budapest.js - How to compete with a native app

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Slides from Martin Kačmar's talk at budapest.js meetup (17th of January 2014) Learnings obtained while developing iPad web application SalesChamp ( Contains solutions to common problems that will not only make your web app perform like native, but give you one step ahead with power of web.


introduction problems conclusionsolutions

How to compete with a native app

introduction Martin Kačmar

Developer at dotBlue.

Offices in Haarlem (NL) and Brno (CZ).

introduction SalesChamp

Web application, door-to-door sales.

introduction Sales visits

introduction Contract signing

introduction Team

introduction Chat

problems Mr. Facebook vs. Sencha team

“Our biggest mistake was betting too much on HTML5”


“So, when Mark Zuckerberg said HTML5 wasn't ready, we took a little offense to the comment.”

solutions Tackling UI challenges

• standalone applications and address bar

• common inputs

solutions Touch Me Babe

• enhanced touch events

• 300ms tap delay

• scrolling issues

• UI bouncing

solutions Edge cases & monitoring

• error tracking

• data dumps

solutions Offline availability

• databases, key-value storages

• applicationCache comes to the rescue

• connection availability a.k.a why navigator.onLine sucks balls

• battery life problems

conclusion Advantages

• deployment without restrictions

• business model under control

• one codebase to rule them all!

conclusion Vég

If you use all the abilities that JavaScript and HTML5 nowadays offer, you are able to create an app that feels native, yet offers all the benefits of


we’re looking for you!

thank you for your attention!

Martin Kačmar @martinkacmar
