Burn your brochures: an online lead generation event for Kiwi tech companies

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Selling technology B2B has transformed in the last decade. Traditionally it involved sending out a sales team to trade shows and meetings, armed with glossy collateral, to nudge a prospect along the buying process. Generating leads online - both high in quantity and quality - is becoming an export marketers’ most important objective. A successful lead generation engine is what keeps the funnel full of sales prospects while you sleep. There can be a lot of moving parts in any lead generation campaign and often it’s difficult to know what’s required to set it up and which parts need fine tuning. So what goes into a best-of-class lead generation engine? View this slideshow to learn the key ingredients of effective online lead generation, and see some examples of local companies doing it well. LEARNING OUTCOMES Participants will gain the appropriate skills and confidence to understand: - how to make your sales teams more effective. - the key trends and best practice in successful online lead generation. - the behaviours of high growth companies and how to emulate them. - how to create and deliver relevant and interesting content. - how to develop a marketing action plan that is practical and agile. - how to maximise the value of their marketing spend.


We help New Zealand’s smartest technology firmsfind and grow markets for their products

How are NZ’s best tech companiesincreasing their catch?

What’s the problem?

“Effective marketing to bring in qualified prospects”

“Lack of demand generation”

“Time to spend on sales and market development”

“Sales resources in international markets”

“Lack of sales opportunities identified due to operational constraints”

“Sales closing times”

“Closing sales”

“Limited sales resources and no marketing capability”

It’s about sales efficiency

Quick surveyOUT

The way buyers discover & research products has fundamentally changed

44% of direct mail is never opened

86% skip TV commercials

91% unsubscribe from emails

200 million say “Do Not Call”




Sources: 1. CMO Council, 2013 survey of 400 US B2B buyers, 2. IDG 2013 survey of 1100 UK corporate buyers of technology

80% Online content plays moderate to major role in vendor selection

59% Share content with more than 25 colleagues

35% Online content shows which vendors understand our business problems the best

8 Average number of content assets used in decision process

Inbound strategies deliver below-average cost per lead

Survey N = 3,339 Source: HubSpot

Inbound marketing channels continue to be the most important sources of lead generation

Source: HubSpot

Q: Which sources of leads have become more important to your company over the last six months?

Survey N = 3,339

Four actions you must take to obtain visitors, leads and customers

Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales ready leads at 33% lower cost.

Source: Forester Group

1. Visitor intelligence

Intelligence to know when visitors from ideal target companies are visiting your site

2. Lead intelligence

Developing a profile for your lead with the information provided and creating a store

3. Lead scoring

Attaching values to leads based on their professional information and the behaviour they’ve displayed on your website.

4. CRM integration

Integrating lead management and CRM will enable you to bridge the gap between marketing and sales strategy.

360° View of your leads

What companies are visiting our site?

What pages have they viewed?

What have they converted on?

How engaged are they?

When are they on our site?

What emails have they opened?

Who are they on social media?

What is their lead score?

5. Lead nurturingBasic lead nurturing involves a tightly connected series of emails with a coherent purpose and an abundance of useful, relevant content.

Running a campaign

Foundation: compelling, relevant content

Get your website fired up!

Call toactions

Social mediachannelsBroadcast


Set-up landing pages

Promote your content through LinkedIn…

And promote through Pinterest!

Write a blog!!

A company that blogs typically generates 55% more website visitors.

Source: HubSpot

Tweet it!!

Share it

Make a video about it

But wait, there’s more….

• Email the content to your newsletter contacts

• Mail (yes post!) the content to your own contacts

• Send it to your customers (promoters)

• Do a press release

• Get content published as an article in an industry magazine

• Promote through Google AdWords or AdRoll

• Advertise through online magazine sites

• Try telemarketing…

• Try EVERYTHING and measure what works…

In for the long haul

Programme duration (years)