Business model canvas workshop for Enterprise Helsinki

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Business Model Canvas WorkshopErik Pöntiskoski | March 3, 2015

Learning objectives• Enterprise Helsinki’s evening courses are for both acting

entrepreneurs and people just starting their business

• Workshop goals

• Update business know-how

• Introduce startup tools and way of working

• Initiate collaboration, get peer feedback on ideas, and expand professional networks

Workshop content• We all have ideas, but even the best

ones may fail at execution

• In business there is no instant recipe for success

• However, certain tools and action may make failure less costly

• The workshop covers the foundation of entrepreneurial thinking and doing

• You will also learn to apply these principles to turning your ideas into ventures.

“Successful startups are

the ones who have enough

money left over to try

their second idea.”

- Clayton Christensen


1. Talk on entrepreneurial thinking and doing

2. Exercise on getting to know yourself and others

3. Workshop on creating the first version of a Business Model Canvas

My background

Entrepreneurial thinking and doing


The purpose of business is________________________________________________________________________ .

Prof. Peter Drucker

There are no facts inside your building, so get outside!

- Entrepreneur, investor and educator Steve Blank

Any big problem is a big opportunity. If there is no problem, there is no solution, and no

reason for a company to exist. No one will pay you to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.

- Entrepreneur & Investor Vinod Khosla

You’re doing something that doesn’t exist, hasn’t been done before, and

thus doesn’t make sense to everyone - Mårten Mickos, SVP @HP

Even artists must learn to love numbers

- Case Habbo Hotel

Get to know yourself and others


Effectuation Theory

How to become a pilot in the plane in your career and life

Principles of Effectuation

• Bird-in-the-Hand: Start with what and who you know

• Affordable loss: Instead of possible upside, consider how much you can lose to test the idea

• Crazy quilt: Always be pitching to find volunteers to help

• Lemonade: Experiment to eventually succeed

Prof. Saras Sarasvathy

Create something new by collaborating

with friends over joint

passions with continuous

experimentation using minimum

risk and investment

Present yourself in small groups1. What do I know?

• Consider work and study experience

2. Who do I know?

• In what businesses, industries or lifestyle segments are my first potential customers?

3. What are my life passions?

• What do I love doing?

Creating a Business Model Canvas


The Business Model CanvasOsterwalder and Pigneur

Instructions for workshop• Work together in your small group to create a business model


• You may choose an existing idea, combine ideas, or create something new

• Create a first version of a BMC

• Prepare to present it to others

• Explain what would be your next steps to validate it

Pitching your idea• In one minute, what is your

• Title + tagline - What is the idea about in one sentence

• Problem - Take the customers perspective

• Solution - How do you aim to solve the problem

• Execution - Think of low cost and risk way to test the idea

• Call to action - What help do you need in validating the BMC

Tips for future BMC development• Be explicit about

• What is the customer problem you are solving?

• In one sentence, what is your solution to that problem?

• Considering your execution

• What is your unfair advantage in terms of i) uniqueness of your team, and ii) superiority over the competition

• What are they key metrics that give you insight to customer, business and market performance

Resources for business model development

• Canvanizer

• Business Model Fiddle

• Business Model Canvas template on Google Drive

• How to build a startup. The Lean LaunPad course by Steve Blank on Udacity

Recap• Your failure is inevitable, accept it!

• However, with the right thinking and doing, so is your success. So believe it!

• Don’t be afraid to solve big problems. Only then will your customers notice you.

• Always be pitching. Tell everyone about your dreams and they will help.

• As soon as you have an idea, validate it. Find info online from forums and groups, get feedback and data from real customers.

• Work on what you know and love with friends. Experiment with minimum risk and investment. Enjoy doing a startup.


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Erik Pöntiskoski CEO, Dodreams & PhD Candidate, Aalto University