Building Scalable and Personalized News Feed

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Building Scalable and Personalized News Feed

“activity streams”

Eyal Ronel for Web Developers Community

Eyal RonelR&D Manager at


Overview1. Getting familiar with the concepts of activity streams

2. Differentiating between feeds and “dashboards”

3. Understanding the challenges

4. Guidelines on how to build you own feed mechanism

News FeedWhat is it?

Not A Feed…

Bank Leumi - iOS App

Not A Feed… latest Headlines top rated songs

Popular Feeds

Instagram• Users can follow/unfollow other users

• A News feed (used to) consists of all items submitted by users you’re following

• Feed Items include images, videos and ads

• Sorted chronologically


• Users can follow/unfollow other users

• A News feed consists of all items submitted by users you’re following

• Feed Items include textual tweets, images, videos and ads

• Sorted chronologically


• Users can friend/unfriend other users

• User can follow/unfollow other users (new friends are followed by default)

• A News feed consists of selected items submitted by users you’re following (not only your friends)

• Feed Items include status updates, images, videos, checkins, ads, etc

• Sorted by Relevancy(!)



Understanding the challenge

Understanding the challenge



Understanding the challenge

The challenge

• Main challenge (back end):Aggregating all posts, from all “followed” users , into a single, unified display

• Paging a constantly updating list of items

• Displaying newly added feed items after initial rendering

Can this work?


Lets try..

SELECT * FROM POSTS WHERE user_id IN (<followerID1>,…<FollowerIdN>) LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0 ORDERBY date

What if I’m following 1,000 users? 10,000 users? 100K users?

SELECT * FROM Following WHERE user_id = “<My User ID>

LEFT JOIN Users ON = Following.user_id

Far from optimal, does not scale


• A Complicated / Resource consuming query is more suitable for reports / dashboards

• A Feed is not a Dashboard

Data - Items share the same data structure, usually from a single data source

Visual - Items are visually similar

Sorting - Items are usually presented in an ordered list (by “Score” or Date)

A result of an “aggregation” query (JOIN, GROUP, etc)

• Data - Items are “enveloped”, and may contain different data structures, from multiple sources

• Visual - Different Visual for different feed items, depending on their type

• Sorting - “Relevancy scoring”

• A result of a simple query!…but how?

Dashboard Feed


• Replicate data

• Work hard on insert

• Use simple queries to fetch

Feed Terminology



Object ID

Fan out Feed ItemsAction Followers

Verb Feed


Relevancy Scoring!

Feed TerminologyActor - A user performing an action (status update, image post, other)

Verb - Unique value describing the action’s type. for example: 1 = status update, 2 = image

Action - A record containing the actor’s id, verb, object id and additional meta-data. An action will be eventually become multiple feed items

Feed Terminology

Fan out - The process of distributing a single action to all followers. turning an action to multiple items.

Followers - A list of users subscribed to updates for a specific feed

Object ID - The object ID (database id) of the entity the action is describing * (A post about an image, is not the image itself)

Feed Terminology

Item - A single instance of, or reference to an action inside a user’s feed

Feed - A list of items assigned/associated with a specific actor (user)

Feed Data Flow

Action Feed items

People don’t follow people, feeds follow feeds

One last thing before we can start…

In many cases, a single user has 2 feeds:

• News feed - a private feed containing items from his/her friends. Technically, a user’s news feed is following other public feeds (profiles/timeline feeds)

• Profile (timeline) - a public feed listing all action performed by the current user.A ‘profile’ is actually a feed where all items have the same actor (the feed’s owner)

Feeds follow Feeds

My privatenews feed

Yaron’spublic feed

Noa’spublic feed/profile

Itai’spublic feed

Yaron’spublic feed

Eyal’spublic feed/profile

Itai’spublic feed

Noa’s private news feed

Feed Actions• Modifying fanned-out feed items editing a “fanned-

out” post

• Adding Likes

• Adding Shares

• Existing Pub/Sub mechanisms

• Using relational databases - why/why not?