Brower Quiz

Post on 23-Dec-2014

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Basic Internet Skills


Web Brower Tools and Quiz

Where is the Web Browser on this Vista Desktop ?

Where is the close button ?

Where is the Browser Status Bar ?

It tells you which page is still downloading.

Where is the progress bar ?

It gives you an idea how much of the web page is downloaded.

Where is the web page ?

Most of the web browser is taken up with the web page.

Where is the web address box ?

The web address box can be called other names what are they ?

URL Box Location Box

The information on the web page disappears off the bottom of the page. How can the page be scrolled up so that the text can be read ?

The page can be moved up and down using the arrows.

How do you go back, or forward a page ?

These are called Browser Buttons.

Where is the web page title ?

It can also be called the Title Bar.

Here’s a recap of what we have covered.

1. The Web Browser usually sits on the desktop

2. The close button can be found in the top right hand corner

3. The Browser status bar tells you what it is doing.

4. The Progress Bar tells you how much is completed.

5. The URL or address box is where to type the web address in your browser.

6. Longer pages can be scrolled up and down with the side bar.

7. The back and forward buttons can help to search through pages already viewed

8. The title bar tells you which page you are on.