Buy Sell Planning Mark Simon

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Copyright 2009 The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Buy-Sell PlanningBuy-Sell Planning

Transferring Your Business OwnershipTransferring Your Business Ownership

Presented by:Mark L. SimonFinancial Services ProfessionalCalifornia Insurance License No. 0E41454

2 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Buy-Sell Planning:Buy-Sell Planning:

An effective way for business owners to protect their interest in the event of death, disability or retirement.

3 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Triggering Events:Triggering Events:


4 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Every Business Every Business Has Three Values:Has Three Values:

1. Going concern value2. Liquidation value3. Gone value


5 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

You Want:You Want:

Fair value for your businessPrompt settlementFixed estate tax valueRelief to family from business


6 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

The Remaining The Remaining Owners Want:Owners Want:

Full control of the businessFair payment for the businessNo interference from deceased’s

heirsSmooth and prompt transferContinued business credit

7 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Your Family Needs:Your Family Needs:

Fair value for the businessTimely payment of the purchase

priceCash free from income and capital

gains taxes

8 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Don’t ignore Don’t ignore the issues,the issues,or you’ll be sure or you’ll be sure to have a problemto have a problem ..

9 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Buy-Sell Advantages:Buy-Sell Advantages:

Guarantees a buyerSets a fair market price for buyers

and sellersEstablishes estate tax valueProvides money for heirs free from

income and capital gains taxesProvides for a smooth transition

of ownershipCreates peace of mind

10 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Buy-Sell: Everyone Wins Buy-Sell: Everyone Wins

Business Owners: peace of mindFamily Members: cash for the

businessCreditors: less default riskSuppliers: remain in placeKey Customers: assured of

continuing relationshipEmployees: job security

11 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Types of Buy-Sell Types of Buy-Sell Agreements:Agreements:

Cross purchaseStock redemption

12 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09




100 shares $250,000


100 shares $250,000




$250,000 death proceeds


Cross PurchaseCross Purchase

13 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

100 shares $300,000

Ins. Co.Ins. Co.

premiumsABC, Inc.

300 shares outstandingValuation: $900,000

A’s stock is retiredby the corporation

$300,000death proceeds

100 shares $300,000

100 shares $300,000


death proceeds

Stock RedemptionStock Redemption

14 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Fair Market Value

Business ValuationBusiness Valuation

15 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Business Business Valuation MethodsValuation Methods

Per share price orPer share price ortotal dollar amount total dollar amount

based on one based on one of these methodsof these methods

Book Value

Agreed Formula

Capitalized Earnings

Agreed Value

Appraised Value

16 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Adopt a buy-sell agreement and fund it!

17 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Funding AlternativesFunding Alternatives

Personal fundsBank loanSinking fundInstallment payments to heirsInsurance

Which funding alternative makes the most sense for you?

18 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Personal FundsPersonal Funds

Unrealistic in most casesDo you have large sums of cash

on hand?Is this the highest and best use

of business funds?

Tip: In nearly all cases, use of personal funds is not a viable option.

19 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Bank LoanBank Loan

Tip: Dollar-for-dollar, a bank loan is usually the most expensive funding option.

Advantages Disadvantages

Buys the business time

Interest added to price

Avoids using current dollars

Business or owners may not qualify for a loan

Interest payments may be deductible

Default risk

Interest rate risk

20 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Sinking FundSinking Fund

Advantages Disadvantages

If fully funded, provides a lump sum

Timing is impossible to predict

Only alternative if owners are uninsurable and loans unavailable

Accumulating large amounts of cash is difficult

Accumulated with after tax dollars

High opportunity cost

Tip: If death or disability occurs in the early years,

the sinking fund will be inadequately funded.

21 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Installment PaymentsInstallment Payments

Advantages Disadvantages

Business transfers between family members

Interest is added to buyout price

Repayment terms may be favorable Default risk

Interest payments may be deductible

Heirs may need a lump sum

Inflation risk

Tip: The risk of default on installment payments increases as the length of the installment period increases.

22 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Life InsuranceLife Insurance

Advantages DisadvantagesSelf-completing Requires insurabilityIncome tax-free death benefits

Non-deductible premium payments

Tax-deferred cash accumulation

Policy cash values may trigger the alternative minimum tax for large C corporations

Tax-advantaged Access

to cash valuesStrengthens company’s credit

Tip: Subject to insurability, life insurance is often the most affordable funding


23 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Cost On-the-DollarCost On-the-DollarExample compares the cost per dollar of buyout for the alternatives listed:

















Bank Loan Sinking Fund InstallmentPayments


24 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Term Life InsuranceTerm Life Insurance

Temporary needsNewly-formed


Tip: Convertible term provides flexibility.

25 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Permanent Life InsurancePermanent Life Insurance

Change is inevitable “Health is a

temporary condition.”

Long-term solution for long-term need

Tax-deferred growth of cash value*

Tax advantaged access to cash value**Potential alternative minimum tax exposure for some C corporations.

26 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

The Impact of GrowthThe Impact of Growth

Keep pace with business appreciation

Annually update coverage

27 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Don’t forget about the possibility of disability.

28 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Probability of at Least One Probability of at Least One Long-Term DisabilityLong-Term Disability

Number of People in a Group

Age 1 2 3 4

25 31% 53% 68% 78%

35 29% 50% 65% 75%

45 26% 46% 60% 71%

55 20% 36% 48% 58%

Source: Based on 1985 CIDA, Male, Classes 1 and 2 (4A/3A equivalent), 90-day waiting period.

Prior to Age 65

Tip: Disability insurance and permanent (cash value) life insurance often fund disability buyouts.

29 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Dreaming of Retirement?Dreaming of Retirement?

When your buy-sell is funded with a permanent (cash value) life insurance policy, the accumulated cash values can be accessed and used to fund a lifetime retirement sale.

Tip: The policy can remain in force or be surrendered when the cash is needed.

30 Copyright 2009, The Ohio National Life Insurance CompanyD-0243_01-09

Plan now for the successful futureof your business.



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