Brochure CSR Online Awards Seminar. Venice 27-28 Oct 2011

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LundquistCSR Online Awards Seminar 2011The future of online CSR communications27-28 October 2011VeniceTelecom Italia Future CentreGALA DINNER . AWARDS . CONFERENCE . WORKSHOPS


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lundquist.measure . manage . change

Foreword by Joakim LundquistFounding Partner, Lundquist Srl

Dear participant,

Welcome to our Third CSR Online Awards Seminar. We are delighted to have you here to discuss the benefits and challenges of communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR), sharing best practices and insights on the future of online CSR communications.

A very sincere “thank you” to our sponsors and all those who helped to make this event possible. We believe it’s important to accompany our research and consultancy activities with this opportunity for wider discussion about CSR communications involving both CSR professionals and all of those who work in web communications.

During the first part of the day, we will address the issue of reporting from users’ perspectives and feature an analysis of key trends from the CSR Online Awards 2011. Two workshops will face the topics of taking disclosure online and integrating online communication within the broader communications strategies, supported by case studies, external experts and ample time for discussion and sharing of ideas and experiences.

The second part of the day will feature a workshop totally dedicated to social networks and multimedia content. NGOs and companies will present perspectives and insights on how the use of social media channels can effectively engage online audiences.

To all of you, thank you for taking the time to join us, welcome and enjoy the Seminar!


Please note: If you are tweeting from the event, please use hashtag #csrawards

To download full documentation on our CSR research series, visit and search for “Lundquist CSR” or go to



Agenda Thursday, 27 October 201119:00 Gala dinner and official ceremony of the CSR Online Awards 2011

The gala dinner will be preceded by a cocktail receptionThe evening will conclude with the presentation of the CSR Online Awards 2011, honouring top performers in Austria, Europe, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and UK

Friday, 28 October 201108:15 / 09:00 Breakfast & registration

09:00 / 10:45 Opening session: User perspectives - Refettorio

>> Welcome Address – Carlo Fornaro, Vice President External Relations, Telecom Italia>> Joakim Lundquist, Founding Partner, Lundquist: “Our approach to CSR communications”>> James Osborne, Head of CSR communications, Lundquist: “Building trust through CSR

communications”>> Lucy Goodchild, Press & Communications Manager, Global Reporting Initiative: “Who’s

reading your report? Why audiences matter for sustainability reporting”>> Erol Bilecen, Head Client Services Asset Management, Bank Sarasin: “A sustainability

analyst’s view on CSR reporting”

10:45 Coffee Break

11:00 / 12:45 Parallel workshop 1

Taking disclosure online: experiences in web-based reporting - RefettorioModerated by James Osborne, head of CSR communications, Lundquist

>> Case study 1: Centrica – Briana Whitlock, Corporate Responsibility Officer: “Transparency, materiality and dialogue: Centrica’s approach to online CR communications”

>> Case study 2: Metso – Katri Riekkinen, External Communications Manager: “Communicating shared value – Using sustainability communications at Metso Corporation”

>> External expert: Antonio Astone, Business Line Assessment & Training Manager, DNV Business Assurance: “Corporate responsibility reporting trends”

Please note: The opening session (9:00-10:45) and the afternoon workshop (14:00-16:00) will be video recorded and broadcast in live streaming on and


11:00 / 12:45 Parallel workshop 2

Online Communications within the broader engagement strategy – Sala DraghiModerated by Sara Rusconi, Head of Web Consulting, Lundquist

>> Case study 1: Telecom Italia – Paolo Nazzaro, Group Sustainability Director: “Valuing non-financial performance – Identifying, measuring and managing material drivers of value”

>> Case study 2: Nestlé – Susan Steinhagen, Public Affairs Specialist: “Creating Shared Value Leadership at Nestlé”

>> External expert: Diana Guzman, Director Southern Europe, Carbon Disclosure Project

12:45 / 14:00 Lunch

14:00 / 16:00 Workshop 3

Social Media & Multimedia Content – RefettorioModerated by Greg Schneider, Co-founder of 3BL Media

Part I – NGO perspectives

>> WWF - Fernando Zarur, Online Content Producer: “Social media beyond the hype: bridging the generational digital gap”

>> GREEN.TV – Martin Atkin, Editorial Director: “Online Video – Awareness to action”

Part II – How companies use social media

>> Enel – Giulio Lo Iacono, CSR Manager: “Global Sustainability and the Shifting Parameters - Living the change through online engagement”

>> Intel – Revital Bitan, CSR Manager Israel & EMEA: “Intel’s CSR reporting and stakeholder engagement via social media”

Concluding remarks

16:00 / 17:00 Aperitif


Please note: The opening session (9:00-10:45) and the afternoon workshop (14:00-16:00) will be video recorded and broadcast in live streaming on and

The speakers

Martin AtkinEditorial DirectorGREEN.TV

Martin Atkin is Editorial Director of GREEN.TV, the online production and syn-dication platform for envi-ronmental and sustainabil-ity films based in the UK. Until recently Martin was Media Director for WWF International In Switzer-land and before that he led visual communications for Greenpeace International in Amsterdam.

Martin is an award-winning filmmaker with a background in print, radio and broadcast journalism including spells as a pro-ducer and director for the BBC, ITN and Sky News.

Erol BilecenHead of Client ServicesBank Sarasin

In charge of the Client Services department which is Bank Sarasin’s center of competence for sustainable investments, Erol Bilecen is responsible for some parts of sustainable investment-related marketing.

Before taking this role he joined the Sustainability Research team of Bank Sarasin and worked as an analyst until April 2001.


Antonio AstoneDNV Business Assurance

Antonio is Business Line Assessment & Training Manager in DNV Business Assurance in Italy. From January 2011, he also covers the role of Global Responsible for Sustainability Report Verification Services in DNV Business Assurance.

He collaborated on the development of Accountability standard series on sustainability reporting and is a member of the Italian Technical Commission for the development of the ISO standard on Social Responsibility.

The speakers

Revital BitanIntel

She has worked at Intel in various capacities since 1987, including, market-ing, communication and community relations roles. Revital believes that women frequently serve as the cat-alysts for creating positive social change. She partici-pated in Harvard Univer-sity’s program ‘Women and Power - Leadership in the New World’. Revital holds MBA from the Haifa University, Israel.

Carlo FornaroTelecom Italia

Vice President External Relations at Telecom Italia since 2008. He began his career in 1986 as a programme-maker at RAI TV. In 1991, he joined SIP as a press officer working for General Management. In 1998, he joined Omnitel (now Vodafone), where he was appointed Head of Communications and External Relations in 2001.

In 2004 he moved to RCS MediaGroup as Manager of Group External and Institutional RelationsIn 2007 he entered the Luxottica Group as Head of Corporate Communications and he also supervised the Group Foundation.

Lucy GoodchildGlobal Reporting Initiative

Lucy Goodchild is Press & Communications Manager at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Lucy manages the Communications Team, which looks after GRI’s communications channels and manages GRI’s presence in international media. Lucy previously worked in communications at Imperial College London, where she covered medicine and natural sciences.


The speakers

Diana GuzmanCarbon Disclosure Project

Diana Guzmán joined CDP in 2010 as country Director for Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece and she responsible for all CDP activities in the region. She lived and worked for three years in China on the origination and commercialization of carbon credits, specifically from Clean Development Mechanism and Voluntary Emission Reduction projects. She has also worked in forex trading in Mexico, in venture capital in Washington, DC. and in business development in the insurance sector in Hong Kong.

Giulio Lo IaconoCSR ManagerEnel

Graduated at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” with a degree in Communication, in 1999 he joined the BNL Group (now BNP Paribas), where he worked in the Corporate Identity department.

In 2001 he joined the Enel Group, where he was in charge of Web Content Management and, then, Relations with the Stakeholders. He is currently CSR Manager for Enel.

Paolo NazzaroTelecom Italia

Chartered accountant, he has gained over 19 years of experience in multinational companies operating in Italy and internationally, covering a range of business areas including administration, finance, control, auditing and external relations. He joined Telecom Italia in 2003 and has headed the sustainability department since 2006. He is also actively engaged in a number of broader European business-academic initiatives, including co-leadership of the “Evaluating non-financial performance” LAB


The speakers

Greg SchneiderCo-Founder3BL Media

Co-founder and CEO of 3BL Media. Prior to found-ing 3BL Media, Greg was the COO and Investor in CSRwire, a press release distribution service focused on corporate responsibility. Prior to his five years run-ning the newswire, Greg built a number of differ-ent service organizations geared to small businesses.

James OsborneHead of CSR communicationsLundquist

James is a partner at Lundquist and has been head of CSR communications since 2007, overseeing the CSR Online Awards and advising companies in Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. He also works on content strategy, corporate voice and reputation.

James has 12 years’ experience in print, agency and online journalism, including Bloomberg, the Financial Times and regional newspapers in the UK.


Katri RiekkinenMetso

Katri has developed and produced Metso’s Sustainability Report since 2007. As Manager, Group Communications, and as a supervisor of the internal communications team, she headed programs related to strategy communications and employee engagement.

In her present position, she develops and coordinates Metso’s media relations and executive communications at the Group level.

The speakers

Briana WhitlockCentrica

Briana Whitlock works in the Group CR team at Cen-trica plc since 2009 where she plays a key role in the development of the annual CR report and communi-cations – the 2011 report will be her 4th at Centrica. She has also supported the development of Centrica’s digital media strategy and platform, Centrica Views, and is a regular contribu-tor.

She is originally from the United States and now lives in London, UK, where she trains for triathlon, volunteers as a mentor, and travels as much as possible.

Fernando ZarurWWF

His career started as journalist balanced between digital and traditional communications: he worked as a reporter, public relations officer, as well as creating and managing new media initiatives.

Fernando is currently part of the marketing and communications division for WWF International, working with more than 80 offices around the world.


Susan SteinhagenNestlé

Susan works in the Pub-lic Affairs department at Nestlé and is responsible for its Creating Shared Value Communications. Prior to joining Nestlé in 2009, Su-san worked with the United Nations Environment Pro-gramme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), Susan has also worked as a research editor for global growth consul-tancy, Frost & Sullivan.

Susan has a Masters degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Madras, India.

CSR Online Awards2011

The CSR Online Awards is an annual research project that investigates how listed companies communicate CSR online, spanning policies, data, case studies, interactivity and engagement. With the aim of stimulating debate about the importance of the web as a strategic tool for corporate responsibility, the study measures not only the quality of information on corporate websites but also how effectively content is published online and exchanged with users.

The study reflects users’ actual needs because evaluation criteria are based on the results of a survey of CSR professionals and experts who identify what content and functionality they find essential.

The highlight of the CSR Online Awards is the ‘Europe top 100’ classification, which ranks the online CSR communications of 100 members of the FTSE Eurotop Index.

It is accompanied by country rankings for Austria, Germany, Italy, Nordic region, Switzerland and UK. In 2011, more than 220 websites have been assessed as part of these classifications.

For more information, visit

The ‘Europe’ ranking 2011 100 members of the FTSE Eurotop

50 points average score

The ‘Italy’ ranking 201150 largest companies by market capitalisation in the FTSE Italia All-Share Index

35.4 points average score

The ‘Switzerland’ ranking 2011 20 components of the SMI Index

39 points average score

The ‘Germany’ ranking 201130 components of the DAX index

49.2 points average score

The ‘UK’ ranking 2011 30 largest components of the FTSE 100 Index

45.8 points average score

The ‘Nordic’ ranking 2011 40 members of the OMX Nordic 40 Index

43.1 points average score

The ‘Austria’ ranking 2011 20 members of the ATX Index

25.2 points average score


Forthcoming CSR Online Awards 2011 country rankings

Netherlands, USA

CSR Online Awards ‘Europe’ 2011The winners

UK utility Centrica, with 84 points, came top in the inaugural pan-European ranking of the CSR Online Awards, with a website that performed strongly in virtually all sections of the evaluation protocol. Thanks to a web-based reporting format, the company provides a vast range of relevant information directly in the corporate website, supported by web-based dialogue (blogs, web chats, social media) as well as news, video, case studies and interactive charting.

Deutsche Post achieved 82.5 points thanks to a vast but user friendly Responsibility section. Also featuring a web-based report, the site is replete with news updates, a dedicated section on performance and nice touches such as an embedded glossary, a CR playlist on YouTube and ample links across the different sections.

Telecom Italia scored 82 points, up 13 points from 2010 with a Sustainability section of its corporate website running to well over 100 pages. The company provides detailed information about its non-financial performance – scoring full points in both the environment and social sections of the research – as well as offering stakeholders ample interactivity, including its avoicomunicare blog.


Telecom Italia, with 82 points out of a maximum 100, took first place on the back of the rich content in its sustainability section.

In addition to providing exhaustive information about its sustainability performance and objectives to its stakeholders, the telecommunications company offers a high level of interactivity – through its dedicated blog avoicomunicare – and a noteworthy offering of news and sustainability resources.

Fiat SpA achieved 79.5 points and moved up a position compared with Fiat Group in 2010 and took second place in the Italian ranking. The Turin-based car manufacturer emphasises the relationship between CSR and technological innovation without neglecting the visual communication aspect and the ongoing engagement of company stakeholders.


CSR Online Awards ‘Italy’ 2011The winners

Eni and Hera, which tied for third with 79 points, fell from last year’s second and first place respectively.

The oil and gas giant keys on the development of its online reporting and the navigation experience of users. The most noteworthy initiative is “Abitare il Mondo”, Eni’s platform about stories of its employees spread over the world.

The Bologna-based multi-utility has boosted its offering of sustainability content and presents concrete case studies linked to its area of business. The most noteworthy initiative the first Italian CSR web chat launched by Hera after releasing its CSR report.


CSR Online Awards ‘Italy’ 2011The winners

CSR Online Awards ‘Switzerland’ 2011The winners

Nestlé, with 74.5 points out of 100, came top in the Swiss ranking of the CSR Online Awards, with a website that performed strongly in virtually all sections of the evaluation protocol. Thanks to a web-based reporting format, the company provides a vast range of relevant information directly in the corporate website, supported by several ongoing engagement tools (blogs, RSS, social media) as well as news, video and case studies.

Credit Suisse finished in second place with 59.5 points thanks to a well-organized Responsibility section. The main feature is the offer of news and external resources related to responsibility as well as social media accounts totally dedicated to CSR and a high degree of navigability.

UBS slid to third place with 59 points. The company provides a detailed overview about its non-financial commitment, as well as in depth information on ethics and corporate governance. The website presents a high level of visual communications.


CSR Online Awards ‘Germany’ 2011The winners

Deutsche Post achieved 82.5 points getting the first place in the German ranking. The company features a web-based report and presents a site replete with news updates, a dedicated section on performance and nice touches such as an embedded glossary, a CR playlist on YouTube and ample links across the different sections.

E-ON with 71.5 points ranks second. The German company features a web-based report and presents a successful example of integration of sustainability issues throughout its online presence.

Siemens achieved 68.5 points and ranks third. The German company features a web-based report and presents a successful example of integrated website.


CSR Online Awards ‘UK’ 2011The winners

Thanks to its 84 points, Centrica came top in the UK ranking. The website provides a vast range of relevant information directly in the corporate website, supported by web-based dialogue (blogs, web chats, social media) as well as news, video, case studies and interactive charting.

Rio Tinto, which ranks second with 63.5 points, presents a great example of web-based reporting and integration of ethics & governance content within the CSR section. Extensive information about Socially Responsible Investment is provided to stakeholders.

Shell, achieved 63 points and ranks third. The oil & gas company’s website presents detailed information supported by news, resources and a high level of visual communications. It stands out for the way its sustainability issues are communicated throughout the website, including on its Shell Dialogues section. 16

CSR Online Awards ‘Nordic’ 2011The winners

Novo Nordisk came top in the first Nordic ranking with 65 points. While the company has long been recognized as a pioneer of integrated reporting, it represents best practice in preserving non-financial information communications through the Sustainability section of its corporate website. The company conveys a clear commitment to accountability and its triple bottom line approach.

Danske Bank, with 59 points, achieves the second position. The company provides its stakeholders with exhaustive non-financial content and a high level of navigability and usability.

Atlas Copco and Metso, tied for third with 58.5 points. The two industrial engineering companies represent good example of web-based reporting.

The Swedish company stands out for the development of navigation experience of users.

The Helsinki-based company shows a huge offering of sustainability contacts and presents a high standard of reporting.


CSR Online Awards ‘Austria’ 2011The winners

OMV, with 59 points, achieves the first position in the inaugural Austrian ranking. The company provides its stakeholders with exhaustive non-financial content thanks to a web-based report and a wide offering of dialogue channels.

EVN finished in second place with 53.5 points thanks to a well-organized Responsibility section. The main feature is the offer of CSR targets – with declaration on how far the company got in reaching previous targets - and environmental content. The website presents a high degree of navigability as well.

Verbund achieved 47 points and ranks third. The company provides its online audiences with broad responsibility con-tent and a proper level of dialogue and contacts. The website has a respectable degree of usability.


Team Lundquist

Joakim Ludquist

Head of Lundquist srl

James Osborne

Head of CSR communications

SaraRusconi Head of web consultancy

Angela Evans


Sara Troiano Consultant

KarimBruneo Consultant

Andrea Di Turi CSR Consultant

CristinaUrban Consultant

Giulia Dini Social media Consultant

Laura Cappelli Event manager


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lundquist.measure . manage . change