Busboys and Poets'

Post on 12-Apr-2016

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This is a writing sample about an event that took place at a local restaurant.


SEO: The open-mic brews social change Social issues brought to light in Busboys open-mic nightEncourages unity of society through love, peace, and acceptanceBy: Giannina Brancato

Situated on the corner of 5th and K Street, a slew of progressive-thinking local

community members and students joined together and shuffled through the aisles to grab

a seat at Busboys and Poets’ weekly Wednesday night show.

Though the audience members ranged from art advocates to businesspeople, they

convened at this community- and an art-based restaurant for a common purpose: To

attend the open-mic night and to support the acceptance of individual’s difference

through love and unity.

The introduction

Jonathan Tucker, the open-mic host and UMd alum,

wanted to create an environment that fostered love,

understanding and equality. To do so, he needed to

incorporate the audience throughout the two-hour event and

emphasize important ground rules.

“Be respectful of others and show your love

by snapping your fingers to agree,” Tucker said to

the crowd. “To snap is to quench the thirst of good


To spark discussions about peace and justice, he asked the audience members to

go beyond their comfort zones and meet at least two people. Audience members looked

around the room hesitantly.


The second post of Busboys and Poets’ weekly open-mic night.Photo by: Giannina Brancato

“This is uncomfortable,” Catherine Peters, an audience member and D.C.

resident, said. “I didn’t come with anybody I knew.”

Though this forced strangers to interact with each other in a public place,

Tucker’s activity reinforced the ideas of friendship,

love and unity, which was essential moving forward

with the anticipated speeches.

A different perspective

Tucker introduced the next speaker, LC. He started off his speech by saying, “in

order to inspire social change and accept others, we need to learn how to accept ourselves

first.” The snaps echoed around the room.

He continued on explaining how for years his race has been trying to fight for

equality, yet constantly reinforces their differences. This empowering black male left an

impact on the crowd with his critical viewpoint and inspired acceptance in others.

Tucker next introduced Ashley Canon.

She spoke about the issue of sexism and gender roles in society. “I no longer want

to be neglected by society,” Ashley said. Her overriding goal was to create a community

of heightened love and join people together. She wanted them to understand that the

restrictions of gender roles and the inequality of sexes is not right and can be stopped.

She suggests educating younger children and confronting those who openly

follow these guidelines set by society.


A#2 Social Change | Page 2

A#2 Social Change | Page 3

“In order to inspire social change and accept others, we need to learn how to accept ourselves first.”

- LC

Coming together

Tucker stepped up on the small raised stage for the last time for the night. He

stressed the importance of speaking up for what is right, so that one-day, we can all be

equal. Before finishing the event, he left the audience with these resonating words. “Life

and society can be very challenging at times,” he said. “But don’t let it define who you

