Bumpsnbaby magazine may june 2015

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Bumps n Baby is one of the world's leading parenting blog. The topics covered are babycare, babyfood, mothercare, weightloss post baby, general parenting. The Bumps n Baby magazine is new initiative by Bumpsnbaby.com. This magazine contains some very helpful articles for parents.


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Hi lovely readers, It is yet another proud moment for Bumps N Baby as we bring to you our first edition of the BumpsnBaby Magazine. We, the BumpsnBaby team, have always tried to read our reader s mind and hence we are trying to take one step closer to you through our Bumps N Baby magazine. Through this magazine we will interact with you and keep you updated with the latest parenting tips. Bumps N Baby magazine will be our way to reach and connect with you periodically on a bimonthly basis. What makes the BnB magazine special? The contributors at team BnB write out of their experience. All the remedies, tips and suggestions made in the articles are tried and tested by parents just like you. We are here to preach what we practice. - Write in to us with your feedback, questions and suggestions. Let us together make parenting a simple and enjoyable phase. Happy parenting -

With Love, Team BumpsnBaby

DISCLAIMER: All the contents in this magazine, including advice from doctors and other professionals, should be considered as opinion only. All content provided in this magazine is for informational purposes only.

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“What’s in a name?”-This was a question asked by Shakespeare. Seems Shakespeare was less interested in what a person is called☺ But I would say there is definitely so much in a name!!!

A name is the only thing that you carry with

you from your birth till your last day and may

be beyond. You are known by your name and

it is your identity. A name can even give a hint

of what you are, your culture and background

and even your country of origin. Name is

definitely the ‘gift’ that we give to our children.

So there is of course a lot in a name!!!


What’s in a name?

Baby Zone


 A guide to choose an apt name for your baby

With so much in a name, no wonder that finding the perfect name for the child tops the list of every parent. And believe me finding the right name is a huge task. I have gone through it☺

In the olden days this was fairly an easy task as the options available were limited. The name would either be of a person you have known and admired or name of your grandfather/ grandmother or a family member or characters from mythology.

But nowadays trend has changed. With lots of options available just with a click on the Google search button, confusion over what name to choose just can’t be ruled out. So how do you simplify this task?


By Soumya Ajaykumar 

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Different is in being unique

The rat race these days is to choose a

unique and different name. However

while doing so, choose a name that has a

meaning as well. A part of mom and dads’ name

It’s a trend these days to see if there is a name that would be part of both the parents name. You can try to work out a combination of both your names but ensure that the name has a meaning and sounds good and not funny.  

Baby zone 

Here is a 10-step guide to select the apt name for your munchkin.

List down This is the first step. As and when you come

across a good name, make it a habit to list it

down somewhere.

Even if you are not an expectant parent, it can

always come handy to someone in the family.

Suggestions are something that every

expectant parent asks for.

Research thoroughly

Go through the web, books, get suggestions

from family and friends. Sit together to

finalize a name.

You can select a name based on alphabet,

numerology, religion etc. There are n

numbers of websites to give you a lot of


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Choose a name that you both agree upon. There will be lots of suggestions made. A

name that either of you disagree upon should

be ruled out.

Spell and pronounce the Name correctly

A misspelt name leads to inappropriate

pronunciation that can cause lot of problem

and confusion in the long run.

Ensure that the name is easy to pronounce and

everyone pronounces it correctly. The last

thing you would want is your child correcting

everyone on how to pronounce his or her


Rhyme with the sibling’s name  If the child has a sibling, you can choose a name that will match with the older sibling. Don’t go by the trends Something that’s ‘in’ today will be

outdated tomorrow.

Don’t choose a name just because it’s

a trend these days. Choose wisely.

Concentrate on the meaning of the

name and how would it sound like

when its called out.

Should sound good with the surname    Choose a name that you think will

suit your family and that will go well

with the surname you will be using.

If the name you select sounds funny

or awkward when combined with the

surname then you should rule it out.

No lengthy names

Don’t select a too lengthy name. Later

it will become a burden when it

comes to filling passports, forms and

other certificates.


Baby zone 

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   Ten creat ive ways to get your todd ler do what you want The tiny little newborn that snuggled well in my arms is now in his ‘terrible twos’ with the blink of an eye!!!

As he stepped into his second year, he has learnt so much about the world already. Not only has he learnt to walk, run and talk, but he has now got ideas of his own!

He chooses what dress he wants to wear and what channel to run on the TV. He will even command where I should sit and which pillow I should sleep on.

He has his own opinion for everything and anything under the sun. And to add he has those tantrums that he throws at totally inappropriate time and place. As a stay at home mom who takes care of him 24x7, this definitely drives me crazy. I guess the scene at your home wouldn’t be different.

Giving commands and trying to discipline a toddler does not work all the time. At times you will have to enter their world and be a kid yourself to tackle them.

Being a creative person, I’ve found several ways to manipulate my mischievous munchkin and trick him to do things in my way. Yes I am the boss, if not always!!! ☺

So you, the poor caretakers of mighty little toddlers, read on. Learn the tricks to make your toddler do what you want! Distraction works best

This is a tried and tested technique that works

on all toddlers. When my son is throwing a

tantrum or won’t stop doing things I don’t

want him to do, I turn his attention to

something else.

Tactics for tackling a toddler

Toddler Zone


Vandana Srirangam 

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“Hey, look there is a dove in the terrace”. Or

“Oh, amma’s phone is missing. Can you

search?” I build the conversation in that

direction and my son soon forgets what he

was up to!

It’s easier to distract toddlers and so distract

them when they are up to something


Become a part of his own world

Toddlers closely observe what we do and

love to pretend like grownups.

Yes they do imagine a lot and are capable of

living in an imaginary world of their own.

How cool is that?

Instead of reasoning with them by breaking

their imagination, get into their own world to

achieve what you want.

My son often gets hold of my phone and

pretends as if he is talking on the phone, just

as I do.

I want him to use his toy phone instead. But

he wants my phone because he is playing ‘do

what mom does’ game in his imaginary

world. What to do now?

I take the toy phone and talk through it for a

minute. Then I tell him, “Look, there is a call

for you on this phone. Talk to grandma”.

Haa…. this works and he takes the toy phone

from me. Now I tactfully pull my phone from

him and keep it in a safe place.

Pretend and play with them to get things

done the way you want it.

Call those scary characters for your


This is not a good tactics, but still can be used

in moderate ways if you are out of tricks.

Toddler Zone


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Create an imaginary villainous character.

Convince your toddler that if he doesn’t

listen to momma, the villainous character

will come and take him.

Yes scaring your toddler can do some

tricks. Create imaginary characters that are

reasonable and somewhat logical.

Scare them but don’t overdo it. Don’t scare

them to that extend that they develop


For example, we have this made-up

character called ‘meemee-maama’, and she

visits every house at lunchtime,

dinnertime, sleep time etc.

We have convinced him that if he doesn’t

sleep, meemee-maama will come and sleep

with him. So if he is not ready for his bed, I

ask him, “Will you sleep with meemee-

maama today?” Scared little one will always

prefer to sleep with me instead and will

settle in his bed all by himself ☺

Give him choices, but make

them limited

Offering kids with choices and letting them

to choose what they want gives them a fake

idea that we are giving them power to

decide own their own.

Instead of forcing them to do things, give

them choices on what you want them to do

and let them choose. This will really work

most of the time.

When my son refuses to drink water, I ask,

“Hey you want the Sippy cup or the new

tumbler?” He feels he has some control over

things and will choose what he wants. He

would happily drink water from the sippy

cup he has chosen.

Predict and Offer alternatives

Even before I know my son is going to do

something naughty, I predict his behavior

and offer him an alternative.

When my son is taking our kitchen cups to

the balcony, I know his next move will be to

throw them out of the balcony. I don’t tell

him “Don’t throw them”. That might give

him the idea even if he hasn’t thought of it.

Instead I ask him enthusiastically “Hey, you

want to make building with those cups?” And

Toddler Zone


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he will be happy to play that game, because

all he wants is to be engaged in an interesting


Give him a sense of competition

Toddlers love competitions. They always

want to do things first.

When my son refuses to sit in his highchair, I

tell him “Amma is going to sit in the high

chair and eat”. That’s it. He will come

running to the highchair in no time.

This is not my favorite tactic, because I feel I

am making him narrow minded in a way. But

then, it works and he actually loves this little


Make them help you- they will feel


Kids take helping very seriously. It gives them

a sense of accomplishment.

To make them do things the way you want

pretend as if you are seeking help from them.

Make them do small tasks and appreciate

them for what they do.

If my lo is pestering me a lot when cooking, I

will say “Can you pick up that lid and give to

amma?” “Thanks. Now, can you pick these

coriander leaves for me?”

He will do whatever help I am asking him to

do without disturbing me. He is engaged in

some activity and I can get my work too.

It’s also a double benefit, because sometimes

he really does help me get things done. ☺

Making new stories out of real life


I am good at creating new imaginary stories

relevant to the current situation.

My son wants to play with the plug point,

even though he knows it will give him a

shock. Instead of lecturing him for the 100th

time why he shouldn’t do it, I tell him “Hey,

amma met an aunty at the grocery shop. Her

baby touched the plug point without listening

to her. She got a big shock and fell on the

ground and hit her head. Poor thing.”

Toddler Zone


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This made up story with a little enacting is

enough to distract my little munchkin from

the plug point.

Give a lengthy explanation

This was one of our funny tactics that

worked before Krishna started

understanding our language.

If he wants to do something forbidden, I

used to give him a lengthy explanation of

why it shouldn’t be done. Though he didn’t

understand a word of it, he would stop

doing it simply because of the lengthy

explanation I have given.

Now that my son is good at catching every

word out of our mouth, I don’t use this trick


Let her have her own way too

Sometimes your toddler will have a different

idea of how to do things. If it doesn’t really

matter, let her have her way.

If she wants to play with her sippy cup and

spill a little water in the living room, let her

do that. You can clean it up later, right?

Give him a break, please

There are those times when my toddler

seems to be cranky and fusses over one thing

after the other with no particular reason.

It’s usually when I am too busy to give him

full attention or he is just too bored. A

cuddling and nursing session or a change of

scene by doing a quick walk around our

apartment does magic!

Lastly understand that this is just a phase.

Throwing tantrums, not obeying parents

and doing things the way they like are all

part of the development. After all they are

just toddlers. Don’t treat them as adults

Always try to see the world through the eyes

of a toddler when dealing with them.

Toddler Zone


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Incredible India for kids

 Kid friendly travel destinations in India ‐By Soumya Ajaykumar 


It is vacation time and most of us are either out on vacations or planning for the same. There are a lot of places in India that are kid friendly and kids have a great time visiting these places. Some

of them are listed here.  

1# GO Goa!! Goa is a popular tourist destination known for its beaches, churches and the scenic beauty. This place is ideal for kids primarily because of the weather. Goa does not experience extreme conditions in any season. There are plenty of stay options you can choose from. Enjoy a trip to Goa where your little one can play around on the beach and enjoy activities like boating, building sand castles etc. Things to remember: Be cautious on the beach. Never leave your little one unguarded on the beach. Ensure that you find out about the safety measures on the beach.

2# Kerala- God’s own country Kerala, God’s own country, is the best place to introduce your child to nature. The green and scenic beauty of Kerala is something that makes your stay there peaceful. You can customize your plan to Kerala with either a visit to the backwaters where kids can enjoy boat ride, or the beaches, or the forest reserves with lots of elephants and elephant rides or take a quick break at hill stations like Munnar or Wayanad. Things to remember: Avoid Kerala in the rainy season since it receives a very heavy rainfall.



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3# Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh is known for its tiger reserves. Introducing your child to the wild can begin here. The Bandhavgardh , Kanha and Pench are some tiger reserves that you can visit. Things to remember: These areas also tend to get extremely hot in the summers. Take proper precautions if you are planning a trip in summer.

4# Rajasthan Rajasthan as a whole is very colorful and rich in heritage .The amazing sand dunes, cultural heritage, the palaces, and wildlife makes it an interesting destination for kids. It is a whole new experience in itself. Plan your travel to cover Jaipur, Jaisalmer and Udaipur that are known for their rich historical forts and palaces. Activities to do would be a desert safari, palace and fort visits and of course shopping with the kids. Things to remember: Summers can be extreme in Rajasthan. Plan your trip considering the weather conditions in Rajasthan

5# Pondicherry The coastal town of Pondicherry is just 2.5 hours from Chennai and it’s a very good place to have a peaceful break. The beaches are calm and quiet and the town is rich in heritage.


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6# Shimla Situated in Himachal Pradesh, Shimla is the perfect getaway for people and kids who prefer a hill station vacation. The Toy train ride to Shimla from Kalka is an interesting one and children love it.

7# Manali Manali is a perfect destination to enjoy in the lap of the nature. Camping at Manali is a different experience altogether, however if you plan to camp with kids please ensure that you are well prepared with the entire camping essential for kids.

8# Ooty Ooty-Kodaikanal down south are also good travel destinations for kids. Children enjoy the boat ride at the Ooty lake and the trip to the botanical garden

9# Coorg Coorg again Is a hill station in Karnataka There are lots of home stays available here. So if you have a baby or a toddler with you , you can make their meals at these homestay. The Dubare elephant camp is one place you should not miss for the kids. Things to remember: Avoid going there in the rainy season

10# Darjeeling Darjeeling is a scenic hill station located in the northeast. Kids enjoy the toy train ride and the pony rides here .


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Planning to invest in a pram / stroller for your child? How to make a choice whether its really necessary or not in your place? What kind of pram or stroller should you be choosing? How to ensure that your baby is safe in a pram or stroller? Prams / Strollers have looked very good

in movies and no wonder parents wish

to carry their child in a stroller.

In countries abroad it’s a must but in

India the parent can make a choice

whether to really go for a pram or a


We provide you a guide to check for the

best options.


What is the difference between a pram and a stroller? Prams are the ones meant for infants. They have a provision for the baby to sleep. Generally 4 wheeled these are a little bulky. Strollers are the ones meant for babies who can sit. This is more handy and easy to navigate through. These days you get a pram cum strollers in the market making it easier to choose. Pram cum strollers can be used for infants as prams and then when the baby grows it can be converted to a stroller. You can save money too if you buy such types.


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How do I decide if I need a pram/stroller? If you are sure that you are going to take your baby or toddler out frequently for strolls, then its advisable that you invest in a pram or stroller. Also it is important to keep in mind that the country you reside has good roads and places that are stroller friendly and you can move about in and around your city without difficulty when using a stroller. If your lifestyle and the city you lives calls for a pram/stroller go for it. How do I choose the right pram or stroller? Quality and durability- Don’t compromise on the quality while buying a pram or a stroller. We need a sturdy and compact one for the babies. Check out a couple of stores before you decide to buy one. Check for all the parts and fittings. See that there is no risk of anything coming out easily. If you are planning to use it for 3-4 years make sure it is durable. Also pram and strollers can be passed from sibling to sibling making it a one-time investment. So buy a durable one. Comfort -The other important aspect is your baby’s comfort. Anything that makes the child uncomfortable should be rejected. For example some prams or stroller come with some fancy attachments like a toy or a

music button or some kind of projections and extra accessories. Chances are likely that the baby might get irritated with these and can get cranky. Keep the pram / stroller simple so that the baby enjoys the ride. Security- Ensure that the pram comes with proper security harnesses like safety belts and a safety rod in the front. In case of any sudden jerks the baby should be safe. Apart from these the wheels should be sturdy and should have a braking mechanism. It is good to have a canopy on top. It works as a sunshade and windshield and gives a protection to the baby in case anything falls over the baby.

Easy to Carry- The pram should be easily operated with one hand and should be lightweight. If you plan to carry the pram in your car, then ensure that the one you buy is foldable, lightweight and can be placed in the rear of the car. There are some strollers that can be converted to a car seat as well.

Baby Zone


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Age of your baby- Most prams accommodate babies as per their age and weight. Decide how long you will be using a pram for your munchkin. If you plan to use the pram for the first few years of your baby’s life select a pram/stroller that can carry the little one for a few more years. Test drive- It’s important to test drive before you decide. Make sure it is easy for you to control and handle the pram/stroller and is comfortable for your size. Budget- Prams and strollers do not come cheap. However there are other options available. You could choose to buy a pre-used pram or stroller online. Ensure that you check preused ones personally for all the above parameters and if you find it fine you can use it for your child after washing and sun drying thoroughly. Hope this guide helps to choose the right pram or stroller for your child.

Baby Zone


How to choose the best pram?

• Look for quality and


• Your baby’s comfort is must

• Security should be given


• Easy to carry

• Consider your baby’s age

• Test drive before you buy

• Keep the budget in mind

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Ever wondered why has pre-schooling become so important these days? Why are preschools needed?

It is because we live in an era of nuclear

families. The television, computer, mobiles

phones have now become the social

companion of our kids. And in such situation

when a kid enters a school (the first ever

social set up), it’s not going to be easy. This is

where the concept of preschools has come

into picture.

PRE School- Like the name itself suggests is

for laying the foundation for the schooling for

your child.

Choosing the right preschool becomes very

important and the decision needs to be taken


You need to ensure that there is all round

development and your child truly enjoys this

pre schooling experience. There are plenty of

choices available today and some of them

truly differ from the rest in their operations.

One of them is Safari Kid; one of the leading

global pre-schools that started its operations

in India in 2011.

Safari Kid functions on the philosophy that

“Every child is different and has a different

learning curve; we customize our curriculum

as per their individual needs and not age”.

What makes Safari Kid Different?

At Safari Kid, the objective is the all round

development of every child and Safari kid

ensures this through their various

development plans.

They have different programs designed to

meet your requirements.

The programs are designed to accomplish

specific developmental goals.

Pre-School Special


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In order to achieve these objectives, Safari Kid

has developed its own unique proprietary

teaching methods like:

Brain Train Method: This method focuses

on repetition and reinforcement through

unique daily drills designed by Safari Kid with

the help of rhymes

High Five system of exploration: In this

method kids are meant to explore on their

own by using the five common questions -

What, Why, How, When and Who. This

method is used for teaching new concepts as

well as general knowledge and social studies

Safari Kid has designed 3 comprehensive pre-

school programs for kids in the age group of 8

months to 6 years:

1. Mommy and Me (8 months to 14

months): This program is exclusively

designed for both parents and their children

for parents to bond with their offspring

through one-on-one playtime.

It also serves as a platform to introduce little

ones to other children in a supervised setting

encouraging creativity, enhanced cognitive

and social growth and develop motor skills.

2. Turbo Toddler (15 months to 2 years):

This is a preparatory class where children get

accustomed to their new learning

environment and are taught all the basics of

the Accelerated Learning programs through

music, movement and rhymes

3. Accelerated Learning Level (2 years to 6

years): Here, the young minds are stimulated

with interactive learning, songs, poems,

creative play and circle time. Children are

introduced to basic concepts of phonics,

numbers, shapes, colours, beginning sounds,

reading, logical thinking, tracing, public

speaking, match and much more. This

program is specifically designed to build a

strong foundation for the child.

Pre-School Special


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In addition to the specifically designed

programs, Safar kid offers an all round and

enriching after school program to children

who require additional help post school


This includes helping the child to complete

their homework packets, assessing their

strengths, capabilities and weaknesses.

They organize an Annual talent show as part

of their extra curriculum program.

The infrastructure at Safari kid is world class

.The pre school is equipped with an outside

playground for children to play and develop

their physical, social, emotional, creative and

intellectual domains.

The same global curriculum is followed

through all the centers.

As a measurement of achievement, children

enrolled in the Safari Kid pre-school

programs start reading before the age of 4

years and start doing mental math and

writing before the age of 5 years.

All in all, Safari kid is a great choice for your

kid to lay his preschool foundation right.

Please visit www.safarikidindia.com for more


Pre-School Special

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"Summer is coming!" the soft breezes whisper;

"Summer is coming!" the glad birdies sing.

Summer is coming - I hear her quick footsteps;

Take your last look at the beautiful Spring.

Summer season is at its peak. Each season has

its own charm and its own challenges.

Summers brings with it scorching sun and

hot winds. It is a big change for the little ones.

But do not worry. Follow our Summer Care

Guide to keep yourself and your ‘Little One’

comfortable and cool this summer.

Do try to follow them as measures to help

your baby and toddler be comfortable and

healthy during summer. Pick the Right Clothes & Right Fabric

For summers, choose only Cotton based

clothes as they allow for better air circulation

There by drawing heat away from the skin

and keeping the body cool.

One more big advantage with cotton clothing

is that they do not cause allergic reactions and

do not irritate sensitive skin.

While indoors, dress the baby in light

clothing. Sleeveless and half sleeves dresses

should be fine.

Do ensure that the dresses are little loose. For

outdoors (especially in evening), choose full

length dresses to ensure protection from

bugs/ insects.

Time Outdoor Activities sensibly Plan baby’s evening stroll or your toddler’s

playtime judiciously based on the weather.

As most of the kids are not accustomed for

strong sunrays, it is best to avoid the peak

heat hours (from 11.30am to 3.30pm).

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Also, try to make them play in a cool and

well-ventilated place/ room.

Ensure your Little One stays Hydrated Babies less than 6 months & who are

Exclusively Breastfed - Feed the baby as

needed and do not give water.

For bottle / Formula fed babies – cooled

water can be given (after discussing with your


For Older babies (above 6 months) – do give

fresh fruit juices and keep offering them

healthy drinks / snacks at regular intervals.

Many toddlers do not drink enough water so

do remind and offer them liquids often to

avoid dehydration.

Care during bath time Avoid giving very hot water baths to babies

and toddlers during summer. One should use

tepid water to give bath (use elbow test - dip

your elbow in the water, it should not feel

very hot / very cold).

You can give maximum two baths in a day.

Avoid too much of baths / sponge baths as

these actions fluctuate the body temperature.

Give Healthy and Wholesome Food for babies on Solids • Include fruits and veggies

• Carry water for your little one wherever


• Give light food that is easily digestible and

has less of oil/ghee/nut

• Include curds and lots of liquids (in the

form of juices / semi solid snacks)

• Avoid eating out.

Seek Medical Advice if necessary If your little one looks very tired or dehydrated

do seek medical attention.

Skin related problems are also very common

during summers (due to heat and increased

number of insects) .In case you see any

changes in the skin / rashes, do contact your


Special Summer Care Tips for Newborns

As babies take time to regulate / adjust their

body temperature according to the

surroundings, avoid sudden temperature

changes for them. While at home try to

maintain constant speed for fan / AC.

While stepping out cover baby with a think

cotton blanket for initial few minutes and

then remove it.

Summer Care

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Summer is at its peak and so is the vacation.

Do we parents need a better reason to be

concerned about the health of our kids?

To take care of the health of our loved ones

and us during summer means to prevent the

occurrence of common summer diseases.

Being a holistic system, Ayurveda defines

health as a harmonic equilibrium of three

dosas- Vata, Pitta and Kapha. This

equilibrium can be altered by seasonal


In Ayurveda it says that during summer the

sun rays being very hot takes away the

strength of the earth leading to inherent

energy decrease in all living beings. In this

time, all factors except heat suppot

accumulation of Vata, which in turn becomes

the main cause of many symptoms like

itching, dry skin etc.

Below are certain common summer diseases

and the Ayurveda way to tackle them.

Urinary tract infection

UTI can be caused due to bacteria

(Common), viral (less common), and fungal


UTI can be diagnosed with symptoms like

increased urinary frequency, pain, burning

sensation, blood stained urine and in some

cases fever and vomiting and pain in the


UTI are common in pregnant ladies and so

they should take special care to avoid getting


The best home remedies include taking

blueberry juice as it helps to lessen the

adherence of bacteria that causes the

infection. Pineapple due to its anti-

inflammatory properties is also good for UTI.

Taking yogurt also helps.

Some ayurvedic remedies that help curing

UTI are- Arrowroot powder with plain water

‐ Dr. Sarika Kumar, BAMS 

Summer Care

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and water boiled with dried puncturevine(

Tribulas Terretris , Njerinjil) in it.

To avoid UTI maintain personal hygiene and

drink plenty of water daily. Never hold your

urge to pee.

Chicken pox Chicken pox is a mild and common

childhood disease. It is a viral illness caused

by varicella.

Chickenpox is characterized by very itchy

blisters and sometimes is associated with mild

fever and severe body pain.

The disease is most contagious a day or two

before the rashes appear and about 5-6 days

after the onset of rashes. It is spread through

droplets from a sneeze or cough of the

infected person and also from the fluids from

the blisters.

Varicella in pregnancy can cause

complications like birth defects in baby. If

you are not affected by chickenpox earlier and

if you are planning to get pregnant, it is

advisable to take the chickenpox vaccination

before getting pregnant.

If affected with chickenpox use water boiled

with neem, turmeric, ginger etc for bath. Also

a paste of neem and turmeric can be applied

on the affected areas.

Vitamin E oil and calamine lotion can be

applied to remove the mark caused by rashes.

To avoid the spread of the disease isolate the

affected person as soon as possible.

Never scratch the blisters as it can cause more

irritation. Since the patients body will be hot

inside offer plenty of fruits, lassi, water and

juice to keep the body cool. Spicy food should

be avoided. The patient should be given easily

digestible foods and steam-cooked vegetables.

Flu Flu is a common viral infection and causes

fever, body ache, cough, sore throat etc.

If you are having flu rink plenty of water and

follow a light diet.

Septilin is an effective Ayurvedic drug in

such conditions

Summer Care

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• Chopped pineapple chunks - 1 cup

• Banana – 1 fresh or frozen • Fresh coconut milk -3/4 cup • Ice cubes -3 or 4 • Sugar or honey (optional) - 1



1. Combine all ingredients in a blender or mixie

2. Blend it until smooth and frothy

3. Serve immediately


Summer Recipe

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Summer brings with itself a lot of sweat.

When there is a lot of sweat accumulated,

there is a condition called Milaria, in a

layman’s term –Prickly heat.

Prickly heat is a kind of rash that develop

anywhere on the body but usually occur in

the heavily sweaty areas like back, neck, groin,

hands, armpits, waist and upper chest.

This is common even in infants and kids

since their sweat glands are not fully


Although it doesn’t pose any serious skin

hazards but these rashes tend to be very

irritating and uncomfortable.

There are some simple home remedies to

prickly heat and its best to use them to

combat these rashes.

1.Gram Flour or Besan

Gram Flour or besan acts as very good

cleansing agent. It helps in absorbing the

excess moisture from the skin and this

indirectly helps prevent prickly heat.

You can even make this into a paste and

apply it over the affected areas to be washed

off later.

2.Neem Leaves

For ages Neem leaves are known for its

medicinal properties. Neem leaves have

proved vital in treatment of many skin


Make a paste of neem leaves (approx. 30 35

leaves) and apply it over affected areas and

wash it off after some time.

You can even add a few leaves to the water

used for taking bath.

3.Sandalwood / Chandan

Sandalwood has a very cooling affect on the

skin. Apply Sandalwood paste to the affected

Summer Care

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areas. Sandalwood has been used for ages for

skin related problems. The cooling effect that

sandalwood provided makes it effective in

Prickly heat treatment as well.

For best results mix sandalwood with rose

water. You can even us sandalwood powder

like a talcum powder.

4.Talcum powder

Herbal talcum powders are effective in

treatment of prickly heat. Talcum powder

helps absorb the moisture and thus provides

great relief from prickly heat.

5.Cooling off the area

If the condition is very irritable, placing an ice

bag or a cloth dipped in ice water can provide

immediate relief.

6.Multani Mitti / Fuller’s earth

Multani mitti, again , has a very cooling effect

on the body. Make a pack of Multani mitti

and apply it to the affected areas.This can also

be used with rose water for best results.

8.Summer Drinks

Keeping your body hydrated is very

important to prevent and combat prickly


Drink lots of water, juices or summer special

drinks like Kairi Panna made from raw



Eats lots of watermelons, cucumbers etc,

which help in keeping your body hydrated,

and cool.

Cucumbers can also be placed in the affected

areas to give a cooling affect.

10.Personal hygiene

Take 2 or 3 cold showers in a day so that

sweat accumulation decreases. Avoid tight

clothes during summer and stay ventilated.

When outdoors prefer to stay in shades.

-By Soumya Ajaykumar

Summer Care

Meet the mompreneur of the Month, Roshni Barodia, owner of Little Charms. Read on to find out about her inspirational journey….

What/Who was the inspiration behind

Little Charms? A little about little


My venture finds its genesis in my ardent love

for decorating my kid’s room with lots of DIY

projects. I loved keeping myself busy with

doing quilting projects and making wall

hangings for my son. I used to make a décor

piece out of an exam timetable and a height

chart also! But it was one room after all and

my hunger to create more was greater than

that! So to combine my study from NIFT and

the love for cute kiddy stuff inspired me to get

into personalized kids room décor. I started

of with doing bed sheets, cushions, buntings,

etc. for room décor.

As time moved feedbacks and suggestions

from our customers helped us diversify

majorly into personalized birthday return

gifts and expand our product catalogue to

bags, bath linen, organizers and stationery


When did the journey begin?

We set out on this entrepreneurial journey in

May 2010.

Does being a mompreneur give a better work life balance? How do you define the term ‘Mompreneur ‘? Mompreneur is one who has gone into laying down a business plan when she finds inspiration in her kid or she is on a quest to fulfill some of his need. The professional commitments get dictated as

Mompreneur of the month

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for me when I schedule my workshop

visits according to my kid’s school timings

and fix appointments with customers or

business meets at a time when the kid is

not around.

Being a mompreneur surely gives you the

best of both worlds because as much you

are able to treasure the moments with

your kid so can you give your best results

as an entrepreneur.

What is the biggest challenge you face

being mompreneur?

The biggest roadblock for a mompreneur

is that the vendors, mostly being male,

don’t tend to take your work commitment

seriously. Only over a period of time they

do realize your intentions and work

progress making them believe you are here

to stay.

What is the biggest advantage of being

a mompreneur?

A mompreneur has been a customer first

and to fill in a demand gap she has worn

the cap of an entrepreneur. So it is always

easier for her to understand what the

customers or mother wants in the product.

They are able to connect with them more

and gain not just customers but make new

friends and well-wishers on the way.

Any word of advice to budding

mompreneurs? Lessons learnt during

your journey as a mompreneur, must

have quality in a mompreneur?

The budding mompreneurs are surely full

of passion for their business idea and I just

want to tell them never to let go of that.

This fire that is fuelling your dream will

help you in sacrificing the comfort and

security of being a homemaker or a

corporate life.

Problem solving capability is a must have

for all mompreneurs because you will find

a challenge waiting for you at every other

corner. So thinking of solutions with 100%

clarity is what they need to master at.

About little charms: What makes little

charms special and different?

Little Charms finds it USP not just in

personalization but also in the fact that its

catalogue has been developed and

innovated solely on customer demands.

We make it a point to work upon

customer feedbacks and suggestions to

find a way that fulfills all their needs for a

perfect return gift for a very special

occasion like celebrating their kid’s

birthday. We strongly believe that design,

functionality and affordability alone can

make a great product and we strive to

attain this goal of ours every time.

Mompreneur of the month

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Shopping for kids is always fun for parents.

We as parents are always on a look out for the

best for our kids and are hopping store to

store to dress up our kids from head to toe.

All of us moms were always looking out for

something cute, beautiful and unique as

accessories for our own tender and beautiful

babies as well as gifts for our friends’ babies


Ever wondered if we get all the clothes and

accessories that we have been hunting for at

one place? If yes then please stop over at


NeedyBee offers a wide range of products that

include accessories, clothing for the newborn,

baby girl and baby boy. There are also

products available for children aged 4 to 8.

NeedyBee specializes in Kids Apparel and

Kids Accessories like Newborn Headbands,

Crochet Dresses, Booties, Tutu Dresses, Hair

Clips, Bows, Headbands, Jewelry, Belts, Shoes,

Socks, Sunglasses, Ethnic Wear, Prom and

Party Wear Dresses.

Kids are very fashion conscious these

days and they usually select what they

want – each outfit has matching


What makes NeedyBee different ?

All of the products, from the raw material, to

its packaging is thought through – they are

mostly handmade and organic and

environment friendly, as we believe in the

mantra – functionality and comfort are as

relevant, as the style itself.

The Founders are closely involved in the

entire process. Nidhi is involved in designing

kids accessories with a paramount stress on

quality and style.

Alop in creating an organization from scratch

and building an e-commerce business that

would help us give back to our community

with something unique all the while fulfilling

a need!

Kid’s Fashion

34  www.bumpsnbaby.com | May – June 2015  

Parents want the touch and feel before they

buy - and therefore now the NeedyBee brand

is available at many Brick & Mortar stores

around the country. Mom & Me part of the

Mahindra Retail stores is one such example.

In addition, there are various specialty kids

stores and boutiques in various cities who

stock and sell our products.

Other Ventures from NeedyBee

Other Ventures from NeedyBee

JaipurSe- Lifestyle products from Jaipur

This venture from NeedyBee brings to the world the beautiful things that are

manufactured in this city.Visit the website for more details : www.jaipurse.com

MetaConsults – Taking you online at a click!

e-consulting to Take businesses online


Kid’s Fashion

www.bumpsnbaby.com | May – June 2015  35  

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