BSU Pencil Drive

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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The Pencil Project

On February 13-17 BSU had its first ever pencil drive for the children of Liberia.

Enochs High school

This wouldn’t of happened without Enochs. They supported us through the whole entire process

we delivered boxes to just about every classroom on campus and they really helped

publicized the event

Relief Inc.

Relief Inc is a non-profit organization to help those who are struggling or in need of help

children and families in Africa. We would also like to thank Mrs. Phebe Fortt for helping us

this process


BSU this year was a very successful year. All the other years that we have had a BSU it didn’t really didn’t last long but this year me and my fellow council members not only kept it going

but we also changed the face of the BSU club. The pencil project wasn’t easy but we pushed

through and got the job done.

My Counsel

My counsel has really inspired me in many ways they are strong, smart, outgoing, and a family. They really helped me every step of the way

and I'm blessed to have them.

The Process

Through it all me and my counsel manged to get 3,059 pencils we delivered a box to every classroom in the whole school and did this

event for only 2 weeks which was made this event a complete success.

The Closing

We can safely say that the BSU Pencil Project was a ultimate success and now we will be doing this annually and for years to come