Bryn Residents Action Group - …

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Bryn Residents Action Group


Date: 14th

January 2010

Venue: Bryn Village Hall

Present: Graham Rowland, Paul Bulmer, Julie Moore, Andrew Moore, Dafydd

Bowen, Sue Phillips, John Thomas, Viv Gage, Val Merryman, Heather


Graham opened the meeting and thanked everyone for attending.

Graham read the minutes of last committee meeting 26th

Nov 2010.

Minutes of the last meeting on were accepted as a true record of proceedings.

Actions not covered

A letter has been sent regarding the proposed boundary changes to the Bryn &

Cwmafan Ward.

A reply has been sent to Rhys Jeffries letter.

Bryn Tip, members of BRAG have met with the council regarding the Bio-Diversity’

project and it was felt that more funding will need to be sourced as the funds are

match funded. A working party will need to be set up to clear areas of Gorse.

Dick Wagstaff wishes to be kept informed of progress of the project.

Chairman’s Report

Graham thanked all the committee for the support given to him and praised the groups

achievements over the last 8 months.

Treasurers Report

Balance of the account £1608.25, including lottery grant money.

A donation of £50 was suggested to Bryn Primary School in recognition of the part

played by the children in the Christmas event, proposed by Paul Seconded by Dafydd.

Historical Society Report

Dafydd has visited the old age group on a Thursday and received lots of history of the

Village. Dafydd proposed a Tea Dance one afternoon to record some of the memories.

Arrangements for January’s history event are progressing well. It was proposed the

February event be a St David’s day celebration with the Primary School.. Graham,

Paul and Dafydd to discuss with Jan.



Date : Wednesday February 3rd

Venue : Bryn Rugby Club

Apologies received from John and Val

Graham opened the meting and thanked everyone for coming.

Graham read out the minutes from the last committee meeting.

Actions not covered :

Graham thanked Paul for his terrific effort in setting up the BRAG website.

A £50 cheque was presented to Jan Francis Jones and Bryn primary school from our Xmas event

Chairman’s Report

Graham reported that yet another successful Heritage night had been received at the Club where

approximately 60 -70 people had attended and £56 had been collected on the raffle.

Re Nature project : update meeting will take place with the council this Friday Feb 5th

Western Logs to put fencing up and complete by end Feb. The cost will be covered by our grant of


A working party will be needed to help out during March. If possible dates to be given to the School

for letters to go out asking the children and parents to help.

Treasurer’s Report

Balance of the account £1603.42 sheet circulated to all.

Lottery fund received and all expenditure has to be tracked for an end of year report.

B.T. community support fund has been contacted and Paul to hear in March whether we have been

successful in receiving this grant.

Committee will need to fund raise throughout the year and a possible Table Top Sale was mentioned.

Initial enquiry made to the Coalfield Regeneration funding committee.

BRAG website now in the hands of Viv Gage

More photos to be updated from Historical Night

Group membership list been updated and circulated.

Hisorical Society Report

Dafydd said that he was overwhelmed with the number that turned up at the club for Alan Thomas’s

excellent account of village life in Bryn.

Dafydd had spoke to Mr Curtis up at the school regarding the children’s play for the next event.

Harriet Jones from Neath Museum had been very helpful with regards to putting on a tea dance etc.

February 25th

will be a working party night towards the St David’s event

March 25th

Dafydd will give us a talk about Bryn before the coal came;

April 29th

John Adams from Port Talbot Historical Society will be our speaker

BRAG Website

Paul has setup the framework but the individual frameworks will need to be kept updated.

Viv to work closely with Alan with regards to information for the newsletter and the website.


Paul to chase up Marion regarding actions from the last surgery.



Date: Thursday 15th

July 2010

Venue: Bryn Village Hall

Present: Graham Rowlands, Paul Bulmer, Dafydd Bowen, Allan Jones, Joyce Jones, Heather Head, Steve

Easton, Val Merriman, John Thomas

Paul welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Sue Phillips.

Minutes of the last meeting were not available, so Paul referred to the notes he had made.

Matters Arising

The Tea Dance was very successful. Dafydd and Harriet managed to interview about 8 people regarding

their war memories. Steve Easton offered to get these transcribed.

The community bus provided transport to the event.

£20 was donated to Bryn Senior Citizens group by BRAG.

Paul has reminded Marian about the T- shirts.

A video from the St David’s Day event is still in the making. Graham is progressing this.

Treasurer’s Report

The balance sheet was displayed. Paul explained that income and expenditure have balanced out over the

last few months, so finances remain about the same.

We are continuing to pursue alternative sources of funding, particularly in relation to computer equipment.

Paul has also explored the possibility of funding for publishing information about walks.

A meeting has also been held with Chris Munroe to progress multiple funding options.

The voluntary litter pick took place as published.

There might be a possibility of having a broadband connection to the community centre. Marian Lewis is

looking into this. Paul will progress this with Marian.

Chairman’s Report

Graham thanked those involved for their help with the Tea Dance, and reported that it had been a great

success, even with people from outside the village.

He has had a meeting with Dr Brian Gibbons and residents regarding the buildings being erected along the

Goytre road.

He passed around the draft of a leaflet about the Afan Valley, which includes information about Bryn.

Graham is in consultation with Senior Management at Corus about the possibility of having a Steel


He has discussed a proposed walk to Drysiol if we can obtain the land.

There are lots of projects underway, and good progress is being made behind the scenes.

Historical Society Chaiman’s Report

Dafydd reported that in addition to the successful Tea Dance, 2 talks have been held this year, and there are

plans for Harriet Jones NPT Heritage Officer to speak on September 30th

on the subject of mining.

On October 28th John Adams will speak about the Mansel Talbots and their influence.

There are plans to produce a Bryn calendar. This was discussed and it was decided to look at photographs

for inclusion in this in the next meeting. All the committee members to review and suggest favourites.

Minutes of a Committee Meeting

Held at Bryn Rugby Club on Monday 27th September

Graham in the chair with Paul, Daffydd, Steve, John, Peter and Sue present.

Apologies were received from Val who was on holidays.

Resignations had been received from Julie & Andrew Moore and Alan & Joyce Jones.

Graham welcomed everyone, especially Peter to his first committee meeting and thanked him for

setting up an excellent website for BRAG.

Graham read the minutes of the last meeting and they were accepted.

Actions not covered on the main agenda

No income received into BRAG’s account, but still had expenditure due to printing costs of the


PC funding for Xmas lights etc. Now with Carys Mills;

A reminder has been given to Marion Lewis requesting an update on Broadband for the Community


Steve reported that Virgin have recently put in cables in Coronation Street. Peter suggested that if

we say that we would publicise Virgin on our website and newsletter, perhaps they would give us a

line. Obviously, as it would be for the Community Centre, the council would have to agree this.

The BRAG Calendar has been drafted. £3 each is the printing cost; it was agreed to sell each

calendar at £5 to raise some income for BRAG. A quantity of 50 will be printed by the AGM with

further orders to be taken on the night.

LDP feedback now needed as all comments would have been received by 30th September.

Graham and Paul have completed the costing of putting up information boards for the proposed

walks which have been given to Marion and the Groundwork team.

A draft of the AGM presentation was given out by Paul for all committee members to check.

Minutes of committee meeting

Held at Bryn Pub on 20/10/2010

Graham thanked everyone for coming.

Apologies had been received from Jan Francis –Jones, Peter Phillips, Mark Llewellyn and Luke Rosser.

Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated and were proposed by Dafydd and seconded by


Matters arising from the minutes:

A request from the Police Authority had been received to hold an event for the teenagers in the

village; committee agreed that we would look at this in the New Year.

Treasurer’s Report:

A/c. Balance same as AGM. AGM accounts would be included in 2010/2011 figures.

Small loss made as cost of newsletters had to be covered.

The question arose as to whether our accounts should be audited – there could be a possibility that

the Lottery could ask to see our books. Viv Gage and John Thomas agreed to audit the account.

Historical Society Report

Dafydd has posters to put out for next Thursday’s event: John Adams will be speaking on

The Mansel Talbot’s of Margam at Bryn Rugby Club 7.30pm.

David Lewis from Maesteg will be our November 25th speaker, who will talk on The Iron

Industry in Maesteg.

Raffles needed for both occasions from committee members please.

XMAS Event December 9th

Graham asked for as much help as possible.

Children in the village are already asking questions about the event. Graham said that last

year’s response, when Santa had walked around the village, had been tremendous and very


Minutes of Committee Meeting

Held at Bryn Pub Sunday Nov.21st

Graham, Dafydd, Sue and Val present.

Dafydd announced that the calendars were ready. Sue proposed that a

complimentary calendar be given to the Pub and Club, to promote them but also to John Hill

for his continued donations to the historical society. Graham thought it would be a good

idea to give a copy to Alan and Joyce Jones also. Dafydd seconded this and agreed to

distribute these.

Re Xmas Concert:

1 Luke has designed and distributed a poster to advertise the event;

2 Dafydd has his Santa outfit sorted;

3 Police escort for Santa has been arranged;

4 Elves arranged to follow Santa with a bell and sweets for the children;

5 All available to meet at the School at 5pm for the start;

6 Agenda for the night sorted with Jan, Graham and Dafydd;

7 Marian has sorted the community minibus;

8 John Thomas to be asked to go on the minibus;

9 Ken Pearson and friends have agreed to play on the night;

10 Dafydd to contact John Hill to see if he will donate 150 mince pies;

11 Xmas decorations have been arranged for the community centre;

12 Hopefully Marian will be able to donate the selection boxes ;

13 Lee has sorted out the timber and is to get the paint for the background;

14 Luke to try and get raffle prizes donated from Maesteg shops;

15 Sue asked to get pop and sweets for the children on the night;

16 Sue asked to compare the evening;

17 Will Curtis sorting out the play in school;

18 Dafydd to get the raffle books;

19 Paul to be asked to put the programme and carols onto the projector;

20 Sue to go and see Caroline Davidson;

21 Val asked to try to purchase Victorian candles (depending on price);

22 Jane ok to sell tea and coffee on the night;

23 Val and Heather to sell raffle tickets on the night;

Meeting closed at 8.30pm

Minutes of Committee Meeting

Held at Bryn Pub Sunday Dec.9th

Graham, Dafydd, Sue and Val present.

Dafydd announced that the calendars were ready. Sue proposed that a

complimentary calendar be given to the Pub and Club, to promote them but also to John Hill

for his continued donations to the historical society. Graham thought it would be a good

idea to give a copy to Alan and Joyce Jones also. Dafydd seconded this and agreed to

distribute these.

Re Xmas Concert:

1 Luke has designed and distributed a poster to advertise the event;

2 Dafydd has his Santa outfit sorted;

3 Police escort for Santa has been arranged;

4 Elves arranged to follow Santa with a bell and sweets for the children;

5 All available to meet at the School at 5pm for the start;

6 Agenda for the night sorted with Jan, Graham and Dafydd;

7 Marian has sorted the community minibus;

8 John Thomas to be asked to go on the minibus;

9 Ken Pearson and friends have agreed to play on the night;

10 Dafydd to contact John Hill to see if he will donate 150 mince pies;

11 Xmas decorations have been arranged for the community centre;

12 Hopefully Marian will be able to donate the selection boxes ;

13 Lee has sorted out the timber and is to get the paint for the background;

14 Luke to try and get raffle prizes donated from Maesteg shops;

15 Sue asked to get pop and sweets for the children on the night;

16 Sue asked to compare the evening;

17 Will Curtis sorting out the play in school;

18 Dafydd to get the raffle books;

19 Paul to be asked to put the programme and carols onto the projector;

20 Sue to go and see Caroline Davidson;

21 Val asked to try to purchase Victorian candles (depending on price);

22 Jane ok to sell tea and coffee on the night;

23 Val and Heather to sell raffle tickets on the night;

Meeting closed at 8.30pm


Held at the Community Centre

On THURSDAY October 7th

Graham thanked everyone for coming to our first AGM, even though the village turnout was


Graham read out the Agenda to those present and asked for a round of applause for all those who

had been a part and supported BRAG over the last year.

Treasurer’s Report

A full account of the year’s money raised was detailed on screen for all to see;

Total in A/c £1592 as at end September. A large portion of this money had come from The Lottery

funding, i.e. Revenue Grant to cover our main costs such as community centre hire and printing


Paul is currently pursuing capital grants to fund future footpaths, ponds for fishing and information


£12k was obtained from a combination of the council/groundwork and bio-diversity to put up the

fencing around the tip, which is now our nature reserve.

The Year of BRAG’s achievements was detailed on screen and read through by Sue.

The Committee for 2010/11 will stand the same with the current officers as no new nominations had

been received.

David Williams announced that Bryn Rugby were to receive £10k from the Capital Budget to install a

new boiler in the changing rooms.

Information on LDP

There are 4 new sites for residential housing, 3 for new and 1 for affordable housing.

Affordable housing possibly like the Barrat houses in Cwmavon, where you buy two thirds of the

house and rent a third. Not housing association.

During the next few weeks, exploratory drilling will take place by Mr Jeffries. A map was distributed

to all present to see the areas numbered 71, 72 and 73.

1 Steve Easton suggested that if Bryn kept quiet, the mining might actually happen ;

2 Graham asked if the results of the drilling would be made public.

3 The initial application is to drill for coal;

4 If successful, the application would take at least two years to complete;

5 Marian Lewis said that if Mr Jeffries was successful , that he would have to be seen to

provide some money to improve the village;

6 Marian also stated that as many people as possible should write individually to the planning

department to express their views on the proposals;

7 Marian also stated that the concerns expressed about the highways issue and about the

drilling becoming a potential eyesore to the village also needed to be put in writing.

8 A concern was brought up regarding the material that would be dumped and it was

suggested that certain controls would have to be put in place;

An application had been received to deposit material e.g. stone, on land behind the school.

Questions were raised as to what and where would this material be coming from?

Recently, during a Saturday surgery meeting, lorries were seen turning outside the community

centre. David Williams ‘called this in’ and found that an amendment had been received by the

council to include Saturdays into their Monday to Friday schedule.

THE BRYN BEAST RUN June 18th 2011

Preliminary details are that this run will be over 15miles. It will start at the pub and end at the rugby

club, and will attract lots of people from across the country. Graham is hoping that this will become

an annual event and be a focal point for the valley, and put our village on the MAP!

Tartar has agreed to sponsor this run and will donate over £5k. It was suggested by Marion that we

apply for a further £5k grant from Community First, also to aid this event. Shaun will be happy to

work with us on this project which he feels will showcase our village.

Marian is involved in talks to improve the toilets, ready for our tourists.

Marion is also having the Old School buildings looked at as an environment issue as there is a nasty

substance coming out of the walls.

The old bike shelter is to be demolished shortly.

The residents asked that extra pressure is required for the demolishing of the old garage. A court

order had been issued to the owner. The view was that this has already dragged on far too long.

PT88 on the LDP map was for a housing application behind this garage.

Both councillors praised the group, although often nagged by us, congratulated us on all the work in

progress and for our constant communication with them as councillors.

Report from Shaun P.C.S.O.

Shaun thanked the members of Cwmavon CRAC for their support this evening.

Shaun congratulated BRAG on their first year and the amount of work they had completed.

Crime is an all time low in South Wales and Bryn is a safe place to live.

Possibly the village is not aware of a team of Police, Fire and members of the authority who deal

with the following:

1 Rural & Forestry Team tackling off road bikes 2 Combating illegal tipping 3 Forest Watch 4 Speeding through Bryn (with the help of the schoolchildren) 5 Rogue Trade awareness – cold callers targeting the old and more vulnerable

Shaun suggested that we get involved with the Nominated Neighbour Scheme; leaflets were

available on the evening. If we have an incident to report please call 101, but if it’s urgent, we are

still to call 999.

Shaun reported that vandalism in Bryn School was getting worse when the school was closed. Jan

Francis Jones said that it was more of a nuisance than major damage that had been caused. Shaun

obviously doesn’t know the children’s names so asked everyone to be on the lookout and report

these children to himself so that he could talk to the parents. All calls would be treated


A survey is to be carried out as the Community Centre and the Surgery are also suffering with


Another concern is that football is being played on the bowling green.

Shaun would appreciate our help on the above.

Councillor David Williams thanked Shaun for his continuous hard work for both Cwmavon and Bryn

and said he was a first class officer.

Graham said that BRAG committee members will be seen to be working with Shaun around the


Groundwork’s Report

Gail has been working with BRAG for the last six months and arrived at the AGM with photos of a

new bench which, when we all voted on the chosen design, would be erected opposite the pub at

the entrance to the new nature reserve. NO. 2 design, was carried.

Proposals and ideas:

1 Could the skateboard ramp be replaced - No funding available but still seen as a priority for

the village

2 This year Bryn School will have to pay for grit in their salt boxes

3 John Thomas had contacted Paul Hinder from Community Spirit Paper who will hopefully

help fill out a grant application form from the Welsh Assembly to purchase something

for the young children in Bryn.

4 Possibility of a wildlife grant of £36k being progressed. This would be spent on the nature

reserve. Unfortunately, Paul said that this is involving lots of form filling, and there are

still some complications around land ownership to overcome. We may also need to

match fund it and put a clear plan in place.


Dafydd had been collecting photos for our upcoming Calendar.

John Adams will be the next speaker on November 25th on the Talbots.

The Xmas Event will be held on December 9th – Santa will ride around Bryn; the Maesteg

Gleemen have been booked and the children from Bryn Primary will take part.


The raffle was drawn.

David Williams thanked David Rees for attending;

Paul thanked Peter Knowles and the members of CRAC for attending our first AGM and

for their support and leadership at the start of the formation of BRAG.

Graham thanked everyone for attending.

Meeting closed at 8.40pm


Achievements to date

Events Organised

• BRAG Organised:

• Village Meeting on 27th

Aug 2009

• About 200 people Attended

• Introduced BRAG to the residents of Bryn

• Provided a platform to find out about the LDP

and feed back the views of the village

• Village Meeting on 12th

Nov 2009

• About 50 people attended

• Addressed the wider aspects of the LDP not

just the mining proposals

• Introduced the many other activities being

addressed by BRAG such as the Historical


Events (Cont.)

• A Christmas Event 10th

Dec 2009

• About 250 attended during the course of the


• Santa went walk about in Bryn and welcomed

the children back to his grotto

• Solo by Naomi Hyatte Golding

• Songs by: Children of Bryn Primary School

• Accordion Played by: Ken Pearson & Friends

• Mari Lwyd

• Christmas Carols

• Maesteg Gleemen Choir

• Reading of the 12 days of Christmas

• And much more

Events (Cont.)

• A St David’s Event 9th

March 2010

• About 220 attended during the course of the


• Traditional Welsh Piano Music and an

opportunity to look at the local history on

display and sample the refreshments available

• Enactment of Local Welsh History by Bryn

School Children

• Anthony Bwye & Rhidian Jenkins entertained

• Traditional Songs and Poetry by Bryn School


• Traditional readings by Jan Francis-Jones and

Allyn Rees

• St David’s Presentation by Dafydd Bowen

• Raffle and much more

Events (Cont.)

• A Tea Dance 8th June 2010

• Attended mainly by Bryn’s Senior Citizens

and Bryn’s School children but also some

visitors from outside the area and of course

the BRAG committee members

• Various forms of WW2 memorabilia was on


• A WW2 Jeep as used in the D Day landings

• WW2 Dance Music and instruction if required

• A sing along to popular tunes of the time

• Period food and drinks

• Relevant theme costumes were worn by


Events (Cont.)

• Bryn Historical Society Presentations

• 28/01/10 Mr Alan Thomas presented “the village as

it was”, with discussions on historical aspects of

village life

• 25/03/10 Dafydd Bowen presented “The Farms of

Bryn 1814 & Farming practices of the time”

• 30/09/10 Ms Harriet Eaton presented “Voices from

the south Wales Coalfield”

• 28/10/10 John Adams presented “How your

forefathers masters lived”

• 25/11/10 David Lewis Presented “The Iron Industry

in the Maesteg district in the 1800’s”

Events (Cont.)

• The First BRAG AGM Oct 2010

• The BRAG accounts were presented

and accepted

• A presentation of achievements to

date was made

• Updates on village developments

were made by the ward councillors

• An update on the Local Development

Plan was presented and debated

Events (Cont.)

• A Christmas Event 9th

Dec 2010

• About 250 attended during the course of the evening

• Santa, accompanied by Victorian Carol Singers and his

helping Elves, toured Bryn and welcomed the children

back to his grotto

• A chance for the children to sit with Santa and have a

photo taken

• Songs by: Children of Bryn Primary School

• Accordion Played by: Ken Pearson & Friends

• Mari Lwyd

• A children’s play on the meaning of Christmas

• Christmas Carols

• Maesteg Gleemen Choir

• Video of last years Christmas Event

• An update on achievement by BRAG

• And much more

Councillors Surgeries

• BRAG now provides a Chair and Secretary

• During this time the Councillors have

helped with:

• The Demolition of the Bungalow and the hut at

Petrol Station

• Grass cutting and tidy ups in the village

• Repairs and servicing of Drains

• Repairs to roads

• Sweepers

• Village Notice Board

• Speed Checks

• Road Signs

• Etc.

Projects Started

• Projects

• Bio Diversity

• Car Park

• Fencing

• Information Boards

• Way marked walks

• Pick Nick areas

• Land Management

• Bryn Voluntary Litter Pick

• Fishing Lake

• Marathon

• History

• Photos

• Recording of Memories

• Working Party set up and many activities already

under way


• Funding

• Lottery Funding

• BT Communities Connect (Web Site)

• Donations

• Raffle Prizes (Councillors, Committee and shops)

• Meeting room costs (Committee)

• Printing Costs (Councillor)

• Transport for old aged (Councillor)

• Float for Santa (Councillor)

• Christmas Event Prizes (Shops and local business)

• St David’s Event (Acts and prizes)

• And much More?

Publicity and News

• Publicity

• News Letter

• Flyers

• Posters

• Inclusion on Official Tourist pamphlet

• Putting Bryn on the road direction signs

• Bryn Calendar

• News Paper articles

• A natural remedy for off-road pests

• Bid to transform tip into wild life haven

• Meeting updates villagers

• Children win bragging rights

• And more…………

Bryn Web Site

• 3 web sites have been set up

• The first was considered too difficult to

support and was never made live

• The second was launched but the 10yr

contract BT had to provide this expires

at the end of Oct.

• The third is the current site

• With lessons learnt on each , we feel

this third site is the best to date

• What do you think – please provide your


The Bryn Website

• Home

• Brag Committee

• About us

• Projects

• News

• What's On

• Documents

• News Letters

• Brag Minutes

• Surgery Minutes

• Bryn Present

• Bryn RFC

• Events

• Bryn Past

• Chapels

• Farming

• Mining

• People old pics

• Road Transport

• Railway

• Guestbook

• Contact us

• Links

• Archive



• Full Committee Meetings (12)

• 6/6/09, 13/6/09, 14/7/09, 23/7/09, 19/8/09, 16/09/09, 13/10/09, 26/11/09, 14/01/10, 03/02/10, 15/07/10,

27/09/10, 09/10/10, 2010, 07/11/10, 29/11/10

• Many more small working party meetings


• Graham, Steve & Paul have attended these meetings at Cwmavon to learn from them and

represent Bryn on PACT discussions

• Historical Society

• Inaugural meeting at Royal Oak with further monthly meetings (with a recess over the summer


• Many workshops organised for gathering and collating information

• Projects

• 4 Meetings with Bio Diversity Group

• 5 Meetings with Groundwork team

• 3 Meetings with Council re planning for above project

• 2 Meeting with Valleys Strategy group

• 2 meeting at Bryn with Corus plus further meetings in Corus

• 2 meetings with Western Logs

• 1 meeting at Glyncorrwg pools re tourism

• 3 meetings with Forestry

• 1 meeting with Welsh Assembly working party re the reopening of disused rail tunnels

• Funding

• 8 meetings with NPT Council for Voluntary Services (We are now Full Members of this group)

• Web Site

• Teleconferencing to set up a Bryn Web Site

• Others

• Meeting with other groups such as fishing clubs to set up a Bryn fishing pond, running clubs to set

up a Bryn Marathon, and other events as requred

And that is not the


Just the beginning!

• BRAG should be proud of these

achievements to date and be

encouraged to make 2011 an

even greater year