Prepared along with Kate and coordinated the operation of mailing out of approximately 1000 Pittsburgh 2018 Member Journals post-conference.

● Performed daily office administration and operation tasks: ❖ Schedule and coordinate Office Evolution conference space for staff meetings ❖ Overall organization and maintenance of Office Evolution office and storage unit

for a healthy work environment ❖ Online Store order fulfillment ❖ Reconciling all accounts receivables



❖ Complete bank deposits ❖ Order supplies for staff and office ❖ Snail Mail retrieval and distribute to staff from Office Mailbox ❖ Create donor reports and acknowledgement letters

Respectfully submitted by Jacqueline Hardy, Office Manager/Membership Coordinator Please contact me at



Tammy Lynn, NCECA Conference Assistant Staff Report March-May 2018 Exhibitions

● Worked with Kate Lydon and Shoji Satake on the compilation and organization of Pittsburgh exhibitions for Program guide, smartphone app and website.


● Tracked student letters and help students Registration Pre-Conference

● Helped people register for conference and answer any questions regarding our conference.

● With Jacqueline, I trained our temporary conference staff in using the new database. Registration during Conference

● Managed registration onsite Post Conference duties

● Reconciled all of the money brought in through registration with Helen. ● Worked up Volunteer and Cup sale thank yous ● Working to clean up the Database


● Organized and tracked advertising/sponsorship sales Volunteers

● Brought in Leslie Macklin as Onsite Volunteer Coordinator so that I could focus on managing registration during Conference.

● Updated volunteer application, confirmation letters and web page with Candice. ● Recruited over 150 volunteers to work at the conference. ● Worked on organization of volunteer positions - created position category “Operations” :

positions that stay the same year to year Teamwork

● Attended all staff meetings and conference calls ● Spent time learning and understanding the new management software. ● Taking calls, sharing the office with Jacqueline. Meet with Candice regularly to work

together. Outside of NCECA

● I have a studio practice making dinnerware which I sell at 3 galleries in addition to doing various shows and commissions.

● I am now the President of Boulder Potters Guild We have 80 members and 9 apprentices.



● I am still working very part-time (and sell my work) at the Boulder Arts and Crafts Gallery

● Co-organized the “Souper Bowlder” fundraiser for the Emergency Family Assistance Association of Boulder.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Lynn, NCECA Conference Assistant Please contact me at



Dori Nielsen, Conference Manager Staff Report March-May 2018

● Participated in training on new database. ● Negotiated and contracted additional hotels in Pittsburgh. ● Negotiated and contracted additional move in days at the David L. Lawrence Convention

Center. ● Prepared and managed 241 presenter agreements and 18 coordinator agreements. ● Communication with presenters answering their questions and sending reminders of their

responsibilities. ● Worked with our Computer Aided Designer in creating the layout of the Resource Hall

and Gallery Expo/Projects Space. Obtained Fire Marshal’s approval. ● Provided information for preliminary program. ● Ordered all equipment and supplies for artists in Demonstrating Artists and Maker’s Space

areas. Obtained by donation through our manufacturers. ● Ordered and managed food & beverage for events taking place during conference and staff

meals. ● Ordered all audiovisual equipment. ● Ordered electrical and internet. ● Provided to convention center room set ups for Fire Marshal approval. ● Ordered EMTs, and security. ● Placed order with Fern Expo on registration and Resource Hall set up. ● Followed up with Tammy on payment of all packet inserts. ● Provided wording for all conference signage to Candice for design. ● Made sleeping room reservations for board, staff, and a few special category presenters. ● Made dinner reservations for Saturday board/staff dinner. ● Managed conference prior to and on site. ● Followed up on rebates coming from Visit Pittsburgh, Travel Portland, and those coming

from hotels. ● Verified, approved and prepared for payment conference related expenses and

reimbursements that arrived since the conference.

Respectfully submitted by Dori Nielsen, Conference Manager Please contact me at



Kate Vorhaus, Projects Manager Staff Report March-May 2018

1. NEA – Work with Josh and Helen on 2020 Richmond grant; SF-424 due July 12, 2018. Grant materials to NEA July 17-24, 2018. Final report for Pittsburgh grant by Friday, Sept 28, 2018. Need to request 2018 Pittsburgh funds.

2. Proof reader – review a multitude of documents including but not limited to e-blasts, e-news, website, catalogues, print materials, Program/Exhibition Guide for edits, corrections, readability, etc.

3. Website – create or update content for posting by Candice. 4. Word Press – use to track submittals and run reports. Prepare review docs for the

committees and create live links to proposals in Google Sheets. Dori is now handling the Lectures, Co-Lectures, Panels, and Discussions proposals, the Demonstrating Artists proposals, and the Projects Space proposals.

5. Database – MemberSuite, use daily, used for exhibitor payments, and representative registration. Candice and I are building forms for our calls for proposals in MS for part of the 2019 programming.

6. 2018 Smart Phone APP – managed exhibitor data. 7. 2018/19 Resource Hall – 2018 - 133 booths/78 companies and 122 tables/121 orgs (2017

- 125.5 booths/70 companies and 110 tables/110 orgs; 2016 - 139.5 booths/88 companies and 120 tables/120 orgs.) 2018 new floor plan was well received and will be repeated for 2019. 2019 Packet to be created this summer.

8. 2018 Annual – Visual Voice: Truth Narratives – to close August 18, 2018. Sent “Thank You” letters to artists w/ catalogs, will processed artwork sold payments, letters to purchasers, and shipping reimbursements. (four pieces sold to date). Worked with Candice, Josh, Leigh, and Kate Lydon on the catalogue and other exhibition documentation.

9. 2018 NSJE –Closed April 22, 2018. Processed awards (1 Purchase and 15 Merit), checks/ letters/catalogues to artists and sponsors; processed artwork sold documents/payments (11 pieces sold - $1032.50 commission). Processing shipping reimbursements. Worked w/ Leigh, SDALs, and jurors; Martina Lantin and Sam Harvey on the adjudication. Worked with Candice and Josh on the catalogue and other exhibition documentation.

10. 2019 Annual Exhibition – THE FORM WILL FIND ITS WAY: CONTEMPORARY CERAMIC SCULPTURAL ABSTRACTION to be held at Katherine E. Nash Gallery, Department of Art, University of Minnesota, January 22 – March 30, 2019. Five invited artists; Nicole Cherubini, Alexandra Engelfriet, Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Brie Ruais, and Anders Ruhwald. Worked with Leigh, Josh, Candice and curator Elizabeth Carpenter to set up prospectus, created entry form on CaFE and post for NCECA website. Deadline June 20, 2018. Monitoring entries, payments, and Membership status and providing support for artists and curator for review and selection of additional artists. To assist Candice on the 2019 catalog.

11. 2019 NJSE – Expanding to include Canada and Mexico, name change to NCECA Juried Student Exhibition. To be held at Soo Visual Arts Center, March 25-April 21, 2019. Prospectus still in DRAFT form, need to finish creating the entry form on CaFE and post



on the NCECA website. Deadline Sept 26, 2018. Will monitor entries, payments, and Membership status. Will assist SDALs and jurors, Linda Nguyen Lopez and Steven Young Lee, with the review/selection process and acceptance documents. To assist Candice on the 2019 NSJE catalog.

12. 2019 Concurrent and Venue Originated Exhibitions – Word Press forms; support for Sarah and Keith for adjudications; transferred data to Tammy for Master Exhibitions file in Google Docs, Tammy emailed notifications. 2019 VOE deadline June 13, 2018. For 2020, will build new form in MemberSuite with Candice and will work with Kelly Kerr and Brett to update the prospectus, post on website, and open the call in summer/fall 2018, deadline early February 2019. Tech support for applicants and review committee.

13. 2018/2019 Emerging Artists – Word Press form. Assisted Julia with the 2018 EA exhibition convention center. Processed artwork sold documents/payments (11 pieces - $1,056.00 commission), letters to artists and purchasers, and reimbursing shipping. Working with Josh and Julia for 2019 form changes, review, and exhibition. 2019 form needs to be completed in MS, Letters of Recommendation to be sent to as MS LOR form will not work due to recommender having to login to MS, deadline Sept 6, 2017.

14. 2018/2019 Multicultural Fellowships – MS form being built. Provide support for applicants and review committee; 2018 – 10 selected from 28 applicants (2017 - 10 selected from 22 applicants (2016 – 16 applicants). Processing final reports/payments for 2018 recipients. 2019 form needs to be built in MS, Letters of Recommendation to be sent to as MS LOR form will not work due to recommender having to login to MS, deadline October 24, 2018.

15. 2017/2018 Regina Brown Undergraduate Student Fellowship – MS form being built. Provide support for applicants and review committee; 2018 - 3 selected from 4 applicants, 2017 - 3 selected from 8 (2016-6 applicants.) Will process final reports/payments for 2018 recipients. 2019 form needs to be built in MS, Letters of Recommendation to be sent to as MS LOR form will not work due to recommender having to login to MS, deadline October 24, 2018.

16. 2018/19 NCECA Graduate Student Fellowship – MS form being built. Provide support for applicants and review committee; 2018 – 3 selected from5 applicants; 2017 – 3 selected from 8 (2016 - 6 applicants). Will process final reports/payments for 2018 recipients. 2019 form needs to be built in MS, Letters of Recommendation to be sent to as MS LOR form will not work due to recommender having to login to MS, deadline October 24, 2018.

17. 2018/2019 International Residency program – support for Julia and 2018 residency hosts in selection and notification process. Two residencies (2018); FORMA at La Meridiana in Florence, Italy and Ceramic Residency at ASP Wroclaw, Poland. Will process 2018 host payments and resident reimbursements. 2019 residency hosts selections in process with Julia, application deadline January 16, 2019.

18. 2017/2018 Gallery Expo – Word Press form. Provide support for Russell and participants. 2019 Call is open, deadline June 20, 2018.

19. 2019 Programming calls – Updated web pages, tested forms, support for applicants. Trained Dori on the export of data and spreadsheet prep in Google Sheets for the Board.



20. 2019 Projects Space and Demonstrating Artists –Word press form. Tech support for applicants and committee. Call closed, deadline May 16, 2018. Trained Dori on the export of data and spreadsheet prep in Google Sheets for the Board.

21. 2019 Awards/Board Nominations – Word press forms. Support for Nominations Committee and applicants. Excel of data to be used for timely follow-up letters to nominators, nominees, and LOR writers. 2019 form needs to be built in MS, Letters of Recommendation to be sent to as MS LOR form will not work due to recommender having to login to MS, deadline October 3, 2018.

Respectfully submitted by Kate Vorhaus, Projects Manager Please contact me at