Build a culture of continuous improvement using agile and WoW

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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improvements Using Agile and WoW


Individuals – Change of mindset

Teams – Peer support

Take responsibility & self-organize

Critical mass to keep the wheel turning

Organization – Management support

We need a cultural change

Importance of right mindset

We value Agile mindset Over Fixed mindset









Ability Grows, like


In control Static, like height No control

Goal To learn Being in control To look good Others control

Failure Provides information

Opportunity Defines identity Defend / Blame

Effort Path to mastery Mastery Only if no talent Superiority

Challenge Embrace Excitement Avoid Discomfort

Reaction Resilience Welcome Helplessness Anxiety

To be on top of our problems and risks

To realize possibilities based on our current


To enhance our current capabilities

Improve? But why

Solution identification

Inspect – Current reality authentically

Adapt – Way of working systematically

Solution implementation

Inspect – Try before buy

Adapt – If it works, else try something else

Improve with Inspect & Adapt

Patterns of repetitive behavior

How we - act

How we - interact

How we - decide

How our mind works

Opinions (Values/Beliefs/Assumptions)/[Goals]

Emotions (Liberating/Restraining)

Way of Working (WoW for short)

Goals and gaps

Qualitative observations

Quantitative measurements

Way of working (Visible)




Inspect – Current reality

WoW approach supports agile mindset

& enables cultural change






Nature of WoW (Like air & water)

Universal & all-encompassing

Old habits die hard

Need a permanent change

Get out of restraining emotions

Way of Working –Why?

Our own ways of working

We can do something about it

Others’ ways of working

Impact us

Can educate us

System’s way of working

We are a prisoner of the system we don’t understand

Who’s Way of Working?

For every success, however small

Ask why, and what if to reveal potential risks

For every failure, however small

Ask why, and how does it matter to reveal real problems

Obvious solutions – Implement immediately

For the rest use WoW

So many opportunities to improve

All our life, at work or outside, we pass through

a series of situations; some pleasant some


How do we deal with them?

Practical examples


Competitive comparison

One of your sibling is more handsome/pretty,

got better grades, and earns more than you.

Emotions – Failure / Hatred / Depression

Opinions – Bad luck / Past life Karma

Actions – Find ways to cause harm to the


Interactions – Avoid parents / relatives

Underlying decision – Do whatever needed to get out

Underlying opinion – Important to look good to others

Why we do what we do

Goals: Be loved / Feel self-worth / At peace

Changed opinion – Balance our needs with

those of others

Changed decision – Concentrate on own


New action – Use strengths and showcase to others

New interaction – Confident & open with sibling/parents

What can be a better way


Support from other subsystems

You are practicing agile, and know the

benefits of getting the work done fast.

But a support department want to strictly

follow their defined processes which hinders

your progress.

Emotions – Irritation / Anger / Helplessness

Opinions – Others don’t understand agile or care for us

Actions – Complain to superiors

Interactions – Force them to do our way

Underlying decision – Use client urgency

Underlying opinion – We are more important

Why we do what we do

Goals: Better performance / Make client happy

Changed opinion – We are part of the system

Changed decision – Focus on importance to


New action – Understand impact of delays

New interaction – Show understanding of their needs

What can be a better way


Are we prepared

For an offshore team working from India, a

point of contact in U.S. who was very

supportive has changed his job.

Emotions – Worried / Afraid / Letdown

Opinions – Supportive person will always be there

Actions – Did not consider why we are


Interactions – Did not cultivate other people

Underlying decision – Continue being comfortable

Underlying opinion – Others responsible to care for us

Why we do what we do

Goals: Maintain and improve our performance

Changed opinion – We are responsible to care for us

Changed decision – Anticipate risks

New action – Understand impact and be prepared

New interaction – Build alternate channels

What can be a better way

Typical patterns, may reappear in different


Shift focus from immediate problem

To permanent long term solution

Start thinking about better

Emotions / Actions / Interactions / Decisions / Opinions

Use WoW principles

All 3 situations

Know and care for real needs

Let work & information keep flowing

Maintain the heartbeat

Keep it simple

Balance automation with innovation

Encourage self-organization & governance

Grasp complex systems principles

WoW principles - Balanced

WrapupNow time for Action

Be in the present and just watch

Actions / Interactions / Emotions

See the connection - Why we do what we do

Decisions shape actions & interactions

Opinions shape emotions & decisions

Are we sure of our facts? Or are they just


Practice, practice, and more


Are my restraining emotions now transient?

Am I able to identify the real problems


Am I able to map them to my or others’ WoW?

Do I focus on a permanent change?

Am I and others better off as a result?

Keep checking periodically

Agility – Quick response with smooth flow

Be a river, not a pond

Have interesting goals. Make plans to meet


But also prepare for things not going as planned

Take life as it comes, and enjoy it

Be Agile – Remain Agile

Our WoW manifesto

We will keep uncovering better ways to

Improve our ways of working

By doing it and helping others do it