Business project

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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LPDCSmall Business Interview Project

Introduction My name is Rory Fuller from Nichols

College. For my business and society class we had to do a small business owner interview and mine was done on a dance studio in my town called the LPDC, which stands for Lisa Pilato Dance Center. The person I interviewed was Lisa Pilato-Fuller, the owner of the dance studio and I know her because she is my mother.

The Company The type of business Lisa runs is called a S-

Incorporation. The reason for choosing this because of employee legality.

At the LPDC, the services that they offer are dance education and dance recreation.

Lisa has had her business running for a solid 25 years and shows no signs of slowing down.

Background When Lisa was in high school at the age of

16, she taught a dance studio in Tewksbury for 4 years. After those 4 years, she build up the courage to start her own dance studio.

She started her business because loved to dance when she was growing up and she also loved kids. So she put the two together and had her own studio and in her words, "was a good source of income.”

Background Now when I asked Lisa about her

background in business, with a quick and strong response, she said “none and that was a big mistake.”

Challenges Starting a business is very difficult, but

running it is even more challenging. Some challenges she faced are trying to iron out scheduling conflicts and managing 400 students.

Another is dealing with parents and collecting money for her 400 students. Two very big things that makes the job difficult.

Also, producing an annual production to make a profit to support her family.

Successes However, when there are downs there is always

an up somewhere. Lisa’s successes consist of being a highly recommended studio who provides several community service projects each year that directly helps the town.

Also being a highly decorated and award winning competition team who were selected members of the 2005 U.S.A dance team who competed in Riesa, Germany placing 11th, 8th, and 5th in the world.

Successes She also said that one of her greatest

successes was seeing one of her dancers who has been dancing ever since they were a little baby, grow up and become a professional dancer.

Future For the future, Lisa’s goals is to story

employed for at least the next four years to get her kids through college.

She wants to take her studio to compete at the international level again.

Lisa would like to upgrade her studio and expand her logo merchandise.


Q. What was your funniest moment teaching?

A. ”Being in a room full of two and half year olds and then turning around only to find a puddle on the floor and no one telling me who had the accident and the only way to find who it was is to have them hold hand and make a big circle and have them sit down, then ask them to stand up so you can see who has the wet bum mark.”


Q. If you didn’t have the studio, what do you think you would be doing for work instead of dancing?

A. “I would want to work in the music film industry or a choreographer for any of the pop singers, preferable Lady Gaga’s .”

Q. What is going to happen to the studio when you want to retire?

A. “I have given it great thought since I am still so young, but I have not really thought about h ”

Summary A word of advice that Lisa left me was to

realize how important guidelines, goals and financial management.

From this interview is that you can achieve your dreams even if you do not have a business background, it does help to have one.