Building Efficiency Brand Architecture Efficiency Brand Architecture factory trained installer...

Post on 30-May-2018

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Your guide to the proper use of the “Facility Explorer by Johnson Controls Factory Trained Installer” logo designed for participating controls contractors.

Building Efficiency Brand Architecturefactory trained installer guidelines supplement

factory trained installer guidelines supplement 2010 2

Approved full color logo Color is a powerful means of visual identification. Consistent use of the full color identity will build visibility and recognition for the brand.

Never redraw the signature, translate it into another language, or modify its graphic elements or color. Use only approved electronic artwork (PMS 300 – blue and PMS 165 – orange)

Approved blue logo The logo may be reproduced in blue (PMS 661) in one-color applications such as on uniforms or commercial vehicles.

Approved black logo Use this version if black is the only color available; for example – letterhead for customer bid proposals.

Approved white logo The logo may be reversed out of color backgrounds as long as there is sufficient contrast to ensure legibility. Always use the approved artwork, because the white logo has been especially created to compensate for the optical thickening that occurs in all reversed art.

Color Background Examples Below are examples of how to use the logo on different color backgrounds. On solid color backgrounds, it is important to remember visibility and impact of the logo as well. The preferred white background for the full-color logo has the most impact.

Logo Versions

Approved full color logo

Approved blue logo

Approved black logo

Approved white logo

The colors shown on this page and throughout these guidelines have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc. for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE Color Standards. Consult current PANTONE publications for accurate color. PANTONE® is the property of Pantone, Inc.

Colored background examples

factory trained installer guidelines supplement 2010 3

This logo is designed for controls contractors who work for ABCS Distributors, installing Facility Explorer:

A controls contractor, who is installing the Facility Explorer product line that was purchased from an ABCS Distributor, should never use the stand alone Johnson Controls-owned trademark for any purpose. There is no relationship between the two entities. Rather, the contractor should use the “Facility Explorer by Johnson Controls Factory Trained Installer” logo (above).

The use of this logo is limited to commercial vehicles, employee apparel and customer bid proposals.

The controls contractor should always identify their company name or logo first, and most prominently. The “Facility Explorer by Johnson Controls Factory Trained Installer” logo should appear in a secondary position and smaller size.

Approved artwork for the “Factory Trained Installer” logo is available only from the appropriate Regional Communications Professional. The Regional Communications Professional will provide the artwork after confirming proper understanding of the rules for use as identified in this document.

All use of the “Factory Trained Installer” logo must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Johnson Controls Regional Communications Professional.

Logo Overview

factory trained installer guidelines supplement 2010 4

Do not add your company name to the logo.

Logo “Do Not” Examples



Do not delete any portion of the logo.

Do not attempt to recreate the logo.

Do not rearrange or resize the logo elements.

Do not use the logo as part of a sentence.

Do not alter the color of the logo or distort or skew any part of the logo.

works hard to provide a quality solution.

factory trained installer guidelines supplement 2010 5

A contractor should use their own letterhead and envelope format when submitting customer bid proposals. The “Factory Trained Installer” logo may simultaneously appear on letterhead, but must have adequate separation. The contractor’s logo must appear as the primary brand identification (larger) and the “Factory Trained Installer” logo must appear as a secondary (smaller) brand.

The “Factory Trained Installer” logo cannot appear on the envelope.

All use of the “Factory Trained Installer” logo must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Johnson Controls Regional Communications Professional.

Customer Bid Proposals do’s don’ts

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DON’T use the “Factory Trained Installer” logo as the primary brand identity.

DON’T use the “Factory Trained Installer” logo on the envelope.


factory trained installer guidelines supplement 2010 6

A contractor’s company logo and the “Factory Trained Installer” logo may simultaneously appear on employee apparel, but must have adequate separation. The contractor’s logo must appear as the primary brand identification (larger) and the “Factory Trained Installer” logo must appear as a secondary (smaller) brand.

All use of the “Factory Trained Installer” logo must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Johnson Controls Regional Communications Professional.

Apparel do’s don’ts

DON’T use the “Factory Trained Installer” logo as the primary identifier.

DO use your logo on left breast, with optional

“Factory Trained Installer” logo on right.

factory trained installer guidelines supplement 2010 7

A contractor’s company logo and the “Factory Trained Installer” logo may simultaneously appear on vehicle signage, but must have adequate separation. The contractor’s company logo must appear as the primary brand identification (larger) and the “Factory Trained Installer” logo must appear as a secondary (smaller) brand. The logo may appear in full color, blue, black or white. Common sense rules apply.

All use of the “Factory Trained Installer” logo must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Johnson Controls Regional Communications Professional.

Commercial Vehicle Signage do’s


DO use your logo as primary identifier.

DO use “Factory Trained Installer” logo as secondary identifier.