Build Powerful Social Media Presentations

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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description Discover a Simple Blueprint for creating winning Social Media Presentations.


VAClassroom – Powered by Social Media Presentations.

Creating a Winning Social Media Presentation

Webinar Outline

Five Benefits for Creating and Delivering Social Media Presentations.

Four Types of Social Media Presentations.

Seven Key Elements to a Winning SM Presentation.

Seven Quick Steps to Crafting the SM Presentation.

Five Ways to Re-purpose Your SM Presentation.


Five Benefits for Creating & Delivering SM Presentations.

Increases your business and brand visibility with a prospective client audience.

Builds credibility as a Social Media thought leader and specialist.

Generates new client and income opportunities.

Offers a portable marketing message that you can deliver offline in groups, virtually and one-to-one with prospective clients.

Brings YOU to the forefront as a credible professional leveraging Social Media for your own business.

Four Types of Social Media Presentations

1. Offline Presentation to Community Group.

Meet-up Groups in your local area.

Chamber of Commerce

Small Business Organizations / Associations

Local Community College (Continuing Education Department)

Self-hosted workshop to business community

Presentation to Corporation

Four Types of Social Media Presentations

2. Live or Pre-Recorded Virtual Presentation to Online Group

Online Associations/ Organizations

Business Entrepreneur groups

Market Specific Groups – Ie. Interior Designers, Real-Estate Agents.

Four Types of Social Media Presentations

3. 1 to 1 Coaching /Consulting Session with Client

Delivered in a live format.

Option to pre-record using tools like Camtasia and then add to a “Presentation Library”.

Four Types of Social Media Presentations

4. Slide Show Presentation

Digital calling card

Very portable and easily shared via the web

Use such Social Media tools as, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin to distribute your presentation content

Creating a Winning Social Media Presentation

Seven Key Elements to a Winning Social Media Presentation

ELEMENT #1 – Share Social Media Stories

• The love of stories is permanently ingrained in our psyche right from childhood.

• Powerful Story-Telling is one of the most potent weapons in creating a compelling Social Media Presentation

• Stories provide substance and meaning to the Social Media principles discussed in your presentation.

• Stories have the capacity to inspire, influence and impact others.

ELEMENT #1 – Share Social Media Stories

Three Types of Social Media Stories




ELEMENT #1 – Share Social Media Stories

General Stories:

• Serves as a great attention-getter.

• Validates the rapid growth and prominence of Social Media.

• Reinforces why this is an important medium and marketing channel to consider.

ELEMENT #1 – Share Social Media Stories

General Stories: Example #1 – The Wedding Dance Video (Validates the growth and viral potential of Social Media)

ELEMENT #1 – Share Social Media Stories

General Stories: Example #2 – The Blending of the iPad on YouTube (Demonstrate the brand-building power of YouTube)

ELEMENT #1 – Share Social Media Stories

General Stories: Example #3 – Facebook Page – “When in Rome” Movie Preview (Demonstrates the convergence of traditional media with social media)

ELEMENT #1 – Share Social Media Success Stories

General Stories: Example #4 – Best Buy TwelpForce or Comcastcares on Twitter (Leveraging Social Media as an effective customer support channel)

ELEMENT #1 – Share Social Media Stories

Market Specific Stories:

• Provides relevancy to the target audience

• Serves as a powerful motivator to model in their own business

• Competitor examples or stories may further motivate them to get in the Social Media game.

ELEMENT #1 – Share Social Media Success Stories

Market-Specific Stories: Local Business Example #1 – AJBombers Restaurant in Milwaukee

ELEMENT #1 – Share Social Media Success Stories

Market-Specific Stories: Local Business Example #2 – Dominos Pizza Chain in Chicago

ELEMENT #1 – Share Social Media Success Stories

Market-Specific Stories:

Use Social Media tools to find market-specific examples

Facebook Page Search:

ELEMENT #1 – Share Social Media Success Stories

Market-Specific Stories:

Use Social Media tools to find market-specific examples

ELEMENT #1 – Share Social Media Success Stories

Personal Stories:

Personal examples of how social media has impacted your business / life etc….

ELEMENT #2 – Provide Relevant Social Media Stats

• It is important to provide data that affirms why Social Media is such a crucial channel for businesses today.

• Share stats that include the following:

Overall Social Media usage – the growth of social networking, online video, mobile marketing etc…

Demographic statistics for Social Media – I.e. The Facebook 55+ demographic grew by 900% in 2009.

Business growth and trends with Social Media

Growth of specific Social Networks (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin)

Comparison of the reach of Social Media vs traditional media

ELEMENT #2 – Provide Relevant Social Media Stats

Great Social Media Stats Resources: – 2010 Social Media Industry Report (top Social Media Blog on the web)

6.Google “Social Media Statistics 2010”


ELEMENT #2 – Provide Relevant Social Media Stats

Great Social Media Stats Resources: 8. Forrester Research Group – Social Media Technographics Ladder

ELEMENT #3 – Include “Selling Benefits” of Social Media

This part of your presentation will help to answer the “WIIFM” question!

Common Selling Benefits of Social Media Marketing:

Ignites positive brand recognition and connection with your target consumer audience.

Allows you to build community with a laser-targeted audience even before they visit your business or website.

Offers a highly cost-effective marketing channel over traditional media.

Brings an authentic face to your community which is so refreshing for consumers today.

ELEMENT #3 – Include “Selling Benefits” of Social Media

Common Selling Benefits of Social Media:

Social Media sites generate high listings in the search engines (YouTube Listings, Facebook Page Listings)

Social Media is a highly viral channel – content is transmitted at lightening speed.

The bottom line ……. Social Media is the fastest growing marketing medium the business world has ever seen. Your audience is hanging out there and so are your competitors!

ELEMENT #3 – Include “Selling Benefits” of Social Media

Common Selling Benefits of Social Media Marketing:

Why is it so important to maintain a positive brand image in the Social Media Space?

Share horror stories:

Kryptonite Locks

Baby Motrin Commercial

ELEMENT #4 – Provide “Social Proof”

This element coincides with the “Story Telling” element!

It is essential to substantiate your Social Media principles and benefits with clear-cut case studies and examples.

Case-examples should relevant to your target audience.

Ideal to bring your own client success stories – great lead generation tactic.

ELEMENT #4 – Provide “Social Proof”

Example: AJ Bombers and Social Media

Joe Sorge estimates 70% of AJBombers business comes from Twitter users.

Revenues grew 50% in the 2nd half of 2009. This is largely attributes to Joe’s Social Media efforts

ELEMENT #5 – Provide “Specifics”

One of the greatest “presentation killers” is to speak too much in “generalities” and not provide the “nitty gritty” specifics.

Always look to provide specific illustrations and reference points that are super relevant to the audience you are speaking to.

General Example:

• “A growing number of business are slowly starting to adopt Social Media into their business practices”.

Specific Example:

“It is estimated that in 2010, one in four small businesses in America are leveraging Social Media. That is a 100% increase from 2009!”

ELEMENT #6 – Use Steps and Lists

• People inherently love lists or a step-by-step sequence!

• Lists and steps make it much easier to follow and absorb.

• Social Media lends well to this structure.


• Six Steps to Building Your Local Business with Twitter.

• Seven Common Social Media Myths.

• Seven Reasons Social Media is a must for businesses in 2010.

• Top Ten Business-Building Twitter Tools.

ELEMENT #7 – Promote your Services

The two primary challenges for most small businesses are TIME and MONEY.

Points to convey:

• Social Media Marketing is super cost-effective, BUT requires time to effectively implement a powerful game plan.

• Your role is to help them leverage a potential new marketing medium in the most cost-effective and time-efficient manner as possible.

• Explain a bit about your business and how your services can specifically help them to effectively implement Social Media into their marketing activities.

• You may consider providing an offer at the end (if appropriate) such as a 15-30 minute free consult.

• Bring a business card or brochure.

Seven Quick Steps to Crafting a Winning SM Presentation

Case Example

Speaking Opportunity: 50 Interior Designers in Your Local Community.

Step One: Define Presentation Goals

What are your primary goals for this presentation?

Ignite the interest levels of Social Media Marketing among the Interior Design audience

Establish myself as a Social Media thought-leader in my community.

Generate 5 prospective client leads to follow-up with after the event.

Step Two: Identify Target Audience

• What are the challenges of being an Interior Designer in this local community? (I.e. Competition, Getting a Name, Marketing their portfolio)

• What specific ways might Social Media help to build their brand, visibility and name?

• Are there any ideal case examples of Interior Designer effectively leveraging Social Media for their business?

Step Three: Source Relevant Information

• What PowerPoint template should I use?

• What stats should I utilize that would be relevant to this audience?

• What photos/images should I incorporate into the presentation? (iStockphoto, Google Images)

• What Interior Designers are creatively using Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube etc….?

Step Four: Outline Presentation

Step Five: Create “Notes” Guide

Two Personal Preferences:

• Print out “3 to a page” PP hand-out and make some bullet points (quotes, special points you don’t want to miss)

• Word Document numbered by slides.

Step Six: Share with Trusted Colleague

• Adopt a presentation mentor – someone who will give you candid feedback on the presentation content, format and flow.

Questions to ask:

• Is the presentation simple and easy to follow?

• Is the content relevant to the target speaking audience?

• Does it include relevant and interesting stories/case examples? (Social Proof)

• Does it provide specifics?

• Does it transition well to the overview of my relevant services?

Step Seven: Practice, Practice, Practice

Presentation Best Practices



Social Media Presentation – Repurposing Strategies

Five Ways to Re-purpose Your Social Media Presentations:

1.Record the presentation virtually using Camtasia screencast recording software and add to your SM training library for clients.

Social Media Presentation – Repurposing Strategies

Five Ways to Re-purpose Your Social Media Presentations:

2. Create a FREE giveaway on your website with the Social Media Webinar recording.

Social Media Presentation – Repurposing Strategies

Five Ways to Re-purpose Your Social Media Presentations:

3. Use the hosted FLV player through to embed on blog or website.

Social Media Presentation – Repurposing Strategies

Five Ways to Re-purpose Your Social Media Presentations:

4. Share presentation slide show using (also can added MP3 audio too!)

Social Media Presentation – Repurposing Strategies

Five Ways to Re-purpose Your Social Media Presentations:

4. Share presentation slide show using (also can added MP3 audio too!)

Social Media Presentation – Repurposing Strategies

Five Ways to Re-purpose Your Social Media Presentations:

5. Produce an MP3 file and a PDF hand-out for the presentation and create a podcast in iTunes.

New to Delivering Presentations? A Few Ideas:

Consider joining a local “speakers” or “Toastmasters” group to develop your presentation skills.

Start out with a smaller group presentation (Meet-up Group)

Practice delivering a webinar or webcast (different experience then offline, but good practice)

Throw caution to the wind and go for it!!


IN 2010!

Social Media Success Story


Thanks for Listening to Today’s Session!

Supplementary Resources in Training Center

Power Point hand-out

PDF resource guide for session #1

Presentation best practices checklist

Video and MP3 Recordings will be available in 24-48 hours!

Presentation is the “Killer Skill” we take into the real world. It’s

almost an unfair advantage.The McKinsey Mind