Building a Culture of Recognition in your … · demonstrates his/her personal...

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Building a Culture of Recognition in your Organization…NOW!

April 19, 2013

Building Recognition into your Organizational Culture…NOW!

Greg Butterfield Partner, Terryberry

This is what we will share TODAY!!!


Best Practice Standards were developed by RPI - Recognition Professionals International.

RPI…Best Practice Standards!

1.Recognition Strategy 2.Management Responsibility 3.Metrics 4.Communication 5.Training 6.Events & Celebrations 7.Program Change & flexibility: Continuous Improvement

Best Practice Standards were developed by RPI - Recognition Professionals International.

Alignment with Business Strategy Three Dimensional Procedures Objectives Continuous Improvement

RPI #1…Recognition Strategy

Best Practice Standards were developed by RPI - Recognition Professionals International.

“What is Honored is Cultivated.” -Plato

1Greg Butterfield, Senior Partner Terryberry 2006

Attitudes Behaviors Contributions

Characteristics your Organization VALUES MOST


Flexible Dedicated

Results Oriented

Solid Work Ethic

Positive Disposition

Reliable Optimistic


Appreciative of Others

Entrepreneurial Spirit


Self Confident



Hard Working

Team Builder


Discretionary Effort

Innovative Cooperative

Detail Oriented

Good Communicator

Exceeds Expectations

Punctual Seldom Absent


Risk Taker

Safety Advocate

Good Listener

Self Directed



Takes Ownership

Quick Study


Customer Service Pro Flexible


Problem Solver

Technical Expert


Product Enhancement

Staff Development

Quality Improvement

Valuable Ambassador Increased Productivity

Service Award Recipient

Self Improvement

New Sales Leader

Cost Savings

Active learner


ABCs Adaptable Results Oriented Flexible Solid Work Ethic Positive Disposition Perseverance Optimistic Honest Appreciative of Others Entrepreneurial Spirit Accountable Self Confident Dedicated Enthusiastic Engaged Hard Working Team Builder

Good Communicator Innovative Creative Risk Taker Punctual Self Directed Safety Advocate Takes Ownership Detail Oriented Friendly Cooperative Exceeds Expectations Quick Study Seldom Absent Discretionary Effort Takes on Challenges Good Listener

Valuable Ambassador Active Learner Technical Expert Customer Service Pro Self Improvement New Sales Leader New Customer Leader Product Enhancement Customer Retention Problem Solver Sales Growth Cost Savings Quality Improvement Increased Productivity Innovation Mentor Staff Development

Anatomy of the 360° Platform!

Anatomy of the 360° Platform!


Anatomy of the 360° Platform!


RPI #2…Management Responsibility

Best Practice Standards were developed by RPI - Recognition Professionals International.

Senior Management: defines and documents the program policies,

procedures and objectives. demonstrates his/her personal involvement & support identifies and allocates adequate resources holds managers responsible for contributing Regularly reviews the program for business impact

What Managers Report Employees Want!

5. Interesting Work 4. Good Working

Conditions 3. Promotion & Growth 2. Job Security 1. Good Wages

Foreman Facts, Labor Relations Institute of NY,

10. Feeling “in” on things 9. Sympathetic help w/

personal problems 8. Appreciation for work

done. 7. Tactful Disciplining 6. Personal Loyalty to


But when Employeess are asked…

5. Good Wages!!! 4. Job Security 3. Sympathetic help on

personal problems (9) 2. Feeling “in” on things (10) 1. Appreciation for WORK

DONE!!* (8) *Foreman Facts, Labor Relations Institute of NY,

10. Tactful Disciplining 9. Good Working

Conditions 8. Promotion & Growth 7. Personal Loyalty to

Workers 6. Interesting Work

RPI #3…Program Metrics

Best Practice Standards were developed by RPI - Recognition Professionals International.

All credible programs must provide

measureable, positive business impact!

Target Employee Recognition

Build Employee Engagement

Improve Employee/Customer Satisfaction

Increase Bottom-Line Profitability

“ORGANIZATIONS actively seeking to improve employee engagement, including through the use of formal and informal recognition, financially outperform their competitors.”

Recognition = Profitability

RPI #4…Communication Plan

Best Practice Standards were developed by RPI - Recognition Professionals International.

Communicate your Mission, Vision and Values: Identify your audience (stakeholders, managers &

participants Develop your message (branding) Determine & maximize your available

communication resources

Market Your Recognition Initiative!

Why the program is in place

What it is meant to accomplish

How employees’ achievements impact them

Repetition, repetition, repetition

Market Your Recognition Initiative!

RPI #5…Recognition Training

Best Practice Standards were developed by RPI - Recognition Professionals International.

Give your frontline managers the skills & tools to effectively show appreciation: Needs Assessment Training, Toolbox, TTT, GiveAWOW Platform Leadership development for delivering recognition

effectively and personally Linking recognition with mission, vision & values

RPI #5…Recognition Training

How well do you know your PEOPLE?

Relationship or Results Oriented Workload Tolerance Sociability: Public or Private? Stress Tolerance Problem Solving Skills

Communication Preferences Individual or Team Orientation Creativity Quotient Learning Style Motivating Factors

RPI #6…Events & Celebrations

Best Practice Standards were developed by RPI - Recognition Professionals International.

Pre-event Planning: Involve a manager who takes time to prepare Choose the right person to present Know exactly why and speak in specifics Comments should be upbeat & positive Most importantly, create a clear line of sight between

the accomplishment & the company mission.

Connecting the Recognition DOTS!

1. Say Thank You

2. Tell the person what he/she did that got your attention!

3. What did the action mean to you as the supervisor?

4. What did the action mean to the organization?

5. How does it align with the Mission, Vision and Values

RPI #7…Continuous Improvement

Best Practice Standards were developed by RPI - Recognition Professionals International.

To ensure success, you must be willing to adapt and change. Change drivers include: Organizational changes (mergers, acquisitions, etc.) Managerial change Changes in operating environment (fiscal, RIF, etc.) Changes in strategic objectives Program Impact Metrics

The Value of saying THANK YOU…

Organizations that excel at employee recognition are 12 times more likely to generate strong business results… “RESEARCH found that in organizations where recognition occurs, employee engagement, productivity and customer service are about 14 percent better than in those where recognition does not occur. SOURCE Bersin & Associates Nov 7, 2012

What Today’s Employees want

From their WORK!

Recognition = Profitability

Belonging to an

organization with solid ethics,

good values & a strong sense of


Recognition = Profitability

Understanding how they fit into

the organization’s


Recognition = Profitability

Leadership from the C-Suite that is

trusted, consistent & VISIONARY

Recognition = Profitability

The opportunity to learn, grow & develop new skills

Recognition = Profitability

Being given respect & flexibility as a WHOLE PERSON, not just an employee

Recognition = Profitability

Having enjoyable, relationships as part of a social workplace team

Recognition = Profitability

Having a good working

relationship with their

immediate Supervisor

Recognition = Profitability

Knowing they are valued,

appreciated, acknowledged & recognized

Recognition = Profitability

Recognition. It’s a Manager’s ultimate tool.

Recognition = Profitability

“competitive advantage

and financial performance stem from the performance of people.”

Employee Lifetime Value (ELTV): Measuring the Long-Term Financial Contribution of Employees – Forum for People Performance Management and Measurement

Recognition = Profitability


Greg Butterfield Terryberry 1-800-253-3479