By: Christine B, Kelly G, Cole M, Shyyanna H, Chris W, Saniya S.

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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FLEX & PINCHY. By: Christine B, Kelly G, Cole M, Shyyanna H, Chris W, Saniya S. FLEX He scurries backwards when we try to pick him up. He is harder to pick up by the carapace then the house. When Pinchy gets scared Flex defends him with his pincers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


By: Christine B, Kelly G, Cole M,

Shyyanna H, Chris W, Saniya S.


FLEX• He scurries backwards when

we try to pick him up.

• He is harder to pick up by the carapace then the house.

• When Pinchy gets scared Flex defends him with his pincers

• When we tried to weigh him we couldn’t pick him up.

PINCHY• He puts up his pincers

and tries to look scary.

• He is very easy to pick up by the carapace .

• When he gets scared he curls his tail and puts it under his body.

• He doesn’t like to go in his house very often.


FLEX• Flex weighs .2 oz.• His body is 6.5 cm.

• One of his antennae is 1cm

and the other one is 3 cm.

PINCHY• Pinchy weighs .3


• His body is 5 cm.

• Both of his antennae is 5 cm.


pincer Compound



Walking legs

Tail flapflap



1. Did you know when crayfish loses a body part, they grow it back after molting.

2. Scientists have found more then 500 species of crayfish

3. Crayfish are also called crawfish, crawdaddy, and mudbugs.

4. Crayfish are crustaceans 5. A crayfish live in every continent except

Africa and Antarctica6. Crayfish come in many colors.