Burn out - six tips on how to fix the problem

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Burn-OutSix Expert Tips on How to Fix the Problem

Are you running low

on energy at work?You could be suffering from

“burn-out”! Burn-out = primarily caused by stress;

physical and emotional fatigue usually experienced at work due to poor working conditions or demanding situations.

You can avoid experiencing burn-


Here are 6 Tips fromErgonomicsMadeEasy.c


Tip #1: Eliminate Guesswork.

Feeling of emotional or physical fatigue can be a symptom of serious ailment. Only a licensed medical professional should provide diagnosis.

See your Doctor first.

Tip #2: Your health is determined by what’s

on your plate.

Avoid junk foods like plague.

TIP #3: Get Regular Exercise

Exercise relieves stress that

may trigger burn-out.

TIP #4: Unwind. Relax.

"It's not the hours you put in your work that count, it's work you put in the hours.“ - Sam Ewing

Don’t work hard - work smart.Get a break.

Take up a new hobby.

TIP #5: Go Ergonomics!

er·go·nom·ics, noun science of making work comfortable by finding a “fit” between the worker and his tools.

Benefits of Ergonomics:

Protects the worker from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a painful disorder of the wrist or hand; Increases one’s productivity and efficiency at work; Cuts down length of time to finish job; Minimizes cost.

Avoid Burn-outs with Ergonomic Tools

Working with ergonomic tools that fit your body type and demands of your work protect you from Repetitive Strain Injuries or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that may cost you your Job!

Why an Ergonomic Chair?

Ergonomic chair minimizes the risk of back pain with its built-in lumbar support. There is a plethora of ergonomic chairs to choose from, but choose one that is proportionate to your body size, weight and height for comfortable sitting position.

Ergonomic Keyboard

Left-handed ergonomic keyboards, split-keyboards, Industrial keyboards, etc… choose an ergonomic keyboard that suits the size of your hand, your typing preferences and needs, including the size of your budget.

Tip #6: LOVE your Job!

“Never continue in a job you don’t enjoy. If you’re happy in what you’re doing, you’ll like

yourself, you’ll have inner peace…”

-- Johnny Carson

Get more tips from:ErgonomicsMadeEasy.com