Building Relationships as DOM’s Building Relationships, Networking, & Partnering Together.

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Building Relationships as

DOM’sBuilding Relationships, Networking, &

Partnering Together

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? We as DOM’s are in a ministry where it is essential

to build networks.

We need to be building networks with key lay leaders within our churches, pastors, and staff.

Today, more than ever, it is important to network and make connections with others – if for no other reason than to prepare for the day when the denomination hierarchy pulls the rug out from under the association in order to perpetuate their survival.

What will the association which survives in the future

look like? The association which will survive in the future will be one which

is self-sustaining, self-supporting, and self-propagating.

Networking for the association of the future, will be one of the most important if not most important things you will be doing.

Local associations will become more of a network of aligned churches over an association of churches with the same affiliation.

The art of building alliances, is a critical skill set for Director of Missions in the future as they seek to influence pastors and staff at all levels.

It is often said, “It's not what you know, but who you know." This maxim is not completely true - training skills and knowledge skills are also critical for success as a DOM, but there is a ring of truth to it. Get to know your churches leaders

What will the association which survives in the future

look like? Many associations leaders are intimidated by the word

"networking" because they feel they do not have the personality type and/or skills to walk among a roomful of strangers or function like a social butterfly in order to make a connection and build relationships..

Understand that there are many ways to network and it is less important how you do it compared with doing it at all. Some DOMs feel more comfortable networking one-on-one rather than in large groups. That is fine but it will take you longer. Doing both group and one-on-one is the strongest pattern. View networking as getting to know others and letting others get to know you.

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? I know it’s cliché, but there’s an old saying that

goes, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” 

So, here is what I think you should do with your networked connections: GIVE FIRST. Which leads me to my point – there is a difference between building your network and building relationships. Ask your networks what you can do for them first.

Zig Ziglar’s motto is: “You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”  

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? Here are 9 ways to nurture your networks: 1. Congratulate Them. When someone

as pastor, church, or group within a church has a victory or achieved something significant, send a congratulatory note and inquire about the breakthrough. Use this as the opportunity to catch up on other matters and provide an update on the things the association is doing to help local churches and groups within the churches.

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? Here are 9 ways to nurture your networks: 2. Mail Something. Everything is

electronic now, except when it’s not and then it stands out. To get someone’s attention at a church, hand write a note and mail it them. Finished a good book or interesting magazine article that you think a pastor would love? Make a copy of it and mail it to the pastor with a note expressing why you’re sending it.

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? Here are 9 ways to nurture your networks: 3. Ask Their Opinion. Your churches, pastors,

and lay leaders are in your associations network for a reason, so remember to take advantage of their knowledge and experience. While taking care not to contact people too much, reach out when you have a genuine need and you know your contact will be able to assist. Inquire about other matters related to the church during the exchange and thank your contact for helping out.

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? Here are 9 ways to nurture your

networks: 4. Meet with the Pastors in Person.

Remember to meet local pastors for coffee or lunch periodically. For remote connections within your association, this may not be possible all the time. But if they are coming to an event you offer try to go to lunch with them specifically while they are there with you.

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? Here are 9 ways to nurture your networks: 5. Send Links but Personalize. See a

link that one of your pastors or lay leaders might appreciate? Send it to them and explain why the link made you think of them and how you thought it would be useful.

Remember not to send too many links to the same person. Choose wisely, resource frequently a few pastors at a time.

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? Here are 9 ways to nurture your networks: 6. Make Ongoing Introductions.

Chances are, many of your pastors, staff, and lay leaders in your churches could help each other out if only they were connected. When you feel an introduction would be beneficial, introduce two of your leaders to each other. Don’t think that they already know each other and the skills one another possess.

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? Here are 9 ways to nurture your networks: 7. Check In Not Out. If you do not have

an explicit reason to reach out to a pastor or leader, try sending a short note to check in and inquire about ways you might assist them.

Provide a brief update about what you have been doing for other churches and thank the person for being part of your associational network of churches.

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? Here are 9 ways to nurture your networks: 8. Re-Introduce Yourself. The truth is we

connect with so many people on networks like LinkedIn that for some people we can’t remember why or when we connected. Perform periodic network housekeeping and reach out to these contacts, conceding that losing touch “a little” is sometimes inevitable, but that you are interested in what is new with them and their church.

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? Here are 9 ways to nurture your networks: 9. Let Them Breathe. Networks of churches,

church leaders, and pastors need time and air to flourish. Take care to nurture your church networks and give the people in it the space and room they need to breathe.

Networks of churches which are squashed usually are done so because the association leader has little to do and is anxious to try to force connection instead of working on things which will bring value and get ready in the slow times.

What will the association which survives in the

future look like?

Changing the Way You Think About Your Association!

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? Become more of a resourcing group able to minister locally in

multiple ways providing both annual trainings and just-in-time trainings on issues necessary for the health and vitality of the local church.

An association of the future will be less concerned about geography and more concerned about Jesus! It will have alliances with like minded churches.

An association of the future will place a larger emphasis on the future over the past.

An association of the future will be in touch with the times.

Eliminate old newsletters for electronic “quick in time” newsletters designed to reach a large group over a small one.

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? An association of the future will have numerical

strength in the number of churches it serves or it will merge with one that does (critical mass & sustainability issue).

An association of the future will let go of much of what it is doing presently and focus on three to four big tasks which the local church cannot accomplish by itself.

An association of the future will eliminate repetitive ministries which churches are already doing.

An association of the future will plant unapologetically new churches any where, any time, and any how!

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? An association of the future will eliminate old

structures of associationalism. Such as:

monthly meetings for the purpose of meeting

Bi-annual meetings with few in attendance

Large committees made up of the entire association

Meetings designed to support another organizations interest

Lethargic systems which make it hard to move with impact at a moments notice

Top heavy staffs which are more about self preservation rather than ministry expansion.

Too many chiefs and not enough followers

Ignorance of technology and fearful of new social media channels

Out dated constitutions, bylaws, and personnel manuals.

What will the association which survives in the

future look like? An association of the future will work in significant ways

to revitalize and strengthen existing churches.

An association of the future will raise up leaders out of the harvest churches of the association.

An association of the future will raise up, train up, and deploy out pastors and planters. We train them in Central Florida and we keep them in central Florida!

An association of the future will become self sustaining, self supporting and self propagating.

Become more global in its expression: Local, Statewide, National, & Global (Big Brother is not doing that for you!)

Questions to Consider While 

Helping Churches Become Effective Partners with God for His Kingdom

Questions to Consider

What are the things which you would say you do well?

What do you sense to be the three big ministries for you in the future?

What are the big long term goals of the association currently?

Questions to Consider

How have you utilized technology to get your message out to your churches?

Do you use Facebook?

Do you use Twitter?

Do you use some type of contact system such as constant contact?

When was your website last updated?

How big is your electronic mailing list for your e-newsletter?

Questions to Consider

What are the things which you would say you do not do as well?

What are the things lacking which need to be shore up?

Would a part-time DOM work for you?

If you considered a part time DOM how many days a week is he needed?

How many staff are on the payroll currently?

Questions to Consider

How are your finances in the association?

Can you afford a DOM at your present state of finances?

Have you explored joining a growing association in a merger and allow them to resource you and your churches?

Have you considered having a DOM serve two associations?

Santa Fe River Baptist Association

Are there any ministries which you could currently give back to the local church because they are a better fit to do these ministries?

Are there any ministries you do which should be eliminated?

Would you say that your association is better equipped to reach out and plant new churches or conduct community social ministries?

Would you say that your association is better equipped to revitalize unhealthy churches or conduct touch ministries around the county you serve?

Questions to Consider

What do you see are your responsibilities in regards to the programs of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma?

Populating Your Network

The people in your network can:

Help you solve a difficult problem

Provide perspective

Teach you new things

Support your efforts

Inform you of new opportunities

Populating Your Network

Celebrate your successes

Give you valuable feedback

Help you relieve stress

Populating Your Network

Your associational network should include people with a variety of connections to you, and who serve in different ways, such as:

People with technical knowledge which is needed

Social Media strategists

People with external perspectives (those which can coach you!)

People with business knowledge

Populating Your Network

Your associational network should include people with a variety of connections to you, and who serve in different ways, such as:

People with organizational awareness (Historical and Present day)

People with knowledge of your communities in which your churches serve.

People with backgrounds different from yours (cultural, gender, age, educational, occupational, etc.)

Social Networkingto a Larger Audience

Online, or social networking, combines the traditional networking you do with the power of the Internet. It allows you to create a community of virtual contacts; people you never would have met any other way.

Examples of social networking sites include LinkedIn, Fast Company Community of Friends, Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo Groups.

Building Relationships 101

Make New Relationships

Always Be Prepared

Shareable Ideas


Take the time, give the time and spend The time

Reach Out and then reach out some more!


Making the Association

“Church Planting Friendly”

Planning for Church Planting:

The association must be pro-active in planning for new churches.


Mission Development Team



Enlistment/Awareness Meetings

Prayer: Lead the association to pray that God will reveal locations, sponsor/partners, and church planters.

Mission Development Team: Every association should use a team or committee to meet and plan for new churches.

Probes: Contact your state convention partners to schedule a probe in the coming year. A Probe identifies areas where new churches are needed.

Training: Your association can provide training events of various kinds to assist in leadership development at different levels.


Meetings: The Director of Missions will invite pastors and key laity to take a visual look at areas that need a new church (identified by a probe), and then over a meal the Church Planting strategist will share the process for starting new churches, challenging pastors to consider partnering in a new work.

Promoting Church Planting: The local association is uniquely positioned to raise awareness to the significance of church planting for the Kingdom of God. Leadership

Associational meetings

Probe Maps



Leadership: The associational missionary and other key associational leaders must be convinced that new churches are the most effective way of reaching your state for Christ. The missionary and his family may want to pray about joining a new church.

Associational Meetings: Allow church planters, sponsor pastors, and core group members to speak at various gatherings of the association, sharing what God is doing in new churches.

Probe Maps: Display Probe result maps in the office and at association meetings in other locations.

Newsletter: Include a regular column in every newsletter highlighting news from new churches, needs, and future new work priorities.

Testimonies: Arrange for a new Christian from a new work to share his or her testimony at an associational meeting.

Networking Sponsor/partner Churches: The association can be the common source for pulling together multiple partners, even handling checking accounts, IRS requirements, etc., until a primary sponsor can be enlisted. Sometimes the association will act as the primary sponsor until the new church becomes a self-supporting congregation.

Office Space: A new work pastor often needs a place to study, use the phone, etc. This can be done if the association has unused rooms, or by temporarily setting up offices in conference rooms, etc. This also allows for regular mentoring and accountability between the Associational Missionary and the new work pastor.

Office Equipment: A new church usually doesn’t have copiers, computers, fax machines, folding machines, or even telephones. Make this a part of the associations ministry and if possible, at no charge to the church.

Secretarial Help: Association secretaries and treasurers could assist the new work in office needs, accounting and checkbook maintenance.

Meeting Space: When possible, the association office could be used for a meeting place for core groups. Often new churches that meet in schools or other public buildings cannot use them on Sunday nights or for mid-week services. The association office could meet this need.

Provisions for Church Planting: The local association can be a significant partner in meeting the financial needs of a new church. The state convention along with sponsor/partner churches cannot meet every need of a new church.

Salary Support

Start Up Funds

Church Planting Endowment

Salary Support: The association should budget salary support for new churches.

Start Up Funds: Funds should be set aside and accumulated through the association budget to assist a new work in funding needs other than salary, such as promotion costs, equipment, rent, renovations, materials.

Church Planting Endowment: An endowment fund with guidelines established by the association could raise support for land purchases, salary support, start-up funds, and matching funds to be used for the continuous starting of new churches.

Conclusion: New churches are birthed by God into a family. In Southern Baptist life, that family is the local association. Every association can strive to become more“Church Planting Friendly”making a life-long bond with the new churches from conception.

Partnership To Plant

A Cooperative Effort To Reach People For Christ In The Association

Partnership’s Positive Purpose

Perspective – the focus is Christ & His KINGDOM

Purpose & Passion – renews the Vision of Partnering churches

Power – strong support means a stronger start!

Proud Parents – something worthwhile to celebrate

What Is A Partnership?

A Relationship…between a church that “is” and a church “to be”.

A Commitment… of an existing church or churches to faithfully support the planting of a new church for a given period of time.

Key Ingredients For A Healthy Partnership

Pastor Support – willing to COMMIT People Support – willing to GO

Prayer Support – willing to ASK Financial Support - willing to GIVE Covenant Relationship – willing to SUPPORT Communication – willing to RELATE

Top Five Ways NOT To Partner

5… Once a year remember the mission

4…Send money but no missionaries.

3…Let this be a Church Committee project

2…Send money but no prayers

1…Send no money, no prayers, & no missionaries!

How To Begin A Partnership

Pray About The Need For A New Work

Communicate The Need To Church

Commit To Partner & Covenant

Plan The Work

Provide The People & Resources

Things Which are Working Around GOBA!

Changing the Way You Think About Your Association!

Some examples to consider:

Our Three Primary Emphases

Using Constant Contact for:


Mass emails

E-magazine (bi-monthly)

Quick responses to pastors, church staff and

RENOVATE mailings

Using Social Media Architecture:

Developing An Intentional Church Revitalization


To get the app, you can go to the Google Play Store or the Apple Apps Store and search for Renovate Conference. You can download a copy of this presentation or subscribe to the Church Revitalizer Weekly Blog from Tom Cheyney.

The Church Revitalization Assistance Team

Monthly TrainingWith

Dr. Tom

Facebook: RENOVATE National Church Revitalization Conference

Things Which are Working Around GOBA!

GOBA South office opens February 9, 2012 for our churches in South Orlando and Osceola County!

Things Which are Working Around GOBA!

Weekly Podcast and Weekly Blog emphasizing the need for church revitalization and renewal.

Process to become a member of GOBA is a lot easier. It is online and goes to our Credentials Committee as soon as the send button is pushed.

Eliminating worn-out bureaucracy of the past. We want to say yes over no in this process.

Things Which are Working Around GOBA!

Better attendance at quarterly GOAL meetings (instead of monthly).

We were wearing them out after eight years of the same process.

Things Which are Working Around GOBA!

DOM getting to know our pastors and churches. Networking, engaging, and equipping our pastors and churches. One-on-one personal touch with church staff & members.

Result: Our pastors are getting more involved in the work of the association!

More people now recognize our “brand!”

Things Which are Working Around GOBA!

Developing partnership alliances with Pasco Baptist Association and Shiloh Baptist Association. This is where we help them with events at GOBA’s expense and provide them our speakers a day after we use them. We also utilize our CRAT in helping them begin to work towards CRR.


Building Relationships as

DOM’sBuilding Relationships, Networking, &

Partnering Together