Bulletin Update - St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Church...Mar 15, 2015  · Bulletin Update St....

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Bulletin Update

St. Matthew’s

Bulletin Update

St. Matthew’s

___X__ Welcome Panel -Stock___1___Back inside cover - stock___6__ Bulletin Panels___1__ ESUP xx___1__ Lent Panel xx___1__ Meal Appeal xx___1__ Easter flowers xx___1__ Reformation

These bulletin announcements can be seen beginning each Friday on our website: www.stmattslutheran.org. If you wish to be added to the Friday bulletin email list, please sign up on the bottom of the Events Sign-Up panel in today’s bulletin (or contact Sonja Mohr at sonjamohr@me.com) and you will begin receiving the announcements as well as other notices on Fridays.

Welcome to St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church!March 15, 2015

Welcome to worship this morning! May you be as blessed by your time here as we are by your presence, as we praise the living God. Let us give glory and thanksgiving to our Creator and show kindness to one another. The yellow cards in the chair racks will help us to get to know you. Place the completed card in the offering basket after the sharing of peace time. Introduction for the Day: The fourth of the Old Testament promises, providing a baptismal lens this Lent, is the promise God makes to Moses: those who look

on the bronze serpent will live. In today’s gospel Jesus says he will be lifted up on the cross like the serpent, so that those who look to him in faith will live. When we receive the sign of the cross in baptism, that cross becomes the sign we can look to in faith, for healing, for restored relationship to God, for hope when we are dying.Communion: All baptized Christians who celebrate the real presence of Christ in the bread and wine are invited to the Lord’s Table at the 11:00 service. Gluten-free wafers are available if you ask your communion server. Those who desire juice instead of regular wine, please tell this to the communion assistant. Due to the weight of the communion trays, you may be asked to take your glass of wine from the tray as it is presented to you.Child for Baptism: (8:30) Lucy Grace Dillie, child of Kathryn & Jeffrey Dillie, Menomonee Falls, was born February 3, 2015. Sponsors are Theresa Williams and Jacob Dillie. Lucy’s family members include Jacob, 15; Genevieve, 13; and Benjamin, age 10.Flowers at the altar have been given by Dick & Kathy Adix in honor of Ruth Zarse’s 99th birthday on March 18th.A Library book has been given to the church library by Jennifer Wills in memory of Allan Hoeser.Why are some people wearing nametags? We wear nametags on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month in order for us to know more people on Sunday mornings. Hunger Baskets to be passed today: When the offering plates are passed later in the service, it is followed by a basket for a special collection. This second collection will be directed toward local and world hunger. Thank you for your faith-filled response to this opportunity. In a year’s time, the total makes a significant amount to address the needs of hunger issues.

Bulletin Announcements - March 15, 2015St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church - www.stmattslutheran.org

A Note about Sunday Bulletin Distribution: In order to make good use of resources, fewer copies of the bulletin announcements section of your Sunday bulletin have been printed. These Bulletin Announcements Inserts are available at the Welcome Center, from an usher, or downstairs across from the church office. OR receive a sneak-peak email of these announcements and other panels on Friday morning of each week! Please sign up on the bottom of the Events Sign-Up panel in today’s bulletin and you will begin receiving the announcements as well as other notices on Fridays.

Sustainable Crafters will meet in Fellowship Hall Wednesday, March 18th and April 15th. We will be working on cards, tin punch lanterns and more. All are welcome!

Sustainable crafters are collecting used wooden spoons. You can drop them off in the church office. Thanks!

Middle School Ping Pong Play-a-thon on March 22nd! St. Matthew’s second annual middle school ping-pong play-a-thon will take place on Sunday, March 22nd. We’ll begin with pizza at 12:15 and then play games and do ping pong drills. The event is open to all 6th – 8th graders and friends. Cost is $5 for lunch.

Soup-making Saturday: We are holding another morning of soup-making for the Just One More ministry. Jeanne Collins, our resident soup gourmet, is leading the group in making a delicious soup out of organic ingredients donated from a variety of sources. Soup-making begins at 9 a.m. in the new kitchen. Sign up on the bulletin panel or contact the church office if you can help.

St. Matthew’s Own Lenten Devotional Booklet “Reflecting Forgiveness”You are invited to deepen your Lenten experience with your St. Matthew’s brothers and sisters through our devotional series, “Reflecting Forgiveness.” Forty writers--members, pastors, partners, and bishops--have written daily devotional pieces around the scriptural theme of forgiveness. You may access the reflections online by visiting forgivenessinlent.blogspot.com and following the simple prompts to register for daily emails during Lent. You may also find the clickable link to each day’s offering on St. Matthew’s website, stmattslutheran.org. If you prefer a book with all forty devotions, you may pick one up at the Welcome Center or across from the church office. Whether electronically or on paper, do enter this Lenten discipline; do receive this gift generated from the members of the Body of Christ here at St. Matthew’s.

Check Out the Display in the Commons for the Milwaukee Center for Independence

The Milwaukee Center for Independence is a non-profit organization that assists individuals and families with special needs to better live and work in the community. They provide services “in a culture of innovation with an enthusiasm unmatched in the industry.” Please come hear their stories of how they make lives better. You can also check out their website: mcfi.org to see the variety of ways they serve a population not served in many traditional programs.

Luther - Bach - Germany - Krakow - Prague

Interested in seeing the places where Martin Luther lived, preached, and where our Lutheran heritage began?An itinerary has been put together for St. Matthew’s by AMi Travel which visits all the Luther sites you’ve heard about in your Sunday school and confirmation classes – Erfurt, Eisenach, Eisleben, Leipzig, and Wittenberg. Additionally, we will visit Krakow, Auschwitz, the beautiful city of Prague, and Berlin. April 25 - May 6, 2015Our emphasis will be on history and music, and along the way there will be breathtaking scenery, magnificent churches and, of course, lots of gemut-lichheit.

St. Matthew’s Sunday Morning Adult Forum 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.

March 15-March 29Heaven Can’t Wait (Read this Book Now):The Near Death ExperienceDan Bice, Pastor Matt Kruse, Britt Peterson, Sue Swing, Conor WilliamsMarch 15 - We’ll explore the history of the Near Death Experience (NDE) as it was coined in 1975 and what may account for the increase in stories, books and even movies on the subject. We’ll review the characteristics of an NDE, some personal accounts and why science is having a hard time chalking it all up to altered brain chemistry when the body dies.March 22 - Share your stories on physical death and the life beyond in a respectful and safe environment as we utilize the listening circle model to reflect on the phenomenon and personal experience.March 29 - The third part of our discussion on Near Death Experiences will focus on what scripture, theology, and our faith offer to help us understand these kinds of experiences. Bring your questions and join in a discussion, mediated by Pastor Matt, of how the stories of scripture shape our understandings of the afterlife.

* * * * * * * * * *Tuesdays in March: A luncheon/Lecture series from Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee: Topic: Confronting the Realities of Segregation March 17, 24, 31, 2015 Noon until 1:30 p.m.Location: First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee, 1342 N. Astor St., Milwaukee. For more information check out the Interfaith Conference website at: www.interfaithconference.org

A Note about Sunday Bulletin Distribution: In order to make good use of resources, fewer copies of the bulletin announcements section of your Sunday bulletin have been printed. These Bulletin Announcements Inserts are available at the Welcome Center, from an usher, or downstairs across from the church office. OR receive a sneak-peek email of these announcements and other panels on Friday morning of each week! Please sign up on the bottom of the Events Sign-Up panel in today’s bulletin and you will begin receiving the announcements as well as other notices on Fridays.

First Fridays Book Club has 2 more books this season: All are welcome to join the discussion. in the Upper Room at 7 p.m. on the dates listed. The upcoming books are:April 10 When “Spiritual but Not

Religious” Is Not Enough: Seeing God in Surprising Places, Even the Church by Lillian Daniel (224 pgs)

May 8 The Orchardist: A Novel by Amanda Coplin (426 pgs))

Where are the Sunday Morning Assistants?The weekly list of Sunday morning assistants is now available at the Welcome Center and in the Sacristy. Last minute schedule changes that take place in the on-line schedule have made the bulletin version less reliable, and sometimes confusing! Sunday morning volunteers are scheduled utilizing Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP), an on-line scheduling program. If you are a Sunday morning volunteer and need the log-in information please contact Sue Swing; sueswing@sbcglobal.netDon’t forget to update your e-mail address! You can also add your cell phone number, if you want to receive text reminders 24 hours before your scheduled date to serve.

Your Donations are Needed

Healing Service Schedule: All are welcome at monthly healing services Healing services are offered monthly at St. Matthew’s at a variety of times to give all the opportunity to come forward for healing prayer for themselves or others. You can share your concern with the pastor/leader at the altar, and then he/she along with the healing ministries will lay on hands and give a special prayer for your concern. Your concern can be general if you don’t wish to share specifically. Here are the upcoming dates:

Sunday, February 1, 2015 - Healing Emphasis Service at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.Wednesday, Feb. 18 - Ash Wednesday - After the 10:30 and 7:15 servicesSunday, March 15 - 11:00 communion service

Mt. Meru Coffee is now available in K-cups (regular only). Thank you, St. Matthew’s for your continuing support of our partnership with our brothers and sisters in Tanzania. Please stop at the coffee table on the 2nd and 4th Sun-days of the month. Together we are making a difference. Questions may be directed to Bruce Johnson at 414-366-5053.

Healing Service Schedule: All are welcome at monthly healing services Healing services are offered monthly at St. Matthew’s at a variety of times to give all the opportunity to come forward for healing prayer for themselves or others. You can share your concern with the pastor/leader at the altar, and then he/she along with the healing ministries will lay on hands and give a special prayer for your concern. Your concern can be general if you don’t wish to share specifically. Today March 15 - 11:00 communion Thursday, April 2 - 10:30 & 7:15 p.m.

Maundy Thursday services with healing services following

Sunday, May 10 - 9:45 a.m. Education Hour (Mother’s Day)

Women Together In Prayer: Please save the date for our annual Prayer Breakfast – May 16, 2015 – 8:30 – 11:00 a.m. Details to follow.

Parents! Did you know about St. Matthew’s Children’s Good Friday service? It takes place each year on the morning of Good Friday, this year on April 3, at 9 a.m. for parents, grandparents and children of all ages. This event includes breakfast, craft time an egg hunt and a worship service, completing the event around 10:30 a.m. Friends welcome!. It is helpful if you can help provide the filled eggs for the children to ‘hunt’ on Good Friday. You can buy your own plastic eggs and fill them with candy or other fun items, and then please tape them closed. Bring them to the green collection tub outside the church office. There are some reusable empty plastic eggs to fill if you wish to take some of those. Thank you, and see you on Good Friday!

Caregivers Group meets 2nd and 4th Monday afternoons - Sharing joys and challenges The caregivers group will meet on the following dates at 1 p.m. in the Upper Room. The group is facilitated by Sharon Thiel, and you are welcome to attend. Upcoming Dates: March 23; April 13 and 27.

Wanted: pieces of flannel 9” x 12” or larger for a women’s project through the Quilt Ministry. Flannel sheets acceptable. Any design or pattern. Place donations in designated box on Quilt Ministry table in the Library Commons. Call Bev Etzelmueller at #262-250-3969 with questions.

Join Us for Breakfast on Easter Sunday, April 5 Breakfast will be served from 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. on Easter morning and will include Egg Bake, fruit, donuts, pastries, juice, and, of course, plenty of coffee. Proceeds will support the youth mission trip to Denver, CO this summer. Suggested donation for the meal is $5 for ages 10 and up and $3 for ages 3-10.

2015 Special Funds ReportResults as of 3/08/2015 are

Balance-Comprehensive Appeal Fund to date $105,463Hunger baskets, year-to-date, for Hunger $2,0162015 Benevolence through February 28 $68,000

including Kingdom Account Distributions

Ongoing Collection for Guest House: We have updated the list of ongoing needs for the Guest House. Please consider picking up one or two of these items when you’re shopping and drop them off in the box outside the church office. Thanks for your support of this important ministry.

Spray deodorant ShampooBody Wash Foot PowderCologne or aftershaveLaundry Bags Men’s watchesMen’s wallets

Has your 1st - 5th grader come to KFC/DOC? Be part of St. Matthew’s Children’s Ministry Groups - Our children’s ministries KFC (Kids for Christ - grades 1-3) and DOC (Disciples of Christ - grades 4-5) come together for fun, fellowship, devotion and food. Friends can also come along. Bring $4 for lunch. Led by Donna Gardner Manke. The next meeting dates and times are:

Kids for Christ (grades 1-3)Sunday, April 26- 12:15-2:00 p.m.Sunday, May 3 - 12:15-2:00 p.m. (joint with DOC)Disciples of Christ (grades 4-5)Sunday, April 12 - 12:15-2:00 p.m.Sunday, May 3 - 12:15-2:00 p.m. (joint with KFC)

Piano for Sale: 1977 Cable Upright, good condition, $500 or best offer. See John Swenson or call 414-719-8256.

Summer Child Care:“My name is Gabby Procopis and I’m looking for a summer nanny job. I’m 16 years old and currently a sophomore at Wauwatosa East. I have experience taking care of babies as well as older children. I’m CPR certified and have my drivers license. If your looking for summer childcare I would love for you to consider me! I can be reached by cell phone (or text) in the evening at 414-690-2662 or by email at gabbypro98@gmail.com. Can provide references upon request.”

The St. Matthew’s Meal Outreach Ministry

Guest House: Thanks to Matt Nesheim and John & Cherie Swenson for serving dinner on March 8. 3 or 4 volunteers are welcome each month to prepare and serve dinner for 100 men at the Guest House, a homeless shelter. Meet at the church at 5:00 pm to carpool and finish by 7:00 pm. Seeking volunteers for April 12 and May 10. Please contact Carl Johnson (johnsoncr@cdmsmith.com) or 414-771-1023. Repairers of the Breach: We supply 100 bag lunches for the homeless twice a month. We pack the lunches at church on the 2nd and 4th Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m. Volunteers are needed to provide beverages, fruit, chips and sweets and/or pack the lunches. Contact Tom Geib (414-321-3391).

Serenity Inn: Volunteers prepare and serve 6-8 residents the second Sunday of each month. Volunteers carpool meeting at church at 5:15 returning at 7:15. If you are available and would like to participate on April 12, please contact coordinator Christopher Bartelt at <Barteltcm@gmail.com>.

Cross Lutheran Lunch Program We serve 300-400 people on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 12 noon at Cross Lutheran Church, 1821 N. 16th Street. We carpool from St. Matthew’s at 10:45 a.m. and serve from 11:30-1:00. Next Meal: Wednesday, March 25, 2015. Pick up a card in worship on the Sunday prior to the meal to donate food.

Just One More: Volunteers assemble packaged meals to be picked up by area churches and programs on Tuesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Food packing takes place at Redeemer Lutheran on 19th & Wisconsin Avenue. Call Larry Jurss at 414-257-3595 for details. Carpooling available from St. Matt’s.

Flower Book Sign-Ups Needed Your Sign-Ups are needed for the altar flower/library book/CD sign-up notebook! Want to honor a loved one or show someone you care? Designate altar flowers for them, or a library book. Sign up in the Binder at the Information Center. For a donation of $30.00, you may designate altar flowers, or for $15.00 a library book or a compact disc for an occasion of your choosing, and this occasion will be listed in the Sunday bulletin. The Library Committee will select the book and a bookplate will be placed in the front of the book. The church office staff orders the flowers from A New Leaf Floral each week or, during the summer months, local flowers are provided by volunteers. Proceeds of the flower designation donations go toward Sustainability projects supported through the Care for Creation team. It is best if you pay for your donations on the designated Sunday or before. Place a check in the offering plate and mark its purpose of payment, or drop off your payment in the office during the week. Thanks.

Free Screening of “Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence”Thursday, March 19, Noon to 2 p.m. – Immanuel Presbyterian ChurchThe Presbytery of Milwaukee and Immanuel Presbyterian Church are inviting the interfaith community to a brown-bag lunch screening of the documentary film, “Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence,” followed by a conversation with the writer and director afterward, at Immanuel, 1100 N. Astor St. The film shares the story of how gun violence impacts individuals and communities. It examines the effect that one shooting has on a survivor, a family, a community and a society. It was produced by the Presbyterian Church (USA) in cooperation with Interfaith Broadcasting Commission.

Milwaukee Muslim Film FestivalNow through AprilThe Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition has launched the first Milwaukee Muslim Film Festival, with screenings from now through April at: the Oriental Theatre, the Milwaukee Art Museum’s Lubar Auditorium and the UWM Theatre in the university’s student union. For more information: http://mmwconline.org/upcoming-events.html or call (414) 727-4900.

The Nazi Officer’s WifeCongregation ShalomSunday, March 15 @ 4pmAngela Schluter will give a free public talk about her experiences and those of her mother, Edith Hahn Beer, who told the true story of surviving World War II by hiding her religious identity and marrying a Nazi in her autobiography, “The Nazi Officer’s Wife.” The event is from 4 to 6 p.m. at Congregation Shalom, 7630 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Fox Point. It is co-sponsored by the Nathan & Esther Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center. For more information: http://www.holocaustcentermilwaukee.org/events/

Ongoing Collection for Guest House: We have updated the list of ongoing needs for the Guest House. Please consider picking up one or two of these items when you’re shopping and drop them off in the box outside the church office. Thanks for your support of this important ministry.

Spray deodorant ShampooBody Wash Foot PowderCologne or aftershave Laundry Bags Men’s watches Men’s wallets

Getting our Friday emails?Each Friday the church office staff sends out a preview of the Sunday bulletin announcements by PDF format. Currently we have a list of 400 who receive this information. If you’d like to receive this weekly email, please send us an email at <office@stmattslutheran.org> Be ‘in the know’ on a weekly basis about what’s going on at your church!

Ongoing Collection for Guest House: We have updated the list of ongoing needs for the Guest House. Please consider picking up one or two of these items when you’re shopping and drop them off in the box outside the church office. Thanks for your support of this important ministry.

Spray deodorant ShampooBody Wash Foot PowderCologne or aftershave Laundry Bags Men’s watches Men’s wallets

Tosa Interfaith Helps Our community’s Seniors Older adults in the Tosa area have needs such as rides to the doctor, for grocery shopping, for companion visits, for phone visits, and for doing light housekeeping such as cleaning or grass cutting. Can you consider giving a few hours per month to help the elderly in our community? Once you sign up you have complete flexibility on how much or how little you do and when you do it. Maybe once a month, maybe weekly, maybe only a couple of times a year. The choice is yours – and it’s a wonderful opportunity to meet interesting people. - Pr. Margaret You could also call the Greater Tosa Interfaith office directly at 414-453-5750.

Chocolate and Coffee for Sale today! LWR Fair Trade Chocolate available at St. Matthew’s: “Divine Chocolate” - Chocolate made with Fair Trade certified Cocoa beans grown by a farmer owned cooperative in Ghana, is available for purchase the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month at the Mt. Meru Coffee/LWR Chocolate Project table, in several delicious flavors. Not only do these farmers receive Fair Trade premiums for their cocoa beans, they are part-owners of the Divine Chocolate brand processing co. Bars come in two sizes. This opportunity is brought to us by Rosie Haas, our LWR Divine Chocolate ambassador. Large Bars are $3.50 each and small bars are $1.50 each.Also, Bruce Johnson, our Mt. Meru Coffee Ambassador offers delicious Mt. Meru coffee for sale each 2nd & 4th Sunday. This product which is purchased at a fair price from the local farmers who live in the area of Tanzania where we have a partnership relationship. Stop by and see! K-cups for single cup coffee brewing (like Keurigs) are also available.

Men: A great way to begin your week - The Monday Morning Men’s Bible Study meets each Monday morning at 6:30 a.m. to study, to discuss, to share. All men are welcome. For more information, call Mark Petersen, 476-7299 or Bill Brown, 774-4017.

A New Chorus - With a Familiar FaceCome hear the Chant Claire Chamber Choir in Concert - April 18thCome to hear a concert by the Chant Claire Chamber Choir, a new choir in the Milwaukee area. Pastor Matt Kruse, who is an experienced choir singer, discovered this choir and joined it last fall. Come hear the group at their spring concert:

Saturday, April 18th at 7:00 PMAlverno College Chapel

Here’s some information about the group:

“Founded in the Fall of 2013, Chant Claire Chamber Choir is a new Milwaukee chamber choir dedicated to bringing challenging, high-quality choral music to singers and audiences in southeast Wisconsin. The group began rehearsing in September 2013, and performed its first concert in December 2013. The group was begun by Benjamin Bedroske, who is now the chorus director.And about this concert: “The repertoire for our Spring concert is quite unique. It’s all music by composers who are from Wisconsin. This means that a lot of the music is going to be unfamiliar to the majority of our audience, but it’s a great chance to showcase some talented musicians from our home state. We’re looking forward to performing their pieces and give tribute to the place we call home.”

Admission is free: donations accepted at the performance.

Ministry Scheduler ProSunday morning volunteers are sched-uled utilizing Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP), an on-line scheduling program. If you are a Sunday morning volunteer and need the log-in information please contact Sue Swing; sueswing@sbcglob-al.net.

Volunteers are needed for EASTER! To sign up on-line:Log into your profileClick on Full SchedulesOpen the current schedule - January 1-April 26Click on the Volunteer Now link for the time you want to serve on Easter Sunday or sign up on the sign up sheet at the Welcome Center.

Din-ner Auc-tion

GREAT FOR EASTER BASKETS:LWR Fair Trade Chocolate available at St. Matthew’s: “Divine Chocolate” - Chocolate made with Fair Trade certified Cocoa beans grown by a farmer owned cooperative in Ghana, is available for purchase the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month at the Mt. Meru Coffee/LWR Chocolate Project table, in several delicious flavors. Not only do these farmers receive Fair Trade premiums for their cocoa beans, they are part-owners of the Divine Chocolate brand processing co. Bars come in two sizes. This opportunity is brought to us by Rosie Haas, our LWR Divine Chocolate ambassador. Large Bars are $3.50 each and small bars are $1.50 each.


St. Matthew’s Lenten Meal Appeal seeks to fight hunger & provide support for three important meal ministries! Bureaucratic changes, economic issues, & increased demand have created challenges for our meal partners. Please prayerfully consider giving—please use a purple envelope and/or put Meal Appeal on your check. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!


Please prayerfully consider giving - use a purple envelope and/or put “Meal Appeal” on your check. Thank you for your support!

St. Matthew’s Ev. Lutheran Church

Lenten Meal AppealYour gifts to the Lenten Meal Appeal will help to support our partners at Cross Lutheran Church with their Bread of Healing Food Pantry.

Bureaucratic changes, economic issues and increased demand have created challenges for our meal partners.

El Salvador Emergency Food ShipmentsThe Salvadoran Lutheran Church is a church of the poor, intentionally locating itself in the poorest communities. In addition to the day-to-day struggles of poverty, the residents of these communities are also disproportionately affected by the frequent natural disasters that strike El Salvador – such as floods, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions.

• Our goal is to send two shipments per year (July and November) of nutritionally fortified rice to the Salvadoran Lutheran church.

• Each community served by the church receives 20 cartons of food, each of which serves 3-4 families.

• The food that is contained in each shipment is essential to improving and maintaining the health of those who are seriously food deprived, especially struggling families and senior citizens. Health improvements have been noted in communities receiving the food.

• Each delivery of food costs about $8000, or a total of $16,000, to ship.

Thank you for your support of this meal ministry that is so appreciated by the Salvadoran Lutheran Church!

Supporting these organizations alleviating hunger in the world: - EL SALVADOR EMERGENCY FOOD SHIPMENTS - Cross/Bread of Healing Empowerment Ministry - Just One More Meal Ministry

As a result, hunger is a constant concern for the church. Your support of emergency food shipments will help the church reach those most in need.

The Five Wednesdays in Lent are February 25 - March 25, 2015

Wednesday Mornings10:30 a.m. Lenten Worship Service Sanctuary

11:00 a.m. Saints Social Gatherings - Commons Everyone’swelcometostayafterworship


* * * * * *Wednesday Evenings5:30-6:30p.m. Dinnercontinuouslyserved;Comewhen

youcan. (PleasesignuptodayattheLentenTableintheCommons.) The dinners are held in Fellowship Hall.

March 18th: Baked potato bar, salad, fruitMarch 25th: Build-your-own-sub, fruit, vegetables and dip

6:00-6:45 New Generation Choirmeetseachweek.Sanctuary

6:00-7:00 New Creation ChoirmeetseachWednesdayduringLent.Choir Room

6:15-7:00 Adult Education:“ThePowerofForgiveness”Upper Room

6:15-7:00 Lenten Time for FamilieswithChildrenupthroughThirdGradewiththeirParent(s).DonnaGardnerMankeandPastorChris.

First Floor Education Building

7:15-8:00 p.m. Lenten Worship Service Sanctuary OfferedeachWednesdayeveningasapeacefulservicetocloseyourdayin


Stop by the Lent Table in the Commons near the main entrance to the Sanctuary for further information and ways to observe Lent individually.

Sign up online to receive the St. Matthew’s Lenten Devotional Book by email each day. Take a card for instructions on accessing this new resource. Printed copies are available at the Welcome Center.

Make Wednesday night ‘Church Night” during Lent



Tosa Interfaith Helps Our community’s Seniors Older adults in the Tosa area have needs such as rides to the doctor, for grocery shopping, for companion visits, for phone visits, and for doing light housekeep-ing such as cleaning or grass cutting. Can you consider giving a few hours per month to help the elderly in our community? Once you sign up you have complete flexibility on how much or how little you do and when you do it. Maybe once a month, maybe weekly, maybe only a couple of times a year. The choice is yours – and it’s a wonderful oppor-tunity to meet interesting people. - Pr. Mar-garet You could also call the Greater Tosa Interfaith office directly at 414-453-5750.

Flower Book Sign-Ups NeededYour Sign-Ups are needed for the altar flower/library book/CD sign-up notebook! Want to honor a loved one or show someone you care? Designate altar flowers for them, or a library book. Sign up in the Binder at the Information Center. For a donation of $30.00, you may designate altar flowers, or for $15.00 a library book or a compact disc for an occasion of your choosing, and this occasion will be listed in the Sunday bulletin. The Library Committee will select the book and a bookplate will be placed in the front of the book. The church office staff orders the flowers from A New Leaf Floral each week or, during the summer months, local flowers are provided by volunteers. Proceeds of the flower designation donations go toward Sustainability projects supported through the Care for Creation team. It is best if you pay for your donations on the designated Sunday or before. Place a check in the offering plate and mark its purpose of payment, or drop off your payment in the office during the week. Thanks.

Reformation Lutheran Church’s Neighborhood Store and Coffee Shop’s 10 Most Wanted Items (thru Mar. 29th only)1) Small appliances (e.g. fans, crockpots, electric fry pans, irons, blenders)2) Towels, bed linens, and pillows, comforters3) Pots and pans, bakeware, kitchen utensils and knife sets4) Silverware, dishes, and glassware in sets of 4 or more5) Bed sheet sets, especially queen size6) Costume jewelry, belts for men and women, purses, hats, sunglasses7) Living room items like couch/side tables, lamps, area rugs, clocks8) Seasonal clothing, especially infant and children’s - Spring after March 19) Kitchen table and chair sets, microwaves and carts10) Gently used and new underwear for children and adults

Important News About the

Reformation StoreNo Donations Accepted

after March 29th Reformation will be moving all of its ministries – including the Neighborhood

Store – to a new location at the end of April! For that reason, beginning April 1st, they will not accept further

donations until they are set up in their new space. Until Sunday, March 29th, you can continue to leave donations at the collection area in the first floor Education Wing entryway. Items especially needed are listed below:

Your Help Is Needed to Help Move Reformation StoreReformation is looking for volunteers to help pack merchandise, break down store fixtures, and move items to storage or a new location. Help with packing is needed on Saturday, April 18th between 9:00 – 2:00 and on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 21st and 22nd between 10:00 – 2:00. Moving Day is Saturday, April 25th from 9:00 – 2:00. Much help as well as vans and trucks for transporting items will be needed on that day. If you can help at any of these times, or if you have a truck or van to help with transporting items, please contact the church office.

Reformation Lutheran Church

2201 N. 35th Street

(until April 25, 2015)

One of our Partner Congregations

Pastor Marilyn Miller

This Week:Monday: 6:30, Men’s Morning Bible Study10:15, Staff Meeting11:00, Program Staff Meeting 6:00, Property Committee Mtg. 6:30, Care for Creation MeetingTuesday: 9:30, The EmBELLishments 6:00, Godsbells 6:00, Yoga Class 7:00, Righteous Ringers 7:00, Celebrate Recovery 7:15, LAC RehearsalWednesday: 10:30, Morning Lenten Service11:00, Fellowship Time after Service11:30, Sustainable Crafters 1:00, League of Women Voters 5:30, Lenten Dinner 6:00, New Generation Choir 6:00, New Creation Choir 6:15, Lenten Adult Study “Forgiveness” 6:15, Lenten Family Time 7:15, Lenten Worship ServiceThursday: 9:00, Retired Pastors in Ministry 9:30, A CaBELLa Ringers11:45, Women of Faith 4:00, Praise Kids! 6:15, Bells Angels 7:30, Senior Choir RehearsalFriday: 6:00, Concord Chamber Orchestra RehearsalSaturday: 9:00, Soup Making for J.O.M.M. 8:00, Concord Chamber Orchestra Concert

Attention Women of the CongregationSign up now - Reserve your spot!Annual St. Matthew’s Women’s RetreatApril 17-18-19, 2015“Now With God’s Help, I Shall Become Myself”Keynote: “Clear Your Clutter – Release and Heal”Led by Kerri Weishoff, the morning workshop will focus on letting go of our physical, mental and emotional clutter. Kerri is an Integrative Health Coach, a workshop leader on clarity and visioning, and teacher of The Art of Healing and Self Care at UW-Milwaukee. She is a graduate of the University of Minnesota Center for Spirituality & Healing Program.

Breakout opportunities: • Create A Vision Board – Use images to

reveal insights on who you are and where God might be calling you. Led by Erin Weileder and Mary Thomae

• “Read the Book of Nature” – Read a passage from scripture. Walk the grounds of Benet Lake Retreat Center. Observe how God might be speaking to you. Led by Lora Dow

• Create A Prayer Space – gather materials to create a prayer space for your home. Led by Ginny Cleppe

Open the day with Universal Dance for Peace and close with worship and communion.There are gift certificates available for all or part of this retreat if you wish to give this as a gift. Men? A gift idea for the woman in your life. $50 for Saturday, $90 for Friday and Saturday, $140 for Friday - Sunday. We have gift certificates ready for purchase in the church office. Includes meals and lodging. Friday evening will focus on relationship building, Saturday evening we’ll view and discuss the movie “Philomena,” and Sunday attend worship with the Benet Lake community before departing.

Retreat Details

WhenFriday, April 17 - Sunday, April 19, 2015

Arrival - 6:00pm FridaySaturday - 8:00am - 4:30pm

Conclusion -Following breakfast and worshipSunday

Registration DeadlineMonday, April 13, 2015


St. Benedict’s Abbey12605 224th Avenue

Benet Lake, WI 53102262.396.4311

Scholarships Available

Please contact Pr. Margaret for scholarships or pay-as-you-go assistance

Additional Questions

Please contact:Ruth Kallio-Mielke 414.427.5791


Friday, April 17

6:00 - 7:00pm Arrival & Check-In6:30 - 9:00pm Light Dinner & Fellowship9:00pm Evening Devotion

Saturday, April 18

7:00am Dance Circle8:00am Breakfast8:45am Opening Devotion9:00-11:00am Keynote Speker

12:00pm Lunch 1:00pm - 3:15pm Afternoon Workshops 3:30pm Closing Worship/Communion

4:30 pm Departure5:00pm Evening Activites

Fellowship and Relaxation with women fromSt. Matthew’s, partner congregations and friends!

Sunday, April 198:00am Breakfast

followed by worship with the Benet Lake Community


All activities are optional.You are encouraged to participate as you deem appropriate to your needs.

Saturday Highlights


Clear Your Clutter: Release and HealKerri Weishoff


Making a Vision BoardReading the Book of NatureCreating a Prayer Space

Experience Universal Dance for Peace

Fellowship, relaxation and laughter with women from St. Matthew’s

and partner congregations!

Kerri Weishoff has combined over 22 years of Rehabilitation leadership and her

Integrative Health Coaching training. �rough her expertise, Kerri uniquely guides individuals to improve their

health, mental clarity, lifestyle and well being.

Registration Form Directions

From Northeast:

I-94 (or HWY 45) south to County C(Kenosha Cty), right on County C, left on224th Ave. (also the beginning of County V). Stay on 224th Ave., left ontoAbbey grounds.

From Northwest:

What to Bring

St. Matthew’s Women’s RetreatApril 17-19, 2015Benet Lake





Emergency Contact


Friday - Sunday $140 _________

Friday - Saturday $90 _________

Saturday Only $50 _________

Scholarship Contributionto support otherattendees _________

Total Payment _________

Make check payable to

St. Matthew’s LutheranChurch & note Women’s Retreat in the memo line

lodging & all meals through breakfast Sunday

lodging & meals Friday through lunch Saturday

breakfast & lunch

TransportationGoing alone or already carpooling __________

Need a ride __________Willing to provide a ride __________

HWY 50 east to HWY 83, right on HWY 83,left on 119th St., follow two curves(119th becomes 122nd), right on 224th Ave. (stop sign), left onto Abbey grounds.

Comfortable Clothing, Bible, SleepwearPersonal Toiletries, Outdoor shoes, Flashlight

A friend to share the experience


Bed Linens, Towels, Alarm Clock


Welcoming women of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church

and interested friends

Now with God’s help, I shall become myself.

Soren Kierkegaard

“I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14a

Easter Flower Order FormCelebrate the Risen Christ

Sunday, April 5, 2015

We will express our joy in the resurrection of our Lord on Easter by remembering our loved ones. We will blanket the altar area with a display of spring plants. In lieu of plants, a contribution may be given “in honor” or “in memory of” and will be contributed to St. Matthew’s benevolences serving those in need.

All Easter plants and Easter benevolences will be listed in the bulletin on Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015. Return the following form, with payment, to the church office or place in the offering plate. All plants may be picked up after the 11:00 a.m. Easter Service.

Deadline to order is Sunday, March 29, 2015.(Please include payment with your order.)

Hyacinths (assorted) @ $11.00 _________ Daffodils (yellow) @ $11.00 _________ Lilies (white) @ $11.00 _________ Tulips (assorted) @ $11.00 _________ Azaleas (assorted) @ $19.00 _________ Hydrangeas (pink and blue) @ $19.00 _________ Easter Designated Benevolences @ $10.00 _________ to St. Matthew’s Benevolences of agencies and programs serving those in need Total _________

Donor’s Name(s) _________________________________________________________

The flowers/benevolences purchased are to be listed in the bulletin as follows:

in honor of _____________________________________________________________

orin memory of ___________________________________________________________

St. Matthew’s Weekly Sign-Up PanelMarch 15, 2015

If you are interested in any of the following activities/events, please check the appropriate box and place this sheet in the offering plate, or turn it in to the church office. This is your opportunity to be involved in some of St. Matthew’s ministries.

I plan to come and help make soup for the Just One More meal ministry on Saturday March 21st at 9:00 a.m. Number attending _____

My child plans to attend DOC (Disciples of Christ for 4-5 graders) on Sunday, April 12 from 12:15 - 2:00 p.m. Number attending _____

I can join the crew of people helping the congregation of Reformation Lutheran Church move to a new location on Saturday, April 25th.

I would like more information about serving at Serenity Inn occasionally. It is scheduled each second Sunday evening. (Serenity volunteers serve only dates you choose)

I’d like more information on the Simply Giving service, the electronic transfer of contributions to St. Matthew’s.

Please add my email address to the list of people receiving the Friday “Bulletin Update,” a preview of the announcements in the upcoming Sunday’s bulletin.

Name_______________________________ Phone Number_________________

Email Address ____________________________________________________

For more information on any of these opportunities, please call or email the church office, 414-774-0441 or office@stmattslutheran.org.

I would like more information about serving at Serenity Inn occasionally. It is scheduled each second Sunday evening. (Serenity volunteers serve only dates you choose)

I’d like to help with the “Just One More” meal ministry on Friday mornings. The food distributing takes place at Redeemer Lutheran Church on Wisconsin Ave. in Milwaukee.

I have a question about _______________________________________

Ministers ThePeopleofSt.Matthew’sEv.LutheranChurchLeadPastor TheRev.ChristopherJ.P.MankeAssociatePastor TheRev.MatthewKruseAssociatePastor TheRev.MargaretSchoeweMusicMinister/Organist/NewGeneration&AdultHandbellChoirs JohnR.ParadowskiDirectorofOlderAdultMinistries JaneSandstromDirectorofYouthMinistries&Children’sEducationCoordinator GretchenHaugseVolunteerMinistries/SmallGroups/AdultEducation SueSwingChildren’sMinistryCoordinator DonnaGardnerMankePastors’Assistant/SundaySchoolSupport EmilyWanezekTechnologyCoordinator BrianSmithChurchLibrarian(volunteer) BevEtzelmuellerSeniorChoirDirector DavidMohrYouthHandbellChoirs JeffreyReevesNewCreationChoir JeffreyReevesandJohnParadowski;HeideHughes,accompanistPraiseKids!Directors(Jr.K-2grades) JeffReevesandAmyDankwardtFinanceSecretary HollyJurssOfficeAssistant JillDueCommunicationsSecretary SonjaMohrJanitor JohnSwenson

Vision Statement: Guided byGod’s Spirit andGrace, we are a community ofdisciplesgrowinginfaith,hopeandloveinourLordandSaviorJesusChrist.(What we want to become)

Mission Statement: Called to fulfill the Great Commission, St. Matthew’swelcomesalltofaithinJesusChrist,nurturesourfaithjourney,equipsustoserveothers,andsendsusintotheworldtomakeadifferenceinJesus’name.(What we are going to do)

Values: Wewant to be people who grow in our Spiritual fruitfulness, which isshown through the Fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness,Goodness,Faithfulness,Gentleness,Self-control.(Who we want to be)