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November 2019




Name: OSBORNE, Brian Stuart

Date of Birth: 13 October, 1938

Place of Birth: Treharris, Glamorgan, U.K.

Citizenship: British/Canadian citizen (2 May 1975)



B.A. Hons. Southampton Geography 1960

Ph.D. Southampton Geography 1967

Date Rank and Position Department Institute

2006- Adjunct Research Professor Can. Studies Carleton

2005- Visiting Prof. Emeritus Geography/Tourism Curtin, W.A.

2004- Professor Emeritus Geography Queen’s

2004 Retired (1 July) Geography Queen’s

2003- professeur associé geographie Laval

1993-94 Acting Head Geography Queen’s

1979-89 Head Geography Queen’s

1977 Professor Geography Queen’s

1969-70 Acting Head Geography Queen’s

1969 Assoc. Professor (tenure) Geography Queen’s

1967 Assist. Professor Geography Queen’s

1963-67 Asst. Prof. and Head Geography S. Col. State College.



1960-6. Southampton University Research Scholarship.

1963. Southampton University Sportsman of the Year (inaugural award).

1985. Canadian Studies Fellowship, UoW, St. David’s.

1988. Fellow, Royal Canadian Geographical Society.

1996. Quatercentenary Fellow, Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

1996. Rockefeller Resident Scholar, Bellagio Study Centre.

1998. Canadian Association of Geographers (Ontario), Service to Ontario Geography Award.

1999. Julian Szeicz Award for Excellence in Teaching, Department of Geography.

2002. Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal.

2006. The Presbyterian Church in Canada's Rev. Dr. Melville T. Bailey Congregational History Prize, for

"The Rock and the Sword: A History of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Kingston, Ontario.”

2007. Royal Canadian Geographical Society, Camsell Medal.

2007. Pittsburgh Historical Society, Honorary Life-Membership.

2008. Kingston Historical Society, Service Award.

2008. Ontario Historical Society, Cruikshank Medal for Service to Ontario History.

2009. Queen’s Alumni Jim Bennet Award for Service to Community.

2010. Province of Ontario, Volunteer Service Award.

2012. Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.

2012. Province of Ontario, Volunteer Service Award.

2015 Royal Canadian Geographical Society, Massey Medal.

2016 Frontenac Heritage Foundation, Angus Award for Heritage Conservation.

2018 Queen‘s Distinguished Service Award.


Professional Activities

Tenure and promotion reviews: Cambridge, Lakehead, Memorial, Edmonton, Simon Fraser, Toronto,

York, McMaster, Manitoba, Regina, Guelph, Calgary, Carleton, Southampton, Trent, Tel Aviv, Hebrew

National, Ottawa, Victoria, Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier, Hashemite universities. National Archives of Canada.

Professional Consultant: Parks Canada; National Film Board; Heritage Canada; Township of Kingston;

Canadian Transport Commission; Reville Associates; Museum of Science and Technology; Canada Post;

Cataraqui Conservation Authority; National Capital Commission; Kingston Economic Development

Corporation (KEDCO); City of Kingston; Mississauga First Nation of Alderville; U.S. National Parks

Service; Canada Industrial Relations Board.

Publishing Consultant: Longmans, McClelland-Stewart, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Harper and

Row, Edward Arnold, University of Toronto Press, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press,

University of Alberta Press, University of Pennsylvania Press, Routledge, University of British Columbia

Press, University of Manitoba Press.

Conference Organizer: British-Canadian Symposium on Historical Geography, 1975; OAGEE Spring

Conference, “Pressures on Our Pathways,” Department of Geography, Queen’s University, April 1987;

Combined Meetings of Ontario Historical Geographers and Eastern U.S. Historical Geographers, Queen’s

University, 1984; British-Canadian Symposium on Historical Geography (St. Andrews-Danbury),1975-77;

Ontario-Quebec (Queen’s-Laval Exchange), 1995-96; 11th. International Conference Historical Geographers

(Laval), 2001; Green Lines Tourism/Heritage, 2008-17; Scientific Committee, The Great War Centenary

“Landscapes and sites of memory of the Great War” (Ieper, Flanders) 16-18 September 2011; World Heritage

Tourism Research Network (WHTRN) Workshop, “Memoryscapes of the Great War, 1914-2014, Laval

University, Quebec City, June 2012; “Commemorating the Great War,” Halifax, 2014.

Grant Reviews: Canada Council, British Council, Killam, SSHRCC (Grants; Fellowships; MCRI), SSFC,

FCAR, Liverhulm Awards, Cambridge University, Wilfrid Laurier University, Irish Universities Post-

doctoral Award.

External Graduate Examiner: Carleton, McMaster, Western, York, Witwatersrand, Singapore, Laval,

Waterloo, Toronto, Guelph, Wilfrid Laurier, McGill, Trent, New South Wales, Curtin (Perth) universities.


Program Reviews: Frontenac School Board Review of Geography Program; Departments of Geography at

University of Toronto (2), University of Zimbabwe, York University, University of Winnipeg, Mount Allison

University, and Nipissing University. Various departments, University of Limerick, Ireland (5).

Journal Reviews: Reviewed papers for Canadian Geographer, CHOICE, Journal of the C.H.A., Journal of

Historical Geography, Ontario History, Social History, Urban History Review, Rural Studies, Annals AAG,

Canadian Historical Review, Society and Space, Canadian Journal of African Studies, International Journal

of Heritage Studies, Material History Review, Mosaic, Ecumene, Acadiensis, The Northern Mariner, Journal

of Canadian Studies, Gender, Place and Culture, Atlantis, Ontario History, Memory Studies, Anthropological

Notebooks, Historia Agraria, AlterNative.


Editor, The Champlain Society (1988-04); Editorial Board, “Storylines: An Anthology of Told Stories,”

Ontario Ministry of Education, 1988-89; Editorial Board, Canadian Geographic, (1997-2006); Editorial

Board, Material History (Culture) Review, (1996-); Editor, Kingston Historical Society’s newsletter,

Limelight (1999-2005), and journal, Historic Kingston (1999-2006), Ontario History (2004-5); Editorial

Board, Marine Museum Great Lakes, JibGems (2005-15); Editorial Board of Greater Kingston Community

Foundation, Ripples (2006-12). Scientific Advisor and Editorial Board, International Journal of Heritage

and Sustainable Development (2010-12)


Royal Canadian Geographical Society; Kingston Historical Society; Pittsburgh Historical Society;

Gananoque Historical Society; The Champlain Society; Marine Museum of the Great Lakes; Ontario

Historical Society; Kingston Association of Museums, Art Galleries, Historic Sites.

Professional Responsibilities

CAG, Executive, 1982-84

CAG, Honours and Awards Committee, 1984-87

Heads of Ontario Departments of Geography, Chair, 1980-84

SSFC, Councillor, 1989-92

SSHRCC, Geography Research Committee, 1983-85

SSHRC, Chair, Fellowship Committee, 1988-94

RCGS, Board of Directors, 1988-94

RCGS, Member and Chair, Research Committee, 1988-94

RCGS, Vice-Chair, Honours and Awards Committee, 1994-98

RCGS, Chair, Honours and Awards Committee, 1998-2004

RCGS, Board of Governors, 1998-2004

RCGS, Vice-President, 1998-2004

RCGS, Chair, Nominating Committee, 2000-2004

RCGS, Member, Canadian Geographic, Editorial Board, 1998-2005

Champlain Society, Editor, 1989-2002; Chalmers Book Prize, 2008-19

Ontario Historical Society, Board of Directors, 2001-4; Vice-President 2002-4; President 2004-6. Community Activities

Friends of Rideau, Board of Directors, 1995-2001; 2005-18

Kingston Historical Society, Vice-President, 1999-02

Kingston Historical Society, President, 2002-5

Kingston Sydenham Ward, Executive, 1999-2001

Later Life Learning, Organizer, 1980-2016

Member, Nominating Group, Frontenac Axis, UNESCO Bisosphere Reserve, 1998-2002

Member, Nominating Committee, Rideau as National Heritage River, 1998-2002.

Member, Nominating Committee, Rideau Canal and Kingston Fortifications, UNESCO/WHO, 2004-7

Director, Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston, 2005-10

Board Member, Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation, 2004-10

Member, Ontario Ministry of Resources, Advisory Research Committee, 2004-

Member, Publication Advisory Committee, The Land Between, 2009-13

Board Member, Community Foundation of Greater Kingston, 2007-10

Chair, City of Kingston, Arts Advisory Committee, 2008-9


Member, National Heritage Site Nomination, Cataraqui Cemetery, 2008

Member/Researcher, Kingston’s Lower Burial Ground Committee, 2008

Member, Team, Marine Museum Heritage Integrity Statement, 2008-10

Member, Team, Cataraqui Cemetery Heritage Integrity Statement, 2008-10

Member, Kingston Arts Council, Kingston Arts Grant Committee, 2009-10

Member, Cultural Champion, City of Kingston Sustainability Initiative, 2009-10

Chair, Kingston Grand Theatre Advisory Board, 2009-13

Member, Kingston Association of Museums, Art Galleries, Historic Sites, 2013-16

Chair, KAM, Heritage Fund, 2013-15.



Chairman, Chancellor Richardson Memorial Committee, 1969-79, 1998-2004

Senate Committee on Academic Development, 1970-72

Chairman, Roselawn [Donald Gordon Conference Centre] Planning Committee, 1970-72

Brockington Visitors’ Committee, 1970-72

Task Force on Steady State, 1971-72

Committee for Review of University Archives, 1974

Advisory Committee, Faculty of Education, 1977

Senate, 1977-80; 1999-2001

Chair, Senate Committee, Scholarship and Student Aid, 1977-81

Steering Committee, SURP, 1979-1989

President, University Faculty Club

Steering Committee, SPA, 1979-1989

Archives Advisory Committee, 1991-95; Chair, 1994-6

Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure, Advisor, 1995-6

Establishment of Q.U. Research Ethics Board, Member, 1998-2000

Chair, School of Urban Planning, Internal Review, 2000

Member, Headship Appointment, Geography, 2003-4

Member, Internal Review, Education, 2003-4

Member, University Archivist Appointment Committee, 2005

Member, Director Agnes Etherington Arts Centre Appointment Committee, 2007

Member, Admissions Committee, Division II, 1974-76

Member, Graduate Council, 1974-76

Associate Chairman, Division II, 1978-80


Faculty Review Committee, 1972 Library Report

Faculty of Arts Development Committee, 1974-76

Chairman, Sub-Committee on Annual Assessments, 1984-85

Faculty Development Committee, 1981

Advisory Committee, Correctional Services Program, 1986-95

Nominating Committee, 1994-96


Faculty-Student Committee, 1969

Field Committee, 1968, 1973

Air Photo-Library Committee, 1967-69

Liaison Committee, 1973

Chair, Graduate Studies, 1974-76

Operations Review Committee, 1976

Head, Department of Geography, 1970-71; 1979-89; 1993

Various: Appointment, Promotion, Renewal and Tenure Committees

Chair, Ethics Review Board, 1999-2004

Equity Officer, 1999-2003

Chair, Ethics, 2002-4

Canadian Studies Adviser, 2002-9


Sabbatical Leaves:

Sept. 1972 - Aug. 1973

July 1984 - June 1985

July 1989 - June 1990

Jan. 1996 - Jan. 1997

Jan. 2003 - July 2003








M.A. 1972 George, V.A. “The Rideau Corridor: A Canal System on a Frontier Region, 1832-1895.”

M.A. 1972 Reimer, D.L. “Travel Literature as a Source for Historical Geography: A Case Study from Early

British Columbia, 1841-1871.”

M.A. 1972 Hayward, R.J. “Content Analysis in Historical Geography: A Case Study in Immigration in

Toronto in 1847.”

M.A. 1975 Levine, G.J. “Residential Mobility in Kingston 1860-61: An Experiment in Data Linkage.”

M.A. 1976 Schmidt, R.G. “Transportation, Expansion and Development in Canada to 1927: A Political

Economy Approach.”

M.A. 1979 Ferguson, G.R. “The Peter Robinson Settlers in Emily Township 1825 to 1861.”

M.A. 1979 Carew, L.M. “John C. Clark: A Man, His Life, His Space. A Case Study in Historical Geography,


M.A. l979 Hall, C. “The Image of the Small Ontario Town in Fiction, l900-l9l9: A Case Study in Humanistic


M.A. 1981 Taylor, G. “The Mississauga of Kingston: A Study in Ethnohistory.”

M.A. 1981 Nuttall, A.J. “The Success of Government Settlement Policy on the Ottawa Huron Territory,


M.A. 1983 Ellsworth, J. “The Eastern Lake Ontario Commercial Fishery, 1673-1900: A Cultural Heritage, A

Forgotten Staple.”

M.A. 1984 Chiotti, Q. “The Evolving Food Distribution Network: An Analysis of Conflicting Interests in

Kingston, Ontario, 1879-1906.”

Ph.D. 1984 Widdis, R. “With Scarcely a Ripple: English Canadian Migration to the United States at the Turn of

the Century.”

M.A. 1986 Drummond, S. “Kingston as the Foot of the Great Lakes Terminus: A Study in Urban Boosterism.”

Ph.D. 1988 Arsenault, S. “The Historical Geography of Survival: The Acadians of Caraquet, New Brunswick.”

M.A. 1988 Le Feuvre, S. “Proto-industrialization on the Frontier: Mica Mining in Eastern Ontario.”

M.A. 1990 Walker, P. “C.W. Jeffrey’s and Images of Canadian Identity in School Textbooks.”

Ph.D. 1990 Folch-Serra, M. “The Voice of Place: A Dialogic Landscape of the Catalan Pyrenees.”


M.A. 1991 McLaughlin, J. “The Lost Lands: The Draining of Ontario, 1781-1900.”

M.A. 1992 Wolfart, P. “The Creation of Borders: The Case of the Leiblach in the Eighteenth Century.”

Ph.D. 1992 Raffan, J. “Frontier, Homeland and Sacred Space: A collaborative investigation into cross-culture

perceptions of place in the Thelon Game Sanctuary, Northwest Territories.”

Ph.D. 1993 Wurtele, S. “Nation-Building from the Ground Up: Assimilation through domestic and community

transformation in interwar Saskatchewan.”

M.A. 1993 Busby, V. “Doctor’s Can’t Cure It”: Traditional Medical Practices in Nineteenth Century Upper

Canada: Survival Strategies in a Developing Society.”

M.A. 1993 Gerretsen, A. “Italian Women in Kingston: Post World War Two Migration Experiences.”

M.A. 1994 Djiks, I. “Rails to ‘The Great Inland Empire’: The Canadian National Railway, Colonization and

Settlement in Alberta, 1925-1930. (With special reference to the Peace River Region).”

M.A. 1994 McFarlane, S. “Ontario-Manitoba Boundary.”

Ph.D. 1995 McLaughlin, J. “The Wetlands of Ontario: A Historical Perspective.”

Ph.D. 1995 Ripmeester, M. “The Kingston Mississauga: Landscapes of Resistance.”

M.A. 1995 Mackintosh, P. “Discourse and Design: Three Ideologies and their Effects in Space.” School of

Urban and Regional Planning.

M.A. 1995 MacDonald, C. “Women in Rural Ontario.” School of Public Policy.

M.A. 1996 MacNaughton, C. “Servicing the City.”

M.A. 1996 Didunyk. S. “GIS and Heritage Planning.”

M.A. 1997 Fincham, R. “Sensitizing Structuration Theory: A Review.”

Ph.D. 1997 Wolfart, P. “The Bishop’s Peasants and the Lands Below the Grüten: The Origins of Territoriality

in the Late Eighteenth Century.”

Ph.D. 1998 Schwartz, J.M. “Agent of Sight, Site of Agency: The Photograph in the Geographical Imagination.”

M.A. 1999 Meharg, S. “Identicide and the Bridge at Mostar.” [R.M.C.]

Ph.D. 1999 Snyder, B. “Changing Geographical Worlds: From the New Hampshire Grants to the Cataraqui

Townships with the Loyalists.”

M.A. 2001 DeLisle, S. “Coming out of the Shadows: The 1979-82 Mud Lake Wild Rice Confrontation.”

Ph.D. 2003 Landman, K. “Constructions of Nature in the Mattawa Landscape: ‘It’s who we are and how we


Ph.D. 2003 Meharg, S. “Identicide: The Destruction of Landscapes of Identity.”

Ph.D. 2003 Malack, D. “Identités, mémoires et constructions nationales: la commémoration extérieure á

Québec, 1889-2001.” [Laval University].

M.A. 2003 Harris, G. “Canadian Literature and Diasporic Identities.”

Ph.D. 2003 Gombay, N. “Making a Living: Place and the Commoditisation of ‘Country Foods’ in Puvirnituq.”

M.A. 2003 Kovacs, J. “Establishing a Place, Constructing an Identity: A Case study of Place-Making in

Esterhazy, Saskatchewan.”


M.A. 2004 Jacobs, Madelaine. “Committed to Paper: The Great War, The Indian Act, and Hybridity in

Alnwick, Ontario.”

Ph.D. 2005 Williams, Paul. “Materializing the Past: The Case of the Little Dutch Church, Halifax.”

M.A. 2011 Binkly, L. “School curriculum and images of Canadian Aboriginals.”

Ph.D. 2012 Jacobs, Madelaine. “Assimilation through Incarceration: The Geographic Imposition of Canadian

Law over Indigenous Peoples.”

Ph.D. 2019 Mary Campeau “Communicating Places Ideas and Canadian Identity in a Changing World: A

Social Biography of Thomas C. Cummings, 1904-1996.” (co-supervisor Joan Schwartz)


Geography 020 - Introduction to Human Geography

Geography 130 - Geography: A World Regional Perspective

Geography 220 - Urban Geography and Planning

Geography 221 - Habitat, Economy and Society

Geography 253* - Geography of Atlantic Europe

Geography 259* - Regional Geography of Europe

Geography 322 - Historical Geography of North America

Geography 323* - Historical Geography

Geography 327* - Cultural Geography

Geography 363* - Political Geography

Geography 368* - Environment and Society

Geography 490* - Seminar in Geography

Geography 491* - Seminar on Rural Geography

Geography 495* - Seminar on Regional Geography

Geography 801* - Conceptual and Methodological Bases

Geography 875* - Seminar in Historical Geography

Geography 876* - Problems in Historical Geography

Geography 878* - Settlement of Frontier Regions

Geography 890* - Advanced Studies in Human Geography

Geography 895* - Advanced Studies in Regional Geography

Can. Studies 440* - Cultural Landscapes and Cultural Identity in Canada (Carleton)


1976. Island Insights No. 5. The Thousand Islands, 1650-1850: A Study in Exploration, Settlement, and

Development. Ottawa: Parks Canada.

1986. (with Donald Swainson) The Sault Ste. Marie Canal: A Chapter in the History of Great Lakes Transport.

Ottawa: Parks Canada.

1986. (with Donald Swainson) Le Canal de Sault-Sainte-Marie: Un chapitre de l’histoire des transports sur les

Grands Lacs. Ottawa: Parcs Canada.

1988. (with Donald Swainson) Kingston: Building on the Past. Westport: Butternut Press.

2004. The Rock and the Sword: A History of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Kingston, Ontario. Kingston:

Heinrich Heine Press.

2006. (with Jennifer McKendry). Exploring Downtown Kingston: Interesting Places and Spaces. Kingston:


2011. (with D. Swainson) Kingston: Building on the Past for the Future. Kingston: Quarry Press.

2012. (with Shirley Gibson Langille) Landscapes and Inscapes: Drawn to History with a Brush of Serendipity.

Kingston: Quarry Press.


2017. The Rock and the Sword: A History of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Kingston, Ontario. Kingston:

Heinrich Heine Press (2nd edition).

2019 (forthcoming) Treasured Memories Brushed with Love. Kingston: Quarry Press.

(In preparation) Establishing the Centre, Encountering Edges: Constructing Canadian Identity in a

Transnational World.


1975 The Settlement of Canada: Origins and Transfer, British-Canadian Symposium on Historical Geography.

Queen’s University, Department of Geography

1994 (Series Editor) T.G. Harris and Robin Harris (eds.). The Eldon House Diaries: Five Women’s Views of the

Nineteenth Century. Toronto: The Champlain Society.

1996 (Series Editor) C. Jaenen. The French Regime in the Upper Country of Canada During the Seventeenth

Century. Toronto: The Champlain Society.

1997 (with Serge Courville) 1997. Mythic History and Symbolic Landscape. Laval: CIEQ Cheminements, 113 pp.

1999 (Series Editor) L. Sabbathy-Judd. Moravians in Upper Canada: The Diary of the Indian Mission of Fairfield

on the Thames, 1792-1813. Toronto: The Champlain Society.

2001 (Series Editor) R. Taylor and R. Styran (eds.). The Swivel Link: Canada’s Welland Canal. Toronto: The

Champlain Society.

2002 (Series Editor) R. Hall and S.W. Skelton (eds.). “The Rising Country”: The Hale-Amherst Correspondence,

1799-1825. Toronto: The Champlain Society.

2004 (Series Editor) James C. Reaney (ed.). The Donnellys: An Ontario Vendetta. Toronto: The Champlain Society.

2011 (with J. McKendry) Margaret S. Angus CD, LL.D., B.A.: A Tribute, Kingston: Kingston Historical

Society/Kingston Historical Foundation.

2011 (with Bob Hilderley) Personalizing Place. In Defence of Local History: The Kingston Case. Kingston: Quarry


(In preparation) A Collection of Personal Reflections on Canadian Identity.


1973 “The Site of Kingston,” in Kingston 300: A Social Snapshot, G. Betts (ed.). Ch.2. 8-13.

1975 “Kingston in the Nineteenth Century: A Study in Urban Decline,” in Perspectives on Landscape and

Settlement in 19th Century Ontario, J.D. Wood (ed.). Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 159-182.

1976 “The Settlement of Kingston’s Hinterland,” in To Preserve & Defend: Essays on Kingston in the Nineteenth

Century, G. Tulchinsky (ed.). Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 63-79, 351-353.

1977 “Frontier Settlement in Eastern Ontario in the 19th Century: A Study in Changing Perceptions of Land and

Opportunity,” in The Frontier: Comparative Studies, David Harry Miller and Jerome O. Steffen (eds.). University of

Oklahoma Press, 201-226.

1982 “The Farmer and the Land,” in County of a Thousand Lakes: The History of the County of Frontenac, Bryan

Rollason (ed.). Kingston: Frontenac County Council, 81-94.

1983 “Section L: Lands and Forests,” in Historical Statistics of Canada, F.H. Leacy (ed.). Ottawa: Statistics Canada

and S.S.F.C., 106-210.


1985 “The Canadian National Postal System, 1852-1914: An Examination of a Regional Communication System,” in

Regionalism and National Identity, R. Berry and J. Acheson (eds.). A.C.S.A.N.Z., Christchurch, New Zealand,


1985. “Essay on Kingston.” The Canadian Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, 941-2.

1988 “The Hinterland: Rural Place or Urban Process?,” in D. Gagan (ed.) New Directions for the Study of Ontario’s

Past, Hamilton: McMaster University, 267-283.

1988 “The iconography of nationhood in Canadian Art,” in Iconography of Landscape, D. Cosgrove and S. Daniels

(eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 162-178.

1988. “Kingston.” The Canadian Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition, Vol.2, 1138-9.

1989 (with R.M. Pike) “The Postal Revolution in Central Canada, 1851-1911,” in Lorne Tupperman, James Curtis,

Readings in Sociology: An Introduction. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 232-244.

1990 (with Donald Swainson) “James Richardson,” Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. XII, 893-94.

1991 “Introduction,” in R.C. Harris and J. Warkentin, Canada Before Confederation. Ottawa: Carleton University

Press, ix-xv.

1991 “One of the ‘Non-Preferred’ Peoples: Ukrainian Immigration, 1919-1939,” in L. Luciuk (ed.), Celebrating A

Century of Ukrainians in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 81-102.

1991 “Putting People in their Place,” in A. McDermaid and G.F. Henderson (eds.), Through Scholarly Eyes: Queen’s

University Archives Lectures. Kingston: QUA, 25-48.

1992 “The Kindling Touch of Imagination: Charles William Jefferys and Canadian Identity,” in Glen Norcliffe and

Paul Simpson-Housley, A Few Acres of Snow: Literary and Artistic Images of Canada. Toronto: Dundurn Press,


1992. “Interpreting a Nation’s Identity: Artists as Creators of National Consciousness,” in A. Baker and G. Biger,

Ideology and Landscape in Historical Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 230-254.

1992 “From Space to Place: Images of Nationhood,” in H.J. Selwood and J.H. Lehr, Reflections from the Prairies:

Geographical Essays. Winnipeg: University of Winnipeg, Department of Geography, 1-13.

1993 (with G.B. Osborne and R.M. Pike) “Mirror, Filter, or Mould?: The Media and Canada Post, 1965-1987,” in Marc

Grenier, Critical Studies of Canadian Mass Media. London: Butterworths, 83-106.

1993 “Expanding Economies,” in Historical Atlas of Canada: The Land Transformed, 1800-1891. Vol II. Toronto:

University of Toronto Press, 33-35.

1994 “Landscapes, Inscapes, Mythologies: Some thoughts on New Canadian Identities,” in W.K. Davies (ed.),

Canadian Transformations: Perspectives on a Changing Human Geography. Swansea: University of Wales

Canadian Studies Group, 49-55.

1995 “The View from the Hill: An Imaginative Historical Geography of Kingston, Ontario,” in Christof Stadel and H.

Suida (eds.), Themes and Issues of Canadian Geography: I. Saltzburg: Institute of Geography, University of

Salzburg, 53-60.

1995 “‘Grounding’ National Mythologies: The Case of Canada,” in Serge Courville and Norman Seguin (eds.), Espace

et Culture. Quebec City: Laval University Press, 265-274.

1997 (with G. B. Osborne) “C.P.C’s Retail Conversion Programme: Harrowsmith, One Community’s Experience,” in

C. Mitchell and Fred Dahm (eds.), Challenge and Opportunity: Managing Change in Canadian Towns and

Villages. Waterloo: University of Waterloo, 137-157.

1997 (with Christoph Stadel) “‘Landscapes’ und ‘Waterscapes’ von Kanada in Kunst und Literatur,” in Festschrift

Guido Muller: Geograph und Landesforscher. Salzburg: Salzburger Geographische Arbeiten, 185-196.


1998. “Landscapes, Waterscapes, Inscapes: Putting the People back into Pukaskwa Wilderness Park,” in John Marsh

and Bruce Hodgins (eds.), Changing Parks: The History, Future and Cultural Context of Parks and Heritage

Landscapes. Toronto: Natural Heritage, 107-134.

1999 “Establishing the Centre, Integrating the Margins: An Historical Geographical Approach to Canadian National

Identity,” in Christoph Stadel (ed.), Themes and Issues of Canadian Geography. Salzburger Geographische Arbeiten,

Vol. 34, 7-22.

2001. “Warscapes, Landscapes, Inscapes: France, War, and Canadian National Identity,” in Iain Black and Robin

Butlin (eds.), Place, Culture, and Identity. Laval University Press, 311-333.

2001 “Erasing Memories of War: Reconstructing France after the ‘Great War’,” in Yves Tremblay (ed.), Canadian

Military History Since the 17th Century/L’histoire militaire canadienne depuis le XVIIe siécle. Ottawa: National

Defence, 513-522.

2002 “Constructing the State, Managing the Corporation, Transforming the Individual: Photography, Immigration, and

the Canadian National Railways, 1925-30,” in Joan M. Schwartz and James R. Ryan (eds.), Picturing Place:

Photography and the Geographic Imagination. London: I.B. Tauris, 162-191.

2003 “Barter, Bible, Bush: Strategies of Survival and Resistance among the Kingston-Bay of Quinte Mississauga,

1783-1836,” in Bruce Hodgins, Ute Lischke, David McNab (eds.), Blockades & Resistance: Studies in Actions of

Peace and the Temagami Blockades of 1988-89. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 85-104.

2004 (with R.M. Pike) “Lowering ‘the Walls of Oblivion’: The Revolution in Postal Communications in Central

Canada, 1851-1911,” in Daniel J. Robinson (ed.), Communication History in Canada. Oxford: Oxford University

Press, 44-52.

2004 (with M. Huitema, M. Ripmeester) “Shared Places. Shifting Spaces: The First Nations of the Thousand Islands,”

in K Burtch (ed.) Life on the Edge: The Cultural Landscape of the Thousand Islands Area. Maitland, Ont:

Canadian Thousand Islands Heritage Conservancy, 13-26.

2004 “Kingston,” in Gerald Hallowell (ed.) The Oxford Companion to Canadian History, Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 337-8.

2005 “Constructing Canada Outdoors,” in C.J. Lemieux et al., Social Science in Parks and Protected Areas: PRFO

Occasional Paper No. 3, Waterloo: University of Waterloo.

2006. “Art at War: Representing Canada in World War II,” in Andrew Hiscock and Muriel Chamberlain, Engaging the

Enemy: Canada in the 1940s, Llandybie, Carms: Dinefwr Press for CSWG, 47-64.

2006. “The View from Kingston: Looking up to Peterborough.” “Edwardian Peterborough: Proceedings of the

conference commemorating the incorporation of the City of Peterborough.” Peterborough Historical Society

Occasional Paper No. 27, 7-17.

2006. “Introduction,” to Ken Watson, Engineered Landscapes: The Rideau Canal’s Transformation of a

Wilderness Waterway, Elgin, Ont.: Ken W. Watson, i-ii.

2007. “Heritage, Tourism, Quality of Life: ‘Constructing’ New Urban Places,” in G. Wall (ed), Approaching

Tourism, Waterloo: University of Waterloo, Geography Publication Series No. 21, 155-182.

2008. “Constructions of National Symbolic Spaces and Places: The State of Place Identity,” in G.H. Herb and D.H.

Kaplan (eds) Nations and Nationalism: A Global Historical Overview, Vol. 4, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC/CLIO,


2008. “The paradox of heritage in a globalizing world: The case of the Rideau Canal-Kingston Fortifications

UNESCO/WHO designation,” in Rogerio Amoeda et al, World Heritage and Sustainable Development, Vol. 1, pp.


2008. “Approaching the Rideau: Past, Present, and Future Shifting Priorities,” Rideau 175 Lecture Series:

Celebrating the 175th Anniversary of the Opening of the Rideau Canal. (John G. Cowan ed.), Merrickville:

Merrickville and District Historical Society, pp. 1-12.


2009. “Putting My Thoughts on Temps Espaces et Modernités into Place.” Brigitte Caulier et Yvan Rousseau (eds)

Temps Espaces et Modernités: Mélanges offerts á Serge Courville et Normand Séguin, Quebec City: University of

Laval Press, 461-468.

2009. (with Geraint Osborne) “The Vernacular and the Ceremonial in a National Capital.” Andrew Nurse and

Raymond Blake, eds., Beyond National Dreams. Vancouver: Fitzhenry/Whiteside, 111-130.

2009. “Foreword” to Robert J. Andrews and Rosalyn Parker Art (eds) “A Troublesome Berth,” The Journal of First

Lieut. Charles Allan Parker, Royal Marines: The Canada Years 1838-1840. Kingston: Kingston Historical Society.

2009. “Remembering and Constructing Intangible Heritage Along Canada’s Upper St. Lawrence,” in Sergio Lira et al.

(eds.) Sharing Cultures. Barcelos, Portugal: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, 231-238.

2009. Foreword, Garden Island: A Shipping Empire. Kingston: Marine Museum of the Great Lakes.

2009. “Living off the Land: The People and the Land of Lennox and Addington,” in Orland French, Lennox and

Addington: 140 Years. Napanee: The Napanee Beaver, 68-76.

2009. (with S. Wurtele) “The Other Railway: Canadian National's Department of Colonization and Agriculture,” in

Marchildon, Gregory P. (ed.) Immigration and Settlement, 1870-1939 (History of the Prairie West). Regina:

Canadian Plains Research Centre, pp. 113-128.

2009. “Epilogue: Some Personal Reflections on Dancing with Shadows, Shaping Clouds, Grounding Intangibilities,” in

Sérgio Lira and Amoêda Rogério (eds) Constructing Intangible Heritage. Barcelos, Portugal: Green Lines Institute,


2010. “Golden Ages and Green/Black Valleys: A Patrimony of Landscapes, Memories, and Testimonies for a Modern

Wales,” in Amoêda Rogério, Sérgio Lira and Cristina Pinheiro (eds) World Heritage and Sustainable Development.

Barcelos, Portugal: Green Lines Institute, Vol. 2: 1101-1112.

2010. “Remembering and Constructing Intangible Heritage along Canada’s Upper St. Lawrence,” in Sergio Lira et al.

(eds.) Sharing Cultures: International Conference on Intangible Heritage. Barcelos, Portugal: Green Lines

Institute for Sustainable Development, 233-247.

2011. “Encountering Nature in the Frontenacs,” in Gray Merriam (ed.) The Naturally Rich Frontenacs, County of

Frontenac: Frontenac Stewardship Council, 28-31

2011. “Preface: Putting Swainson in His Place,” Bob Hilderley and Brian S. Osborne (eds) Personalizing Place. In

Defence of Local History: The Kingston Case. Kingston: Quarry Press, viii-xii.

2012. Foreword to Robert Andrews and R. Parker (eds) Sideshow or Main Event: Putting the War of 1812 in

Regional Contexts. Kingston: Kingston Historical Society.

2012 “The Kingston Georegion: Going Glocal in a Globalizing World,” in Gordon Nelson (ed) Beyond the Global

City: Understanding and Planning for the Diversity of Ontario. Montreal/Kingston: McGill-Queen’s, 201-226.

2012. (with Jason Kovacs) “Remembering Dead Heroes: Quebec’s Monument to Short-Wallick,” in Nicole Neatby &

Peter Hodgins (eds.) Settling and Unsettling Memories: Essays in Canadian Public History. Toronto: University of

Toronto Press, 67-93.

2012. “Commemorating Nations’ Workers: The Case of the Reesor Siding Incident,” in Iain Roberston (ed.) Heritage

from Below, Ashgate, 177-196.

2013: “Imagining the Land Between with Otto Jacobi” (p. 27); “The Land Between at the Frontenac Arch” (p. 48);

“Contacts, Conflicts, Consequences” (p. 84); “Fire!” (p. 105); “Champlain in the Land Between” (p. 120); in

T.MacIlwraith (ed.), The Land Between, Fitzhenry-Whiteside.

2015: “Barriefield: A Place to Look Back on, and Forward To” (8-18), “Bypassing Barriefield: Cutting Through the

Hill” (58-63) in R. Cardwell, B. Carr, C. Sypnowich (Eds.) Barriefield: Two Centuries of Village Life. Kingston:

Quarry Press.


2018. “Reflecting on the Great War 1914-2019: How Has It Been Defined, How Has It Been Commemorated, How

Should It Be Remembered?” in David Harvey and James Wallis, Commemorative Spaces of the First World War: Historical Geographies at the Centenary. London: Routledge, 209-224.


1965 Pre-Nineteenth Century Agriculture in Great Britain. Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal, 2: 4-5.

1965 Frying Pan-Arkansas Project: The Twentieth Century Frontier of Colorado. Wessex Geographer, 6: 58-65.

1967 The Commonlands of Great Britain: A Neglected Commodity. Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal, 4:


1973 (with D.L. Reimer) Content Analysis and Historical Geography: A Note on Evaluative Assertion Analysis. Area,

5: 96-100.

1973 (with R. Hayward) The “British Colonist” and the Immigration to Toronto of 1847: A Content Analysis Approach

to Newspaper Research in Historical Geography. Canadian Geographer, XVII: 391-402.

1974 The Cemeteries of the Midland District of Upper Canada: A Note on Mortality in a Frontier Society. Pioneer

America, 6, 1: 46-55.

1974 The Kansas-Colorado Power and Railroad Project: A Multi-Functional Plan for the Development of the Arkansas

Valley. Pioneer America, 6, 2: 22-33.

1974 Manorial Wastes, Encroachments and Industry in Glamorganshire. Canadian Geographer, XVIII, 3: 265-280.

1976 Patching, Scouring and Commons: The Development of an Early Industrial Landscape. Industrial Archaeology

Review, 1, 1: 37-42.

1976 Social Patterns in Nineteenth Century Britain. Report on the I.B.G. Historical Geography Research Group, Spring

Conference, May 1975. Historical Geography Newsletter, 6, 2: 13-15.

1978 Commonlands, Mineral Rights and Industry: Changing Evaluations in an Industrializing Society. Journal of

Historical Geography, 4, 3: 231-249.

1978 Glamorgan Agriculture in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. The National Library of Wales Journal,

XX, 4: 387-407.

1978 (with C.M. Rogerson) Conceptualizing the Frontier Settlement Process: Development or Dependency?

Comparative Frontier Studies. An Inter-Disciplinary Newsletter, The University of Oklahoma, No. 11 (Summer).

l980. Pedlers, Markets and Fairs: Trade on a Nineteenth Century Frontier. Canadian Papers in Rural History, 2:


1980. Wills and Inventories: Records of Life and Death in a Developing Society. Families, 19, 4: 235-248.

1981 (with R. Harris and G. Levine). Housing, Tenure and Social Class in Kingston, Ontario, 1881-1901. Journal of

Historical Geography, 7, 3: 271-289.

1981. “Potash, Wheat and Cheese: The Agriculture of Frontenac County in the Nineteenth Century.” Pittsburgh

Historical Society, 17-21.

1982. “Thomas Burrowes, the Artist of the Rideau.” Pittsburgh Historical Society Notes, 6-12.

1983. Masters in Our Own House: A Commentary. Archivaria, 16: 60-61.

1983 (with R.M. Pike) The Postal Service and Canadian Social History. Part l: Petitions, Inspector’s Report and the

Postal Archives. Postal Historical Society of Canada Journal, 35: 37-42.

1984 (with R.M. Pike) Lowering the “Walls of Oblivion”: The Revolution in Postal Communications in Central

Canada, 1851-1911. Canadian Studies in Rural History, IV: 200-225.


1984. The Artist as Historical Commentator. Archivaria, 17: 41-59.

1985 (with R.M. Pike) The Postal Service and Canadian Social History: Part 2: The Locational Decision. Postal

Historical Society of Canada Journal, 41: 11-14.

1984 (with R.M. Pike) The Postal Service and Canadian Social History. Part 3: “L’encouragement aux Habitudes

d’Economie.” Postal Historical Society of Canada Journal, 42: 21-27.

1986 (with R.M. Pike) The Postal Service and Canadian Social History. Part 4: The Human Dimension. Postal

Historical Society of Canada Journal, 43: 13-18.

1987 (with R.M. Pike) From “A Cornerstone of Canada’s Social Structure” to “Financial Self-Sufficiency”: The

Transformation of the Canadian Postal Service, 1852-1987. Canadian Journal of Communications, 13: No. 1, 1-26.

1988. “Fact, Message, or Symbol: Three Approaches to Literary Landscapes.” Canadian Geographer, 32: 267-269.

1988 (with E.G. Moore) “Marital Fertility in Kingston, 1861-1881: A Study of Socio-Economic Differentials.”

Histoire sociale, XX: 39, 9-27.

1989. “Comment on ‘The Russian Frontier on the West: Sixteenth-Century Belorussia.’” Soviet Geography, Vol.

XXX, No. 3, 197-206.

1989. (with R.M. Pike) “Coping with a New Communications Environment: Current Trends in Canadian Postal

Policies in the Light of International Developments.” Politiques et Management Public, 6: 187-212.

1989. “The Long and the Short of it. Kingston as the Foot-of-the-Great-Lakes Terminus.” Freshwater, Vol 4, 1-19.

1990. “Organizing the East Lake Ontario Fishery.” Historic Kingston, Vol. 38, 81-93.

1990 (with P. Goheen) “Conference Report: The Seventh International Conference of Historical Geographers.” Israel,

July 23-31. Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 16, No. 2, 216-218.

1990 (With R. Pike) “A Post Office for the Next Century.” Policy Options, Vol. 11, No. 10, 1990, 3-6.

1991 (with R.M. Pike) “Mass Postal Services after 150 Years: A Review Essay.” Canadian Journal of

Communication, Vol. 16, 103-109.

1991. “Oral-Based Learning, Literacy and Life: The International Literacy Year Oral History Project.” Journal of the

Canadian Oral History Association, Vol. II, 17-22.

1992. “Persisters or Movers? Tracking Migrants in Canadian History.” Families, 31, No. 1, 21-28.

1992. “The Canada Post Corporation and Rural Canada: An Evaluation of the Rural Conversion Program.” Progress in

Rural Policy and Planning, Vol. 2, 221-225.

1995 (with M. Ripmeester) “Kingston, Bedford, Grape Island, Alnwick: The Odyssey of the Kingston Mississauga.”

Historic Kingston, Vol. 43, 84-112.

1995 (with S. Wurtele) “The Other Railway: Canadian National’s Department of Colonization and Agriculture.”

Prairie Forum, Vol. 20, No. 2, 231-253.

1996. “Texts of Place: ‘A Secret Landscape Hidden Behind the Everyday.’” GeoJournal, Vol. 38, No. 1, 29-39.

1996. “Figuring Space, Marking Time: Contested Identities in Canada.” International Journal of Heritage Studies,

Vol. 2, Nos., 1 & 2, 23-40.

1998. “Constructing Landscapes of Power: The George Etienne Cartier Monument, Montreal, 1910-1996.” Journal of

Historical Geography, Vol. 24, No. 4, 431-458.

1998a. “Some Thoughts on Landscape: Is it a Noun, a Metaphor, or a Verb?” Canadian Social Studies, Vol. 32, No. 3,



1998b (with M. Ripmeester) “The Mississaugas Between Two Worlds: Strategic Adjustments to Changing Landscapes

of Power.” Canadian Journal of Native Studies, Vol. 17, No. 2, 259-291.

2001. “In the Shadows of Monuments: The British League for the Reconstruction of the Devastated Areas of France.”

International Journal of Heritage Studies, Vol. 7, No.1, 59-82.

2001a. “The St. Lawrence in the Canadian National Imagination.” Études Canadiennes, No. 50, June, 257-275.

2001b. “Landscapes, Memory, Monuments, and Commemoration: Putting Identity in its Place.” Canadian Ethnic

Studies, Vol. XXXIII, No. 3, 39-77.

2002. “Moose Jaw’s ‘Great Escape’: Constructing Tunnels, Deconstructing Heritage, Marketing Places.” Material

History Review, Spring, 16-28.

2002a. “Locating Identity: Landscapes of Memory (Bibliographic Essay).” Choice, Vol. 39, No. 11/12, 1903-1911.

2002b. “Re-presenting National Memory: Louis Riel, Traitor or Founder of Canada.” International Journal of

Heritage Studies, Vol. 8, No. 4, 303-322.

2002c. (with M. Huitema and M. Ripmeester) “Imagined Spaces, Constructed Boundaries, Conflicting Claims: A

Legacy of Colonial Conflict in Eastern Ontario.” International Journal of Canadian Studies, No. 25, 87-112.

2002d. “The Place of Memory and Identity.” Diversities, Volume 1:1, Summer, 9-13.

2002e. (with W. Breck and J.W. Fitsell) “Major-General Charles Francis Constantine, CB, DSO: The General and the

Athlete.” Historic Kingston, Vol. 50, 57-76.


2004 (with G.B. Osborne) “The Cast[e]ing of Heroic Landscapes of Power: Constructing Canada’s Pantheon of Power

on Parliament Hill.” Material History Review, Vol. 60, 35-47.

2004 (with D. Gordon) “Constructing National Identity in Canada’s Capital, 1900-2000: Confederation Square and the

National Monument.” Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 30, 618-641.

2005 (With Doug Petty) “T.C. Cummings: The Kingston, Gananoque, North Bay Connection,” Historic Kingston,

Vol. 53, 45-61.

2005 (With Doug Petty) “Thomas Clarence Cummings, 1904-1996: The Pittsburgh-Gananoque Connection,”

Pittsburgh Township Historical Society: A Collection of Talks of Historical Interest, 5-16.

2005 (with Jason Kovacs) “A Tale of Two Heroes and Two Cities: The Short-Wallick Monument, Kingston and

Quebec,” Historic Kingston, Vol 53, 85-101.

2005. Guest Editor, “Identifying with Landscapes/S’identifier au paysage” Special Edition, Material History Review,

Vol. 62, Fall, 1- 6.

2006. “From patriotic pines to diasporic geese: Emplacing culture, setting our sights, locating identity in a transnational

Canada,” Canadian Journal of Communications, Vol. 31, 147-175.

2007 “The Textuality of Kingston: The Power of Imagining Place” Pittsburgh Historical Society: A Collection of

Talks of Historical Interest, 47-53.

2008. (with Jason Kovacs). “Cultural Tourism: Authenticity, Escaping Into Fantasy, or Experiencing Reality,”

Bibliographic Essay, Choice, Vol. 45, No.6, 927-939.

2008. “Temps, espace, et modernités: Conference Report,” Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 34, No.3, 516-20.

2008. “Looking into Kingston, Framing the “Scene/Seen,” Focusing the Gaze: Some Reflections on the Kingston

Portrait Collection,” Historic Kingston, Vol. 56, pp. 22-31.

2009. “John A: The Man Who Made Us (Report on Richard Gwyn talk).” Historic Kingston, Vol. 57, 2-4.


2009. “A Fire in Quebec City, A Burning Question for Guelph: Who was George Wallick, the Hero of St. Sauveur?”

Guelph Historical Society, Special Edition, Historic Guelph: The Royal City, Vol. XLVIII, 39-50.

2009. “Ineke Dijks: A Tribute.” Western Geography Vols. 17/18/19, 101-103. ]

2010. “Authors’ Response,” Guelph Historical Society Vol. XLIX, 72-74.

2011. “The Chancellor Richardson Memorial Fund: What makes a community?” Historic Kingston, Vol. 59, 79-88.

2018: “Introduction: An Anthology of Sir John A. Macdonald Commemorative Speeches, 2000-2014,” Special

Publication of Kingston Historical Society, Historic Kingston: Historic Kingston, Vol. 65, 2017, 4-8.


1971. Review of Population Geography and the Developing Countries, by J.I. Clarke. Canadian Geographic

Journal, Vol. LXXXIII, No. 6, v.

1972. Review of The Development of Canada's Staples, 1867-1939, by K.H. Burley. Canadian Geographic

Journal, Vol. LXXXIV, No. 4, iv-vi.

1976. Review of Illustrated Historical Atlas of Peterborough County, 1825-1875, A. Brunger (ed.). Queen’s

Quarterly, 83, 4: 671-672.

1976. Review of Canada Before Confederation: A Study in Historical Geography, R. Cole Harris and John

Warkentin (eds.). The Humanities Association Review, 27, 2: 202-203.

1977. Review of The River Barons: Montreal Businessmen and the Growth of Industry and Transportation, by

Gerald J.J. Tulchinsky. The Canadian Geographer, XXII, 3: 254-256.

1978. Review of A Capital for Canada: Conflict and Compromise in the Nineteenth Century, by D. Knight.

Urban Studies, 16, 2: 250-251.

1981. Review of Guide to Canadian Photographic Archives, Alan Clavet (ed.). Papers of the Bibliographical

Society of Canada, XIX: 99-100.

1982. Review of Building the Rideau Canal: A Pictorial History, by R.W. Passfield. Canadian Geographic

Journal, 80, Aug/Sept.

1984. Review of Anglo American Landscapes, by Christopher Mulvey. Annals, A.A.G. 74, 2: 341-344.

Review of History and Ecology: Studies of the Grassland, by James C. Malin. Journal of Historical Geography,

11, 22: 226-227.

Review of Forging a Consensus: Historical Essays on Toronto, by J. Russell; Toronto to 1918: An Illustrated

History, by J.M.S. Careless; Toronto Since 1918: An Illustrated History, by J. Lemon. The Canadian Geographer,

30, 2: 185-188.

1987. Review of Strangers from a Secret Land, by Peter Thomas. American Review of Canadian Studies, Vol.

XVII, No. 2, 1987, 251-52.

1988. Review of Sounding the Iceberg: An Essay on Canadian Historical Novels, by Dennis Duffy. Canadian

Geographer, Vol. 32, No. 1, 95.

1988. Review of The Heart of the Country, by F. Dahms. Canadian Geographic, Vol. 108, No. 6, 92.

1988. [with J.B. Riddell] Review of Our Geographic Mosaic: Research Essays in Honour of G.C. Merrill, by D.

Knight (ed.). Canadian Geographer, Vol. 33, No. 1, 88-89.

1989. Review of Technology on the Frontier: Mining in Old Ontario, by N. Newell. Journal of Historical

Geography, Vol. 15, No. 3, 336-37.

1989. Review of The British Empire at its Zenith, by A.J. Christopher. Landscape History, Vol 11, 103-104.


1989. Review of Illustrated Historical Atlas of Peterborough County 1825-75, Second Edition by A.O.C. Cole.

Ontario Geography, No. 33, 85-86.

1989. Review of Nation into State: The Shifting Symbolic Foundations of American Nationalism, in Canadian

Geographer, Vol. 34, No. 1, 93-94.

1989. Review of The Gold Crusades: A Social History of Gold Rushes, by D. Fetherling. Canadian Geographic,

December, 131.

1990. Review of Not for Gold Alone, by Franc Joubin. Canadian Geographic, June-July, 80.

1990. Review of Sudeten in Saskatchewan: A Way to be Free, by Rita Schilling. Canadian Geographic, April/May

1991, 100-102.

1991. Review of Landscapes of the Mind: Worlds of Sense and Metaphor, by J. Douglas Porteous. Urban History

Review, Vol. XIX, No. 3, 233-4.

1992. Review of Making Culture, by Maria Tippett. Canadian Geographer, Vol. 36, No. 3, 293-4.

1992. Review of A Long and Terrible Shadow, by T. Berger. Canadian Geographic, January-February, 85-86.

1992. Review of The Canadian Beaver Book: Fact, Fiction and Fantasy, by Jim Cameron. Canadian Geographic,


1992. Review of Historical Atlas of Canada, Vol. III, by D. Kerr and D. Holdsworth. Material History Review, Vol.

35, 75-76.

1993. Review of Antarctica, by P. Simpson-Housley. Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 19, 1993, 376-378.

1993. “New Players - Same Game,” Review of The Great Game: The Struggle for Empire in Central Asia by Peter

Hopkirk. Queen’s Quarterly, Vol. 100. 414-419.

1993. “Looking at the World Through Tinted Lenses,” Review of The World of William Notman, by Roger Hall (et

al.) and Reading National Geographic, by C. Lutz and J. Collins. Queen’s Quarterly, Vol 100, 869-879.

1993. Review of Full of Hope and Promise, by E. Ross. Canadian Geographic, January-February, 90.

1993. Review of Niagara, by P. Berton. Canadian Geographic, January-February, 86-87.

1993. Review of The Imaginary Indian, by D. Francis. Canadian Geographic, March-April, 94-95.

1993. Review of Canadian Exploration Literature: An Anthology, 1660-1860, by G. Warkentin. Canadian

Geographic, September/October, 80.

1993. Review of The Company Town, by J.S. Garner. Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 19, 479-81.

1994. Review of The First Summer People: The Thousand Islands, 1650-1910, by Susan Weston Smith. Canadian

Geographic, May-June, 98-99.

1994. Review of Legends Told in Canada, by Edith Fowke. Canadian Geographic, July-August, 69.

1994. Review of Houses and Homes: Housing for Canadians, by John Sewell. Canadian Geographic, September-

October, 75-76.

1994. Review of A History of Canadian Architecture, by Harold Kalman. Canadian Geographic, November, 89-91.

1994. Review of The Age of Steam on Lake Temiskaming, by Bruce W. Taylor and “Our Living Heritage,” by

J.R.M. Kelso and J.W. Demers. Canadian Geographic, November, 85-86.

1993. Review of Nepean, by B. Elliott. Canadian Geographer, Vol. 37, No. 3, 283-284.


1994. Review of Geographical Snapshots of North America, by D. Janell. Canadian Geographer, Vol 38, 95-96.

1994. Review of Americans and their Forests, by M. Williams. Progress in Geography, Vol. 18, 133-34.

1994. Review of Refashioning Nature, by D. Goodman and M. Redclift. Material History Review, Vol. 39, 82-84.

1994. Review of Interpreting Nature: Cultural Constructions of the Environment, by I.G. Simmons. Trans.,

I.B.G., Vol. 19, No. 3, 378-379.

1996. Review of From Coastal Wilderness to Fruited Plain: A History of Environmental Change in Temperate

North America from 1500 to the Present, by Gordon G. Whitney. The Quarterly Review of Biology, Vol. 70. No.4,


1996. Review of Real Places, by Grady Clay and A Sense of Place, A Sense of Time, by John B. Jackson. Material

History Review, Vol. 43, 87-90.

1997. Review of The New Niagara: Tourism, Technology, and the Landscape of Niagara Falls, 1776-1917, by

William Irwin. Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 23, No. 1, 90-92.

1997. Review of Human Impact on the Earth, by William B. Meyer and How Many People Can the Earth

Support?, by Joel E. Cohen. Global Biodiversity, Vol. 6, No. 4, 39-40.

1997. Review of Landscape and Memory, by Simon Schama. Material History Review, Vol. 45, 79-81.

1998. Review of After the Ruins: Restoring the Countryside of Northern France after the Great War, by Hugh

Clout. Material History Review, Vol. 47, 113-115.

1998. Review of The Welland Canals and their Communities, by John N. Jackson. The Northern Mariner, Vol. 8,

No. 2, 101-102.

1998. Review of Calvinists Incorporated: Welsh Immigrants on Ohio’s Industrial Frontier, by Anne K. Knowles.

Geographical Review, Vol. 88, No. 1, 138-140.

1998. Review of Looking for Old Ontario: Two Centuries of Landscape Change, by Thomas F. McIlwraith. The

Canadian Geographer, Vol. 41, No. 4, 403-404.

1998. Review of Nation and Commemoration: Creating National Identities in the United States and Australia, by

Lyn Spillman. Annals, Association of American Geographers, Vol. 88, No. 4, 747-750.

1998. Review of Understanding Ordinary Landscapes, Paul Groth and Todd W. Bressi (eds.). Urban History

Review, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, 62-63.

1999. Review of Atlas of the Irish Rural Landscape, by F.H.A. Aalen et al. Material History Review, Vol. 49, 84-


1999. Review of The Drama of Landscape: Land, Property, and Social Relations on the Early Modern Stage, by

G.A. Sullivan. Cartographica, Vol. 36, No. 1, 72-73.

2000. Review of Maps and Politics and Maps and History: Constructing Images of the Past, by Jeremy Black.

Material History Review, Vol. 51, 77-79.

2000. Review of This side of heaven: Determining the Donnelly murders, 1880, by Norman N. Feltes. Canadian

Geographer, Vol. 44, No. 1, 91-93.

2000. Review of Homeplace: The Making of the Canadian Dwelling over Three Centuries, by Peter Ennals and

Deryk Holdsworth. The Canadian Geographer, Vol. 44, No. 2, 196-197.

2000. Review of The Land Between: Northwestern Ontario Resource Development, 1800 to the 1900s, by W.R.

and N. Wightman. Annals, Association of American Geographers, Vol. 90, No. 4, 809-11.

2001. Review of The Geographical Imagination in America, 1880-1950, by Susan Schulten. Cartographica, Vol.

37, No. 2, 58-59.


2001. Review of The House of Difference: Cultural Politics and National Identity in Canada, by Eva Mackey.

Material History Review, Vol. 53, 83-85.

2001. Review of The Shaping of North America: Vol. 3, Transcontinental America, 1850-1915, by Donald Meinig.

Geomatica, Vol. 55, No. 1, 111-112.

2001/2. Review of Trading Identities: The Souvenir in Native North American Art from the Northeast, 1700-

1900, by Ruth B. Phillips. B.C. Studies, No. 132, 98-98.

2002. Review of English Maps: A History, by C. Delano-Smith and R.J.P. Kain. Material History Review, Vol. 55,

Spring, 113-114.

2002. Review of Heroines and History: Representation of Madeleine de Verchères and Laura Secord, by Colin

M. Coates and Celia Morgan. Making Public Pasts: The Contested Terrain of Montreal’s Public Memories, 1891-

1930, by Alan Gordon, and The Art of Nation-Building: Pageantry and Spectacle at Quebec’s Tercentenary, by

H.V. Nelles. Topia, Vol. 8, Fall, 117-120.

2002. Review of Geography Militant: Cultures of Exploration and Empire by Felix Driver. The Australian

Geographer, Vol. 40. No. 3, 361-361.

2003. Review of Paper Nation: The Story of the Picturesque Atlas of Australia, 1886-1888, by Tony Hughes-

D’Aeth, in History and Native Title by Christine Choo and Shawn Hollbach. Studies in Western Australian

History, No. 23, 260-264.

2003. Review of The Politics of Population: State Formation, Statistics, and the Census of Canada, 1840-1875, by

Bruce Curtis. University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol. 72, No. 1, Winter 2002/2003, 433-5.

2004. Review of Tree Cultures: The Place of Trees and Trees in their Place, by Owain Jones and Paul Cloke.

Australian Geographic Studies, Vol. 42 (4), 425-27.

2004. Review of The Niagara Companion: Explorers, Artists, and Writers of the Falls, from Discovery through

the Twentieth Century, by Linda Revie. Journal of Historical Geography. Vol. 30 (4) 799-800.

2004. Review of An Historical Geography of Railways in Great Britain and Ireland, by David Turnock. Material

History Review, 96-7.

2005. Review of Country Post: Rural Postal Service in Canada, 1880-1945, by Chantal Amyot and John Willis.

Canadian Historical Review, Vol. 86, No. 1, 163-5.

2005. Review of Ephemeral Territories: Representing Nation, Home, and Identity, by Erin Manning. The

Canadian Geographer. Vol. 49 (1) 117-8.

2005. Review of William Coldstream, by Bruce Laughton. Queen’s Quarterly, Volume 112, No. 4, 566-77.

2006. Review of The City of Niagara Falls, Canada, 1904-2004, by City of Niagara Centennial Book Committee,

and Beautiful Barrie: The City and its People: An Illustrated History of Barrie, Ontario, by Su Murdoch, B.E.S.

Rudachyk, and K.H. Schick. Ontario History, Vol. XCVIII, No. 1, 2006, 129-131.

2007. Review of A History of Sport in Wales: A Pocket Guide, by Martin Jones. Sport History Review, Vol. 38,

No. 1, 85-6.

2007. Review of Memory and the Impact of Political Transformation in Public Space, by D.J. Walkowitz and L.M.

Knauer, Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 33, No.4.

2009. Review of Communication and Empire: Media, Markets, and Globalization, 1860-1930, by Dwayne R.

Winseck and Robert M. Pike, Canadian Journal of Communications, Vol. 34, No. 3, 535-7.

2009. Review of The St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project: An Oral History of the Greatest Construction

Show on Earth, by C.P. Parham, International Journal of Maritime History, Vol. 21, No. 2. 395–397.


2010. Review of, Commerce on Early American Waterways: The Transport of Goods by Arks, Rafts and Log

Drives by Earl E. Brown, International Journal of Maritime History, Vol. XXII, No. 2, 389-390.

2011. Review of Early Voices: Portraits of Canada by Women Writers, 1639-1914, by Mary Alice Downie, B.

Robertson, E.J. Errington, Ontario History, Vol. CIII, (1), 109-111.

2011. Review of, Pandora’s Locks: The Opening of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway, by Jeff Alexander,

International Journal of Maritime History, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, 420-422.

2012. Review of, Steamboats and the Rise of the Cotton Kingdom, by Robert Gudmestad, International Journal of

Maritime History, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, 385-389.

2013. Review of The Ordinary People of Essex, by John Clarke, The Canadian Geographer, Vol. XX, 1-2.

2013 Review of The Religions of Canadians by Jamie Scott (Ed), Ontario History, Vol. CV, No. 2, 249-252.

2013. Review of God’s Plenty: Religious Diversity in Kingston by William C. James, Material History Review,

Vol. 77/78, 192-94.

2013. Review of, Placing Memory and Remembering Place in Canada, by James Opp and John C. Walsh (eds),

Canadian Ethnic Studies, Vol.45, 2-3, 283-5.

2014. Review of A Timeless Place: The Ontario Cottage by Julia Harrison, Ontario History, Vol. CVI, No. 1, 131-


2014 Review of How Agriculture Made Canada: Farming in the Nineteenth Century by Peter Russell, Historia

Agraria, Vol.63, August, 233-237.

2015. Review of Hardscrabble: The High Cost of Free Land by Donna E. Williams, Ontario History, Vol. CVII,

No. 1, 130-133.

2015. Review of Food Will Win the War: The Politics, Culture, and Science of Food on Canada’s Home Front by

Donna E. Williams, Ontario History, Vol. CVII, No. 2, 276-278.

2016. Review of Visibly Canadian: Imaging Collective Identities in the Canadas, 1820-1910, by Karen Stanworth,

Journal of Historical Geography, Vol.54, 119-120.

2017. Review of Photo Archives and the Idea of Nation, by Constanza Caraffa and Tiziana Serena (eds.), Journal of

Historical Geography, Vol. 55, No.1, 129-130.

2017. Review of W.A. Mackintosh: The Life of a Canadian Economist, by Hugh Grant, The Canadian

Geographer, Vol.61, No.1, 21-22.

2017. Review of Ireland and Quebec: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on History, Culture and Society, by

Margaret Kelleher and Michael Kenneally (eds), Irish Historical Studies, Vol. 41, Issue No. 160, 246-8.

2018. Review of This Colossal Project: Building the Welland Ship Canal, 1913-1932, by Roberta M. Styran and

Robert H. Taylor, Ontario History, Vol. CX, No. 1, 124-126).

Osborne, Brian S. 1964 to 2018. Over 400 reviews for Choice.


1975. “A Review of the Literature on the Historical Geography of Auyuittuq National Park.” Vol. 1, 68-78, in A.D.

Revill Associates, Annotated Bibliography and Literature Review at Auyuittuq National Park, (3 Vols).

1975. “Historical Geography of St. Lawrence Islands National Park: Literature Review and Bibliography,” in D.V.

Graham and A.D. Reville, Bibliography and Literature Review of the Resource Basin of St. Lawrence Islands

National Park. Indian and Northern Affairs, Ontario Region, Parks Canada, 37 pp.

1976. The Thousand Islands Region, 1650-1850: A Study of Exploration, Settlement and Development. Parks

Canada, 105 pp.


1978. [with W.C. Noble] History of the Native Peoples in the Region of the St. Lawrence Islands National Park: A

Review of Sources. Parks Canada, Vol. 1. 81 pp.

1979 [with A.D. Reville Associates] Municipal Housing Statement of the Township of Kingston. 78 pp.

1979 [with A.D. Reville Associates] Progress and Planning For Parks and Recreation: Kingston Township.

Kingston Township, 65 pp.

1980. [with A.D. Revill Associates] An Oral History of Pukaskwa National Park. Parks Canada, 223 pp.

1981. The Human Presence on Main Duck Island: Towards an Oral History. Parks Canada, 96 pp.

1982. [with P.G. Goheen] “Ontario: Growth of a community,” in H.W. Castner and T.D. Mansfield, A Key to

Thinking About Ontario. Hosford Publishing, pp. 32-33.

1982. Thomas Burrowes and the Rideau Corridor. Parks Canada, 122 pp.

1982. [with R. Harris & G. Levine].The Housing Question in Kingston, Ontario, 1881-1901: A Report on an

Investigation. Department of Geography, Queen’s University, 142 pp.

1983. [with D. Swainson] The Sault Ste. Marie Canal: Three Centuries of Development. Parks Canada, 279 pp.

1983 [with E.G. Moore et al.] Transportation and Social Change in Canada: A Framework for Discussion.

C.I.G.G.T., Queen’s University, 94 pp.

1984. [with F. Heath and J. Nuttall] Sault Ste. Marie and the Canadian Locks: Six Views of the Past. Parks Canada,

100 pp.

1984. [with D. Swainson] A Canal for the Sault: A Chapter in the History of Great Lakes Transport. Parks

Canada, 220 pp.

1985. [with E.G. Moore and A.E. Nash] Socio-Economic Differentials in Fertility in Nineteenth Century Ontario:

A Case Study of Kingston, 1861-1881. Department of Geography, Queen’s University, 45 pp.

1985 [with D. Swainson] The Rideau Navigation, 1832-1972: Its Operation, Maintenance, and Management.

Parks Canada, 479 pp.

1985 [with D. Swainson] Dividing The Waters: A Preliminary Overview of Water Management on the Rideau,

1832-1972. Parks Canada, 150 pp.

1989 [with R. Pike] “Re-Evaluating Postal Services in a Changing Communications Environment,” Studies in

Communication and Information Technology. Working Paper No. 21, 39 pp.

1990. A Canadian Postal Service for the Twenty-First Century: A Brief to the Standing Committee on

Consumer and Corporate Affairs and Government Operations. Ottawa: House of Commons, Issue No. 41, pp.


1990. [with Geraint B. Osborne] Assessment of Public Opinion Regarding CPC’s Rural Conversion Program in

Ontario. Canada Post, 99 pp.

1991. [with Geraint B. Osborne] Assessment of Public Opinion Regarding CPC’s Rural Conversion Program in

Saskatchewan. Canada Post, 99 pp.

1991. [with Geraint B. Osborne] Assessment of Public Opinion Regarding CPC’s Rural Conversion Program in

Nova Scotia. Canada Post, 145 pp.

1991. [with S. Wurtele] The Art and Social World of Grant MacDonald, 1930-1960. Marine Museum of the Great

Lakes at Kingston.

1992. [with M. Ripmeester, B. Snyder] Spanning Space and Time: Transport and the Integration of Canadian

Geography. Ottawa: Museum of Science and Technology, April, 3 volumes, 252 pp.


1993. [with Geraint B. Osborne] “Canada Post Corporation’s Initiatives in Rural Canada,” Mount Allison Occasional

Papers in Rural and Small Town Research. Canada Post, 33 pp.

1993. [with Geraint B. Osborne] C.P.C.’s Retail Conversion Program: Harrowsmith, One Community’s

Experience. Canada Post, 120 pp.

1994. Terms of Reference for a Historical Land-Use Study of the St. Lawrence Islands National Park. Parks

Canada, 27 pp.

1999. [with Geraint B. Osborne] Oral History, Front of Leeds and Lansdowne: Interviews. Parks Canada, 301 pp.

1999. “From “Herchmer’s Nose” to “Lemoine’s Point”: Looking for Ghosts, Establishing a History,” in Brad Johnson

and Associates. Conceptual Plan for Lemoine Point Conservation Area. Phase II. Kingston, 6 pp.

2001. Landscape, Memory, and Commemoration: Putting Identity in its Place. Policy Research Seminar on

Identity. Multiculturalism Program, Department of Canadian Heritage.

2003. (with D.L.A. Gordon and Carl Bray) Sparks Street as National Heritage. Ottawa: National Capital

Commission, 130 pp.

2004. (With Jason Kovaks). Report on Dean’s Island Bridge. Dean’s Island Cottagers’ Association, 20 pp.

2005. Placing Culture, Setting our Sites, Locating Identity: From Native Pines to Subversive Dahlias! Strategic

Research and Analysis Directorate, Department of Canadian Heritage; the Initiative to Study the Social Effects of

Culture (ISSEC), 55 pp.

2007. (with M.J. Ripmeester). An Historical Geography of the Mississauga Presence in S.E. Ontario: Bedford

Land Claim. Alderville/Alnwick First Nations, 60 pp.

2007. “Agriculture in the Kingston Region, 1673-2007: Land into Farms, Farms to Markets, Markets onto Tables,” in

Aric McBay and Holly Grivalds, From the Ground up: A Primer for Community Action on Kingston and

Countryside’s Food System, Kingston: N.F.U. and Food Down the Road, 16-18.

2008. (with William Patterson) Kingston’s Lower Burial Ground, St. George’s Graveyard, St Paul’s Cemetery:

225 Years of Continuity. St. Paul’s Graveyard Restoration Committee.

2008. (Team Member). National Historic Designation: Cataraqui Cemetery.

2009. Evaluation of Old Sydenham Ward Area Conservation District Study, prepared by BRAY Heritage, with

A. Scheinman, Jennifer McKendry, Sorenson, Gravely, Lowes, Baird Sampson Neurt Architects, December

2008. City of Kingston.

2009. (Team Member). Commemorative Integrity Statement: Kingston Dry Dock. National Historical Site. Neurt

City of Kingston.

2010. The Frontenacs Then and Now,” in Directions for the Future: County of Frontenac Guide to

Sustainability, County of Frontenac, pp. 14-15.

2010. Developing the Greater Cataraqui Estuary/Inner Harbour: Some Thoughts on Heritage Implications.

Homestead Land Holdings, 21 June 2010, 47 pp.

2011. St. Louis Soldiers’ Memorial Military Museum Special Resource Study: Statement of National

Significance. United States National Park Service.

2011. Research Report/Affidavit RE: Canada Post’s Intervention in Judicial Review of Canada Industrial

Board’s (CIRB) Decision, in TurnAroundCouriers Inc., 2010.

2013. (With David Gordon and Carl Bray). Review of Capital Tours App: History of the Sparks Street and old

Hull, National Capital Commission.


2013, (With Manuel Stephens and Ken Watson). A Critique of the Parks Canada Rideau Corridor Landscape

Strategy’s Dillon Consulting Report: “Landscape Character Assessment & Planning and Management


2014. (With Jason Kovacs). A Bibliography of the Great War. World Heritage Tourism Research Network.

2015. A Guided Tour of War Monuments in Ottawa, Report, Heritage Canada.

2015. Contribution to John A. Macdonald /George Etienne Cartier Plaque, Ottawa, Parks Canada.

2015: Contribution to John A. Macdonald Plaque, Kingston City Council.


2012: (With Mary Alice Downie and Bob Hilderley) Kingston Calendar 2013-14: Time. Kingston: Quarry Press.

2013: (With Mary Alice Downie and Bob Hilderley) Kingston Calendar 2014-15: Place. Kingston: Quarry Press.

2014: (With Mary Alice Downie and Bob Hilderley) Kingston Calendar 2014-15: Personality. Kingston: Quarry



1982/83. “Landscape of Ontario.” University of the Air, CTV, (six units).

1986. [with Donald Swainson] “Lost Opportunities.” Kingston: The Whig-Standard Magazine, June 28, 7-12.

1986. “The Sault Canal.” Horizon Canada, Vol. 7, No. 80, l9l0-l9l5.

1986. “Le dernier maillon: La construction d’un canal a Sault-Sainte-Marie complete la route navigable jusqu’au coeur

du continent.” Horizon Canada, Vol. 7, No. 80, 1910-1915.

1986. “The Stamp of Progress.” Horizon Canada, Vol. 10, No. 118, 2816-2821.

1986. “Un facteur de progres: Les services postaux avant la Premiere Guerre Mondiale.” Horizon Canada, Vol. 10,

No. 118, 2816-2821.

1988. “Preserving Kingston’s Personality.” Kingston: The Whig-Standard Magazine, June, 5-8.

1988. “A Kingston Soldier’s War.” Kingston: The Whig-Standard Magazine, 12 November, 4-7.

1988. [with Donald Swainson] “An Anglican Diocese.” Ontario Churchman, Vol. 30, No. 9, November, 5.

1989. Review of C. Fuykschot, Hunger in Holland. Kingston: The Whig-Standard Magazine, 18 February.

1989. “Do You Remember Paddy Doolan?” Queen’s Alumni Review, July - August, 17-18.

1989. “Zimbabwe Follows Path to Socialism while Giving the nod to Capitalist Enterprise.” Kingston: The

Whig-Standard Magazine, 6 July.

1989. “Whites Face Land Appropriations as Zimbabwe’s Homeless Population Grows.” Kingston: The

Whig-Standard Magazine, 10 July.

1989. Review of L. Luciuk and B.S. Kordan, Creating a Landscape: A Geography of Ukrainians in Canada.

Kingston: The Whig-Standard Magazine, 28 October, 21.

1989. Review of W. Patterson, Lilacs and Limestone. Kingston: The Whig-Standard Magazine, 23 December.

1990. [with W. George Lovell] “Living Places.” Kingston: The Whig-Standard Magazine, 27 October, 22.


1990. [with Geraint B. Osborne] “We Can Do It! Kingston’s Women of War.” Kingston: The Whig-Standard

Magazine, 10 November, 8-11.

1990. Review of D. Kerr and D. Holdsworth (eds.), Historic Atlas of Canada, Vol. III, Kingston: The

Whig-Standard Magazine, 15 December, 15.

1990. Review of “Kingston” in Fred Gravier (ed.), The Canadian Pub Guide and Bar Book. Peterborough:

Broadview Press, 96-99.

1991. Review of Cecil Houston and William Smythe, Irish Emigration and Canadian Settlement. Kingston: The Whig-

Standard Magazine, 5 January, 15.

1991. “Postscript: Most Pleased With New Rural Mail Outlets.” Ottawa Citizen, 12 April.

1991. “A Furrow 300 Years Long.” Review of P. Jenkins, Fields of Vision. Kingston: The Whig-Standard Magazine,

8 June, 18.

1991. “Life Out In The Sticks.” Review of Don Mitchell, Growing Up Country. Kingston: The Whig-Standard

Magazine, 9 November, 21.

1991. “The Long View Across the Pond.” Review of Richard Cutchfield’s, An American Looks at Britain. Kingston:

The Whig-Standard Magazine, 23 November.

1991. “Too Much Geography, Too Little Summer.” Review of David C. Woodman, Unravelling the Franklin

Mystery. Kingston: The Whig-Standard Magazine, 7 December.

1991. [with M. Qadeer] “The Library Lesson: The Case of the Queen’s Library.” Kingston: The Whig-Standard

Magazine, 14 December.

1991. Review of Peter C. Newman, Merchant Princess: Company of Adventurers, Vol. III. Kingston: The

Whig-Standard Magazine, 14 December.

1991. “Tapestry of Place.” Review of Silver D. Cameron’s, Wind, Whales, and Whiskey. Kingston: The

Whig-Standard Magazine, 28 December.

1992. “Go Not To Glengarry....” Kingston: The Whig-Standard Magazine, 15 February.

1992. “A Rat For All That.” Review of Jim Cameron’s, The Canadian Beaver Book. Kingston: The Whig-Standard

Magazine, 28 March.

1992. “Idealist History.” Review of Eric Ross’, Full of Hope and Promise. Kingston: The Whig-Standard

Magazine, 9 May.

1992. “Preaching the Gospel of a New Canada.” Review of Preston Manning and the Reform Party, and P.

Manning, The New Canada. Kingston: The Whig-Standard Magazine, 16 May.

1992. [with Malcolm Williams] “Ideas of Wales: The Folklore and the Future.” Kingston: The Whig-Standard

Magazine, 20 June.

1992. “Arthur: A Story of Men, Horses and Machines.” Kingston: The Whig-Standard Magazine, 17 July.

1992. [with Geraint B. Osborne] “Dieppe: The Valor and the Furore.” Kingston: The Whig-Standard Magazine, 15


1992. [with Malcolm Williams] “Celebrating Welshness in a New Europe.” The Celtic Connection, Vol. 2, No. 8,


1992. “The Call of the Race.” Review of Ron Graham’s, “The French Quarter.” Kingston: The Whig-Standard

Magazine, December.

1993. “Literature’s Places.” Review of W. Keith’s, “Literary Images of Ontario.” Kingston: The Whig-Standard

Magazine, March.


1993. [with Malcolm Williams] “The Idea of Wales.” Y Ddrych. Vol. 142, N. 3, March, 16-17.

1993. Review of “Mapping Canada,” by Grant Reid. Canadian Geographic, May/June, 92-93.

1993. “The Future: Utopia, Dystopia - or just more of the same?” Review of Patricia Elliot’s, Rethinking the Future.

Kingston: The Whig-Standard Companion, April.

1993. “Enemy of the Heroic Past.” Review of Esther Delisle’s, The Traitor and the Jew. Kingston: The

Whig-Standard Companion, August.

1993. “Along Horse-Appled Roads.” Review of Larry Turner’s, Ernestown, Rural Spaces, Urban Places. Kingston:

The Whig Standard Companion, August.

1995. “St. James Anglican Church, Kingston,” by David Lyon. Kingston Whig-Standard Magazine, December.

1996. “When Kingston was the Derry of Canada.” Kingston Whig-Standard, 14 August.

1996. “... And a Canadian Geographer.” Emmanuel College Magazine, Vol. LXXVIII, 73-4.

1997. “The Shifting Face of Princess Street.” PIC Press, 1 December, 10.

1999. [with Bryan Palmer]. “Lives Lived: Donald W. Swainson.” Globe and Mail, 11 January, A18.

1999. “Byways No. 1: The Original Friends of the Rideau.” Winter/Spring; “Byways No. 2: Picking the Route.”

Summer; “Byways No. 3: An Incident along the Way.” The Rideau Ripple, Fall.

1999. Editorials and several pieces in KHS Limelight, Vol. 1, Nos. 2-4.

2000. “Byways No. 4: Controlling the waters.” Winter; “Byways No. 5: Recording the Rideau.” The Rideau Ripple,


2000. “Replacing Old with New is Kingston’s Conundrum.” Kingston Whig Standard, 27 May, 7.

2000. Editorials and several pieces in KHS Limelight, Vol. 2, Nos. 1-9.

2001. Editorials and several pieces in KHS Limelight, Vol. 3, Nos. 1-9.

2001. “Byways No. 6: Drama at the Locks.” Winter/Spring; “Byways No. 7: Controlling the Waters.” Rideau

Reflections, Summer/Fall.

2002. “Byways No. 8: The Stones of the Rideau”; “Byways No. 9: Hewers of Wood”; “Byways No. 10: The Diver.”

Rideau Reflections.

2002. Editorials and several pieces in KHS Limelight, Vol. 4, Nos. 1-9.

2003. “Byways No. 11: The Floating Plant”; “Byways No. 12: Life on Board”; “Byways No. 13: Deans’ Island”;

“Byways No. 14: Evaluating the Rideau in 1871.” Rideau Reflections, Spring.

2003. Editorials and several pieces in KHS Limelight, Vol. 5, Nos. 1-9.

2004. “Byways No. 15: “Powerful Arguments,” No. 16, “Getting on Line.” Rideau Reflections, No. 17: “From

Business to Pleasure.” Rideau Reflections, Fall.

2004. “Kingston’s Community Centre,” Kingston Whig-Standard, 6 November, 7.

2004. Editorials and several pieces in KHS Limelight, Vol. 6, Nos. 1-9.

2004. Osborne, Brian S. (and Helen Acton). 2004. “Preface” for Tom Cummings, Gopher Hills. Past Forward Heritage

Limited, ii-v.

2005. Editorials and several pieces in KHS Limelight, Vol. 7, Nos. 1-9.


2005. “Learning history from the bottom up.” The Ottawa Citizen, B1, B4

2005. “Byways No. 18: “Roofs, Walls, Accommodations,” Byways No. 19 “A Devil of a Problem.” From Business to

Pleasure.” Rideau Reflections.

2006. “Byways No. 20: “From Water Flows to Revenue Flows,” Byways No. 21, “Chateau Rideau,” Byways No. 22

“An Exercise in Serendipity at Queen’s Archives,” Rideau Reflections.

2006. [with George Dillon] “Tracking our railway history: Trains rolled into Kingston station for the first time 150

years ago today,” Kingston Whig-Standard, 27 October 2006, p. 5.

2006. “An honest broker,” Ripples: Report of Community Foundation of Kingston, No. 19, Fall, p.5.

2006. “Women at war – and schoolboys too!” Jib Gems: Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston, Vol. 21,

No. 4, December, 9.

2007. “Around and About Us: Three New Local Books,” No. 2, p. 6; “Around and About Us: Col. John By,” No. 3, p.

6; “Around and About Us: Pine Grove Church,” p. 3; Around and About Us: Bytownite,” No. 7, pp 4-5; KHS

Limelight, Vol. 9.

2007. “Byways No. 23: “From Brush Poles to Spar-Buoys: Marking the Channels”; No.24, “Setting a Course for the

Future”; No. 25 “By the Way: A Story about the Rideau.” Rideau Reflections

2007. “The Dragon and the Goat on the Hill.” Kingston Whig Standard, 1 March.

2007. “What’s Happening at Kingston for RIDEAU 175?” No. 1, March, 6-7; “Brush-poles, Spar-buoys, and Charts:

Navigating the Rideau,” No. 3, September, 14-15; “Shipbuilding on the Rideau,” No. 4, December, 16-17; Jib Gems,

Vol. 22.

2007. “Strengthening the Foundations of a Greater Kingston Community,” Ripples: Report of Community

Foundation of Kingston, No. 21, Fall/Winter, p. 1.

2007. (with Ed Bebee) “The Rideau Waterway Symposium, Kingston, November 2007: A Synopsis), Rideau

Reflections, Winter/Spring, p. 3.

2008. “Ruggles remembered for contributions to Queen’s, Kingston,” Queen’s Gazette, 25 February, p.12.

2008. “Kingston in 25 Years: Small is Beautiful,” Kingston Life, March, pp. 44-45.

2008. “Changing Perceptions of the Rideau: Landscapes, Palimpsests, Inscapes, Proscapes,” Site Lines: Newsletter of

the National Historic Sites Alliance, No. 18, February, pp. 2-4.

2008. “How Did they Go From Kingston to Montreal? Up and Down, a Circular Run, or One Way Only?”, Vol. 23,

No. 1, March, pp. 16-17; “A Page of MMGL History: Donald Page (1915-1993),” No. 2 June. P. 12; “Page 2: The First

World War: Trawlers for the British Admiralty,” No. 3, September, pp. 16-17; Vol. 23, Page 3: The Last “Rally,” No.

4, December, pp. 12-13, “Hoorah for the Rideau!: But what does it mean?”, No 4, December, p. 16, Jib Gems, Vol. 23.

2008. “World Approved,” Ablaze with Glory: Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada, May, pp. 4-7.

2008. “What’s up with the Rideau Waterway?” Boating East: Cruising & Waterway Lifestyle Guide, May, pp. 44-


2008. “Hands Across the Causeway,” No. 22, Summer, p. 1; “An Innovative Concept for a Greater Kingston,” No. 23,

Winter, p. 7 Ripples: Report of Community Foundation of Kingston.

2008, “Worthy of recognition: Maybe Fort Frontenac should be our next world heritage site,” Kingston Whig

Standard, 12 July p. 9.

2008. “Round and About: A Letter from Kingston, 1827,” No. 4, p 5; “The genius loci of McBurney Park: From Urban

Edge to the Centre of a Community,” No. 6, pp. 4-5; “Round and About: The Fall of Fort Frontenac,” No. 7, p.3;

“Round and About: The Kingston-Glasgow Connection,” No. 9, pp 4-4, KHS Limelight, Vol. 10.


2008. “Kingston’s Lower Burial Ground,” Cataraqui Loyalist Town Crier, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 1-3, November, 2008.

2009. “Military Families: The Strength Behind the Uniform,” No. 24, Spring, p. 3 Ripples: Report of Community

Foundation of Kingston.

2009. “Round and About Us: Life on Middle Road in the 1930s,” No. 1, p.3.; “Round and About Us: Local

Connections to Charles Darwin,” No. 4, pp.4-5; “Around and About Us: Where was Samuel Champlain in the Winter

of 1615?” No. 5, p. 6; KHS Limelight, Vol 11.

2009. “Page 4: What about the Workus,” No. 1, pp. 12-13; “Page 5: Who Was in Control?” No. 2; 16-17; “Page 6:

Reminiscing on HMCS Charlottetown,” No. 3, 14-15; “Membership in your Marine Museum,” No. 4, 7; “Page 7: A

novel way of docking at Brockville, June 1936!” 12-13; Jib Gems, Vol. 24.

2009. “The 2008 public lecture series,” Subsoil, Vol. 26, p. 11.

2010. “The Foundations of Sustaining Kingston” No. 26 Spring, p. 11 Ripples: Report of Community Foundation of


2010. “Page 8: “Passengers, Hotels, and Ships: A Dramatic Event at Manoir Rochelieu,” Jib Gems, Vol. 25, March, 8-

9; “Page 9: The end of the Line: The fate of CSL’s Passenger Fleet,” Vol. 25, October, pp. 8-9.

2010. “Question candidates about how they would market Kingston: Does city want to attract tourists, retirees, high-

tech business or all three?” Kingston Whig Standard, 16 October, p. 5.

2011. “Toomey Strait, Antarctica,” Kingston Whig Standard, 22 November, p.5.

2011. “Page 10: The ‘Big Boats’: The Upper Lakers,” Jib Gems, Vol. 26, No. 1, February, 12-13; “Page 11: The

Shipyards: The Feminine Touch,” Vol. 26, No. 2, June, 12-13; “Page 12 of the MMGLK history” Donald Page (1915-

1993). The last Page of the Shipyards: Final thoughts,” Vol. 26. No. 3, 12-13; “A voyage into the past with the SS

Keyvive,” 14-16.

2011. “To See Ourselves as Others See Us”: An American Perspective, 1890” KHS Limelight, Vol 13, No. 3, March,


2012. “A chance discovery,” KHS Limelight, Vol. 14, April, 3.

2012. “A Friend of the Rideau and Beyond: A Tribute to Herb Stovel,” Rideau Reflections, Summer, 4.

2012. “SS Keyvive: The tale of how the wheelhouse came to rest on Stave Island,” Jib Gems, Vol. 27, No. 1, Fall, 14-


2013. “Rideau Canal threatened by Parks Canada cutbacks,” Jib Gems, Vol. 28, No. 1, January.

2013. “Current Trends along the Rideau: History to heritage to ruins” KHS Limelight, Vol. 15, No. 3, March, 4-5;

“From History to Heritage, Branding, and ‘Pizzazz’: Where Is Our Past Going?” Vol. 15, No. 4, April, 4-5.

2013. “SS Chicora now rests off Howe Island: Serving first in the U.S. Civil War, the ship fought during the Riel

Rebellion, leading to an all-Canadian navigation system” Jib Gems, Vol. 29, No. 3, Fall, January,17, 19.

2014. “The Franklin Discovery: The Kingston Connection,” Ripples: Report to the Community, No. 34, Fall, 10.

2015. “Reflections on the ‘Great’ War,” Kingston Whig-Standard, 2 February, A5.

2016: “Remembering Mrs. Angus,” KHS Limelight, Vol. 18, No. 1, January, 3.

2017: “People Flourishing in Kingston at the time of Confederation: Agnes Maule Machar,” KHS Limelight, Vol. 19,

No. 1, January, 6.

2017: “The World of Agnes Maule Machar (1837-1927): Social Reform, Nation, Empire, Nature,” St Andrew’s, The

Burning Bush, Spring, 17.


2017: (Bio: with Ada Mallory) “Presbyterianism and the Journey of Brian Osborne,” St Andrew’s, The Burning

Bush, Spring, 12-13.

2017: “What does the past of the Rideau mean for the future of Canada?” Rideau Reflections, Spring/Summer, 5.


1964. “Pre-Nineteenth Century Agriculture in Great Britain.” Rocky Mountain Social Science Association. Laramie,


1966. “The Commonlands of Great Britain: A Neglected Commodity.” Rocky Mountain Social Science Association.

Colorado Springs.

1970. “The Kansas-Colorado Project: A Multi-Functional Place for the Development of the Arkansas Valley.” Rocky

Mountain Social Science Association. Fort Collins.

1973. “The Application of Content Analysis to Historical Geography: A Critique.” I.B.G. Annual Conference, January.

1973. I.B.G. “Industrial Pressures on Manorial Wasteland in Glamorgan, 1750-1900.” I.B.G. Historical odthe

1976. “The Frontier of Settlement in Ontario in the Nineteenth Century: A Study in Changing Perceptions of Land and

Opportunity.” Symposium on Comparative Frontiers. University of Oklahoma.

1976. “Commonland, Mineral Rights and Industry, Changing Evaluations of Manorial Society.” I.B.G. Historical

Geography Research Group. Conference on Early Affects of Industry on Rural Areas.

1977. “Itinerant Peddlers, Markets and Fairs: Trade on the Frontier of Nineteenth Century Ontario.” Symposium on

Comparative Frontiers. University of Oklahoma.

1982. [with R.M. Pike] “Lowering the ‘Walls of Oblivion’: The Revolution in Postal Communications in Central

Canada, 1851-1911.” Canadian Communications Association. Ottawa, May.

1983. [with P.G. Goheen] “Postal Communications in C19 Canada: Colonial Mirror and Mode for National

Development.” CUKANZUS, Conference on “Mirrors of the Old World: Europe and its reproduction overseas.”

Oxford, June.

1983. “Landscapes and Inscapes: The Artist and the Cultural Geography of Canada.” German-Canadian Symposium.

Trent University, August.

1984. “Lies Breathed Through Silver: Some Thoughts on Oral History.” Canadian Association of Geographers,

Ontario. Hamilton, January.

1984. “Putting People in their Places: Some Comments on a Regional Archives.” 2nd Annual Archives Lecture.

Queen’s University, April.

1984. The Canadian National Postal System. Australian and New Zealand Association for Canadian Studies,

“Regionalism and National Identity.” Christchurch, New Zealand, May.

1984. “Images of People, Place and Nation in Canadian Art.” Institute of British Geographers, Historical Geography

Group, “Iconography of the Past.” University of Nottingham, July.

1984. “The Hinterland.” Ontario Bicentennial Local History Workshop. McMaster University, September.

1984. “A Spatial Hierarchy of Archives.” Meeting of the Eastern Ontario Archivists’ Association. Ottawa, October.

1985. “Postal Communications and Canadian Development, 1850-1920.” British Association of Canadian Studies.

Edinburgh, April.

1985. “People and Places.” Kingston Genealogical Society. Kingston, May.

1986. “People, Lands and Society: A ‘Factional’ Approach.” Ontario Genealogical Society. Kingston, April.


1986. “Knowing through Experience: Oral History in Historical Geography.” Canadian Association of Geographers.

Calgary, June.

1986. “Landscapes and Waterscapes: Organizing the Lake Fisheries.” Eastern Historical Geography Association.

Savannah, October.

1986. “Occupying the Watershed: Settlement and Development of the Great Lakes Basin.” Decision for the Great

Lakes Course. Queen’s, September.

1987. “Literary Landscapes: Fact, Message, or Symbol Workshop on Geography and Literature.” Trent University,


1987. “Images of Place: A Humanistic Approach to Canada’s Regions.” Brandon University, March.

1987. [with R.M. Pike] “From ‘a cornerstone of Canada’s social structure’ to ‘financial self-sufficiency’: The

Transformation of the Canadian Postal Service, 1852-1987.” Canadian Communications Association. Montreal, May.

1987. [with Donald Swainson] “Kingston and the Great Lakes Navigation.” Kingston Later Life Learning Series, 5

lectures, November.

1988. “Fact, Message, or Symbol: Three Approaches to Artistic Landscapes in Geography.” Critical Theory Seminars,

Queen’s, February.

1988. [with R.M. Pike] “Re-evaluating Postal Service in a Changing Communications Environment.” SCIT Seminars,


1988. “Analyzing Russian Frontiers.” A.A.G. Phoenix, April.

1988. Discussant of J.C. Teale’s “The Weimar Sensibility: A comparison of South African Art and Die Neue

Sachlichkeit.” Canadian Association of African Studies. Kingston, May.

1988. “The Geography of Politics: Israel and Palestine in the 1980s.” Kingston Later Life Learning Series, May.

1988. [with Donald Swainson] “The Rideau Canal: Its History and Development.” Kingston Later Life Learning Series,

2 lectures, May.

1988. “Salterton and Salem: The Literary Landscape of Kingston’s Region.” C.A.G. Halifax, June.

1988. [with Donald Swainson] “The History of Kingston: Putting People in Place.” Marine Museum of the Great Lakes

at Kingston, October.

1988. [with Donald Swainson] “Writing Local History: People and Context.” Gananoque Historical Society, October.

1988. “The Context of Kingston’s Built Environment.” The Humanities Association of Canada, October.

1989. “Organizing the East Lake Ontario Fishery.” Kingston Historical Society, February.

1989. “Evolution, Migration, and Diffusion: Prehistoric Cultures of the American S.W.” Kingston Later Life Learning

Series, February.

1989. “Everyone has a Story to Tell: Oral History and Literacy.” Eastern Ontario Literacy Workshop, February.

1989. “Public Service or Fiscal Responsibility?: The Impact of a Dynamic Communications Environment on Rural

Canada.” Annual Meetings, Canadian Association of Geographers. Chicoutimi, May.

1989. “Recording a Nation’s Heritage: C.W. Jeffrey’s kindling touch of imagination.” British Association of Canadian

Studies. Edinburgh, May.

1989. [with R.M. Pike] “Public Opinion and the Post Office. Newspaper Coverage of Canada Post, 1960-87.” Annual

Meetings, Canadian Communication Association. Laval, June.


1989. “Creating a Nation’s Heritage: Illustrations or Fabrications of Canadian Identity?” 7th I.C.H.G. Israel, July.

1989. “The Settlement of the Kingston Region.” The Parker Society, Queen’s, August.

1989. “Danube: Frontier or Corridor.” Intrav. 5 lectures, Istanbul-Vienna, October.

1989. “Oral History and Literacy: Workshop on Philosophy and Practice.” Ministry of Skills Development. Toronto,


1989. “Some Thoughts on Canada’s Postal System.” Queen’s Saturday Club, December.

1990. “Our Towns: Some Thoughts on How We See Where We Live.” Kingston, Agnes Etherington Art Centre,


1990. “Illustrating Nationalism.” Conference on “No Vacant Eden.” York University, February.

1990. “The Changing Face of Central Europe.” 5 lectures, Kingston Later Life Learning Series, March.

1990. “What Colour is the Danube Anyway?” Intrav, 5 lectures, Istanbul-Vienna, April.

1990. “Canada’s Changing Countryside.” Annual Meetings, C.A.G., Edmonton, June.

1990. “Kingston: The Study of a Nineteenth Century City.” Queen’s Elderhostel, 5 lectures, July.

1990. “We Can Do It”! Kingston’s Women at War.” Literacy Link Eastern Ontario AGM, November.

1990. “The Department of Colonization and Agriculture: An investigation of C.N.R.’s role in settlement and

development.” C.N.R. History Conference. Montreal, October.

1991. “Artists and the Development of National Consciousness.” Queen’s Department of History, “The Public Uses of

History in Contemporary Society,” January.

1991. “C.W. Jeffreys: Creating an Image of Canada.” Kingston Historical Society, March.

1991. “Kingston: An Outpost of Empires,” (Field Trip). Conference on “Geography and Empire.” Queen’s University,


1991. “Persisters or Movers?: Tracking Migrants in Canadian History.” Ontario Genealogical Society, May.

1991. “Oral History and Literacy: New Initiatives for the International Literacy Year.” Canadian Oral History

Association, May.

1991. [with S. Wurtele] “Bowman, Mackintosh, and Canada: The ‘Pioneer Fringe’ Project and the Scientific Settlement

of Canada.” C.A.G., Kingston, June.

1991. [with S. Wurtele] “Defining the Canadian Mosaic: The Inter-War Immigration Debate.” C.A.G., Kingston, June.

1991. “Old Wine in New Bottles: New Initiatives in the Provision of Postal Services in Rural Areas.” C.A.G.,

Kingston, June.

1991. “Postal Services and the Needs of Rural Communities: An Assessment of Public Response to Canada Post’s

Rural Conversion Program.” Innovative Rural Communities, Charlottetown, P.E.I., June.

1991. “Canadian Migration, 1918-1960.” Universities of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Brandon, Regina and Saskatoon,


1991. “Space into Place: Images of Canadian Identity.” Banquet Address, Annual Meeting of Prairies Division,

Canadian Association of Geographers, September.

1991. “Canadian Immigration Theory, Policy, and Practice, 1910-67.” Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, Winnipeg,



1991. “Landscapes, Inscapes, Mythologies.” Queen’s Saturday Club, Kingston, November.

1991. “What Colour is the Danube Anyway.” 4th Annual Geography/Social Science Dinner, Kingston, November.

1991. “Kingston: Building on the Past.” Meeting of Joint Societies, Kingston, November.

1991. “Kingstonians in the World Wars: Different Faces of War.” Pittsburgh Historical Society, November.

1991. “Vision for the Future.” Queen’s University Town Hall Series, December.

1992. “New Identities, New Myths, New Icons: Thoughts on Canada in 1992.” Institute of British Geographers,

Swansea, January.

1992. “Images of Nationalism.” Trent University, February.

1992. “CNR’s Department of Colonization and Agriculture: Immigration, Assimilation, and Nation Building.”

Symposium on Comparative Frontiers, University of Oklahoma, March.

1992. [with M. Williams] “The Idea of Wales.” Annual Meeting of the Ontario Welsh Society, Kingston, April.

1993. “Ethnogenesis and Nationalism.” Canadian Studies, Trent University, February.

1993. “Transitions, Transformations, Adjustments: An Historical Perspective.” Public Forum on the Regional

Economy, Napanee, March.

1993. “Isaiah Bowman and the Search for a Science of Settlement.” 12th Oklahoma Symposium on Comparative

Frontier Studies, Norman, Oklahoma, March.

1993. “‘The Moving Finger Having Writ....’: Public Art, Popular Impressions.” Annual Meetings, C.A.G., Carleton,


1993. “The Eldon House Diaries: Five Women’s Views of the 19th Century.” Champlain Society, Toronto, June.

1993. “Living on the Edge: Life in Kingston’s Back Country.” Ontario Genealogical Society, Kingston, October.

1993. “The Champlain Society and the Eldon House Diaries: A Social Memory of People and Place.” London and

Middlesex Historical Society, London, November.

1994. “Material Landscapes, Symbolic Places: Building Identities.” Trent University, February.

1994. “Living on the Edge of Manorial Society.” 13th Oklahoma Symposium of Frontier Studies, Norman, March.

1994. “Landscapes, Waterscapes, Inscapes: Putting the People Back into Pukaskwa Wilderness Park.” Parks

Conference, Trent University, April.

1994. “Creating Symbolic Spaces: The Grounding of National Cultures.” Canadian Studies in Ireland, Galway, May.

1994. “Reading Cultural Landscapes.” Ontario Institute of Professional Planners, Kingston, August.

1994. “The Rideau Corridor.” Society for the History of Cartography, Ottawa, August.

1994. “Symbolic Spaces and Symbolic Time: Creating a Terrain of Nationalism.” Coloque Éspace et Culture, Laval,


1994. “Images of Canada.” Department of Geography Seminar, University of Western Ontario, October.

1994. “The Other Paddy Doolan.” Queen’s Department of Chemistry, October.

1994. “The Royal Canadian Geographical Society: A National Institution.” Cataraqui Rotary Club, November.

1995. “Figuring Landscapes.” Trent University, February.


1995. “Corporate and State Images of Immigration: The Canadian National Railways in Western Canada.” Annual

Meetings, A.A.G., Chicago, March.

1995. “Ontario Probate Records,” “Welsh Probate Records,” and “Welsh Land Records.” National Genealogical

Society of America, San Diego, May.

1995. [with Geraint B. Osborne] “Canada Post’s Retail Conversion Programme: Harrowsmith, One Community’s

Experience.” Annual Meetings, C.A.G., Montreal, June.

1995. “Punctuating Time, Focussing Space, Figuring the Landscape.” Annual Meetings, C.A.G., Montreal, May.

1995. “Canadian Nation Building: A Monumental Approach to Landscapes of Power.” I.C.H.G., Singapore, June.

1995. “From Brock to Captain Canuck: New Heroes, New Media.” I.C.H.G., Perth, Australia, July.

1995. “The ‘Nature’ of the Frontenac Axis: An Evolving Concept in a Dynamic World.” Parks Canada Frontenac Axis

Symposium, Kingston, October.

1995. “Symbolic Space, Real Places: Some Thoughts on the Geography of Identity.” Wilfrid Laurier/Waterloo

Graduate Seminar, October.

1995. “Landscape and Meaning.” Trent University, October.

1995. “Icons of Nationalism.” Royal Military College, Kingston, October.

1995. “Changing Images of Canadian Identity.” York University, October.

1995. “Ar y Mynydd Gyda Diawl: Escaping Surveillance in Welsh Society.” Eastern Historical Geography

Association, Alexandria, Virginia, October.

1995. “Presbyterianism in Canada: The Other ‘Established Church’.” Comparative Frontiers Conference, San Antonio,

Texas, November.

1995. “The ‘Nature’ of Canadian Environment: An Evolving Concept in a Dynamic World.” Canada and Japan:

Managing the Environment, Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, November.

1995. “Imagining Canada: Questions of Identity.” Department of Geography Seminar, Kwansei Gakuin University,

Nishinomiya, Japan, November.

1995. “Canadian Nation Building: A Monumental Approach to Landscapes of Power.” Toronto Historical Geography

Group, November.

1996. “Figuring Landscapes of Power: The George Etienne Cartier Monument, Montreal.” London Conference for

Canadian Studies, “Landscape, Culture & Identity in Quebec.” London Conference of Canadian Studies, University

College London, February.

1996. “Constructions of Nature in Canada,” and “Landscapes of Power.” Mount Allison University, Sackville, April.

1996. “Marking Time, Figuring Space: Some Thoughts on Landscapes of Power.” Conference on Space and Identity,

University of Southampton, April.

1996. “The Sault Ste. Marie Canal: The Last Link in the All-Canadian-Water Route.” Canadian Historical Association,

Annual Meeting, Brock, May (with Donald Swainson).

1996. “Figuring Landscapes of Power: The George Etienne Cartier Monument, Montreal.” Cambridge University

Seminars in Historical Geography, Cambridge, May.

1996. “Figuring Landscapes of Power: The George Etienne Cartier Monument, Montreal.” Loughborough

Interdisciplinary Seminar Series on Social Memory, May.

1996. “Imagining Canada: Some Thoughts on National Identity.” Bellagio, Rockefeller Study Center Seminar Series,



1996. “The Future of Historical Geography.” E.H.G.A., Erindale College, University of Toronto, October.

1996. “Putting Kingston in Context.” Kingston, Laval-Queen’s Exchange in Historical-Cultural Geography: People in

Time and Place, October.

1997. “The Nature of Canada.” Kingston, Queen’s School of Environmental Studies Symposium: Recreational Impacts

on the Environment, January.

1997. “Landscapes of Commemoration and Remembering.” Social Memory and National Identity Workshop, Queen’s

I.S.C., Herstmonceux, February.

1997. “Performing in Place.” Trent University, February.

1997. “Imperial Kingston: Contested: Landscapes of Loyalty.” Space, Landscape and Performance, University of

London Royal Holloway College, May.

1997. “The Native Peoples of the Rideau Corridor: Conflict and Continuity.” Leeds and Grenville Historical Society,


1997. “Cores, Edges, and Friction: Performing Identity in Nineteenth Century Kingston.” Two Days of Canada:

Borders and Margins, Brock University, November.

1998. “Establishing the Centre, Integrating the Margins: An Historical Geographic Approach to Canadian National

Identity.” Presented at the Universities of Kiel, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Freiburg, and Berlin, May.

1998. “Constructing England in 1901: An Investigation of Monumentalism, Commemoration and National Identity.”

Presented at the 10th I.C.H.G., Queen’s Belfast, July.

1998. “Canadian Artistic Representations of France: Reflections on an Evolving National Identity.” Presented at

“Explorations in Historical Geography.” Emmanuel College, Cambridge, September.

1998. “Landscape, Memory, Commemoration.” History and Philosophy of Architecture, Algonquin College, Perth,


1999. “Landscapes, Warscapes, Inscapes: Constructions of Canadian Identity.” The W.L. Morton Memorial Lecture,

Trent University, 20 January.

1999. “From Herchmer’s Nose to Lemoine’s Point: Looking for Ghosts, Establishing a History.” Exploratory

Workshop on Lemoine Point Conservation Area, 30 January.

1999. “Planning the Rideau: Past, Present, and Future.” Later Life Learning Series, Kingston, 5 March.

1999. “Organizing the East Ontario Fishery: Main Duck Island.” St. Lawrence Islands National Park, Mallorytown, 8


1999. “The Cast[e]ing of Heroic Landscapes: Constructing Canada’s Outdoor Pantheon.” Annual Meetings, C.A.G.,

Lethbridge, 3 June.

1999. “‘Progress, Commercial Prosperity, and Social Advancement’ of the Nation: The functional and Iconic Role of

Postal Communications in the Development of Canada, 1851-1914.” Annual Meetings, C.H.A., Sherbrooke, 6 June.

1999. “Barter, Bible, or Bush: Strategies of Survival and Resistance among the Mississaugas of the Kingston area in

the Nineteenth Century.” Fifth Native Studies Colloquium, Trent University, Camp Wanapitei, 28 August.

1999. “Tribes, Nations, States.” Later Life Learning Series, Kingston, 17 September.

1999. “Constructing National Identity.” Trent University, 14 October.

1999. “Planning the Rideau: Past, Present, and Future.” Lennox and Addington Historical Society, Napanee, 4



1999. “Constructing a Landscape of Sovereignty: Parliament Hill as Mythic Place.” Mount Allison University,

“Conference on Nationalism and Sovereignty,” 13 November.

2000. “Kingston Building ‘with’ the Past: Some Thoughts on Heritage and Development.” Queen’s University Institute

of Lifelong Learning, 23 January.

2000. “Everyone Has a Story to Tell.” Welborne Public School Programme of Writers in the Community, 25 January.

2000. “Landscapes of Sovereignty: Monumentalising Canada’s National Capital.” Queen’s, Department of History, 27


2000. “The St. Lawrence in the Canadian Imagination: Gateway, Frontier, Corridor, Icon.” Later Life Series: “The

Upper St. Lawrence: River, Islands, People, Place,” Kingston, 3 March.

2000. “The Context of Kingston.” International Geological Symposium, Kingston, 14 March.

2000. “Imag[e]ining Canada.” Visiting Speaker, Brock University, 28 March.

2000. “Constructing Canada’s Pantheon.” Visiting Speaker, Laval University, 6 April.

2000. “Parliament Hill as a Site/Sight of Memory and Commemoration.” Keynote Speech: 33rd Annual History

Teachers’ Conference: “History and Memory.” Wilfrid Laurier University, 28 April.

2000. “Erasing Memories of War: Reconstructing France after the Great War.” Canada and War from 1000 to 2000:

Canadian Military History Conference, Ottawa, 5-9 May.

2000. “Barter, Bible, Bush: Strategies of Survival and Resistance among the Kingston-Bay of Quinte Mississauga,

1783-1836.” Annual Conference, Canadian Association of Geographers, Brock University, 2 June.

2000. “Discovering the Rideau.” Pittsburgh Historical Society, Field Trip, 3 June.

2000. “Sites/Sights of Kingston.” R.C.G.S., Council of Canadian Geographic Education, Field Trip, 5 July.

2000. “The St. Lawrence in the Canadian National Imagination.” XXVIII Colloque International de l’AFEC, “Fleuve et

Identités en France et au Canada,” Angers, 21 September.

2000. “Sites/Sights of Kingston.” University of Utrecht, Field Trip, 28 September.

2000. “Landscapes of Power.” Department of Geography, Trent University, 12 October.

2000. “From Animism to Artifice: Constructing the Nature of A2A.” Planning the Algonquin-Adirondacks Corridor,

Queen’s University Biology Centre, 21 October.

2001. “Re-presenting National Memory: Louis Riel, Traitor or Founder of Canada.” Annual Conference, Institute of

British Geographers, Plymouth, 5 January.

2001. “The Power of Symbolic Landscape.” Invited Presentation, Heritage Canada Workshop, Ottawa, 26 January.

2001. “Setting the Scene: Balancing Continuity and Change.” Later Life Learning Series, “Kingston’s Past, Present,

Future: Quo Vadis?” (Organized by Osborne), 9 March.

2001. Chair: Round Table, “Future of Historical Geography.” Laval University, 30 March.

2001. “Corporeal Politics and the Body Politic: The Re-Presentation of Louis Riel in Canadian National Identity.”

Meeting of Irish Geographers, Cork, May.

2001. [with W. Fitsell] “Major General Charles Francis Constantine: Soldier and Athlete.” Kingston Historical Society,

16 May.

2001. “Tunnels, Ghosts, and them ‘Muriels on the Wall’: History and Heritage, Fantasy and Entertainment.” Annual

Meetings, C.A.G., Montreal, 30 May.


2001. “Highlights of the Rideau Waterway.” Ottawa Historical Society Field Trip, 7 June.

2001. “Riverscape, Inscape: The St. Lawrence in the Canadian National Imagination.” 11th I.C.H.G., Laval University,

18 August.

2001. “The Great Escape: Constructing Tunnels, Deconstructing Heritage.” Prairie Division, C.A.G., Moose Jaw, 29


2001. “Landscapes, Memory, Monuments, and Commemoration: Putting Identity in its Place.” Department of Canadian

Heritage, Ethnocultural, Racial, Religious, and Linguistic Diversity Seminar, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1 November.

2001. “Landscape, Memory, and Commemoration: The Place of Identity.” Canadian Ethnic Studies Association,

Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2 November.

2001. [with M. Ripmeester] “Homeplace, Memory, and Identity: The Landscapes of the Alderville Mississaugas.”

Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2 November.

2001. “Contested Ground, Meaningful Landscapes, and Cultural Conflicts in the Past.” Conference on Contested

Ground, Weissman Center for Leadership, Mount Holyoke College, Massachusetts, 14 November.

2002. “Canada in the C21st: What’s the Problem?.” Later Life Learning Series, Kingston, 12 January.

2002. “Populating the Kingston Region.” Kingston Genealogical Society, Kingston, 19 January.

2002. “Deconstructing Identities: Batoche, Moose Jaw, Manhattan.” Trent University, 7 February.

2002. “History, Heritage, Fantasy.” Merrickville Historical Society, 17 February.

2002. “History, Heritage, Fantasy: ‘Constructing’ New Urban Places.” The Tourist Historic City, Bruges, 18 March.

2002. “Wild Wales: The Role of the Mountain in Welsh Imagination.” Playing the Wild Card: Un/Disciplined

Thoughts on Wild(er)ness, Banff, 11 May.

2002. Discussant: “Nature and Technology in the North American West.” Canadian Historical Association, Toronto, 27


2002. “‘Within the Borders of History not Myth’: Re-Imagining the Past, Manipulating the Present, Constructing the

Future in an Emerging Wales.” North American Association for the Study of Welsh Culture and History, Syracuse, 21


2002. “Development Strategies for Historic Cities.” University of Waterloo, 11 October.

2002. “The Location of National Identity in a Globalizing World: The Case of Wales.” Social History, St. Louis, 25


2002. “Myths.” Later Life Series, Kingston, 1 November.

2002. “Visiting Scholar: Various Lectures on National Identity.” Mount Allison, Sackville, 5-11 November.

2003. “Deconstructing Louis Riel.” Probus Club of Kingston, 8 January.

2003. “Kingston: Building on the Past.” Kingston Newcomers Club, 14 January.

2003. “The First Nations in Kingston’s Hinterland.” Later Life Learning, Portland, 3 February.

2003. “Art at War: Representing Canada in World War II.” Canadian Studies in Wales Group: Engaging the Enemy,

Canada in the 1940s,” 15 March.

2003. “Constructing Canada Outdoors: An Iconographic Analysis of Landscape and Nature.” Keynote Address, Third

Algonquin Research Symposium, “Social Science in Protected Areas, Algonquin Park, 26-27 March.

2003. “Wilderness, Landscape, Garden.” Later Life Learning, Kingston, 11 April.


2003. “Frontier or Heartland: Niagara as Chronotope.” Keynote address, Canadian Studies, Niagara, 26 April.

2003. (with Mike Ripmeester). “Flexible Accommodation: Missisaugan Responses to Environmental Management

Issues.” C.A.G. Annual Conference, Victoria B.C., 28 May.

2003. “Participant: Panel Discussion: Historical geographies of the Environment.” C.A.G. Annual Conference, Victoria

B.C., 29 May.

2003. “The ‘Washington of the North’ and the ‘Broadway of Canada’: Parliament Hill and Sparks Street, Ottawa,

1816-2003.” C.A.G. Annual Conference, Victoria B.C., 31 May.

2003. “Nature, Empire, and Nation in the Writings of Agnes Maule Machar.” C.A.G. Annual Conference, Victoria

B.C., 31 May.

2003. “Constructing Canada: Landscapes, Inscapes, Chronotopes.” Humanities Seminar Series, Curtin University,

Perth, Australia, 22 August.

2003. Organizer of Series: “Kissing Cousins or Foreign Relations?: Canadian-United States Relations in C21st,” and

Introduction “Setting the Scene, Grounding the Issues.” Kingston Later Life Learning, 19 September.

2003. Invited Panelist, “Commemoration.” Association of Canadian Studies, Halifax, 26 October.

2003. Organizer of Series: “Bugs and Drugs, Bacteria and Hysteria: Living with Disease in the Past, Present, and

Future,” and Introduction “Rats, Lice, and History: The Historical Ecology of Disease.” Later Life Learning, 31


2003. “The Sacred and Profane in a National Capital: Planning Ottawa’s Symbolic Spaces, 1857-2003.” Social Science

History Association, Baltimore, 13 November.

2004. Series Organiser: “A Dutch Treat: A Canadian Perspective on the Netherlands.” Introduction, “When, Where,

What is Holland.” Later Life Learning, 16 January.

2004. “Commemoration and Co-Memorizing: Constructing Identity and Cohesion.” State Records of Western Australia

175th Anniversary Seminar Series, Perth, 9 February.

2004. “Living Between the Lines: Negotiating Canada’s Symbolic Edges.” Conference: “On the Beach:

Interdisciplinary Encounters,” Freemantle, 11 February.

2004. “Holy Grail, Plastic Cup, or Glass of Wine? The Quest for Cultural Tourism.” Conference: “Journey Further:

Australian Cultural Tourism,” Perth, 13 February.

2004. “Louis Riel: Traitor, Hero, National Eidolon?” Queen’s Institute of Later Learning, 21 March.

2004. “Geographies of Identity: Heartlands, Hybrid Edges, Ambiguous Places.” Canadian nation: Negotiating New

Spaces, Politics, and Identities in and through Global Cultural Flows.” Weatherhead Center for International Affairs,

Harvard University, Cambridge, 27-29 May.

2004. “‘Constructing’ Kingston’s Harbours: Fundamental Constraints and Shifting Priorities.” Canadian Nautical

Research Society, Ottawa, 26-29 May.

2004. “Kingston: Past, Present, Prospect.” Elderhostel, Kingston, 21 June.

2004. “Louis Riel: Traitor, Hero, Father of Confederation.” Napanee Rotary, 23 June.

2004. “Commemorating King Alfred and Constructing Global Anglo-Saxonism: The Alfred Millenary of 1901.” The

British World, Melbourne, 2-4 July.

2004. “Looking for New Connections: IFACCA/ISSEC Research Workshop,” Montreal, 24-25 August.

2004. [with Doug Petty] “Thomas Clarence Cummings, 1904-1996: “T.C.’s” Kingston-Pittsburgh Connection,”

Kingston Historical Society, 20 October.


2004. Organizer of Series: “The Writers Among Us: The Place of Imagination in the Real World,” and Introduction,

“Texts of Place: Setting the Scene.” Later Life Learning, 22 October.

2004. “Kingston Mississauga, 1700-1840: Arts of Resistance or Cultural Dynamics,” Trent University, 9 November.

2004. “Kingston: Building on the Past for the Future,” Verona Historical Society, 18 November.

2005. “The Rock and the Sword: On Writing a Church History,” Kingston Genealogical Society, 15 January.

2005. “Kingston: Building on the Past for the Future,” Queen’s University Institute for Later Life Learning. 13 March.

2005. (With Michael Ripmeester) “Gathering Rice, Managing Tourists, and Emplacing Heritage: Mississaugan Auto-

ethnography and Landscape Management Strategies,” Annual Meetings, A.A.A.G, Denver, 8 April.

2005. “The View from Kingston: Looking up to Peterborough,” Edwardian Peterborough: A Peterborough Centennial

Celebration, 14 May.

2005. “GeoRegions and the Rideau Canal Corridor,” Rideau Canal Cultural Heritage Network Conference, Chaffeys

Lock, 28 May.

2005. “The Kingston Geo-region,” Canadian Association of Geographers, University of Western Ontario, 2 June.

2005. “Welcoming Strangers, Remembering the Past, Possessing the Future,” United Empire Loyalists Memorial

Service, 221st Anniversary, St. Alban’s Church, Adolphustown, 19 June.

2005. “T.C. Cummings: The Gananoque-North Bay Connection,” The Kennedy Gallery, North Bay, 7 July.

2005. Introduction and Narrator, “Molly Brant: A Musical Narrative,” Fairfield House, Amherstview, 30 July.

2005. (with R. Widdis) “Reflections on Landscapes, Inscapes, Proscapes: An Historical Geographical Perspective.”

Saskatchewan Centennial History Conference, Regina, 10 September.

2005. “Kingston’s Three Worlds,” Hastings Historical Society, Belleville, 20 September.

2005. “Introducing Kingston.” Elderhostel, Fort Henry, 26 September.

2005. Later Life Learning, Organizer of Series: “Dissent, Protest, and Human Rights in a Liberal Democracy” 10

September - 15 October

2005. Later Life Learning, Series Organizer, “Mind Games: Thinking, Forgetting, Remembering,” 16 September-21

October, Presented, “The Place of Memory in our Lives.”

2005. “T.C. Cummings: The Pittsburgh-Gananoque-North Bay Connection,” Pittsburgh Historical Society, 27


2005. Later Life Learning, Series Organizer, “Kingston: Thinking about this Place,”1 October-9 December, Presented,

“Kingston: Past, Present, Prospects” and “Visualising Kingston: Images of Place.”

2005. “T.C. Cummings: The Pittsburgh-Gananoque-North Bay Connection,” Gananoque Art Gallery, 21 October.

2005. “Co-memorising, Co-memoration, Heritage,” Pickering, Port Hope, and Oshawa Historical Societies, 8


2005. Guest Speaker, Kingston St. Andrew’s Society, “Scots, There’s Naen Like Us!: Or, What Gillie John Brown

Told Queen Victoria!”, 25 November

2006. Later Life Learning, Series Organizer, “The New Europe: Old Problems, Expanding Edges, New Ideologies,”13

January - 10 February, Presented, “Setting the Scene for Europa: Where’s the Bull Taking Her?”

2006. St. Lawrence University, New York, Department of Global Studies, “Holy Grail, Paper Cup, Glass of Wine:

Trends in Tourism in the C21st Century,” 7 March.


2006. St. Lawrence University, New York, Department of Canadian Studies, “From Patriotic Pines to Diasporic Geese:

Placing Culture, Setting Our Sites, Locating Identity in a Trans-National World,” 7 March.

2006. Carleton University, Canadian Studies, “From Patriotic Pines to Diasporic Geese: Placing Culture, Setting Our

Sites, Locating Identity in a Trans-National World,” 14 March.

2006. Kingston, The Clan Gordon Society, “The Scots in Kingston,” 22 April.

2006. Smiths Falls, A.G.M. The Friends of the Rideau, guest-speaker, “Planning the Rideau: Past, Present, and Future,”

13 May.

2006. Kingston, Queen’s University, Emotional Geographies Conference, “Encountering Edges in Geographies of

Identity in Trans-National Worlds,” 27 May.

2006. Chaffeys Hotel, A.G.M. Community Heritage Organization of Ontario, key-note speaker, “Landscapes, Inscapes,

Proscapes: Layers of Meaning throughout the Rideau,” 2 June.

2006. Kingston, KEDCO speaker, Assurante Conference, “Celebrating Kingston's Past, Planning its Future," 5 June.

2006. Kingston, Elderhostel, “Kingston’s Past, Present, and Future,” 19 June.

2006. Shirley Gibson-Langille Exhibition, “If only walls could speak,” Introduction, “Walls of Kingston,” 19 August

2006. Daniel Fowler Exhibition. “An Artist after All,” Introduction, Agnes Etherington Art Gallery, Queen’s, 10


2006. Harvard School of Business, “Kingston: Building on the Past,” Kingston, 18 September.

2006. Elderhostel, “Kingston: Building on the Past,” Kingston, 18 September.

2006. CN Pensioners Association, “Kingston’s Seven Harbours,” Kingston, 19 September.

2006. Later Life Learning, Series Organizer, “China in the C21st: An Ancient Culture, A Modern Society,” Kingston,

15 Sept.-13 Oct.

2006. Queen’s University Faculty Women’s Association, “The New Europe: Old Problems, Expanding Edges, New

Ideologies,” Kingston, 5 October.

2006. Later Life Learning, Series Organizer, “Cutting Edges, New Inroads, New Horizons,” Kingston, 23 Oct.-1 Dec.

2006. KEDCO, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency-Best Practice Mission,

“Kingston: Building on the Past for the Future,” Kingston, 2 October.

2006. Queen’s University Faculty Womens’ Club, “The New Europe,” Kingston, 11 October.

2006. Township of North Crosby, “The Power of Local Histories,”8 November.

2006. Later Life Learning, “In quest of W[h]ales,” Kingston 10 November.

2006. School of Urban and Regional Planning, “Planning the Rideau: Past, Present, and Future,” Queen’s University,

16 November.

2006. School of Planning, “The New Tourism,” University of Waterloo, 17 November.

2007. Later Life Learning, “Global Perspectives,” 12 January – 16 February.

2007. “Settling Upper Canada: Developing a Region, Marketing a History,” Trent University, Department of

Geography, 31 January.


2007. “Constructing Identity in a Trans-national Canada.” Invited Public Lecture, Nipissing University, North Bay, 13


2007. “A Geographer’s View of Art.” Dept. Art, Nipissing University, North Bay, 13 February.

2007. “T.C. Cummings: A Local Artist, Cosmopolitan Imagination.” Invited Public Lecture, Nipissing University,

North Bay, 13 February.

2007. “Kingston: A Capital Question.” Invited Lecture, City Hall Guides, Kingston, 22 February.

2007.”Kingston’s Writers of Place.” Pittsburgh Historical Society, Barriefield, 27 February.

2007. “Space, Time, and Modernity: Invited Conference Overview.” 9 March, CEIQ, Laval University.

2007.“Planning the Rideau: Past, Present, Future Priorities,” Merrickville Historcal Society, 18 March, Merrickville.

2007. “Constructing Identities in a Post-National Canada,” Carleton University, 20 March, Ottawa.

2007. “Looking into Kingston: Framing the Seen, Focussing the Gaze,” Kingston Historical Society/Kingston Arts

Council, 21 March, Kingston City Hall.

2007. “Planning the Rideau: Past, Present, Future Priorities,” Kingston Whig Standard Seminar, 22 March, Kingston.

2007. “The Rideau as World Heritage Site,” Pickering Historical Society,” 10 April, Pickering.

2007. Ontario Welsh Society, Cymanfa Ganu, “Constructing Welsh Identities,” 28 April, Kingston.

2007, Later Life Series, “Constructing Canadian Identity in a Post-National World,” 2 May, Belleville.

2007. After-Dinner Speaker, Simcoe County Historical Society A.G.M., “The Power of the Local in Canadian

History,” 15 May, Barrie.

2007 (with M.J. Ripmeester), “Conserving Place: Exploring Mississauga Environmental Management Strategies,”

Canadian Association of Geographers,” Saskatoon, June.

2007. “Approaching the Rideau,” Queen’s University Biology Station Lectures, Chaffeys Locks, 27 June.

2007. “Kingston: Building on the Past for the Future,” Queen’s University Archives Public Lecture Series, 24


2007. “Changing Perspectives on the Rideau,” AGM Kingston Canoe and Outdoor Club, 26 September.

2007. “Planning the Rideau for the Future,” Elderhostel, Jones Falls, 27 September.

2007. Series Organizer, “Facing up to Ethics,” Later Life Learning, Kingston, 28 September-26 October.

2007. “The Rideau: Past, Present and Future,” Marine Museum of the Great Lakes, 30 September.

2007. “Changing Perceptions of the Rideau: Landscapes, Palimpsests, Inscapes, Proscapes,” Key-note address,

National Historic Sites Meeting, Chaffey’s Lock, 2 October.

2007. “The Paradox of Heritage: The Case of the Rideau World Heritage Site, The Annual Archives Lecture, Queen’s

University, 4 October.

2007. “The Future of Kingston,” Canadian Club, Kingston, 11 October.

2007. “The View from the Hill: Different Perspectives on the Rideau,” Ottawa Women’s Canadian Club,” Ottawa, 16


2007. “Planning the Rideau: Past, Present, and Future,” Gananoque Historical Society, 16 October.

2007. “Planning the Rideau,” Probus Club of Kingston, Kingston, 17 October.


2007. “A View from Another Hill: The Rideau,” Pittsburgh Historical Society, 30 October.

2007. Series organizer, “Placing Politics in a Geopolitical Perspective,” opening address “The future ain’t what it used

to be!: The New Geopolitics,” Later Life Learning, Kingston, 3 November-14 December.

2007. “Digging Up the Dirt on Kingston,” Guest Speaker, Ontario Archaeological Association, Kingston, 3 November.

2007. “Sustaining World Heritage: The Case of the Rideau Canal, Canada,” University of Western Australia, Perth, 15


2007. “Introduction: Book Launch,” Roy Jones and Brian Shaw (eds.), Geographies of Australian Heritages: Loving a

Sunburnt Country? Padstow, UK: Ashgate, 2007. University of Western Australia, Perth, 15 November.

2007. “Constructing National Identities in a Trans-National World,” Department of Sustainable Tourism, Curtin

University, Perth, 16 November.

2007. “Rideau 2007 Symposium”: Presentation and Round Table Chair, Kingston, 26 November.

2008. Series organizer, “Cities of the Future,” Later Life Learning, Kingston, 11 January-15 February.

2008. “Kingston: Past, Present, Future,” The Invisible College, Queen’s, 21 January.

2008. “Landscapes, Inscapes, Proscapes: Thinking about Place,” Canadian Studies, Carleton, 13 February.

2008. “So What Does the Future Have in Store for Kingston: Will it be Smart and Creative?”, Later Life Learning,

Kingston, 15 February.

2008. “The Rideau Canal: A C19th Concept, a C20th Problem, a C21st Opportunity,” Fort Henry, Kingston, 19


2008. “Local History, World Heritage, Glocal Reactions: The Case of the Rideau Canal,” Geography 101, Queen’s

University, 25 February.

2008. “The Distaff side of the Canadian Imagination: Women’s [Art]work,” in Canadian Studies Symposium:

“Landscape, Women, and Identity,” Queen’s University, 15 March.

2008. Series Organizer “Placing Politics in a Geopolitical Perspective: Looking at the Globe Politically, Looking at

Politics Globally”; Opening lecture, “’The Future Ain’t What it Used to Be’, or ‘It’s Deja Vu All Over Again!’:

Old/New Geopolitics,” Belleville Later Life Learning, 26 March.

2008. “Shifting Constructs of the Kingston Environment,” Symposium: National Security and the Environment in the

C21st.”, R.M.C., 27 March.

2008. “Digging up the Dirt on Kingston: A Midden Approach to History,” Queen’s University Women’s Association,

Queen’s University, 15 April.

2008. “Changing Perceptions of the Rideau Canal,” Probus Club, Belleville, 21 April.

2008. “The paradox of heritage in a globalizing world: The case of the Rideau Canal-Kingston Fortifications

UNESCO/WHO designation,” World Heritage and Sustainable Development, Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Portugal, 8 May.

2008. “Putting the Mississauga in their Place,” Alderville, 20 May.

2008. “The Rideau: Past, Present, and Future,” Dog Lake Cottagers’ Association, 24 May.

2008. “The genius loci of McBurney Park: From urban edge to the centre of a community,” McBurney Park Plaque

Dedication, 25 May.

2008. “Convocation Address: Diverse Responsibilities for the Future,” Queen’s University, 5 June.


2008. “The Paradox of World Heritage Sites”, Symposium on Culture and Heritage Tourism: Preserving Built

Heritage, Centennial College, Toronto, 9 June.

2008. “Shifting Perceptions of the Rideau Corridor: From Geopolitics, through Regional Economics, to Global

Heritage,” Ontario Historical Society Conference, "Celebrating Ontario's Environmental Heritage”, Guelph, 14 June.

2008. “Kingston’s Market Square,” Unveiling of Plaque, First Capital Day, 15 June.

2008. “Introduction: Celebrating our Heritage: Kingston Roots,” Opening of “T.C.” Cummings Exhibition, The Robert

Macklin Gallery, 11 July.

2008. “T.C. Cummings: Communicator of Places and People,” The Robert Macklin Gallery, 23 July.

2008: “Planning Networks, Respecting the Venue: Golden Geese, Eggs, and Omelettes,” World Canal Conference,

Kingston, 17 September.

2008. “Sir John A. Macdonald’s Kingston: A Tour,” School of Democracy,” Queen’s University, 18 September.

2008. Organizer: “A Braver New World in the C21st,” Later Life Learning, Kingston, 19 September-17 October.

2008. “Molly Brant: The Kingston Years,” Dolgeville-Manheim Historical Society New York, 23 September.

2008. “Planning the Rideau: Past, Present and Future,” Elderhostel, Jones Falls, 25 September.

2008. “Kingston’s St. Paul’s Graveyard: 221 years of a Loyalist Connection,” United Empire Loyalists AGM, 27


2008. “Planning the Rideau: About Geese and Golden Eggs,” Elderhostel, Fort Henry, 8 October.

2008. “The Promise of Failure: Planning a Creative City,” Queen’s School of Business Executive Programme, 23


2008. Organizer: “Nothing is Easy in Politics: But How Do We Get Things Done?” Later Life Learning, Kingston, 24

October- 28 November.

2008. “Digging up the Dirt on Kingston: A Midden Approach to History,” Ontario Librarians Association, Fort Henry,

24 October.

2008. “Marketing the County: A Matter of Land and Water, Sun and Wind, Time and Place,” Environmental Sciences

801, Queen’s, 14 November.

2008. “Digging up the Dirt on Kingston: A Midden Approach to History,” Sydenham Ratepayers Association, AGM,

Kingston, 18 November.

2008. “The Arrival of the Mississauga, the Return of the Mohawk, the Exclusion of the Algonquin: Truth and

Consequences,” Development Studies, Queen’s, 26 November.

2008. “The Arrival of the Mississauga, the Return of the Mohawk, the Exclusion of the Algonquin: Truth and

Consequences,” St. Lawrence College, 2 December.

2009. Series organizer, “Northern Approaches: Shifting Perceptions of the Canadian North. Opening address, “The

“North,” “Nordicity,” “Norditude!” Later Life Learning, Kingston, 9 January-13 April.

2009. “Landscapes, Inscapes, Proscapes,” Trent University, 2 February.

2009. “Patriotic Pines and Diasporic Geese: Constructing Canadian Identity in a Post-Nationalist World,” Carleton

University, 25 February.

2009. “Geese and Golden Eggs: Planning the Rideau WHS,” Probus, 10 March.

2009. “Kingston’s Place in History,” St. Margaret’s United Church/Know Your Kingston, 3 April.


2009. 22 April-6 May, Series Organizer, Belleville Later Life Learning, 22 April-6 May.

2009. “Layered Landscapes,” in series “Our Hills and Heritage: Five views of Northumberland County,” presented by

Northumberland Learning Connection, sponsored by Architectural Conservancy of Ontario, Cobourg, 23 April.

2009. “Remembering and constructing intangible heritage along Canada’s Upper St. Lawrence,” Heritage 2009:

Sharing Cultures, Azores, 31 May.

2009. “Kingston’s historic waterfront: A tour,” Marine Museum Great Lakes Celebration, Kingston, 15 August.”

2009. Series organizer, “Canada-U.S. relations in a post-Bush/post-Harper (?) World.” Later Life Learning, Kingston,

18 September-16 October.

2009. “Planning the Rideau,” Elderhostel, Fort Henry, Kingston, 22 September.

2009. “Kingston in the C21st: A Tour,” Queen’s School of Business Executive Programme, Kingston, 2 October.

2009. “Planning the Rideau,” Elderhostel, Fort Henry, Kingston, 6 October.

2009. “A canal, a wall, and a river: Planning Heritage Trails,” Centennial College Culture and Heritage Symposium,

Fort York, Toronto, 8 October.

2009. Series organizer, “Nit-Picking the New Information Technologies: Problems, Challenges, Opportunities” Later

Life Learning, Kingston, 23 October- 27 November.

2009. Series organizer, “Northern Approaches: Shifting Perceptions of the Canadian North” Later Life Learning,

Belleville, 4-25 November.

2009. “Heritage Trails: The Case of a Wall, A Valley, and a Canal,” Waterloo University Seminar, 12 November.

2010. “From A2A to XYZ: Shifting Perceptions of Nature in Landscaps, Inscapes, and Proscapes,” Mississippi Valley

Naturalist Society, Almonte, 21 January.

2010. “Sustaining Kingston: A Peripatetic Seminar,” School of Business Executive Programme, 18 February.

2010. “People as Part of Planning the Landscape of AtoA,” Portland A2A Committee, 27 March.

2010. “Sustaining Kingston: Old Paths, New Directions,” RAQonteurs, Kingston Memorial Hall, 30 March.

2010. Series organizer, “Nit-Picking the New Information Technologies: Problems, Challenges, Opportunities” Later

Life Learning, Belleville, 7-28 April.

2010. “Planning the Rideau: Three Years Later,” Friends of the Rideau AGM, Merrickville, 8 May.

2010. “Sustaining Kingston: A Peripatetic Seminar,” School of Business Executive Programme, 11 June.

2010. “Introduced “Constructing Intangible Heritage,” in 2010. Conference, Heritage and Sustainable Development,

Evora, Portugal, 23 June.

2010. “Golden ages and green/black valleys: A patrimony of landscapes, memories, and testimonies for a modern

Wales,” Conference, Heritage and Sustainable Development, Evora, Portugal, 25 June.

2010. “The history of the Rideau since 2007: Global and Local Developments“, AGM, Rideau Heritage Network,”

Smith’s Falls, 8 September.

2010. Series organizer, “Second thoughts on Canada’s First Nations.” Opening address, “The departure of the Iroquois,

the coming of the Mississauga, exclusion of the Algonquin: Truth and Consequences,” Kingston Later Life Learning,

10 September- 22 October.

2010. (with Dorothy Farr) “The Chancellor Richardson Memorial Fund: The Richardson’s most generous gift to

Queen’s University,” Kingston Historical Society, 15 September.


2010. “The Spirits of the Wall: The Sacred Space of Kingston’s Lower Burial Ground,” St. Paul’s Heritage Committee,

27 October.

2010: Series organizer, Introduction, “Canadian Problematics: Current Issues, New Directions, Future Priorities,”

Kingston Later Life Learning, 29 September- 3 December.

2010. Series organizer, “Second thoughts on Canada’s First Nations.” Opening address, “The departure of the Iroquois,

the coming of the Mississauga, exclusion of the Algonquin: Truth and Consequences,” Belleville Later Life Learning,

3-24 November.

2010: Presentation to Mayor and City Council of Downtown Kingston!’s 2010 Pewter Collectibles, 2 November.

2011: Kingston Newcomers, “Kingston: Old Paths, New Directions,” 8 February.

2011. “Sustaining Kingston: A Peripatetic Seminar,” School of Business Executive Programme, 18 February.

2011. “New Challenges, Fresh Perspectives, Carleton University, “Does Heritage Work?,” 26 March.

2011. “Kingston: Past, Present, and Future,” Kingston Ladies’ Probus, 21 April.

2011. “Gateways,” Brockville Ladies’ Probus, 21 April.

2011. “Local history, world heritage, “glocal” reactions,” Queen’s University Biological Station, 3 August.

2011. “Lest we forget,” What should we remember? Commemorating the Great War 1914-19, sustaining memories,

seeking universal values,” Workshop: Landscapes and sites of memory of the Great War, 16 -18 September, Ieper,


2011. “Kingston: Old Paths, New Directions,” Kingston Probus, 20 September.

2011. “Kingston: Old Paths, New Directions: An Ecological Perspective,” Queen’s, Environmental Studies, 28


2011: “Lest we forget,” What should we remember? Commemorating the Great War 1914-19, sustaining memories,

seeking universal values,” Kingston, Later Life Learning, 30 September.

2011: “In the beginning was the word…but Oh, how it’s changed!” Kingston Later Life Learning, 28 October (with R,


2011: “Deep mapping waterscapes,” NICHE workshop, Kingston, 30 October.

2011: “Our local food system: Past, present, and prospects,” National Farmers Union, Harrowsmith, 10 December.

2012: “Looking ahead into the C21st Century: Will it be long or short? Belleville Later Life Learning, 1l April - 2 May,


2012: “Kingston’s ‘brownlots’!”, Public meeting on “Brownfields,” Kingston PublicLibrary, 21 April.

2012: “Adventures in history: Setting the scene/see,” Kingston Rotary School Initiative, Kingston, 9 May.

2012: “The consequence of the War of 1812 for Kingston: The Panama connection!” Royal Military College Banquet,

10 May.

2012: “Locking Up The Rideau: Recent Pressures on a WHS” in “Seasons Change,” CHA Round Table, Waterloo

University Congress, 30 May.

2012: Ontario Heritage Conference, Kingston, Field Trip “Towers and domes, spires and fires, Knaves and naves:

Kingston’s ‘shared legacy of ‘sacred places’,” 31 May; Chair, “First Nations Consultation Session, 1 June; Heritage

Best Practice Session “The current heritage dialectic: Tangible/Intangible, Marketable/Sustainable,” 2 June.

2012: World Heritage Tourism Research Network, Laval University, “What was “Great” about the First World War?

What should we remember, celebrate, and forget?” 14 June.


2012: Elderhostel, Fort Henry, “Kingston: Change and Continuity,” 29June.

2012: Buck Lake Cottagers’ Association, “How Does Buck Lake Fit into the C21st: Lessons from the past,” 7 July.

2012: School of Business Executive Programme, “A Peripatetic Seminar on Change and Continuity in Kingston,” 28


2012: Queen’s Environmental Studies Field Trip, “Perspectives on Inner Harbour Brown Lots,” 28 September.

2013: “People in Planning the MMLTC: Wilderness, Resource, Icon, Home?” AGM, Mississippi-Madawaska Land

Trust Conservancy, Lanark, 2 March.

2013. [with Mallika Das, E. Wanda George, Myriam Jansen-Verbeke]. “The Great War: Should we keep the memories

alive?” Conference: A Century in the Shadow of the Great War, Kansas, 25 March.

2013. “Constructing memories of the “Great” War: Images, Messages, Reflections,” Exhibition Lecture, Mount Saint

Vincent University, Halifax, 18 July.

2013. “What was so ‘Great’ about the First World War: How should we remember it in 2014-19,” QUILL (Queen’s

Institute for Lifelong Learning), Kingston, 8 September.

2013: School of Business Executive Programme, “A Peripatetic Seminar on Change and Continuity in Kingston,” 4


2013: Queen’s Biology Station, Professionals in Rural Practice, “Kingston’s Geo-Region: An historical foundation,

economic restructuring, new way of life,” 20 October.

2013: Rotarians, City Hall, “High School Students: Myths in History,” 23 October.

2013: Syracuse University Visit, “Welcome to Fort Henry?” 1 November.

2013: Art History Class, “Imagining the Great War,” 12 November.

2013: Later Life Learning Belleville: “What was so ‘Great’ about the First World War: What should we remember,

forget, co-memorize?” 13 November.

2013: Kingston Community Foundation: “Our Changing North: New Pressures, New Directions, New Horizons,”

Moderator, 22 November.

2014: “Important women in my life: Academic that is!”, Introductory lecture to Later Life Series, “The Distaff Side of

Society: Powerful Women in Our History,” 10 January.

2014: “Introducing ‘The County’: A matter of people and place, land and water, past and future,” Later Life Learning,

14 February.

2014: “The Rideau, 2014: The History of Heritage,” Probus Club, Gananoque, 11 March.

2014: Later Life Learning Belleville: Organizer and Introducer: “New Challenges for the C21st: Is it changing for the

better?” Series Organizer, 23 April-7 May.

2014: “Constructing memories of the Great War, 1914-19: Images and reflections. What should we remember, forget,

commemorate,” Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, 16 May.

2014: “What was so “Great” about the First World War? Images and reflections: What should we remember, forget, co-

memorize?” Organization on Military Museums in Canada, Royal Military College, Kingston, 16 June.

2014. Series Organizer, “Remembering the First World War, 1914-1919, in 2014-2019: The Geopolitical, Economic,

and Social Underpinnings of the “Great” War. First lecture, “What was so ‘Great’ about the First World War? What

Should We Remember, Forget, Co-Memorize?” 19 September.


2014. “The Great War and Kingston: The People and this Place.” Guest Speaker, City Hall Volunteer Appreciation

Dinner, 30 October.

2015. “Reflections on the Great War: What Should We Remember, What Should We Forget?” Peace Quest, Kingston

Public Library, 4 February.

2015. “International, National, Local Heritage: Quo vadis?” Kingston Heritage Week, Kingston Public Library, 24


2015. Later Life Learning, Organizer and Introducer: “Interesting Times,” 18 Sept-16 Oct.

2015: Later Life Learning Belleville: Organizer and Introducer: “Old speakers, new perspectives,” Series Organizer, 4-

25 Nov.

2016: Later Life Learning Belleville: Series Organizer and Introducer: “Interesting times, important topics, interesting

speakers: Canada in 2016,” 30 March-27 April.

2016: Later Life Learning Kingston: Series Organizer and Introducer: “Looking into the Future: New Directions,” 16

September-14 October.

2016: Later Life Learning Belleville: Organizer and Introducer: “Learning to Live with the Future!” Series Organizer,

21 Sep-19 October.

2016: 4 October Field Trip Seminar Alderville Mississauga First Nations Visit: “The Mississauga Presence in South-

Eastern Ontario: The Bedford/Wolfe Lake Years.”