Post on 23-Feb-2016

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BRISTOL. at a glance . The history of Bristol: founding and early history. It started off in the Saxon era By the 10th century Bristol was probably a burgh or fortified settlement . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

BRISTOLat a glance The history of Bristol:founding and early historyIt started off in the Saxon eraBy the 10th century Bristol was probably a burgh or fortified settlement. 1066, the population was estimated to be around 4000, Bristol submitted to William the Conqueror without a fight. In 1067 two of King Harold's sons landed nearby and tried to capture Bristol but the Bristolians fought them off.King William built a wooden fort in Bristol. In the early 12th century it was replaced by a stone castle.

History of Bristol:the plague and becoming a city

In 1542, the cathedral was completed and became a city and given a popeIn 1572, an outbreak of the plague swept the city, again in 1602-1604

History of Bristol: slavery and moreIn the 18th century Bristol was heavily relied upon in the slave tradeBrass and wool made here was given to the Africans in return for slavesIn-fact, most of Bristol's wealth at this time is based on slaveryHistory of Bristol:second world warDuring the second world war, Bristol was heavily bombedIt was the fifth most bombed city,The museum was bombed, and is now a restaurant, the museum is now located next door

History of Bristol: nowBristol currently has a population of 428,200 and is thriving.It is one of Britain's most multicultural cities.It has two universities and is twinned with many countries

The suspension bridgeIt was designed by Brunel, after a competition was held.He died before the construction was finishedIt was eventually finished in 1864Unfortunately, it is used for suicides

BrunelBrunel is a cultural icon of Bristol, and the industrial revolution.He designed many things, and contributed to the engineering world in many ways there is now a university named after him in london

The art scene

The riotsIn the summer of 2011, riots broke out in ManchesterThey were originally triggered by the shooting of Mark Duggham(un)Fortunately the riots were only in stokes croft and St. Pauls, but it still devastated a large amount of the community DFTBAThank you for watchingbibliographyTitle picture: sacred-destinations.comInfo from slide 2-6: of Bristol cathedral: wikipediaPicture of a bombed bristol: bridgemanart.comInfo on slide 6: wikipediaSlide 7,8 & 10 info: my own general knowledgePicture on slide 7: on slide 8: wikipediaPictures on slide,, and
