BUAD 305 Presentation FINAL

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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  1. 1. 2011 2012 2013 Financial Year Endings 5.91:1 4.21:1 9 months ended Sep. 30 3.94:1 4.75:1 Industry Average: 4.49:1
  2. 2. We got money to pay you back!
  3. 3. 2011 2012 2013 Financial Year Ending 19.8% 23.5% 9 Months Ended Sep. 30 24.2% 21%
  4. 4. 2011 2012 2013 Financial Year Ending $37,905 $50,175 9 Months Ended Sep. 30 $35,756 $42,967
  5. 5. 2011 2012 2013 Financial Year Ending 65.20% 58.87% 9 Months Ended Sep. 30 59.69% 57.13% Industry Average: 58.04%
  6. 6. 2011 2012 2013 Financial Year Ending 25.69% 21.39% 9 Months Ended Sep. 30 21.96% 22.21% Industry Average: 21.24%
  7. 7. 2011 2012 2013 Financial Year Ending $11,127 $13,346 9 Months Ended Sep. 30 $9,697 $8,318
  8. 8. Our Free Cash Flow From Operations
  9. 9. Google invested $258 milliondollarsin Uber
  10. 10. Acquiredfor $966 million
  11. 11. Are you as giddy working at Google as this guy?
  12. 12. Buy or Sell Google, Jim?
  13. 13. Immortality has been found through Google
  14. 14. Apple is remaking iPads!
  15. 15. Q: How does Google improve your life? Kevin Hart will be your designated driver Immortality Selfies in the Shower All of the Above
  16. 16. Googles Barge in San Francisco
  17. 17. Google working on an Iron Man Suit?