Brownsville project literature

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Hilario Maldonado

According to the online Merriam Webster dictionary, one of the definitions of beauty refers to “qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind.” In regards to Brownsville, its beauty is far more complex than the aesthetic beauty that catches your eye. Although we might be a small city compared to others, I believe that we possess qualities that may not be found in larger cities. In Brownsville there is still a strong sense of community; we know who our neighbors are; unlike modern cities where the only glance you might get of your neighbor is him (her) driving up to his garage while the door opens and immediately closes. In Brownsville you are surrounded by people that are willing to give you a helping hand. The two times that my car has left me stranded in town, I was so happy to see that there was so many people willing to offer their assistance. Some might consider that in many ways Brownsville is running behind compared to other areas of the United States, but to me that is what makes it a better place to live. I think as a society many people have become less appreciative of the simple things in life; so many people leave attempting to seek a greater life elsewhere, but many have come to learn that a small town like Brownsville offers so many advantages that they may have overlooked. People have often told me that I need to get out of Brownsville so I can do something better with my life, although I don’t believe their statements to be accurate. Although we might not be flooded with fortune 500 companies, we are a great town to raise a family. Far more than financial, success for me is synonymous to happiness, so in my own opinion, I am successful in Brownsville.

 “Qualities." Merriam-Webster, 2015.

Web. 2 May 2015. 

So “Brownsville is not beautiful,” according to you,You dream of a big town, you want something new,You’ll go live in Houston, you might leave the state,

But nowhere will find, a more peaceful place.

“There’s nothing in Brownsville,” you dare tell me sir!I’m hearing your words, I do not concur,So why don’t you leave, and go far away?Don’t ever look back, or visit, or stay.

I’ll stay with my Brownsville, my corner of earth,I don’t know no other, I’ve lived here since birth,

You go be important, I hope you succeed,I’ll stay with my Brownsville, It has what I need.

I know you’ll remember, the words that I said,When you’re eating dinner, when you’re eating bread,

That there’s no tortillas like those from that town,The town you abandoned, the town known as brown

While you’re stuck in traffic, I’m minutes from home,Soon I’ll be with loved ones, you’ll be on your phone,

You’ll think of those people, that you left that day,You decided to fly; you now feel astray.

I’ll stay with my nothing, it’s just right for me,I’m out in the country, I love all the trees,

I love the nopales, I love all the fruits,That Brownsville’s warm climate, allows to produce.

I love Brownsville’s culture, it’s something unique,

It’s like a big party, but every day of the week.

Brownsville will be waiting, if you ever come back,We won’t be judgmental, well give you some slack.

For that’s who we are, grudges we don’t hold

Were a tight knit community, we care for the old,

You know where to find us, we’re grilling out back

Just follow the music, we have it full blast.