Bulletin 2/2008

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ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 1

ISMA NEWSInternational 6mJI Association


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thbulletin association suisse 2/2008

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ISMA News International 6mJI Association2

Inhalt ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………2Editorial …………………………………………………………………………………………………………3President’s address ………………………………………………………………………………………………9The World Cup is Missing Some Pieces ……………………………………………………………………… 10From the Treasurer …………………………………………………………………………………………… 11End of official ISMA news …………………………………………………………………………………… 146mJI activites in France ……………………………………………………………………………………… 15Un championnat en tout point réussi ! ……………………………………………………………………… 15Championnat Français 2008 ………………………………………………………………………………… 212009 COUPE DE L’ENTENTE CORDIALE ……………………………………………………………… 22PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF RACE ……………………………………………………………………… 226mJI activites in Switzerland ………………………………………………………………………………… 22Nouveau rendez vous sur le Léman ………………………………………………………………………… 25We are preparing the 2010 Europeans in Switzerland ……………………………………………………… 266mJI activites in Denmark …………………………………………………………………………………… 276mJI activites in Great Britain ……………………………………………………………………………… 28QUEEN CHRISTINA NATIONS CUP ……………………………………………………………………… 28Hiver des Metriques 2008/09 ………………………………………………………………………………… 316mJI activites in USA ………………………………………………………………………………………… 332008 New England Summer Series - 2008 Olin J Stephens II Classics ……………………………………… 352008 Sir Thomas Lipton Challenge Cup Results …………………………………………………………… 372008 North American Six Meter Championships …………………………………………………………… 386mJI time schedule for 2009 World Cup in Newport ………………………………………………………… 39THE INTERNATIONAL SIX METRE CLASS …………………………………………………………… 41WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ………………………………………………………………………………… 41Provisional participants at the Newport World Cup 2009 …………………………………………………… 436mJI activites in Italy ………………………………………………………………………………………… 456mJI activites in Germany …………………………………………………………………………………… 46Termine 2009 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 486mJI activites in Finland ……………………………………………………………………………………… 496mJI activites in Finland ……………………………………………………………………………………… 50The Nicholas Sinebrychoff Challenge Trophy in Finland …………………………………………………… 516mJI activites in Spain ……………………………………………………………………………………… 52Classic News ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 54Market place ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 57Information of general interest ……………………………………………………………………………… 57Race Calendar 2009 ………………………………………………………………………………………… 58Closing words ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 59


Photos without © are all by Gilles Favez

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 3

EditorialThe Six Metre, did you say?

Is there even one among you who doesn’t yet know this esoteric equation which the 1907 London Conference of the nascent I.Y.R.U. worked so hard to produce? It arrives at the number 6 after a series of calculations even more abstruse than those devised by Einstein to describe relativity and space-time.You all know the equation, of course! But why the devil did those charged with casting the International Rule in bronze choose the number 6 to emerge from their complex calculations? Isn’t 7 the golden number? Isn’t 3 better balanced? And what about 2, with its fine bow-like curve ready to divide a wave, wouldn’t it be more appropriate from a naval architecture point of view?These questions remained long unanswered until a nautical historian, after sifting through the archives of the Con-ference, found the missing link. The reason the equation yields the famous number 6 is that it permitted the learned participants to render homage to six geniuses. Working in private, these six had already formulated an exceptional class of yachts which lacked only one thing: a name.Shortly before the Paris meetings of the I.Y.R.U., an optician, a prison guard, a pharmacist, a fishing rod maker, a submariner and also an haute couture tailor (each a master within his own specialty) had met to design the boat they hoped would become “the standard” for races around three buoys.“My wish”, decreed the optician during the sextet’s first round of feverish brainstorming, “is to design a boat such that no one aboard can see what’s happening to leeward!”“To complicate things further”, continued the prison guard, “the boat shall be completely uncomfortable for the crew, who will be chained to the bottom of the bilge and prohibited from letting anything other than the top of their heads emerge above the deck.”“Perfect”, said the pharmacist, “everything is in place so that I can supply the crew with elastic bandages and so-othing creams to ease their sprains and black ‘n blues.”“As for me”, added the fishing rod specialist, “I’d like to see a mast so long and so fragile that the rigging required to keep it upright will resist all efforts at tuning.”“Bravo, replied the submariner, and what if, to top it all, we designed the yacht so that, at the first wave across the deck, it seeks to dive, unless the crew toils permanently at the pumps.”“All your ideas seem excellent, concluded the haute couture tailor, but to make things more exciting, why not de-sign a sail plan which cannot be reefed. Above 20 knots, it will be a pure pleasure to race the boat.”And thus the Six Metre was born! The only thing left to do was to write down the equations describing this revo-lutionary yacht, which the Conference duly approved in October 1907.During the first years, dozens were built – a true success! Even the most pessimistic estimate of the total number built exceeds 1,500 and Tim Street, that tireless hunter, has unearthed more than 400 still afloat or restorable to-day.One wonders why there has been such enthusiasm for a craft which, to all appearances, can only be rigged by five, one-eyed, slightly masochistic jailbirds. Why is it still “the standard” for all who love racing round the buoys? Most probably because these boats, the epitome of elegance, have something in them which makes them want to sail … without wind! At the slightest flap of the wing of an Amazon songbird, be they racing at Cowes, Capetown or Sydney, these yachts will feel that puff of wind and begin to move, like magic. And even when that Brazilian warbler pauses an instant, any well-bred Six summons up something from deep down within her gentle curves to keep moving until the next gentle puff.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association4

But the key to the Six Metre’s success is not only its surprising speed. Having long studied the phenomenon, the Royal Society of Psychoanalysts recently announced at its international congress that it had discovered the true reason: unadulterated folly!This folly surreptitiously enters the mind of any yachtsman who has sailed one of these boats, and then completely takes hold of him as the miles pass under her hull. One feature of the folly is to render its subject oblivious to the consequences of letting a Six into one’s life, for example:- the need to find or build a boat to own; spending entire nights dreaming about her and then days negotiating with a very down-to-earth boatyard about how to bringing her to life,- finding a shed where the loved one can be snug during the winter;- adapting a busy professional life to the exigencies of the class’s race schedule;- recruiting, training and then struggling to retain four ever fickle crew members;- buying a gas guzzler and a monster trailer - or even a lorry and its special driver’s license – to transport her,- travelling hundred of kilometres at a snail’s pace, with 5 tons hulking in the rear view mirror;- arriving at a dock to have her lifted, then masted and finally rigged, only to realise that her new set of sails were left back home;- trying again and again to tune rigging which adamantly refuses to respect the basic concepts of physics.

Classic at the start

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 5

And for what?All that for two or three days of races, sometimes cancelled by a Force 6 wind, thus obliging everyone to stay at the clubhouse where they can recount, for the umpteenth time, past races, the ones when one won the chocolate cup, but ever ready to do it all over again!The first deranged member of this species that I ran into, some forty years ago, lived in Brest. He was a wine bro-ker, stationed there to watch the arrival of Algerian and Maroccan wine tankers with their cargoes of Sidi Brahim or Boulaouane, which he then sold on to the Atlantic Fleet. Not content with merely participating in races organi-sed by the Naval Academy in Brest harbour, Jacques Lemonze fitted his Six with a removable cabin top which he claimed had transformed her into a dry ocean racer. The wild man competed and often won races such as Brest - La Trinité [100 nm] and Helford River (Cornwall) – Aber Wra’ch (Brittany) [80 nm].“Bring only your boots, your best foulies and a box of sea biscuits. With a few of my bottles of Boulaouane, we’ll have all we need!”, this superman once instructed me, “but forget your sleeping bag, we won’t have time to sleep!”A cross-Channel race with him was a revelation - damp, but fantastic. An underwater passage, the wind blowing like a bloated horse, encircled by freighters and with the “bit in her teeth” of the bow serving as running lights!It was undoubtedly that night that I discovered the true pleasure of sailing. But somehow, preferring to roam the seas instead of racing around buoys, I slowly forgot Sixes and all their follies. During this time, dreams gave way to reason and Sixes almost faded away, replaced by boats that were less demanding, but as insipid as Canada Dry which, despite its advertised comparison to champagne, bears perhaps a mild resemblance, but has neither the taste nor the virtues.Luckily, our British and Scandinavian neighbours were wise enough not to discard the boats they loved. There remained a starting batch ready to renew the previous glory of the class.It was then that Stefan first showed me his “Tsigane”. Without even stepping aboard, I immediately fell under the goddess’ spell, propped up as she was on top of an antique lorry that Stefan tried to master on the barely paved roads of Brittany. Since then, with delight, I learned how to crew again, chained to the foot of the mast with a weighty helmet on my head, peeking under the foot of the genoa unable to see anything, getting cramps in my neck while trimming the spinnaker, stepping on my own feet as I pumped madly as if descending into hell, trying to see lay-lines under a cataract of water … or … waiting for hours until the race committee’s wind vane stopped spinning like a top so as, finally, to be able to race.It’s been a magnificent joy shared with other madmen, mainly Anglo-Saxon, that Stefan has managed to attract to Bénodet and, more recently, to La Trinité for an exceptional European Championship. This wonderful series of races will, I hope, move the Yacht Club de France to put the sumptuous Coupe de France, currently in hibernation in its “salons” of the Avenue Foch, back in competition for Sixes, the class so loved by Virginie Hériot.This ongoing chronicle of folly is nowhere near its end. Next year, the Americans, whose fleet is growing by leaps and bounds, will hold the World Championships at Newport. For those left behind in Europe, President Stefan is already preparing a new contest of “cordiality” at La Trinité!Thus, all my thanks to the creators of a near perfect International Rule, to those six geniuses who aimed to design “the” dream boat a century ago, and also to all you fellow dreamers who keep the class alive today. Yes, Sixes are pure folly, but how true it is that, while the insane lose nearly all their senses, the bit of sanity that remains permits them to focus on what re-ally matters!© Jean E. Mauviel, alias John-John (or Jean-Jean, for the Brits)

Vert Galant FRA 99

ISMA News International 6mJI Association6


Lequel d’entre vous ignore cette formule ésotérique qui, laborieusement mise au point lors de la Conférence de l’ I.Y.R.U à Londres en 1907 permet de parvenir au chiffre 6 à la suite d’une série de calculs plus savants encore que ceux imaginés par Einstein pour résumer la relativité et l’espace-temps ?Aucun, bien entendu ! Mais pourquoi diable ceux qui décidèrent de couler dans le bronze la Jauge Internationale choisirent-ils ce chiffre 6 comme résultat ultime de leurs calculs alambiqués ? Le nombre d’or n’est-il par 7 ? Le 3 n’est-il pas plus équilibré ? Le 2 et son rostre prêt à fendre la vague n’est-il pas plus approprié en matière d’architecture navale ?Ce mystère resta entier jusqu’au jour où, épluchant les archives de la Conférence, un historien de la chose maritime ne découvre le pot aux roses : la volonté de parvenir à ce fameux chiffre 6 résultait simplement du fait qu’à travers leur fameuse formule, les doctes conférenciers internationaux voulaient, avant toute chose, rendre hommage aux six génies qui, en confidence, avaient déjà mis au point un yacht exceptionnel auquel il ne manquait qu’une chose : un nom générique. Peu de temps en effet avant les réunions parisiennes de l’I.Y.R.U, un opticien, un gardien de prison, un apothicaire, un fabriquant de cannes à pêche, un sous-marinier, plus un grand couturier (tous maîtres dans leurs disciplines respectives), s’étaient réunis pour concevoir le bateau dont ils espéraient qu’il devienne « la référence » en matière de régates entre trois bouées.« Mon désir, avait décrété l’opticien lors des premières réflexions du sextuor enfiévré, est de concevoir un bateau à bord duquel personne ne pourra rien voir de ce qui se passera sous le vent ! Pour compliquer encore les choses, continua le spécialiste en geôles, le bateau devra être parfaitement inconfortable les équipiers, enchaînés à fond de cale, ayant interdiction de faire dépasser du pont autre chose que le haut de leurs crânes. Parfait, poursuivit le pharmacien, toutes conditions sont ainsi remplies pour que j’approvisionne l’équipage en bandes Velpeau et ongu-ents anti-hématomes ! Quant à moi, ajouta le vendeur de gaules, j’aimerai une mâture frêle et élancée qui ne puisse tenir debout qu’à l’aide d’un haubanage impossible à régler. Bravo compléta le sous-marinier, et si, pour corser le tout, nous faisions en sorte qu’au moindre litre d’eau embarqué le yacht n’ai qu’une envie : couler ; sauf à utiliser en permanence une vigoureuse batterie de pompes ? Tout cela me semble excellent acheva le grand couturier, mais pour mettre encore un peu d’ambiance, pourquoi ne pas dessiner un plan de voilure interdisant tout prise de ris ! Au-delà de vingt nœuds, le plaisir de régater sur ce bateau serait complet !»Le 6M JI était né ! Ne restait plus qu’à mettre en équations ce yacht étonnant, ce que la Conférence entérina en Octobre 1907.Dés les premières années, les constructions se multiplièrent, un véritable succès ! L’estimation la plus pessimiste porte à plusieurs milliers le nombre de 6M JI lancés en moins d’un siècle et Basil Carmody, infatigable chineur, en a dénombré plus de 1.200 (à vérifier), aujourd’hui encore à flots ou en état d’être restaurés.Pourquoi donc un tel engouement pour un canot conçu, à l’évidence, pour ne pouvoir être armé que par cinq bagnards borgnes un tantinet masochistes ? Pourquoi reste-t-il encore aujourd’hui la « référence » pour tous les amoureux de la « banane » ? Sans doute par ce que tous ces voiliers, élégants à l’extrême, ont une propension inégalée pour naviguer, ….. sans vent ! Au moindre battement d’aile d’un colibri amazonien, ces yachts, qu’ils ré-gatent à Cowes, au Cap ou à Sydney prennent en effet la risée et démarrent comme par enchantement puis, lorsque le piaf brésilien cesse de s’agiter, tout 6M JI bien né trouve assez de ressources dans les formes de sa carène pour continuer sa route jusqu’au prochain souffle d’air.Mais la clef de ce succès ne réside pas uniquement dans cette vélocité étonnante. Ayant analysé le phénomène lors de son dernier colloque international, la « Royal Psychanalist Society » a sans doute trouvé la véritable raison de ce prodige : la folie !

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 7

Une folie qui envahit subrepticement l’esprit de tout yachtman ayant l’opportunité de naviguer à bord de ces ba-teaux ; une folie qui ne fait que s’aggraver au fil des miles ! Une folie qui fait oublier à tous que, pour goûter le plaisir du moindre bord sur un 6M JI il leur faudra d’abord, trouver l’oiseau rare ou, à défaut en faire construire un nouveau, passer des nuits à imaginer et des jours à négocier avec un chantier, chercher un hangar pour remiser la dulcinée pendant les mois d’hiver, concocter un programme de régates, entraîner un équipage, acheter un semi-remorque, passer son permis poids lourd, faire des centaines de kilomètres à la vitesse d’un escargot avec plus de trois tonnes dans son rétroviseur, arriver sur un quai, gruter, mâter, accastiller, s’apercevoir avoir oublié au chantier son nouveau jeu de voiles, régler une fois encore un haubanage rebelle à tout calcul rationnel. Et le tout ? Le tout pour, au mieux, deux ou trois jours de courses, parfois anéantis par un vent force 6 qui oblige à rester au club-house en refaisant, pour la millième fois, les régates passées, celles où l’on avait gagné la coupe en chocolat, plus l’envie de recommencer !

La Trinité 2008

Le premier fou de cette espèce qu’il m’est été donné de rencontrer habitait Brest, voici près de quarante ans. Négo-ciant en vins installé dans ce port pour mieux surveiller les pinardiers algériens ou marocains débarquant les Sidi Braïm et autres Boualouane dont il abreuvait toute la Flotte de l’Atlantique, Jacques Lemonze ne se contentait pas d’aligner son 6M JI aux différentes épreuves que l’Ecole Navale organisait en Rade. Ayant équipé son yacht d’un roof démontable et d’un cockpit à peine étanche qui, affirmait-il, l’avait transformé en racer hauturier, l’animal courrait, et gagnait souvent, « Brest - La Trinité », Elford River - l’Aber Wrac’h » et autres épreuves, appelées alors « courses au large ».« Prends tes bottes, ton meilleur ciré plus une boite de biscuits de mer. Avec mes quelques bouteilles de Boula-ouane, on est gréé !» me dit un jour cette force de la nature, « mais oublie ton sac de couchage, nous n’aurons pas le temps de dormir ! » Traverser la Manche en course à son bord fut pour moi une révélation, humide, mais fantastique. Formidable sous-marinade vent du cul, au milieu des cargos, avec deux énormes moustaches d’étrave en guise de feux de route ! Sans doute est-ce cette nuit là que j’ai compris le bonheur de naviguer. Préférant bourlinguer au large qu’entre trois bouées, j’ai oublié les 6M JI et toutes leurs folies pendant des années. Des années pendant lesquelles, la raison détrônant le rêve, la Classe des 6M JI s’étiola au profit d’autres yachts, certes moins exigeants, mais aussi insipides que ce « Canada Dry » qui, quoi qu’en disent les publicitaires, ressemble certes à de l’alcool, mais n’en a ni le goût ni les vertus.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association8

Par chance, nos amis britanniques et scandinaves ne jetant jamais aux orties les yachts qu’ils ont adorés, restait, voici quelques années, une pépinière de yachts à sortir de l’oubli.C’est en ces années là que Stefan me présenta sa « Tsigane ». Alors, avant même de mettre le pied à bord, je suc-combais moi aussi à la folie en admirant ses formes de déesse, dressées sur la plateforme du camion hors d’âge que Stefan tentait de dompter sur des routes Bretonnes, à peine carrossables. Depuis, avec délice, j’ai réappris à manœuvrer, enchaîné au pied de mât avec un casque lourd sur la tête ; à plonger la tête sous la jupe du foc en espérant voir quelques chose ; à me tordre le cou pendant les bords de largue pour mieux régler le spi ; à me faire écraser les pieds en pompant comme un damné ; à viser les lay-lines sous des cataractes d’océan ou à attendre, pendant des heures, que le vent veuille bien cesser de jouer avec la girouette du comité de course pour, enfin, avoir l’honneur de courir.Un formidable bonheur partagé avec d’autres délicieux fous à lier, principalement anglo-saxons, que Stefan a su, depuis maintenant plusieurs saisons, attirer vers Bénodet puis, l’année passée, vers La Trinité pour un Champi-onnat d’Europe hors du commun. Une série de courses exceptionnelles qui, je l’espère, incitera le Yacht Club de France à attribuer de nouveau à la série des 6M JI, que Virginie Hériot chérissait déjà, la somptueuse Coupe de France qui somnole dans ses Salons de l’Avenue Foch. Mais la folle histoire est loin d’être finie. Demain les américains, dont la flotte ne cesse de s’agrandir, organiseront le Championnat du Monde à Newport et, pour ceux devant, hélas, rester en Europe, le Président Stefan a déjà prévu de nouvelles empoignades cordiales à La Trinité !Alors, merci aux concepteurs d’une Jauge Internationale sans failles, merci aux six énergumènes qui ont créé ce voilier de rêve voici près d’un siècle, merci aux illuminés qui le font vivre. Oui, les 6M JI ne sont que folies, mais les vrais fous ne sont ils pas ceux qui perdent tout sens commun, sauf la raison Pour la Revue de l’I.S.M.A24 Septembre 2008© Jean E. Mauviel, alias John John (ou Jean Jean, pour les britanniques)

Tsigane crew.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 9

Thank you John John for caracterising the 6mJI, their owners and the world they live in. We think that your report compensates any of our editorials for much.

SNT Starting Vessel

President’s address

Once again we come to the end of a satisfactory season only marred, in England at any rate, by appalling weather. Very enjoyable and successful European Championships were held at La Trinite-sur-mer in June, very well orga-nized by Stefan O’Reilly Hyland, Basil Carmody, Jean-Pierre Blavec and the Societe Nautique de La Trinite-sur-mer (SNT). With 36 entries this was much the largest fleet to take part in a European Championships so far and the excellent sailing has been made memorable by the production of a DVD, filmed during the racing, which has been circulated to all competitors by the SNT. Wonderful to watch during cold winter evenings.

A second major event was the formation of a fleet and the start of Six-Metre racing at Newport, RI, in preparation for next year’s Worlds. Starting with five boats the fleet has grown steadily and it has been lovely to see the classic restorations of Madcap and Jill out racing for the first time for very many years.

With great enthusiasm, Basil Carmody has tracked down eight Spanish Six-Metres and a Spanish fleet and Associ-ation are in the course of forming. Unfortunately the boats are very spread out around Spain, but with three boats in Mallorca the Spanish are hoping to organize a Spanish Open Six-Metre Championships there next year.

Sadly, the Queen Christina Nations Cup, which was held at Cowes in early September, was spoilt by gales and only the first race was completed, being won by Switzerland. However, all teams found the hospitality fine, with the highlights being a visit to the Yachting Museum in East Cowes, where the teams were shown some fantastic films of racing aboard the J-Class in the early 1930s and a dinner at the Royal Yacht Squadron.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association10

Now it is winter and we must all start preparing our boats for next year. I am pleased to be able to say that my boat’s new deck is now complete and we will be out at last competing next year. Good skiing and sailing and a very Happy Christmas to everyone.

Tim Street,President ISMA.

6mJI at the crane

The World Cup is Missing Some Pieces

From the Deed of Gift:“The perpetual World Cup Trophy was donated in 1973 jointly by the Puget Sound Six Metre Fleet and the Port of Seattle. The World Cup Trophy shall be awarded to the winning Modern yacht at the World Cup. The Trophy is composed of the follow-ing silverplate items:a) a large bowl inscribed “Six Metre World Cup”b) a matching waiter, andc) five matching serving cups inscribed with the names of the first championship crew to win the Trophy when dedicated in 1973.The Trophy is to be kept at the premises of the current champion’s yacht club, which is responsible for the Trophy’s safekeeping, the engraving for its champion’s year, and delivery to the loca-tion of the next World Cup.”For the past few World Cup Championships the waiter, which is a large silver platter, and the 5 matching serving cups have been missing. It would be great to reunite all of the pieces of the World Cup before the next version of the championships in September 2009. If you know the whereabouts of any of these items, please contact Matt Cockburn, matt6mr56@comcast.net. All corre-spondence will be treated confidentially.

Ladies first

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 11

From the TreasurerMembership Subscriptions

Be aware that this may be the last time that you receive a copy of the ISMA Bulletin. Now that we have established our new membership structure, you may find that you will not receive a Bulletin unless you have paid a subscrip-tion. There are two categories of membership:a. Full membership is for the owners of boats currently in racing commission. The current subscription rate is Euro 80.b. Associate membership is for those who are not listed as boat owners, but wish to keep in touch with the affairs of the class. It is also the appropriate rate for owners of boats not currently in racing commission. The current subscription rate is Euro 30.Owners of two or more boats are to pay subscriptions for each boat at whatever rate is appropriate, except that if one or more of their boats are in commission then no fee need be paid for boats not in commission.Joint owners are to arrange that one owner pays the fee appropriate to the boat, and the remainder pay at the asso-ciate rate, the total cost to be divided among them at their discretion.Fees should be paid to ISMA by 1 May each year (ISMA By-law D2). Class Treasurers are asked to make payment where possible direct to ISMA’s Euro account, as follows:HSBC Bank plc - Chichester Branch94 East StreetChichesterWest SussexPO19 1HDSort Code 40-05-15Account Number 60357406Account Name: International Six Metre AssociationInternational Bank Account Number (IBAN): GB89 MIDL 4005 1560 3574 06Branch Identifier Code (SWIFT/BIC): MIDLGB22Alternatively there is also a UK Sterling account at the same bank, for use if this makes the transfer easier or che-aper:Sort code 40-17-16Account number 71710508Account Name: International Six Metre AssociationInternational Bank Account Number (IBAN): GB88 MIDL 4017 1671 7105 08Branch Identifier Code (SWIFT/BIC): MIDLGB2103SAnyone wishing to make payment into the sterling account should first contact the ISMA Treasurer to agree the exchange rate that should be used.Treasurers or Secretaries should also forward a list of the subscriptions they have paid, giving the members names and the postal addresses to which the ISMA Bulletin should be sent. For full members they should also give the sail number and the name of the boat. This can be sent by post to the ISMA Treasurer, Tim Russell, at:Auburn CottageChurch RoadNorth MundhamChichester

West Sussex PO20 1JUUnited Kingdom

Or by e-mail to tim@timrussell.freeserve.co.uk

ISMA News International 6mJI Association12

Associate Membership

We introduced this new category of membership this year, to try to involve the many people who sail on Six Me-tres or who have shown an interests in the Class, but who do not own a boat themselves. It would also help us to recover the cost of sending copies of the ISMA News to many people who are not full members of the Association. The number of associate memberships this year has been very disappointing. It would be nice if the Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers of national fleets encouraged people to become associate members, particularly the many crew who enjoy sailing in the Class.

Sail Labels

Those of you who sailed in the World Championships in Cowes in 2007, or in the European Championships at La Trinité, will know about the requirement for sail labels (certification marks). But this is not just a requirement for major championships. Sail label fees are an important contribution to ISMA’s funds, and without them we would have to increase our membership fees. It would be far better if everyone ensured their sails have a label now, rather than wait until someone asks where it is.All sails measured after 1 March 2005 must carry the official certification mark near the tack. Sail Certification Marks can be ordered from the Treasurer by mail or e-mail. On receipt of your order I will reply with an invoice and ask you to make payment direct to the ISMA account. The cost is Euro 100 for each mark. To reduce bank charges, sailmakers are asked to order several labels at a time, rather than buying them individually. As soon as receipt of your payment is confirmed I will despatch the marks by post – there is no charge for postage. Please make sure you order sail marks in good time, since if I am away there will be no-one to process your order. Alt-hough the sail labels have an adhesive backing and can be stuck to the sail, for security it is better if they are sewn on as well, particularly on spinnakers.

Exchange Rates

ISMA fixes the rates for subscriptions and sail label fees in Euro, and our principal bank account is in Euro, alt-hough we also operate a second account in sterling – this is because we cannot operate a Euro account in the UK without a sterling account as well. In the last year I introduced a system of variable exchange rates, to replace the fixed equivalent rates that we used in previous years. I am pleased to say that this has worked well, and we have reduced our exchange rate losses to a tiny fraction of those in previous years.However I cannot control the fluctuation of exchange rates, and you may have noticed that recent months have been very exciting in that respect. Since we account in Euros, there is an effect on our accounts from the change in value of the amount in our sterling account. In this year’s accounts I have shown this change separately.

Accounts for 2008

I have prepared the accounts for this year up to 15 October, with a prediction for the end of the year. These ac-counts represent the total of both ISMA’s bank accounts, with the sterling account converted into Euro at a rate of £1 = Euro 1.28. This represents a significant change from the rate of 1.435 that I used last October, and the rate of 1.36 that I used at the end of last year. The accounts are shown here.

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Voting Rights

Voting rights in 2009 will be dependent on the fees paid in the previous year (ISMA By-laws D4). This year we have collected fees for 107 boats, as follows:

What a collection of nice classic 6mJI

Fleet Boats AssociatesDenmark 2 0Finland 4 2France 13 1Germany 9 1Great Britain 31 1Netherlands 3 2Sweden 6 0Switzerland 13 0North America 25 5Individual members (Belgium) 1 (Spain) 1Total 107 13

Seconds before the start

ISMA News International 6mJI Association14

End of official ISMA newsIn front of La Trintié-sur-Mer sailing to the race course

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 15

6mJI activites in France

Mardi 24 juin 2008

Un championnat en tout point réussi ! Le Championnat d’Europe des 6 M JI s’est terminé aujourd’hui. Faute de vent, aucune course n’a été courue ce jour. Ce sont donc les Allemands du voilier « Courage 9 » barré par Alba Batzill qui gagnent le championnat d’Europe 2008 des 6 M JI dans la catégorie des « modernes ». Chez les « classiques », magnifique victoire de « Caprice » à l"anglais Rob Smith. Un championnat qui restera dans les annales de la voile métrique

Le Championnat d’Europe des 6 M JI organisé par la Société Nautique de la Trinité-sur-Mer et l’union française des 6 M JI a été une vraie réussite. Tout d’abord, il faut noter la grande participation internationale avec la venue de pas moins de 9 nations. Et puis les conditions météorologiques ont été parfaites pour ce type de voilier, malgré un manque de vent lundi, les 36 6 M JI ont toujours navigué sous le soleil et par bonne petite brise. Le nombre de voiliers métriques inscrits (36) est aussi un record puisque jamais depuis l’après guerre autant de 6 M JI ne s'étaient rencontrés en Atlantique. Ajoutons l’excellente ambiance lors des nombreuses festivités organisées de main de maître par les équipes de la SNT. Enfin, la régate a été intense, avec du jeu sur l’eau, un plateau très homogène aussi bien chez les « classiques » que les « modernes » et pour conclure, des vainqueurs de premier plan.Les allemands, rois des « Modernes » !

The Modern European ChampionsThe European Champions Courage IX GER 118

ISMA News International 6mJI Association16

Nette domination des Allemands du voilier « Courage 9 » ; ils ont toujours été en tête du championnat. L’équipage mené par Alba Batzill fait donc un sans faute sur le plan d’eau de la Trinité-sur-Mer et devient champion d’Europe des 6 M JI « Modernes » avec à la clé, une belle confrontation avec « Junior », le bateau champion du Monde en titre skippé par le Breton Yann Marilley. « Bravade 6 » avec François Brénac à la barre monte sur la troisième marche du podium. « Courage 9 » repart de la société nautique de la Trinité-sur-Mer avec la coupe Giovanelli. « Nous sommes heureux de gagner cette course » déclare Alba Batzill « Cette dernière journée sans course nous permet de repartir en tant que Champion d’Europe. Il ne faut pas croire que les choses ont été faciles pour nous. Le niveau était élevé ».

Championnat d'Europe des 6mJI 2008Classement Général MODERNE

Place Sponsor Club Skipper Voile Total Manche 1 Manche 2 Manche 3 Manche 4 Manche 5 Manche 6

1 COURAGE IX W Y C Alba Batzill/D. Gruenau GER118 9 2 1 (9) 1 1 4

2 JUNIOR S N TRINITE S/MER Yann Marilley FRA177 14 1 (5) 2 2 4 52 JUNIOR S N TRINITE S/MER Yann Marilley FRA177 14 1 (5) 2 2 4 5

3 SCOUNDREL R.Y.Squadron Robert Gray GBR96 18 3 2 3 (7) 3 7

4 BRAVADE VI Y C FRANCE Jd. Sarraquine FRA116 21.4 8 3 (7.4) 5 5 1

5 GUBBRÖRA KSSS Claes Ahlin SWE135 23 5 6 6 4 (8) 2

6 BATTLECRY RTYC Ben Clothier GBR89 29 7 4 7 9 2 (14)

7 BERTA KSSS Lars Engelbert SWE121 32 (13) 12 8 3 6 3

8 BLADE R S Y C Avia Willment GBR111 35 4 (12) 4 10 11 6

9 JANE ANN N Y Y C Jali Makila MON2 36 6 10 5 6 (12) 99 JANE ANN N.Y.Y.C Jali Makila MON2 36 6 10 5 6 (12) 9

10 JUNGFRUN KSSS Peter Norlin SWE 133 38 (12) 7 1 11 7 12

11 TEMPTATION 3 AVP Beat Furrer SUI104 42 9 8 (11.4) 8 9 8

12 BLUE BIRD RYS Robin Richardson SWE124 53 10 11 (13.6) 12 10 10

13 CONCH FRITTERS Nassau Y.C. Robert Leigh Wood BAH 1 65 11 13 (15) 15 13 13

14 TSIGANE Y C FRANCE Stefan O'reilly Hyland FRA107 67 14 14 (15) 13 15 11

« Caprice » sur le fil

The European Champions Caprice GBR 48

Europeans Champions Caprice GBR 48

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 17

Grâce à une excellente manche hier, les Britanniques du 6 M JI « Caprice » arrachent sur le fil le titre de champion d’Europe des 6 M JI « Classiques ». Rob Smith et ses quatre équipiers devancent le champion d’Europe en titre Danois Hans One et son « Sunray » , ainsi que « Titia » à un autre Britannique Andy Postle, longtemps en tête. La coupe Woodrow Wilson leur sera décernée. Rob Smith : « Nous remportons le Championnat au profit d’une meilleure manche hier que nos adversaires. Les trois premiers sont à un point, preuve que la bataille a été de haut niveau. Cela ne fait pas longtemps que nous naviguons en 6 M JI car nous venons plutôt du Melges 24. C’est un bateau d’exception. L’accueil a été formidable ».

24.06.08 19:09Championnat d'Europe 6M JI : inscrits et classements

Seite 1 von 1http://www.snt-voile.org/classements/classement_generaux.php

Régate : Championnat d'Europe 6M JI

- Résultats généraux -

Choisir un classement

6mJI Classique

Choisir un classement général

Général 6mJI Classique

Mis à jour le 23/06/2008 17:06


Championnat d 'Europe 6M JIGénéral 6mJI Classique - 6mJI Classique (22 bateaux)

Place Pts Num. Bateau Skipper C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6

1 15.00 12 CAPRICE Rob Smith 3.00 6.00 2.00 3.00 (10.00) 1.00

2 16.00 25 SUNRAY Hans Oen 2.00 (23.00) 3.00 6.00 1.00 4.00

3 17.00 15 TITIA Andy Postle 1.00 2.00 (11.00) 5.00 3.00 6.00

4 23.00 36 MAY BE VIII Andre Chaudoye 6.00 1.00 6.00 (8.00) 7.00 3.00

5 24.00 26 ERICA Peter Andreke (23.00) 3.00 10.00 4.00 5.00 2.00

6 26.00 29 DIX-AOÛT Pierre-Paul Heckly 4.00 (9.00) 4.00 7.00 6.00 5.00

7 29.00 20 LISBETH V Johan H Larson 5.00 8.00 5.00 (10.00) 2.00 9.00

8 37.00 31 NANCY Pom Green 9.00 4.00 7.00 9.00 8.00 (13.00)

9 44.00 18 RÄVEN (ARMT) Valentin Autret 13.00 19.00 (21.00) 1.00 4.00 7.00

10 49.00 2 MENA Thomas Kuhmann (23.00) 5.00 13.00 14.00 9.00 8.00

11 51.75 27 LADY DAY Erik T.Larsen 11.00 (23.00) 1.00 12.00 11.75 16.00

12 52.00 1 MIDINETTE (ARMT) Arthur Keller 8.00 7.00 17.00 2.00 (23.00) 18.00

13 54.00 3 MAY BE VI Esko Kilpi 7.00 12.00 12.00 (20.00) 13.00 10.00

14 62.00 24 VERT GALANT Laurent Thieery-Mieg (18.00) 10.00 9.00 17.00 14.00 12.00

15 68.00 13 ROYAL THAMES Marc Lemarignier 15.00 13.00 8.00 13.00 (23.00) 19.00

16 70.00 22 FIONA (B & KT) Jan-Willem YPMA 10.00 11.00 18.00 16.00 15.00 (21.00)

17 71.00 11 FLAPPER Jacob VARGISH 12.00 15.00 15.00 (18.00) 18.00 11.00

18 74.00 30 MANDRAGORE Claude Draeger 17.00 18.00 16.00 11.00 12.00 (20.00)

19 75.00 14 MELITA David Roberts 14.00 14.00 (19.00) 15.00 17.00 15.00

20 76.00 10 VINGT ANS APRES Patrick Lefloch 16.00 (23.00) 14.00 21.00 11.00 14.00

21 88.00 23 ST KITTS III Andrew Thomas (20.00) 16.00 20.00 19.00 16.00 17.00

22 105.00 19 TARA (B & KT) Jerome Brunet Moret 19.00 17.00 (23.00) 23.00 23.00 23.00

Les points entre parenthèses sont des courses retirées du classement général.En positionnant le curseur de la souris sur les points, vous pourrez obtenir des informations.

Les points affichés en rouge correspondent à une pénalité ou à une décision du Comité de Réclamation.

Retour au menu des classements

Voilier Occasion

Achète et vends tout ton matérielde sport et loisirs aux enchères !www.fr.ricardo.ch/Sport/

Voiles & Gardinen

Edle, glänzende Voile undGardinen zu absolutenSchnäppchenpreisenwww.bonprixsecure.com/ch/

Bateaux à Vendre

Des milliers de bateaux à vendre.Entre Particuliers, Prix Cassés !www.Annonces.com/Bateaux

Croisières monde entier

à prix très attractifs Réservez dèsmaintenant!www.cruiseline.ch

Organisation régates : S.N.T.Classements : ASCA INFORMATIQUECréation Site Internet : iNCiTE Web

ISMA News International 6mJI Association18

Ils ont dit :

La Trinité

Jean-Pierre Blavec, Président de la Société Nautique de la Trinité-sur-Mer : « Cela faisait bien longtemps qu’il n’y avait pas eu autant de 6 M JI à la Trinité-sur-Mer. Ce championnat est donc un succès. Et puis le niveau a été très élevé sur l’eau avec des conditions optimales de navigation. L’accueil à la Trinité semble convenir aux propriétaires de 6 M JI. Certains vont revenir pendant les « voiles classiques » de la Trinité-sur-Mer du 12 au 14 juillet. On peut envisager de créer une base de 6 M JI à la Trinité si nous avons de la demande ce qui semble être le cas ».

Moderns at the start

Stefan O’Reilly Hyland, président de l’union française des 6 M JI : « Le Championnat d’Europe organisée ces derniers jours par la société nautique de la Trinité-sur-Mer a été un succès à plusieurs titres. Le plan d’eau de la baie de Quiberon convient parfaitement au 6 M JI car il est abrité. Le comité de course a été excellent avec des courses enchaînées tout au long de l’épreuve. La météo a été au rendez-vous avec une petite brise et du soleil. Les équipages étaient pour la plupart au top niveau. Je crois pouvoir dire que les étrangers ont été séduits par la Trinité-sur-Mer, certains pensent même à faire hiverner leur bateau ici ! Le concept des familles d’accueil a été une réussite. Enfin, il faut rappeler que jamais autant de 6 M JI n'avait été rassemblés en Atlantique depuis l’après-guerre ».Tanguy Blondel

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 19

Flapper crew Bravade VI crew

Dix Août crew

Blade Runner crew

Blue Bird crew

Sunray crew

Fiona crew May Be VIII crew

Let us remember the Europeans 2008 in La Trinité sur Mer and have a look at some crew

ISMA News International 6mJI Association20

Royal Thames crew Melita crew

Jungfrun crew Lady Day crew

Lisbeth crew Raven crew

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 21

Championnat Français 2008

6mJI in action

ISMA News International 6mJI Association22


PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF RACEThe Organising Authority, La Société Nautique de La Trinité ( SNT ), in association with the Union Française des 6 Mètre J.I., is pleased to invite you to participate in the 2009 Coupe de l’Entente Cordiale ( hereafter designated as the “Cup”) from 11th to 15th June 2008.

Please find the

Preliminary Notice of Race and the Entry form in www.6metre.ch/regatta/special events

6mJI activites in Switzerland Midinette SUI 24 was the second Swiss boat at the Europeans 2008 in La Trinité sur Mer.

SUI 24 Midinette

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 23

6mJI (6JI) après 3 courses (3 retenues) (8 inscrits) (Cliquez sur les noms soulignés pour accéder à la fiche du coureur)

< td> 13.00 Rgs Ident Concurrents P Ret P tot c.1 c.2 c.3 Club / Pays

1 SUI 45 MECARA SUHNER Reinhard 4.00 4.00 1 1.00

2 2.00

1 1.00


2 SUI 104 TEMPTATION 3 FURRER Beat 10.00 10.00 6 6.00

1 1.00

3 3. 00



11.00 11.00 2 2.00

3 3.00

6 6.00


13.00 4 4.00

5 5.00

4 4.00


5 SUI 44 ASTREE DURR Phillipe 14.00 14.00 3 3.00

6 6.00

5 5.00


6 Z 40 KORRIGAN JENET YVES 16.00 16.00 7 7.00

7 7.00

2 2.00


18.00 18.00 5 5.00

4 4.00

DNF 9.00

8 Z 5 ENDRICK BECH ARD Liliane 26.00 26.00 8 8.00

DNF 9.00

DNS 9.00


ISMA News International 6mJI Association24


Seite 1 von 1http://www.nautique.org/htmlfiles/292.htm



10/07/2008 au 13/07/2008

Résultat du Vendredi 11 Juillet 2008 à 17.17 h. Course 1 du 10/07/2008 Course 2 du 10/07/2008 Course 3 du 10/07/2008 Course 4 du 11/07/2008 Course 5 du 11/07/2008

Course 6 du 11/07/2008

Groupe 6 M JI après 6 courses (5 retenues) (11 inscrits)(Cliquez sur les noms soulignés pour accéder à la fiche du coureur)

Rgs Ident Concurrents P Ret P tot c.1 c.2 c.3 c.4 c.5 c.6 Club / Pays


5.00 9. 00 44.00






2 SUI 45 MECARA SUHNE R Hans et Reinard JARISCH Christian SUHNER Reinard SCHETTER Max SUHNER Heinz

14.00 26.00 11.00







14.00 18.00 22.00







15.00 20.00 55.00







24.00 36.00 77.00






6 Z 40 KORRIGAN JANET Yves GOETZ Philippe DE LA STELLE Laurent MARTIN Barthélémy BERGER Igor

24.00 30.00 33.00






7 SUI 8 CIRCE BOILEAU Thierry KLENY Pascal RAYLAN Pierre-Alain MASSE Gaelle PICHON Fabienne

37.00 46. 00 99.00







38.00 50.00 1010.00



77. 00




44.00 56.00 66.00







51.00 63.00 88.00








72.00 DNS12.00






[Retour début de page]

MONET PascalPrésident du Comité de Course

GUEX SeverinePrésident du Comité deRéclamation

Produit le 12/07/2008 par logiciel FReg2007 (vers. 07/07/2007) © 2001/2007

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 25

Nouveau rendez vous sur le Léman

C’est le 1 er aout à Sciez qu’ à eu lieu la première classique des 6 m ji du lac léman.Organisée par le Club Nau-tique de Sciez en préambule de leur fameuse rencontre de vieux gréements, les 7 concurrents au départ se sont affrontés le vendredi par un temps orageux, le comité à pu envoyer 3 manches dans le cadre magnifique du golfe de Coudrée . « Astrée »SUI 44 barré par Philippe Durr l’ emporte ,devant la redoutable « Mecara » SUI 45 à Hans Suhner, venu spécialement du nord de la Suisse pour participer au circuit classique de la saison 2008 sur lac Léman, 3 ème « Midinette » SUI 24 élégant et véloce bateau que l’ on retrouve avec plaisir sur les lignes de départ, 4ème « Saga » Sui 43 fidèle participant des régates lémaniues. Souhaitons que ce rendez vous orchestré par Gilles Guyon et Bertrand Keller avec compétence et bonne humeur , rencontre un vif succès dans les années futures

vieux bat 2008

classique sciez 2008

classique sciez 2008

ISMA News International 6mJI Association26

Wir denken bereits an 2009:

Der Vorstand der Segler Vereinigung Bottighofen (SVB) hat die Durchführung der 6mJI Klassenmeisterschaft 2009 beschlossen. Sie findet vom 25.bis 28. Juni 2009 vor Bottighofen statt.

Das Detailprogramm findet sich in www.6metre.ch/Association Suisse 6mJ.

We are preparing the 2010 Europeans in Switzerland

The event will be organized from 21 to 28 July 2010 in Brunnen.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 27

6mJI activites in Denmark

First sail

Hans J. Oen on Sunray

I was invited to sail with Oui Oui on it´s first after the rebuild, it was great and a beautiful day.Sunday the boat will be named and will be done by the Danish Prins Henrik.All the best

Bådebygger Jørgen JensenHjelmsgade 1.st.tv <http://1.st.tv> 2100 Kbh Ø40434741boatbuilder.dk <http://boatbuilder.dk>

ISMA News International 6mJI Association28

6mJI activites in Great Britain

QUEEN CHRISTINA NATIONS CUPCowes, Isle of Wight, EnglandSeptember 2nd – 5th, 2008

Dear Members and FriendsThanks to several owners and enthusiast supporters, the Queen Christina Nations Cup was a tremendous success. Every national team has congratulated the Brits on providing four days of camaraderie, hilarity and just good fun – and one race! The weather was appalling however we feel our guests went away with good memories of the four days.Organising such an event required an enormous amount of effort and time. Robin Richardson, Loulou and Tim Russell took on this onerous task and the success of the event must be due to their preparation and supervision. The Richardson’s Lantern is a perfect place for socialising; Rupert and Robin laid on some great evenings. Those preparing for the Friday Barbecue will never forget the erection of the canopy; the “technicians” had spent some time before, discussing the process in the Pier View and this challenging task took on Jacques Tati proportions... Robin also provided superb towing and ferrying services with his powerful pilot launch “Valour”; we could not have run the event without this vital support vessel. Many, many thanks to RobinThe EventThe teams arrived in Cowes on the Tuesday evening to enjoy a cold salmon supper provided by Robin, Tim and Loulou Russell. The Swedish team stayed in the Lantern, the other teams were accommodated in the Royal Corin-thian Yacht Club. It was great to meet old friends again and to meet new members. The teams met the next morning at our host club, the Cowes Corinthian Yacht Club, to be allocated boats and to meet the CRO Mike Brinton who emphasised the need for caution as the winds were at the upper limit, but steady. It was decided to restrict sails to No 2 Genoas and no spinnakers. On reflection, a wise decision. Racing was located in Osborne Bay and as the race progressed, it became clear that we should return to Cowes after this race. The boats were moored on the Cowes Corinthian pontoons and despite some moments, all returned safely. This was to be the only racing – apart from a great run under Genoas back to Hamble on the Friday.That evening we had an informal evening at the Cowes Classic Museum Gallery in East Cowes. Crews and friends were collected from the Trinity Landing in “Valour” and ferried to the Venture Quays apron. Rosemary Joy, the Director had organised refreshments and gave a showing of archival footage of the 1930s J-boats. A fascinating and completely absorbing view of the construction, launching and sailing these fabulous yachts. Rosemary had intended to restrict the footage; however she relented to choruses for “more, more”…. We all then walked to the chain ferry and enjoyed a fine, substantial British supper at the Duke of York.As the Thursday sailing was cancelled, most of the party visited Osborne House and the other section of the Classic Boat Museum in Newport.That evening, the party was very kindly invited to a truly splendid dinner, by Robert Leigh-Wood at the Royal Yacht Squadron. I don’t think anybody present will ever forget dining that night at the long table on the Platform, listening to speeches from old friends. Our guests were enthralled by the views from the Balcony. One felt very fortunate to be part of a wonderful sailing class; the Six Metres. Johan Larson, the Swedish skipper formally an-nounced that the next Queen Christina Nations Cup would be held in Sweden, near Stockholm, in June 2009.Sadly the Friday weather had not improved and at the morning Prize-giving, it was decided to return the boats to their home bases. With plenty of volunteers from the Teams, the Hamble boats headed due North under genoas, straight into heavy rain and mist. It was a fast and hairy sail up the Hamble. Once again we were fortunate to have Robin In “Valour” to bring us back to Cowes for the barbeque at the Lantern.Despite the wind and the rain, Rupert Richardson and Pete O’Neil managed to keep the barbeque producing a good supply of food. The canopy did not catch fire and while copious beer and wine was consumed, all survived the evening. The canopy might however need some restoration…

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 29

The leading light of this event must be Kimo Mackey. (Known to all as the Czar…) It was from his instigation and his perseverance that we have celebrated this regatta for six years. There is little doubt that each host nation expects to go to extra-ordinary efforts to make sure each event meets the letter and the spirit of the QCNC Deed of Gift. The lending of Six Metres can be fraught; many thanks to all those owners who very generously loaned their boats for the event. One must mention the contribution made by Andy Ash-Vie. Apart from giving some very nice Harken prizes, he bought Wildcat over from Lymington in pretty awful conditions. He couldn’t get Wildcat back until the Sunday – many thanks Andy. Thanks also to the Cowes Corinthian Yacht Club. They very kindly cleared pontoon space for us, invited us to use their clubhouse and put up a course that coped with the conditions. Sadly it was the only one; but that’s sailingIf any Six Metre event engenders the ethos of the class, it is the Queen Christina Nations Cup. Robin Richardson, Paul Smith, Tim and Loulou Russell and I went to last year’s regatta in Switzerland and came back thinking how we could ever match the Swiss hospitality. I think we did – just!Rees Martin, Secretary, BISMA Mobile:07787 514884Office:0207 627 0944

Sail Number Place Team Yacht Finishing Time Points102 1 SUI Bear 13.01.20 1110 2 CAN New Sweden 13.01.57 2BAH 1 3 SWE Conch Fritters 13.02.53 394 4 FIN Wildcat 13.03.58 4107 USA Valhalla RET 7124 GER Bluebird RET 7

Some pictures from Niklaus Waser, the team leader from Germany:

Niklaus Waser with Crew

Windy conditions

ISMA News International 6mJI Association30

Beken of Cowes

Windy conditions

The Swiss winners

The 6mJI fleet

Tim Street, ISMA President with German Crew

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 31

Hiver des Metriques 2008/09

La Napoule and Aire de Boom play host to ‘Hiver des Metriques’. The series, run by the very able Bruno Fauroux of Union de Yachting Cannois (UYC)) provides the perfect winter get away to the French Riviera. With azure blue waters, sunshine and favourable winds, this is THE regatta to keep you and your crew in shape and ready for the 2009 season.

The format includes set up and practice sessions on the Friday with coaching and video training available on re-quest. Socials gatherings each evening and short course windward leeward racing on the Saturday and Sunday. An early afternoon finish on Sunday gives all crews the opportunity to be packed up and at the Airport for an evening flight home.

Flights are available on a regular basis to Nice from most European airports, where a short taxi ride, shuttle bus or hire car can get you to La Napoule within the hour. We would suggest arriving on the Thursday evening to soak up the Atmosphere of either Cannes or La Napoule at one of their many excellent bistros or restaurants, allowing yourself time to relax and unwind ahead of weekends racing. Accommodation is widely available and caters for all tastes from small quaint self-catering villas to the 5 star Casino Hotel, all within a short walk of the marina. Please have a look at www.la-napoule-mandelieu-hotels.cote-dazur-hotels.com or www.mandelieu.com are useful links.

The First weekend of the series saw three boats compete in Act 1 with typical Riviera conditions. Gubbrora put in the most consistent performance of the weekend demonstrating great light airs boat speed and solid tactics to win overall. Blade took second place and New Sweden, on loan to Paul Smith came in third. All the teams had a great weekend, working on their sailing skills and suntans simultaneously, and can’t wait for the next instalment of Hiver des Metriques. Rob Smith helmsman on New Sweden was very impressed with the location and gave specific praise to the great job the race committee did in setting an unbias line, true windward- leeward courses, and in firing the races off in quick succession. If you are interested in competing in this series with your 6mr or wishing to Charter one of the boats already set up in La Napoule please do not hesitate to get in contact for more details. 2008Act 1 September 19th – 21st Act 2 October/November 31st- 2nd Act 3 November 21st – 23rd Act 4 December 5th – 7th

2009Act 5 January 22nd – 25th Ski Voile Antibes Act 6 February 13th – 15thAct 7 March 13th – 15th

Article d'Avia Willment pour les ISMA News.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association32

RESULTSAct 1 1st Gubbrora, 2nd Blade, 3rd New Sweden

Useful contacts

The Metre Shed – Karen Smart Karen@thewillmentgroup.com +44 (0) 1489574272UYC – Bruno Fauroux bruno.fauroux@uyc.fr +33 (0) 624605517Arie de Boom – Alex de Boom alex@ariedeboom.com + 33 (0) 492974950

Ready for the spinnaker

May Be VI and St.Kitts at the mark

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 33

6mJI activites in USA

Olin J. Stephens II April 13, 1908 – September 13, 2008Excerpt from Olin’s Introduction to “The 6 Metre - 100 Years of Racing”- “Appreciation of individually created art is as old as man himself, but the high status of other useful objects such as yachts has come about in only very recent times and with Six Metres only within the last 15 years or so. Am I right that this is new? To be unique contributes value and is surely part of the charm that the Six Metres most certainly have…”Much has been written about Olin Stephens' contributions to yacht design, ocean racing and his numerous designs that won the America's Cup, but when he chose to write his autobiography, All this, and Sailing Too, it was clear to all who read it that he held a special place in his heart for the International 6 Metre - the class where he did much of his sailing in the late 20's and early 30's and where he really got his start as a designer. Olin sailed in dozens of International 6 metre races in Europe, Bermuda and the USA. More than one journalist noted that his most famous early yacht design, the ocean racer Dorade, was just a big 6 metre - narrow, low freeboard, full sections. Many of his earliest designs are sixes, so it would not be a stretch to say that he got his start in the Class. He was the first to tank test designs for sixes, which subsequently transformed the performance of the boats and brought triumph and victory to their owners over more than 40 years and more than 30 designs. Among his most famous sixes are his earlier creations, ‘Cherokee’, ‘Bob Kat’, ‘Nancy’ & ‘Jill’, which dominated the racing of the early 30's; ‘Goose’, arguably his most successful six, which won the Scandinavian Gold Cup 4 times in a row, among many other victories; ‘Djinn’, which won Olympic Silver for Argentina and the Seawanha-ka Cup; ‘Llanoria’, which won Olympic Gold twice, the One Ton Cup twice and the Seawanhaka Cup twice; and ‘Toogooloowoo IV’, which is acknowledged as the first Modern six meter. Here is a note of condolence written to the Stephens family on behalf of ISMA: Dear Stephens family,It is with great regret that we extend our deepest sympathies to you upon the recent loss of your father (and grand-father), Olin Stephens. As we are sure you already know, he was an inspiration to many sailors and yachting enthusiasts throughout the world, and it was certainly the same for those of us in the International 6 Metre Class who appreciated his talents, contributions and accomplishments. Olin was among the 2nd generation of sailors who designed and competed in the 6 metre class in the USA and internationally beginning in the late 20’s. He sailed on sixes as late as winter 2006 when he visited San Diego to sail on Greg Stewart’s ‘Sprig’ in one of the Ancient Mariner regattas and very recently consulted with the builders of 2 recreations of his designs from the early 30’s – ‘Jill’ and ‘Cherokee’ . Many other current boat owners of his designs benefited from his openness in discussing the boats, their anecdotes and design origins and treasure their interactions with your father. He was truly a kind man and giving of his time. We hope this wasn’t at your expen-se. Olin made an indelible mark on the class with his more than 30 designs spanning over 40 years, the majority of which are still actively sailing. Our hope is that you will find peace and solace in your memories of your father and grandfather.With our very best regards and deepest sympathies,International 6 Metre Association

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2008 Seattle NOOD National Offshore One Design Regatta

May 16 -18, 2008 – 8 boats, 10 races, 8 – 18 knots.Sailing World Magazine’s National Offshore One Design (NOOD) regattas take place in a variety of cities around North America and came to Seattle for the first time this past May. The Puget Sound 6 Meter Association came out in force for this new early season event. It was the debut regatta for 3 boats that had been out of the water for many years. US 90 Fokus 3, ex. Exit, ex. Little Sister, ex. N 79 Fokus III hadn’t been in the water for a race in nearly 30 years and she looked and sailed great for Jim Metteer – they even won a race. The famous US 81 Goose was back out with Peter Hofmann at the helm after an extensive 7 year restoration. USA 118 Arunga, ex. CAN 36 Courage VIII, a 1982 Pelle Pettersen design, arrived in Seattle earlier in the year and made her debut as Bob Cadranell’s 7th six meter. Consistent breezes and unseasonably hot weather (in the 90’s, 30 C) made for a fantastic regatta with lots of ra-ces, opportunities to pass, and 3 different race winners. The fight for the class win was a dogfight between Andy Parker’s USA 123 Finnegan and Rodger Phillips’ USA 107 Frenzy, who traded wins throughout the regatta with the rest of the boats fighting for 3rd place. There was no Modern/Classic division separation and local journalists noted the 24 point difference between 2nd place Frenzy and 3rd place Buzzy III.

6 Meter Class

Sailed:10, Discards:1, To count:9, Entries:8, Scoring system:Appendix A












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1 Finnegan 6 Meter 123 Andy Parker Bainbridge Port Madison YC 1 1 1 2 1 -3 2 1 2 1 15 12

2 Frenzy 6 Meter 107 Rodger Phillips Seattle Seattle YC 2 2 2 1 -3 2 1 2 1 2 18 15

3 Buzzy III 6 Meter 97 Matt Cockburn Seattle Seattle YC 3 5 3 4 2 -8 8 3 6 5 47 39

4 Saga 6 Meter 73 James C. Mackey


Island Port Madison YC 4 3 4 6 4 5 5 5 5


DNC) 50 41

5 Fokus3 6 Meter 90 Jim Metteer Poulsbo Port Madison YC 5 -7 6 3 6 1 3 6 7 6 50 43

6 Arunga 6 Meter 118 Robert Cadranell Seattle Seattle YC 7 4 7


DNC) 5 6 6 8 3 3 58 49

7 Sockeye 6 Meter 119 Pat Mitchell


Island Port Madison YC 6 6 5 4 7 4 7 7


DNC) 7 62 53

8 Goose 6 Meter 81 Peter Hofmann


Island SSC








DNC 8 7 4 4 4 4 67 58

USA 107 Frenzy ©Neil Rabinowitz

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Maud de Bel brings in the spinna-ker on USA 107 Frenzy © Dana Olsen

US 97 Buzzy III © Dana Olsen

2008 New England Summer Series - 2008 Olin J Stephens II ClassicsRegatta #1 - NYYC Race Week

The New England 6mR fleet received separate starts and class scoring at the NYYC Race Week Olin Stephens Classic regatta on the weekend of July 19th and 20th. The fleet welcomed Joe Loughborough and his Luders 24, a hull that measures 6mR dimensionally, but is too light to meet the scantling rules – to serve as a jack rabbit on the course. The fleet also consisted of US 112, a modern Gary Mull design, two Fifes, Clarity and Alana, as well as the beautifully restored US 56 Jill, from Olin Stephens design board. Racing was close, with every boat having her day. Race 2 saw Ranger take off in moderate breeze, pointing high and fast. The closest racing was in the classics, with Clarity, Jill and Alana keeping close cover on each other. Jill proved very fast downwind, true to her history, Alana showed her strength in heavy weather and Clarity proved her pointing ability and versatility in all conditions. Regatta #2 Herreshoff regatta

The 6mR fleet was treated to two starts at the Herreshoff Rendezvous over the weekend of August 23rd and 24th as well as to front row seats of Eleanora, the replica of Herreshoff's 110ft 1910 Schooner WestwardThe first race had a light air start with the fleet splitting tacks off the line. Madcap, making her debut after a mas-sive restoration back to her original open cockpit racing configuration for the fist time since the 30’s, chose port

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tack with Alana in search of fresher breeze and the hope of a lift near the first mark. Flapper, Belle (Luders 24) and Ranger went left on starboard choosing to get out from underneath Prudence Island. Going right paid dividends for Alana as she reached the first mark in the lead. A quick set from Flapper brought them right back into the race as the fleet jibed back and forth, jockeying for position. Alana went out, while Flapper stayed near the shore and the wind went right, sending Alana, Ranger, Belle on a tight spinnaker reach with good pace. Flapper, betting that the fleet could not hold their course, put up the genoa and their bet did not pay. On the long beat back to the finish line, Alana barely held off Belle at the finish line, Ranger third, Flapper fourth and Madcap 5th.Day two was a 15 mile beat from Bristol to Newport, with a finish off of Goat Island. Alana again started on port at the pin and hoped for a repeat of the previous day. Flapper and the rest of the fleet started on starboard. All boats converged on the first mark largely together and tacking duels ensued. Alana, pointing lower than Flapper, but with a good turn of speed managed to just keep her air clear and give back air to the competition, giving Alana the chance to control the tempo of the race. Should roles have been reversed, Alana would have had little opportunity to work her way out from under the higher pointing Flapper. With Belle not starting and Ranger sportingly with-drawing from the race owing to confusion about the course, the finish order was Alana, Flapper and Madcap.Museum of Yachting Classic Regatta

The 6mR fleet gathered on Sat for the climax of the series; three windward leeward courses that would allow for the standings to be shaken up if anyone had a particularly strong day. The wind, however, had other ideas. The fleet bobbed around on perfectly flat water for several hours before the RC finally abandoned racing for the day. This meant that Sunday, a day held in reserve, now mattered.When sailors awoke, they were greeted by sunny skies and a strong Northerly that was exepected to die into a Westerly. RC sent the fleet out for one race of 14 miles. As the Northerly faded in and out, being on the right side of shifts was essential to making progress on the fleet. Madcap seemed to sail in her own private breeze up Conanicut Island, cleverly being on the right side of some shifts that knocked the rest of the fleet. Off she went, smartly reaching to the windward mark first with enough time for a relaxed spinna-ker set, letting her large main do most of the work downwind. At the leeward mark, despite her lead, Madcap retired to the bar in company with Flapper, both boats suffering from time constraints that did not allow them to finish the race. That left Alana in a duel with Belle.Belle took advantage of a bad tack from Alana and squeezed inside at the top of Gould Island and took the lead all the way to the finish line for a 20 second advantage. Clarity finished third. Belle's victory sealed her tri-umph in the 6mR Open Series, a cup awarded the fastest 6mR irrespective of vintage and including any yacht invited to participate by the fleet. In this case, Belle, a Luders 24, proved too quick and well sailed for the fleet to catch. In the Olin J. Stephens II Cup, Alana proved consistency can be more valuable than speed and cap-tured the Cup

Ranger US112

Alana US 52

Clarity D22

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2008 Sir Thomas Lipton Challenge Cup Results

The start at 2008 Sir Thomas Lipton Cup © Dana Olsen

June 21 - 22, 2008 – Port Madison, WAThe Sir Thomas Lipton Challenge Cup was deeded by Sir Thomas Lipton to the Seattle Yacht Club during his visit to the USA West Coast in 1911. There are numerous Lipton Cups at yacht clubs around the world and it is said that the size of the trophy presented is in direct proportion to the amount of fun Sir Thomas had during his visit. The Seattle trophy is enormous. From 1913 to the late 1930’s the race was sailed in match race format in boats of the Universal Rule “R” Class. In 1947 the race format changed to fleet racing in the International 6 metre class.This year’s event was sailed out of the Port Madison Yacht Club on June 21 - 22. The Series started in a light easterly, or westerly, depending on where you were on the course - the wind was eas-terly on the east half of the course and westerly on the west half, with weirdness in the middle for the first two races. With a very light wind forecast the race committee did their best with what they had to work with and started anyway. Later in the day a 5-8 knot southerly filled which always makes things interesting dealing with the shifts in the lee of Bainbridge Island. Saga managed great starts and was first to the righty winder in these races forcing those behind to make difficult choices on a one way race course. In the end Andy Parker's Finnegan was first overall and the Lipton Cup winner as well as first in Moderns, Kimo Mackey's Saga was second overall and first in Classics. Up and coming Arunga owned by Bob Cadranell was third and second place Modern. Second place Classic and fifth overall was Peter Hofmann's famous Goose in her second regatta after a major rebuild.Report Matt Cockburn

Race 1 2 3 4 5 6 Points Class O.A.


Finnegan (M) 5 3 2 ¾ ¾ ¾ 7 3/4 1 1

Saga (C) ¾ 4 ¾ 2 6 4 11 ½ 1 2

Arunga (M) 2 6 3 3 2 2 12 2 3

Frenzy (M) 3 ¾ 4 4 3 3 13 ¾ 3 4

Goose (C) 4 2 5 5 4 5 20 2 5

Fokus 3 (C) 6 5 6 6 5 6 28 3 6

one throw out

USA 118 Arunga © Dana Olsen

US 81 Goose © Dana Olsen

ISMA News International 6mJI Association38

2008 North American Six Meter ChampionshipsJuly 12 - 13. 2008 – Port Townsend, WASix Meters are not one designs, but when there are 5 different winners in six races, things must be getting pretty even. Actually, it is the nature of sailing in the lee of Quimper Peninsula that creates opportunities and pit falls that can overcome the small boat speed differences between the generations of sixes. Cool westerly winds from the Strait of Juan de Fuca blow across the peninsula and concentrate in the small valleys to then fan out across the bay at 5 to 15 knots. Puffs and shifts of 20 degrees emanated from the "Paper mill valley" on the left, the "Safeway store valley" in the middle, or around the end of the city to the right. This does not also include the complexities of the tides in the Bay. Very challenging. Add to this 70 degree sunshine and a high quality nine boat fleet, you have a near perfect 6 meter event. Scoring consistently high finishes to claim the Bill Gooderham 6 Meter North American Championship and top Modern is USA 107 Frenzy sailed by Rodger Phillips and crew by 1 point over Andy Parker's USA 123 Finnegan. It all came down to last leg nose to nose drag race between Finnegan and USA 118 Arunga for the lead, won by Arunga, that knocked Finnegan back 1 place putting Frenzy in the top spot.The Classic division saw Eric Jespersen's KC 10 Gallant sail to a third overall and first classic with Kimo Mackey's US 73 Saga in fourth overall and second classic. Gallant and KC 19 Saskia II each were first overall in one race. Thanks go out to PRO Dan Taylor and The Northwest Maritime Center for assisting the Puget Sound Six Meter Association with this event.

Race 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Overall ClassYacht helmsman/ownerFrenzy (M) Rodger Phillips 2 1 2 2 3 6 10 1 1Finnegan (M) Andy Parker 1 2 7 1 5 2 11 2 2Gallant (C) Eric Jespersen 3 4 3 4 1 4 15 3 1Saga (C) Kimo Mackey 6 6 4 3 2 3 18 4 2 Arunga (M) Bob Cadranell 4 3 5 6 7 1 19 5 3Saskia II (C) Don Martin 5 5 1 5 6 5 21 6 3Sockeye (M) Pat Mitchell 9 8 9 4 4 8 36 7 4Goose (C) Peter Hofmann 7 7 6 8 9 9 37 8 4Fokus 3 (C) Jim Meteer 8 9 8 9 8 7 40 9 5One throw out, (M) modern, (C) classic

USA 123 Finnegan and US 81 Goose cross tacks at the 2008 North Americans © Dana Olsen

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Classics winner KC 10 Gallant © Dana Olsen

KC 19 Saskia II at the 2008 NA’s © Dana Olsen

6mJI time schedule for 2009 World Cup in NewportPlease read the General Informations to the 6mJI World Cup 2009 in www.6metre.ch/regatta/international cham-pionship

Newport 1

1-4 © North American Six Metre Association Newport 2

ISMA News International 6mJI Association40

Newport, Harbour © Till Herrmann

Newport 3

Newport 4

Newport by night © Till HerrmannNewport, the Coffee Grinder © Till Herrmann

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IntroductionSail Newport in association with the International Six Metre Association (ISMA) and North American Six Metre Association (NASMA) are pleased to announce that the 2009 International Six Metre Class World Cup will be held at Newport, Rhode Island, USA, from Saturday 5 September to Saturday 12 September 2009. The World Cup will be held in the 102nd Anniversary year of the creation of the Metre Rule and it is our aim to provide enjoyable and competitive racing for all Six Metres of whatever design or vintage. We wish to extend a very warm welcome to all owners, their families and friends of the International Six Metre Class and a varied and entertaining social program will be provided ashore.

1. Organizing Authority1.1 The Organizing Authority is Sail Newport in association with the International Six Metre Association

(ISMA) and North American Six Metre Association (NASMA). Regatta Headquarters will be at Ft. Adams, the home of the Museum of Yachting.

2. Jurisdiction 2.1 The World Championship will be sailed under the authority of a Race Committee, an International Jury

and Measurement Committee appointed by the Organizing Authority and approved by the International Six Metre Association (ISMA).

3. Rules 3.1 The regatta will be governed by: The ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing 2009 - 2012 (RRS) International Six Metre Class Rules and World Championship Deed of Gift In the event of any conflict, the Sailing Instructions will take precedence.3.2 English shall be the official language used in the Regatta. 4. Advertising 4.1 Advertising is permitted in accordance with ISAF Regulation 20. ISMA has adopted Category C: (i) on spinnakers(ii) on the transom(iii) when moored on flags on the forestay(iv) up to two flags of event sponsors hoisted on the backstay not higher than two metres above the waterline.

The dimensions of the flag shall not exceed 30cm x 60 cm.(v) Whilst moored, all boats shall fly the regatta logo flag(s) on their forestay. A sponsor’s pennant is to be flown

on the backstay at all times.4.2 A yacht may not be named with an advertising name.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association42

5. Eligibility 5.1 The Championship shall be open to all yachts of the International Six Metre Class holding a valid Certificate

of Rating. Copies of all measurement certificates shall be available for inspection in the Organizing Aut-hority Office for the duration of the regatta. Owners shall be current members of their National Six Metre Association.

5.2 The Race Committee with the approval of the International Jury, may allow a boat having previously applied in writing to display different sail letters and numbers from its actual identification number.

6. Entries 6.1 The Entry fee shall be announced with the full Notice of Race and Entry Form, superseding this Prelimina-

ry Notice of Race, which will be published before 1st March 2009. www.6metreworldcup.com and www.Sailnewport.org

6.2 All entries shall be accompanied by a copy of a valid Measurement Certificate. 7. Provisional Program and Race Schedule

Saturday 9/5/2009 M easurement/Practice R egatta: Opening Ceremony

Sunday 9/6/2009 M easurement/Practice R egatta

M onday 9/7/2009 L ayday/E ntry Confirmation/M easurement Confirmation

T uesday 9/8/2009 6mR World Cup Day 1 (R aces 1 & 2)

Wednesday 9/9/2009 6mR World Cup Day 2 (R aces 3 & 4)

T hursday 9/10/2009 6mR World Cup Day 3 (R aces 5 & 6)

Friday 9/11/2009 6mR World Cup Day 4 (R ace 7)

Saturday 9/12/2009 6mR World Cup Day 5 (R ace 8): Closing Ceremony

Please note that the Organizing Authority intends to host ceremonies and evening events at several Newport locations, including but not limited to: New York Yacht Club – Harbour Court, International Yacht Restora-tion School (IYRS) and Museum of Yachting, Brenton Cove.

7.1 Eight races are scheduled. Five races shall be completed to constitute a valid championship. Additional races may be sailed per day at the discretion of the Race Committee in order to achieve a minimum of five races.

8. Courses 8.1 The courses to be sailed will be the windward/leeward type and will be in Narragansett Bay or Rhode Island

Sound. 9. Scoring 9.1 The low-point scoring system RRS Appendix A4.1 will apply. If more than five races are completed,

each boat’s worst score will be excluded.10. Penalties 10.1 In accordance with RRS 44 a boat that may have broken a rule of RRS Part 2 while racing may take a penalty

but RRS 44.2 is amended to the extent that the turn shall be of one complete 360º including one tack and one gibe.

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11. Trophies and prizes 11.1 The following Trophies will be competed for:- The World Cup Trophy – Awarded to the winner of the Modern Division The DJINN Trophy – Awarded to the winner of the Classic Division The KSSS Trophy: The Classic Six Metre World Cup Trophy – Awarded to the winner of the Classic to the

1st or 2nd Rule Other sponsored prizes may be included12 Liability Disclaimer12.1 The Organising Authority, Race Organisers, and Sponsors shall not be liable for any loss, damage, death or

personal injury howsoever caused to the Owner/Skipper or crew, as a result of their taking part in the race or races. Moreover, every Owner/Skipper warrants the suitability of his boat for the race or races.

12.2 The safety of a boat and her entire management including insurance shall be the sole responsibility of the Owner/Skipper who must ensure that the boat is fully found, thoroughly seaworthy, manned by a crew suf-ficient in number and experience who are physically fit to face bad weather. The Owner/Skipper must be satisfied as to the soundness of the hull, spars, rigging and all gear. He must ensure that all safety equipment is properly maintained, stowed and in date and that the crew know where it is kept and how it is to be used.

12.3 Neither the establishment of these conditions, nor their use by the Organising Authority the Race Organisers and Sponsors, in any way limits the absolute responsibility of the Owner/Skipper. The crew are nonetheless advised to satisfy themselves as to the experience of the skipper and the adequacy of all safety equipment and insurance arrangements.

13. Insurance13.1 The boat is required to hold adequate insurance and in particular to hold insurance against third party claims

in the sum of at least US $750,000 (or the equivalent in Euros or other currencies). 13.2 Competitors are also advised to maintain their own personal accident insurance.

Provisional participants at the Newport World Cup 2009

Denmark SunRay(C) Erik LarsenLady Day(C) Erik LarsenGermany Courage IX (M) Dieter GrunauMena (C) Thomas KuhmannGreat Britain Conch Fritters (M) Robert Leigh WoodScoundrel I (M) Bertie BickettScoundrel II (M) Robert GreyTempest (M) Avia WilmettTitia (C) Brian PopeValhalla (M) Paul SmithFinland Ali-Baba II (C) Gustav NybergFridolin (C) Timo Koljonen

Djinn (C) Henrik AndersinSara af Hangö (C) Henrik TenströmToy (C) Kenneth VarsanpääFrance Bravade VI (M) J.D. SarraquineJunior (M) Yann MarilleyDix Août (C) Pierre-Paul HecklyRäven (C) Valentin AutretSweden Jungfrun (M) Peter NorlinGubbröra (M) Claes AhlinLisbeth V (C) Johan LarssonBerta (M) Lars Engelbert

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6mJI activites in ItalyVII Trofeo Villa Serbelloni

Purtroppo tutte e due le giornate del Trofeo sono state pessime si erano iscritti i i tre 6 metri Gitana junior, BauBau,Valentina nella giornata di sabato 6 settembre non si è potuta dare la partenza per le condizioni critiche del tempo.La domenica 6 le condizioni sembravano migliori e la partenza è stata data ,ma prima della seconda boa si è scatenato all'improvviso un uragano che ha costretto tutti ad ammainare le vele e a rientare precipitosamente agli ormeggi - per ovvie ragioni la regata è stata annullata. Tutto quello che riguarda gli intrattenimenti a terra (cena al Grand Hotel Villa Serbelloni, e cena al Bellagio Sporting Club, brunch nella piazzetta di Pescallo, con anche un po' di sole) si sono svolti in una allegra atmosfera conviviale.Abbiamo già fissato le date per il prossimo Trofeo che si svolgerà il 4-5-6 settembre 2009.Anche le foto che le invio sono purtroppo di qualità molto scadente perchè scattate da terra in quanto tutte le bar-che di assistenza erano impegnate nel prestare soccorso ai regatanti.Con i migliori saluti Carlo Gilardoni


ISMA News International 6mJI Association46

6mJI activites in Germany

80ster Geburtstag von FINTRA - 6mR von 1928

Im Jahre 1927 zeichnete William Fife III. im Alter von 70 Jahren für einen langjährigen Kunden die 6mR-Yacht FINTRA. Noch im September desselben Jahres wurde FINTRA als Baunummer 760 in der Werft von William Fife III. am Strand des Firth of Clyde auf Kiel gelegt. Schon nach 31 Wochen Bauzeit wurde sie dann in der zweiten Maiwoche des Folgejahres 1928 ausgeliefert und auf den Namen FINTRA getauft.Auftraggeber und erster Eigner war Evelyn S. Parker aus Liverpool, der FINTRA sehr erfolgreich bei Regatten einsetzte. So gewann sie in ihrer ersten Saison nicht nur 14 Regatten, sondern mit der britischen 6mR-Mannschaft auch die Goldmedaille beim „British American Six Metre Cup“.Nach einem an Ereignissen reichen Leben in der ersten Hälfte des letzten Jahrhunderts, in dem sie an Deck des „Ocean Liners“ Transilvania auch in die USA reiste, führte es FINTRA nach Cowes auf der Isle of White, wo sie fortan ihren Liegeplatz hatte. Anfang der 90er Jahre wechselte FINTRA dann zu einem deutschen Eigner an den Bodensee, wo sie jedoch nur wenig gesegelt und letztlich nur noch auf einem Trailer abgestellt hinter einer Halle gelagert wurde.

Fintra at St. Tropez


Fintra Newspapaper

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Fintra at St. Tropez

Das „zweite“ Leben

Anfang 2000 übernahmen wir FINTRA in einem äußerst desolaten Zustand und restaurierten sie über mehr als 3 Jahre.Der „zweite“ Stapellauf erfolgte dann am 25. Juni 2003, und nach langem Schlepp über den Bodensee wurde FIN-TRA dann bei ihrer Ankunft in ihrem neuen Heimathafen in Überlingen ein herzlicher Empfang bereitet.Nach all diesen Stationen kamen in den letzten Jahren dann noch Teilnahmen an der 6mR-WM in Sandhamn und der Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez dazu, wo FINTRA ihre Regatta-Leistungen wieder unter Beweis stellen konnte.80 zum Teil recht wechselvolle Jahre sind mittlerweile vergangen, die am 30.08.2008 im Rahmen des Überlinger Yachtpokals mit fast 200 Freunden und Bekannten, 6er-Eignern und -Seglern gebührend gefeiert wurden.Besonders gefreut hat uns die Teilnahme von klassischen 6ern, die ohne Regattaambitionen dennoch extra zur Geburtstagsfeier angereist sind.Wir möchten allen Gästen herzlichst für die zahlreiche Teilnahme danken und freuen uns auf noch viele gemein-same Segelsommer. Brigitte, Kristina & Niklaus Waser

Überlinger Yachtpokal 2008

Eine Rekordbeteiligung von 13 6mR-Yachten konnte der Überlinger Yachtpokal 2008 verzeichnen.Nach 2 interessanten Läufen mit zum Teil spektakulären Positionskämpfen stand mit zwei ersten Plätzen Thedy Schmid mit LA DIFFERENCE als verdienter Sieger von 5 gemeldeten modernen Booten fest.Bei den klassischen 6ern, die mit 8 Booten den größten Teil der Flotte stellten, konnte sich mit einem zweiten und einem vierten Platz Anita Hotz mit ADELHEID souverän durchsetzen und belegte damit sogar den dritten Platz in der Gesamtwertung.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association48

Termine 2009

Bodenseewoche 2009

Anläßlich ihres 100-jährigen Jubiläums findet vom 04.-07.06.2009 wieder eine Bodenseewoche statt, ausgerichtet im Konstanzer Trichter.Die 6mR-Yachten sollen neben den Booten der anderen Meterklassen ebenso eingeladen werden wie die Natio-nalen Kreuzer (45er, 75er), die Schärenkreuzer, die Lacustre sowie die Sonderklassen.Die Veranstaltung befindet sich derzeit noch in der Vorbereitung, sodaß weitere Details erst in den nächsten Wo-chen zur Verfügung stehen.Wer sich vorab für weitere Informationen interessiert wendet sich bitte an Niklaus Waser (nwaser@fintra.de). Bodenseewoche der Meterklassen

Als zweites Highlight zum 100-jährigen Jubiläum der Bodenseewoche sind wir derzeit im Gespräch mit der 8mR-Bodenseeflotte für eine Bodenseewoche der Meterklassen im Stile einer Far Niente.Sie wird voraussichtlich in der letzten Augustwoche (23.-28.08.2009) stattfinden und mehr einen familären Cha-rakter haben, da sie als familiensportliche Reise über den Bodensee angelegt ist. Abscghluß dieser Ausfahrt wird wahrscheinlich Überlingen sein, wo die 6er und 5.5er dann direkt zum Überlinger Yachtpokal starten oder als Gäste am Rahmenprogramm teilnehmen können.Diese "Rundreise" wird derzeit noch gemeinsam mit der 8mR-Bodenseeflotte abgestimmt/ vorbereitet, wer sich allerdings vorab für weitere Informationen interessiert wendet sich bitte an Niklaus Waser (nwaser@fintra.de).

Alle 6mR-Regatta-/ Veranstaltungstermine am Bodensee im Überblick

30.-31.05.2009 Silbercup Romanshorn04.-07.06.2009 100 Jahre Bodenseewoche im Konstanzer Trichter25.-27.06.2009 Internationale Schweizer Klassenmeisterschaft in Bottighofen27.-28.06.2009 Bottighofer Pokalregatta04.-05.07.2009 Pfahlbauregatta in Unteruhldingen23.-28.08.2009 Bodenseewoche der Meterklassen (Far Niente) - Termin noch nicht bestätigt29.-30.08.2009 Überlinger Yachtpokal05.-06.09.2009 Oberseepokal Kressbronn

Wie jedes Jahr habe ich mal die Ergebnisse der Saison 2008 zusammengefaßt.Demnach heißt der diesjährige "Bodenseemeister" der modernen 6er Hans Suhner mit MECARA.Die "Bodenseemeisterin" der klassischen 6er ist Anita Hotz mit ADELHEID.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 49

Die Gesamtrangliste der Saison 2008 lautet:

1. Mecara2. La Difference3. Kontrapunkt 5

Wie immer wurden bei dieser Wertung nur Boote berücksichtigt, die an mindestens 2 Regatten teilgenommen haben.Außerdem wurde die Anzahl der gesegelten Regatten ebenso berücksichtigt wie die jeweilige Anzahl der Teilneh-mer bei einer Regatta.D.h. z.B. daß ein dritter Platz bei 13 Teilnehmern "mehr" zählt als ein dritter Platz bei 4 Teilnehmern.Insgesamt hatten wir 41 Teilnehmer bei 5 Regatten und 18 verschiedene Boote haben an den verschiedenen Ver-anstaltungen teilgenommen.Schöne GrüßeNiklaus Waser

4. Moby Dick 5. Jeu du Vent6. Adelheid

7. Nisida8. Fintra9. Marabu

10. Antje

Auf dem Stein 2488662 Überlingen

+49 (0)7551 / 947494+49 (0)171 / 3755319

6mJI activites in FinlandRace Results Finnland 2008R-regatta at ESF-Espoo

14.6 15.6 Nicolas Sinebrychoff- Challenge

Race1 Race2 Race3 Points

Place Sail Yacht Skipper Club Alibaba II 3 4 1 8




Sara af Hangö 2 1 7 10

1 FIN-12 Fridolin Koljonen &


NJK 1 1 1 Raili 4 2 5 11

2 FIN-50 Ali Baba


NJK 2 3 2 Wire 6 5 3 14

3 FIN-39 Mariana


NJK 3 4 4 Fandango 7 3 6 16

4 FIN-60 Off Course


HSK 4 2 5 Attack 10 8 2 20

5 FIN-43 Wire Lehtinen

NJK 5 6 6 May Be VI 5 12 4 21

6 FIN-30 Raili Korkman

NJK - 5 3 Mariana 8 6 9 23

7 FIN-24 Antinea Dahlberg

NJK DNC DNC DNC Topp 9 7 8 24

7 FIN-59 IAN Cedercreutz

NJK DNC DNC DNC Off Course 1 12 12 25

Hangon Regatta - HSF

Race1 Race2 Race3 Points Helsinki Regatta - HSS

Race1 Race2 Race3 Race4

Fridolin 2 1 4 7 Alibaba II 3 0 3 10 PointsAlibaba II 1 9 1 11 Klara Stjärna 0 3 5.7 13 6Klara Stjärna 3 2 6 11 Raili 5.7 10 0 11.7 8.7Raili 5 4 3 12 Off Course 8 8 8 0 15.7Mariana 7 3 7 17 Mariana 10 5.7 10 5.7 16Off Course 4 5 10 19 Fandango 11.7 11.7 11.7 3 21.4Sara af Hangö 6 7 8 21 Ellinore 13 14 13 8 26.4Toy 15

DNC6 2 23 Jolanda III 16 16 14 14 34

Fandango 8 10 5 23 Ian 14 13 17 17 44Ian 9 8 15

DNC32 Wire 15 15 17 17 44

Jolanda III 10 12 12 34 47May Be VI 15

DNC11 9 35

Wire 12 13 11 36Arneta 11 14 15


Evli Classic Metre Nationals - HSS

Race1 Race2 Race3 Race4 Race5 Race6 Race7 Race8 Points Viaporin Tuoppi – SuPS-Helsinki

Distance Race

Sara af Hangö 0 3 8 0 0 5.7 8 5.7 22.4 Fandango 1Off Course 5.7 0 3 14 3 15 0 0 25.7 Wire 2May Be VI 21 21 0 0 13 3 3 3 43 Raili 3Alibaba II 11.7 13 10 3 8 0 11.7 10 54.4 Topp 4Raili 13 21 14 5.7 10 8 5.7 8 64.4 Off Course 5Klara Stjärna 16 17 5.7 11.7 5.7 10 14 11.7 74.8 Bambi 6Mariana 3 11.7 16 10 11.7 11.7 16 16 80.1 Attack 7Fridolin 17 5.7 11.7 13 15 13 13 14 85.4 Ian 8Bambi 8 14 13 18 16 16 15 13 95 Bibban III DNFWire 15 8 19 15 14 14 10 21 95 Mariana DNFIrma 10 10 15 16 21 21 21 21 114 Arneta DNSJolanda III 14 15 17 19 18 17 18 17 116 Djinn DNSAttack 18 16 18 17 17 18 17 15 118 May Be VI DNSDjinn 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 147

Musto Classic Regatta – BS- Helsinki

Race1 Race2 Race3 Race4 Points

Off Course 1 4 2 1 4Elinore 9 2 1 3 6Alibaba II 4 1 6 2 7Klara Stjärna 2 5 13 4 11Fandango 7 3 3 6 12Raili 5 6 4 5 14Wire 3 7 5 10 15Bambi 13 8 7 7 22Mariana 6 13 8 9 23Jolanda III 8 9 9 8 25Puckie 13 10 10 11 31Ian 13 13 13 13 39

R-regatta at ESF-Espoo

14.6 15.6 Nicolas Sinebrychoff- Challenge

Race1 Race2 Race3 Points

Place Sail Yacht Skipper Club Alibaba II 3 4 1 8




Sara af Hangö 2 1 7 10

1 FIN-12 Fridolin Koljonen &


NJK 1 1 1 Raili 4 2 5 11

2 FIN-50 Ali Baba


NJK 2 3 2 Wire 6 5 3 14

3 FIN-39 Mariana


NJK 3 4 4 Fandango 7 3 6 16

4 FIN-60 Off Course


HSK 4 2 5 Attack 10 8 2 20

5 FIN-43 Wire Lehtinen

NJK 5 6 6 May Be VI 5 12 4 21

6 FIN-30 Raili Korkman

NJK - 5 3 Mariana 8 6 9 23

7 FIN-24 Antinea Dahlberg

NJK DNC DNC DNC Topp 9 7 8 24

7 FIN-59 IAN Cedercreutz

NJK DNC DNC DNC Off Course 1 12 12 25

Hangon Regatta - HSF

Race1 Race2 Race3 Points Helsinki Regatta - HSS

Race1 Race2 Race3 Race4

Fridolin 2 1 4 7 Alibaba II 3 0 3 10 PointsAlibaba II 1 9 1 11 Klara Stjärna 0 3 5.7 13 6Klara Stjärna 3 2 6 11 Raili 5.7 10 0 11.7 8.7Raili 5 4 3 12 Off Course 8 8 8 0 15.7Mariana 7 3 7 17 Mariana 10 5.7 10 5.7 16Off Course 4 5 10 19 Fandango 11.7 11.7 11.7 3 21.4Sara af Hangö 6 7 8 21 Ellinore 13 14 13 8 26.4Toy 15

DNC6 2 23 Jolanda III 16 16 14 14 34

Fandango 8 10 5 23 Ian 14 13 17 17 44Ian 9 8 15

DNC32 Wire 15 15 17 17 44

Jolanda III 10 12 12 34 47May Be VI 15

DNC11 9 35

Wire 12 13 11 36Arneta 11 14 15


Evli Classic Metre Nationals - HSS

Race1 Race2 Race3 Race4 Race5 Race6 Race7 Race8 Points Viaporin Tuoppi – SuPS-Helsinki

Distance Race

Sara af Hangö 0 3 8 0 0 5.7 8 5.7 22.4 Fandango 1Off Course 5.7 0 3 14 3 15 0 0 25.7 Wire 2May Be VI 21 21 0 0 13 3 3 3 43 Raili 3Alibaba II 11.7 13 10 3 8 0 11.7 10 54.4 Topp 4Raili 13 21 14 5.7 10 8 5.7 8 64.4 Off Course 5Klara Stjärna 16 17 5.7 11.7 5.7 10 14 11.7 74.8 Bambi 6Mariana 3 11.7 16 10 11.7 11.7 16 16 80.1 Attack 7Fridolin 17 5.7 11.7 13 15 13 13 14 85.4 Ian 8Bambi 8 14 13 18 16 16 15 13 95 Bibban III DNFWire 15 8 19 15 14 14 10 21 95 Mariana DNFIrma 10 10 15 16 21 21 21 21 114 Arneta DNSJolanda III 14 15 17 19 18 17 18 17 116 Djinn DNSAttack 18 16 18 17 17 18 17 15 118 May Be VI DNSDjinn 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 147

Musto Classic Regatta – BS- Helsinki

Race1 Race2 Race3 Race4 Points

Off Course 1 4 2 1 4Elinore 9 2 1 3 6Alibaba II 4 1 6 2 7Klara Stjärna 2 5 13 4 11Fandango 7 3 3 6 12Raili 5 6 4 5 14Wire 3 7 5 10 15Bambi 13 8 7 7 22Mariana 6 13 8 9 23Jolanda III 8 9 9 8 25Puckie 13 10 10 11 31Ian 13 13 13 13 39

R-regatta at ESF-Espoo

14.6 15.6 Nicolas Sinebrychoff- Challenge

Race1 Race2 Race3 Points

Place Sail Yacht Skipper Club Alibaba II 3 4 1 8




Sara af Hangö 2 1 7 10

1 FIN-12 Fridolin Koljonen &


NJK 1 1 1 Raili 4 2 5 11

2 FIN-50 Ali Baba


NJK 2 3 2 Wire 6 5 3 14

3 FIN-39 Mariana


NJK 3 4 4 Fandango 7 3 6 16

4 FIN-60 Off Course


HSK 4 2 5 Attack 10 8 2 20

5 FIN-43 Wire Lehtinen

NJK 5 6 6 May Be VI 5 12 4 21

6 FIN-30 Raili Korkman

NJK - 5 3 Mariana 8 6 9 23

7 FIN-24 Antinea Dahlberg

NJK DNC DNC DNC Topp 9 7 8 24

7 FIN-59 IAN Cedercreutz

NJK DNC DNC DNC Off Course 1 12 12 25

Hangon Regatta - HSF

Race1 Race2 Race3 Points Helsinki Regatta - HSS

Race1 Race2 Race3 Race4

Fridolin 2 1 4 7 Alibaba II 3 0 3 10 PointsAlibaba II 1 9 1 11 Klara Stjärna 0 3 5.7 13 6Klara Stjärna 3 2 6 11 Raili 5.7 10 0 11.7 8.7Raili 5 4 3 12 Off Course 8 8 8 0 15.7Mariana 7 3 7 17 Mariana 10 5.7 10 5.7 16Off Course 4 5 10 19 Fandango 11.7 11.7 11.7 3 21.4Sara af Hangö 6 7 8 21 Ellinore 13 14 13 8 26.4Toy 15

DNC6 2 23 Jolanda III 16 16 14 14 34

Fandango 8 10 5 23 Ian 14 13 17 17 44Ian 9 8 15

DNC32 Wire 15 15 17 17 44

Jolanda III 10 12 12 34 47May Be VI 15

DNC11 9 35

Wire 12 13 11 36Arneta 11 14 15


Evli Classic Metre Nationals - HSS

Race1 Race2 Race3 Race4 Race5 Race6 Race7 Race8 Points Viaporin Tuoppi – SuPS-Helsinki

Distance Race

Sara af Hangö 0 3 8 0 0 5.7 8 5.7 22.4 Fandango 1Off Course 5.7 0 3 14 3 15 0 0 25.7 Wire 2May Be VI 21 21 0 0 13 3 3 3 43 Raili 3Alibaba II 11.7 13 10 3 8 0 11.7 10 54.4 Topp 4Raili 13 21 14 5.7 10 8 5.7 8 64.4 Off Course 5Klara Stjärna 16 17 5.7 11.7 5.7 10 14 11.7 74.8 Bambi 6Mariana 3 11.7 16 10 11.7 11.7 16 16 80.1 Attack 7Fridolin 17 5.7 11.7 13 15 13 13 14 85.4 Ian 8Bambi 8 14 13 18 16 16 15 13 95 Bibban III DNFWire 15 8 19 15 14 14 10 21 95 Mariana DNFIrma 10 10 15 16 21 21 21 21 114 Arneta DNSJolanda III 14 15 17 19 18 17 18 17 116 Djinn DNSAttack 18 16 18 17 17 18 17 15 118 May Be VI DNSDjinn 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 147

Musto Classic Regatta – BS- Helsinki

Race1 Race2 Race3 Race4 Points

Off Course 1 4 2 1 4Elinore 9 2 1 3 6Alibaba II 4 1 6 2 7Klara Stjärna 2 5 13 4 11Fandango 7 3 3 6 12Raili 5 6 4 5 14Wire 3 7 5 10 15Bambi 13 8 7 7 22Mariana 6 13 8 9 23Jolanda III 8 9 9 8 25Puckie 13 10 10 11 31Ian 13 13 13 13 39

ISMA News International 6mJI Association50

6mJI activites in FinlandThe boats all participated in the 1952 Olympics in Helsinki. Many of them are now recomissioned and have a plan to come to Newport. The Americans are planning a reunion as part of the races in Newport.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 51

The Nicholas Sinebrychoff Challenge Trophy in Finland

The Finnish premier Sail Club, the NJK, is the owner of a legen-dary Challenger Trophy. The format for the races is somewhat dif-ferent from what we currently are used to see on the modern race-courses. The Nicholas Sinebrychoff Challenge Trophy is sailed as a two-stage competition, where Clubs challenge each other for the right to sail against the Defender of the Trophy on record.This year, the 120th of consecutive racing years, the Challenger racing series’ venue was in the Helsinki City Harbour basin, on the Kruunuvuori arena on a beautiful August Friday.Eleven Finnish Sailing Clubs had challenged each other for the right to fight it out against the NJK who was the Defender of the Trophy won home to NJK by Maybe IV last year. NJK had decided to defend the Trophy with US80/FIN67 Djinn.In the morning the yachts had to cope with a 22 knot (11m/s) strong directionally stable southwesterly wind.A very hard and competitive 3 starts-racing series followed. The difference between the first and last boat in the goal was never more than a few minutes.In the end the Ali-Baba II from the Svartbäck Segelsällskap won the right to challenge the Djinn.

Followed by many spectator boats the three starts were expected to be very close. In order to be able to arrange a final race series between only two boats, fleet race rules were used but umpires stood by to make decisions on the water.In the first race the Ali-Baba II took a brilliant start and Djinn’s crew which had not had the benefit to race together in the morning was a little slow to get going. Ali-Baba II won with about five boat lengths before Djinn. As this was a series with the best of three races Djinn had to be better in the next start.The second race was similar as the first but now Djinn lead from start to end and crossed the finish line almost exactly as much ahead as Ali-Baba II had lead in the first race.The close racing had one more and decicive race to go. Ali-Baba II had a good start and it all looked clear for it to lead to the end. After the wind mark Ali-Baba II had serious difficulties in getting its spinnaker to fly and Djinn was getting seriously close. In the end Ali-Baba II and its skipper Gustaf Nyberg prevailed with two boat-lengths and won the rights to be the Defender-on-record to the Nicholas Sinebrychoff Challenger Trophy in 2009.This very interesting competition for a Trophy said to be the second-oldest sailing trophy after the Americas Cup is open for challengers worldwide. We hope to see many of you next year. If you win you will not only be defending for the trophy next year, you also win the right to put up a half-model of your boat in the NJK’s clubhouse. This year, and we hope for many more years to come the Sinebrychoff Brewery was the sponsor of the event and the winner also won a Spinnaker with the brewery’s logo.Converted and edited for the ISMA News from an original text in Finnish by Petri Tykkä into English by Henrik Andersin.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association52

6mJI activites in Spain

Subject: Spanish Sixes - translation of messages from Paco Sanchez and José

San Martin for Tim Street

Dear Tim, Paco and José,

1. Paco's messagePaco provided the following information: Acacia III: Paco saw her 13 years ago in the town of Castro Urdiales in the province of Cantabria when she belonged Pablo Madariaga. He will try to contact himEl Tritonazo: She is at Mallorca and is for sale ( see http://www.barques.net/velerosmadera.htm. ) (Basil adds: The company of the Web site doesn't do boat brokerage anymore. One can see her E 26 sail number in one picture. I tracked down her owner, but I didn't speak to him. He is Rafael Fuliana. His phone number is 609-636-375. He used to work at the Club Nautic Porto Cristo, Vela, 29, 07680 Manacor (Baleares) tel. 971 82 12 53, but he doesn't anymore. He may know something about Salao.)No Sé: Paco knows that she participated in the Count of Barcelona Trophythree years ago. He will try to track her down.Fatima, Isoba and Asti V: Paco says that he has no information about these boats, but that he will contact them. (Basil adds: The e-mail addreses of the owners of Fatima and Asti V are in the "To:" line of this message. As of today, I haven't received a reply from José Antonio Gisbert, <jagisbert43@hotmail.com> and owner of Isoba. )Ta Ka Ta: Paco saw her 14 years ago in the port of Santa Eulalia in Ibiza. (Basil adds: Tim indicates that she is now in Germany.)Colibri: Paco says that 24 pictures of her are available at <http://picasaweb.google.es/colibri6m/Colibri6mJI?authkey=FD1fCPPSjcE>

2. José's messageIn his message, José includes three pictures of Fatima which I've attached to this message. He says that Fatima is in good condition and will be racing with the Real club de Regatas Alicante.

3. Asensio's messageIt was in English, so I'm copying it directly into this message, along with the picture of the boat:"Our 6 M is now to sale.We bought it in 2003 and now the ASTI is in better condition as in 2003.We have made in the ASTI the following changes: - Boom, gaff and spinnaker pole are in wood (the aluminium parts still exist, and can be shipped also) - All the blocks are wooden blocks (all Harken blocks has been eliminated) - The sails are the same, but we have bought a new spinnaker made from HOOD - All ropes are natural one. No kevlar, no dacron ropes are on bord - A new TOHATSU outbord motor are on board with long shaft -A special system has been designed and constructed to fix the outboard motor on starboard.We prepare the ASTI to have the best rating (so we dismount all the winches-who will be delivered together with the boat). The ASTI has a rating of5,97 for the year 2007 (I attach you a copy of the certificate), and theASTI winn all the races of Classic Boats.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 53

I attach you also a picture of the ASTI with the new spinnaker. The ASTI is in our club in Bilbao (Real Club Ma-ritimo del Abra-Real Sporting Club) in very good condition.If the customer will, he can come to the Classic Yacht race of Bilbao called LA GITANA, who are the oldest race in the north of Spain, to sail and win with the ASTI V. The race LA GITANA are during the days 17, 18, 19 and 20July 2008. Our price for the ASTI is 63.500.- EuroI attach you the Rating Certificate of the ASTI for 2007 together with a recent picture of the ASTI, with the new spinnaker."I hope that Tim, or perhaps Henrik Andersin the future Secretary of ISMA, will include the seven Spanish boats, as a national fleet, in the next issue of the ISMA Blue Book.Given this progress, I think it is time for me to withdraw as temporary coordinator. I would suggest that Paco and José volunteer to be cited as Acting President and Acting Secretary in the next issue of the Blue Book. If they wish to do this, they can inform Tim and Henrik.I will be pleased to continue to act as translator / intermediary for all messages written in Spanish.

Best wishes,Basil

Asti V

Fatima Nico

ISMA News International 6mJI Association54

Classic NewsAra was sold to three Finnish boat builders who will make a complete renovation of her.Tim, Matt, Chris, Toby and other 6 o'philes.Clarity has just been commissioned for the season and is now in Newport.Andy Giblin did an awesome job this year and she's looking as good as ever!! We can't wait for a great 2008 season alongside all of the newly launchedand visiting 6's in Newport.I thought I might send out some updated pics for the website or records. She may not have her orig. deck layout, but she certainly is in top shapeotherwise !!

Ara S 72

Ara S 72

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 55

Ara S 72

Launch of Jill

She floats and she flies! And she even measures up (the official measurer left yesterday.)We could not be happier. These are my snap shots, we will send better pictures.Martha Coolidge [mailto:marthafaycoolidge@mac.com]

The launch of MADCAP

Another US Six joins the Newport, RI fleet. With Jill also launching this week, that is two new major restorations afloat. I think that now makes eight boats in the New England fleet, up from one four years ago. Final photo is my self on the left, Marylin Williams, who donated the boat, and owned it the last 49 years..and Wes Maxwell, grandson of the original owner.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association56

From: Aldeburgh Boat Yard [mailto:aldeburghboatyard@googlemail.com] Sent: 27 September 2008 19:58To: Tim StreetSubject: Abu Update Just thought I would send you a few pics of Abu as of Friday evening. Pretty much all the deck framing is in, including the forestay fitting and the fore and aft beams for the chainplates. The under foredeck stringers have been made but weren't in place when the pics were taken. The topsides have been faired down to a foot below the waterline and I have sprayed her with several coats of epoxy sealer and epoxy primer all over.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 57

Market place

To get ISMA bulletins slimmer (and therefore cheaper) the 6mJI market place is transferred to the www.6metre.ch site only.

Information of general interest

INVITATION to the 2008/9 6 METRE


We invite you to join us for our 6 Metre Mediterranean Challenge. Plans are well advanced for a series of six long sailing weekends between September 2008 and March 2009. Fly out Thursday night to Cannes and have a great meal on the Riviera. Friday, comprehensive training, both in classroom and practical on the water. Saturday and Sunday are racing days, returning to the UK Sunday eve-ning. Sailing venues include Cannes, St Tropez and Monaco. Participation in other regattas during this period is also possible. “ I especially enjoy racing on the 6, because it requires a massive amount of concentration and skill and most of all good team work. The ability to up the game and improve boat speeds by fractions of a knot is critical and when a crew Maneuvers go without a hitch it is very satisfying. The 6 is an incredibly tweak boat that is very easy to knock out of the groove, and difficult to get in the groove in the first place. The Regattas are always very close racing, with constant place changing taking place, and the Regatta venues make for enjoyable competitive racing”. Sail in warm waters throughout the winter months. Race tuned yachts, fully equipped. The perfect team building yacht racing activity. Full programme of lectures and practical training. Two days of fleet racing supported by dedicated RIB. Charterers can fly their sponsor flags and stickers. Press reports issued for all events. The great weekend sailing getaway. Contact us to register you interest, or check our website for further details.Avia, Richard or Jaffa at Universal Marina, Crableck Lane, Sarisbury Green, Southampton SO31 7ZN T: 01489 574272 E: info@thewillmentgroup.com Web: www.universalmarina.co.uk

ISMA News International 6mJI Association58


We have recently arranged with Alastair Houston to make available prints of his wonderful watercolours of classic yachts. Alastair is involved with organising the Fife Regatta on the Clyde and has attended the classic circuit in the Mediterranean so has had plenty of inspiration. He also works with the Heritage Dept. in the UAE recording the Dhow racing and although most of these are sold out he is planning another trip soon. Click here to view his portfolio <http://www.theyachtingstudio.com/acatalog/Alastair_Houston.html> - his images speak for themselves and makes you think "now, where could I hang that?" or maybe with Christmas coming up you know of a deser-ving sailor.I look forward to hearing from you.Meanwhile, best regards, David Elliott

Race Calendar 2009Please check the provisional Race Calendar 2009 in www.6metre.ch

At the Yachting Studio, we‘re gradually bringing together stylish products to improve the appearance of your home, office, boat, etc. - all focussed on the interests of the sailing community.

ISMA News International 6mJI Association Bulletin 2/2008 59

Closing wordsAs I am very busy in these weeks please understand that I send you best wishes for the end of the year, a nice winter, Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. We will meet soon with the ISMA news 1/2009 and so far please accept my best regards

Beat Furrer

ISMA News Editor

Mitwirkung: Collaboration: Participation:

Tim Street, Tim Russel, Thédy Schmid, Matt Cockburn, Joëlle Zumoffen-Fruttero, Reinhard Suhner, Niklaus Waser, Jean E. Mauviel, Stefan O’Reilly Hyland, Basil Carmody, Rees Martin, Gilles Favez, Dana Olsen, Carlo Gilardoni, Henrik Andersin, José San Martin, Bill Doyle, Martha Coolidge, Avia Willament, David Elliott

Verteiler / Distribution ISMA Bulletin: Auflage ca. 400 Ex

This complete ISMA Bulletin 2/2008 is a pdf.file in www.6metre.ch ISMA News / Association Suisse 6mJI Bulletin Autumn 2008 / Issue 15 / Jahrgang 8 Gestaltung: Mise en page: Bruno Casali Druck und Versand: Impression et envoi : Furrer+Frey AG

Redaktionsschluss April 30, 2009 Fin de rédaction pour édition 1/2009

ISMA News International 6mJI Association60

© Classic Boat November 2008