Business Club Spring/Summer 2012

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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June’s 40 minute talk is a fast paced, whistle stop tour starting with the birth of the Internet, whizzing through browser development, the job of search engines, the launch of Google, its growth in the UK, its fans & detractors and an overview of its product range. She breathlessly finishes with a brief overview of Google AdWords & Analytics, showing how businesses of all sizes & sectors can harness the power of the world’s biggest brand and possibly tap into this targeted, measurable & cost-effective advertising programme.


“organize all the world’s information and make it universally accessible”

What does Google like…..

Keyword rich, regularly updated content

which delivers what is searched for

and then delights the user.

Google considers…..

Your domain name The number of pages in your site Keywords in page titles/descriptions Inbound links from reputable sites  Unique content on your site Frequency of your content change Strong internal links

Do you know……

•How many visitors came last month•How many pages did they view•Which pages did they look at•How long did they stay•Where are they located•Which keyword attracted them•Which site referred them•Are they new to your site

Free traffic/inbound links

Would you like to appear on Page 1 of Google when people search for your product/service in your

specific area?

200 character description Images Multiple categories Videos Opening times Coupons Reviews

But in 2012 what Google loves more than anything else………is……

Social Media

Google also considers…..

Your domain name The age of your site The number of pages in your site Keywords in your page title tags  Inbound links from reputable sites  Unique content on your site Frequency of your content change Site accessibility Strong internal links

Set up a profile Tone of voice Find followers/friends/disciples/advocates Share information Interact with others Grow your audience (REPEAT)

Not a broadcast medium

Your customers see your ad when they search

Your ad reaches users at the moment they demonstrate interest




Be highly specificPlurals


A Typical AdWords Ad

• Display URL (35 character limit)

• Ad Text (35 character limit)

• Ad Title (25 character limit)

Landing Page

Must relate to the keyword used Must deliver what the ad promised Must have a strong call to action


Be seen in 15 minutes

Stop immediatelyConstantly improve

performanceExploit events &

industry newsWeekdays only

Last year we spent £500,000 of our clients’ hard earned cash …..

…and turned it into

£10,000,000 of new business for them

•Leave cynicism & fear at the door•Benchmarking is essential•Set a realistic budget•Use the keyword tool•Get on 10 directories•Get on Linked In•Get on Google Maps

•Do something tomorrow