Building faster websites Front-end performance

Post on 17-May-2015

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Mihai Oaida<> 1

AIESEC IT School 2012

Building faster websitesFront-end performance

Mihai Oaida<> 2

About me

Mihai Oaida Senior Web developer Student M.S.E. Politehnica Timi oaraș

Mihai Oaida<> 3


Web application architecture Web application performance Frontend performance The 14 rules Other tips Tools Conclusions

Mihai Oaida<> 4

Web application architecture

Mihai Oaida<> 5

Web application architecture

Mihai Oaida<> 6

Web application performance

How do you measure it ? How users react to it? Why is it important?

Mihai Oaida<> 7


Douglas Crockford on browsers:

”The most hostile software developement enviroment imaginable”

Wrote "JavaScript the Good Parts"

Mihai Oaida<> 8

Frontend performance

Time spent on the client side The client side model 80-90% of the total time Factors

Host machine Network bandwidth Network latency Number of web resources

Mihai Oaida<> 9

The 14 rules

Rule 1: Make fewer HTTP requests Use sprites for images Merge css files Merge js files Use multiple subdomains

Mihai Oaida<> 10

The 14 rules

Rule 2: Use a CDN ( Content delivery network )

or Use dedicated server(s) just for static Use asynchronous web servers: Lighthttpd, nginx Use cookie free domains TCP slow start

Rule 3: Add an Expires Header Rule 4: Gzip Components

Mihai Oaida<> 11

The 14 rules

Rule 5: Put Stylesheets at the Top Rule 6: Put Scripts at the Bottom

Blocking scripts: document.write <script src="script.js">/script>

Mihai Oaida<> 12

The 14 rules

Rule 7: Avoid CSS Expressions Rule 8: Make JavaScript and CSS External Rule 9: Reduce DNS Lookups Rule 10: Minify JavaScript

Mihai Oaida<> 13

The 14 rules

Rule 11: Avoid Redirects Rule 12: Remove Duplicate Scripts Rule 13: Configure Etags Rule 14: Make Ajax Cacheable

Mihai Oaida<> 14

Lazy loading


70-80% downloaded code is not executed immediately for payloads of 100-300K

No blocking javascript

Example: google image search

Mihai Oaida<> 15

Lazy execution

Execute js code faster than with eval()

function sayHi(){

scriptContent = 'alert("hi")';

scriptElem = document.createElement('script');

head = document.getElementByTagName('head')[0]


scriptElem.text = scriptContent


Mihai Oaida<> 16

Lazy loading

Dynamic load script after page load

function loadScript(){

scriptElem = document.createElement('script');

scriptElem.src = "";

head = document.getElementByTagName('head')[0]



Mihai Oaida<> 17


document end download rate parsing time inline javascript execution

document load on load event - all resources loaded

Mihai Oaida<> 18

Profiling - After <head>

<script type="text/javascript">

documentStart = new Date().getTime();


Mihai Oaida<> 19

Profiling - Before </body>

<script type="text/javascript">documentEnd = new Date().getTime()-documentStart;


callbackUrl =''; documentLoad = new Date().getTime()-documentStart; profileTokens = { 'document_end':documentEnd, 'document_load':documentLoad, 'page' : window.location.href.split('.ro')[1] };

Mihai Oaida<> 20

Profiling - Before </body>

i=0; for(k in profileTokens) { delim = (i==0?'?':'&'); callbackUrl+= delim+k+'='+profileTokens[k]; i++; };

img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = callbackUrl; document.body.appendChild(img); });


Mihai Oaida<> 21


Tools HttpWatch Wireshark Firebug Yslow Web developement Tools


Mihai Oaida<> 22


Each rule has a different impact Rules are not all mandatory Measure first Measure after

Mihai Oaida<> 23

Thank you!