Brooklyn Brothers Brainfood - The Age Quake

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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THE AGE QUAKEUnderstanding the 50+ mindsetThe over 50’s were the generation that invented youth culture; sex, drugs, rock and roll, and most of them are still blazing a trail.

They have more leisure time; more income and many are single and sexually active.

They’re embracing the huge opportunity to give life a second chance.

They want to celebrate life, get things done, learn and connect with others.

They’re physically active and intellectually bright.

They’re starting their own businesses, going back to college, staying at work much longer and travelling the world.

These boomers have a long history of activism – they’ve spent their lives trying to change the world.

Their final legacy will be to change the meaning of the word ‘old’.



•Stereotypical ‘senior citizens’

•Life centres around home / community

• Can feel discon-nected from society and brands


•Want to enjoy and celebrate this life-stage

• Looking for new opportunities

•This is the start of their second life and they want to get as much out of it as possible

• Don’t see them-selves as old (80+ is old)


•Refuse to age in a youth-focused world

• Concerned about maintaining a youthful image

• Consciously liv-ing younger life-styles

RULES OF ENGAGEMENTTo connect in a meaningful way with this audience brands need to reflect them; they should always be inventive, stay fresh and keep moving to maintain credibility.

We have identified the various tactics; both strategic and executional that brands across the globe are using to connect with over 50’s.

BE UPLIFTINGCelebrate the glory of life and always be positive

BE MORE PERSONALCreate initiatives that make people feel special

KEEP ME CONNECTEDMake people excited by the pace of change

DON’T PATRONISE Break away from the stereotypes of ‘old age’

INSPIRE MEExcite with a constant flow of new ideas

PHILOSPOPHY IS EVERYTHINGA philosophy that underpins everything you do communicates coherence and commitment

THE STAT ATTACKRaunchy SeniorsThe rate of sexually transmitted infections among the over 45s has more than doubled in under a decade, a study in 2008 showed.

The numbers of infections identified in younger age groups rose 97% during the period of the study but those identified in the over 45s rose 127%. - Source: Journal for Sexually Transmitted Infections

80% of the over-50’s are sexually active and 7% engage in risky sex. - The Independent, June 2008

SPEARSSPEARS (Senior People Enjoying Affluent Retirements) are a group of 280,000 people in the UK over the age of 65 who have assets of £500,000 or more. Brewin Dolphin have found that, collectively, these half millionaires are worth £239.7bn and own around 9.34% of the UK personal net wealth.

Loaded, ignored & frustrated–Collectively, over 50’s hold almost 80% of the Nation’s wealth (UK).–They have 147% of the national average disposable income.–86% of over 50’s feel ignored by the marketing industry.–70% feel patronised by advertising.Source: BBC News

Denture VenturersGap years may be a right of passage for many 18 year olds, who use the time off in-between school and university to travel the world. However, there is now a growing trend in “gappers” at the other end of the spectrum, seeking a gap between work and retirement.

200,000 pre-retirement “gappers” in the UK spend an impressive total of £1bn per year.- Source: The Independent January 2007

Connected, Good Looking and Thirsty to Learn•Over 50’s are tech savvy and the fastest growing group on Facebook and Twitter.

•They’re intent on maintaining good health (around a quarter of 50-59 year olds are members of a sports club, gym or exercise class).

•They’re looking after their appearance (a third of over 50’s consider themselves to be very attractive for their age and over 50’s are already responsible for buying 50% of skincare products).

•They’re right at the front of the self-improvement trend (69% of 41-61 year olds are interested in undertaking learning activities in the future).

- Around 80% have attended an arts event or activity in the last 12 months.

Source: The Future Laboratory