BY: Dominic, Jake, and Robb. It causes critters like these to loose their homes and families...

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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BY: Dominic, Jake, and Robb

How it affects the wildlife

It causes critters like these

to loose their homes and

families everyday.

How we can help

We can help by doing a lot

of very simple things.

You can help by recycling

paper and water bottles

on a Daily basis.

You can also help by

riding a bike or walking ,

when you don’t need to

drive a car.

This cuts back on air

pollution .

Major forests and rain forests

The picture’s on the right, are some of the biggest rain forests in the world.

Also in the top right hand corner it shows how over time America's forests disappear.

Think how it effects the wildlife and people on a daily basis.