By: Christopher Kemple, Alex Madaya, Patrick Verrastro, and Heather Shutt.

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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By: Christopher Kemple, Alex Madaya, Patrick Verrastro, and

Heather Shutt

Against Nuclear Power For Nuclear Power

A compromised reactor core can be dangerous

Meltdowns can be fatal!

Radiation leaks can cause death to people in the community

The safety precautions are very expensive

Nuclear Power is not renewable Uranium

But there are precautions that prevent reactors from becoming compromised

But… Nuclear Power is one of the safest energy forms 10-50 thousand people die

each year from Respiratory disease

300 are killed in mining accidents

No Americans have seriously been injured or killed from Nuclear Power

Nuclear Power is sustainable

In the 1990’s Nuclear Power was the fastest growing energy source In 2005 it was the slowest!

Located near Harrisburg Was classified as a partial meltdown The facility did not have enough coolant

to supply the core. The radioactive mass never made it

past the steel outlining in the containment structure

The special concrete put in as an added precaution gave the workers at Three Mile Island enough time to stop the disaster.

Located in the Ukraine In 1986 the worst case disaster took

place A fire destroyed the casing of the core

Released radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere Death toll

31 died initially15,000 died later as the result of the radiation,%20Chernobyl%20Il%20Sarcofago.jpg

Waste DisposalThe byproduct of fission remains radioactive Storage facilities are not sufficient to store

the world’s nuclear wasteTransportation of the waste can be risky

RadiationCan cause cancer, radiation sickness, and

genetic mutation

Nuclear Power is not renewable It is sustainable but the Uranium needed

to power nuclear plants in limitedSimilar to the issue related with fossil fuels.The reality=nuclear power is clean

And the power plants don’t require huge amounts of uranium.

It seems like a viable option as an alternative form of energy.

Radiation is naturally present in our environment

It is artificially produced by X-rays and by Microwaves

Humans have defense mechanism against many types of damage caused by radiation Our bodies are not helpless The effects radiation can have on our bodies

It can injure of damage cells Cells can die Cells can incorrectly repair

Radiation doses of 200 rems can cause radiation sicknessOnly if we receive a large amount all at

once If we used nuclear power we would only

receive an extra 2/10 of a millarem each year

Even if there was an accident there are safety precautions taken to ensure the safety of the surrounding community

The pressure vessel is surrounded by a thick concrete wall

This is inside of a sealed steel containment structure

Which is inside of a steel reinforce concrete dome that is 4 feet thick

There are sensors on the dome to detect changes in radiation and humidity

Public demand for safety precautions are on the rise.

The nuclear fuel cycle is a popular target for terrorists

It can also be a pathway leading to nuclear weapons

Storing nuclear waste is problematic, and the storage facilities the U.S. has are being filled

International demand for nuclear energy is growing dramatically.

The U.S. government needs to deal with a broad range of threats to the public.

These security concepts are not limited to U.S. soil but need to be global in nature.

With the heightened fear of terrorism in the United States the government needs to ensure people that there is limited danger in order to develop nuclear power.

Since the Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima people have been afraid of what nuclear power could lead to

Over 10,000 people were killed in Hiroshima

Many countries have nuclear weaponsEx) the US and Russia

Many are working on developing themN. Korea, S. Africa, India, Iran, Iraq…

Reactors produce radioactive wasteWhich is dangerous

because it can kill humans who come into contact with this waste

The U.S. plans to move its nuclear waste to an underground storage facility in the year 2010

England is already dependent on nuclear power

Japan will soon be dependent upon Nuclear Energy

The U.S. has a total of 110 nuclear reactorsNuclear power has to potential to supply the

U.S.’s energy needs

Water Consumption The harvesting of Uranium can consume

large amounts of water For example, the Roxby Downs mine in

South Australia uses 35 million liters of water each day

Waste HeatThe heated water from cooling down the

rods is discharged into a local river or lake. In some cases this heat increase can effect

the behavior of fish and aquatic life.

Other wasteOther waste, such as gas, liquid, and solid

waste produced through the process of purifying the water through evaporation.

High Level WasteThe waste from a power plant still contains

radiation and can be harmful to the environment

Severe environmental contamination is possible when a nuclear accident occurs.

The Chernobyl accident released large amounts of radioactive contamination, killing many and rendering an area of land unusable to humans for an indeterminate period.

The habitability of the area for animals, however, has been less clear.

Some researchers have claimed to have detected reduced numbers of insects and spiders, while others have claimed that wildlife has flourished due to the absence of humans.

Very few political problems regarding nuclear power exist.

The main being that a nuclear power plant makes a prime target for a terrorist attack as a meltdown would create large scale damage.

2007 14% of electricity of world power came from nuclear power

Development increased from 1960 to about 1985 production increased then leveled off

A clean reliable energy source to use but start up costs are a lot 6-10 billion, most efficient way would just run the power plant as long as possible and possible add onto the power plant

USA's nuclear power plants are already about 98% efficient

Most countries cant afford to get enough funding to set up a power plant in an ideal location

Nuclear waste disposal is a current problem now

Safely transporting waste to locations can cause problems

Mining it can be costly and can hurt the environment by extracting uranium from underground

Would be helpful in the long run but the cost to build and operate would be a problem

Like developed countries waste disposal is still a problem

It wouldn't be able to help a place like Africa because of the weak economy

Mining for the Uranium would be a problem for an undeveloped country ; finding where the uranium is and extracting it might be hard

WANO- World Association of Nuclear Operation

-Enormous opportunities to do more work in former communist

countries, such as china, with improving safety.


BNFL- British Nuclear Fuels plc

-In charge of material accountancy with Mayak production

association in Europe (

Us Government

-Seeking to strengthen International standards for securing

weapons-usable material, the nuclear industry in many

countries has been actively resisting these needed reforms. (

IAEA-international atomic energy agency

-Helps countries upgrade nuclear safety

-Prepares for responses to emergencies

-Cover nuclear installations, radioactive resources, radioactive

material in transport, and radioactive waste(

Euratom- European Atomic Energy Association

-Furthering nuclear fuels, monitoring use of nuclear materials, and

cooperating with other countries and international


NRC- U.S. Nuclear regulatory Commission

-Protects health and safety or public.

-Regulates design, construction, and operation of new commercial

nuclear power facilities

-Operating licenses, authorization, and construction permits are required(

U.S. department of energy-National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)

-Reduces global danger from weapons of mass destruction

-Promotes international nuclear safety and nonproliferation (

WNA- World Nuclear Association

-Insurances are required to cover all expenses , liable for any


The design life for nuclear power plants is suppose to last 30 to 40 years.

- Most that exist now have been operating for about 20 or more


Many people want to do away with nuclear power. However it is here to stay. (