By Syed Fida Hussain Bukhari Information secetary...

Post on 17-May-2018

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By Syed Fida Hussain Bukhari Information secetary M.U.S


The role of Islamic centers

• Our topic of this article is the role is Islamic centers and by this we mean a masjid, imam bargha and madressa.

• Some Islamic centers have all three institutions but others have two or just one. The ideal Islamic center would be the one that has all three.

• The Islamic center assumes major roles in devotional, educational, cultural, social and political role.

• A masjid is a place where we pray to our god and worship him.

• The important part of the namaz is sajda and this is the reason why the place is called a masjid because of the place of sajda in namaz. The masjid is called the house of God. An imam bargha is a place for the remembrance of Muhammad (p.b.u.h) and his alulbait (a.s) and especially the azadari of imam hussian (a.s).

• A madressa is for gaining religious knowledge especially Quran, hadith, fiqh (the practical laws of Islam) etc. During the life of the holy prophet (p.b.u.h) in Medina Masjid ul Nabawi was the ideal masjid or Islamic center because everything from educational, cultural and spiritual development of society occurred in the masjid and all decision was made in regards to society there like an Islamic parliament. As time went by the institutions become separated from being one single place to three individual institutions.


By Syed Fida Hussain Bukhari


What are the qualities of people who build and maintain masjids according to the Quran surah taubah, verse 18

The ayah of the Quran states: 1. They should believe in Allah and hereafter. 2.They should be practising Muslims who prayer namaz and give zakat in the way of Allah. 3. They should fear no one except Allah. If theses qualities are in the management of an Islamic center then this will lead to a successful mosque in the way of God. Those Islamic centers that divide the community, are not fulfilling the Islamic purpose and do not build on the base of taqwa are not accepted by Allah. 3 3

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Some suggestions concerning the role of

(resident alim) and their relationships With their people

• For the successful running of Islamic centers the resident alim should carry out the director role constitutionally.

• In UK those Ulama are serving in Islamic centers should improve their English language skills to better serve and lead the community.

• In addition, understanding and having basic I.T skills to communicate, work, and

• be successful in the 21st century modern world. This will greatly improve the Ulama

relationship with society especially the youth.

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The fundamental role of an alim is leading the prayer, religious educational guidance of society in the Islamic centers but these additional services will be

greatly benefit society.

• Relationship with the Muslim and non-Muslim community • Marriage arrangement counsellor and setter-up of information • Family planning advice – According to sharia law • Marriage Counselling.

• Visiting the sick. • Visiting the prisoners • Visiting the converts.

• Keeping a list of community members – perhaps also keeping a private list of

talents and skills that they might make available to the Islamic center. Who is a teacher? A legal expert? Give moral support? Counsel youngsters who are slipping up or being a nuisance at school? Etc.

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• Keeping a list with names and addresses of new converts, or people who have expressed an interest, to be followed up when possible.

• New converts should get the odd encouraging visit, and be invited to things, and perhaps be allocated mentors to teach them basics- how to pray, what is halal food etc.

• Making the Muslim community aware of help and opportunities available to.

• Have them good relationship with the local police and probation service. • Perhaps be able to seek employment for the unemployed?

• Try to organize a team for welcoming visitors to the Islamic centers, and

advertising Islamic center functions to the community.

• Try to organize a team of people willing to attend local schools for the following much appreciated reasons:

• To give talks and displays.

• To give special religious assemblies (usually around 20 minutes) • To teach occasion lessons or help the teacher with a particular lesson.


Some suggestions concerning general facilities at an ideal Islamic center

• We have a major concern that many of our Islamic centers have not progressed beyond providing a place of prayer. The place of prayer should indeed be the first concern, and is, but it should gradually progress beyond this.

• We would like to propose a checklist of facilities that every Islamic center should have, and if they have not got any particular provision as suggested, that they might try to move towards it.

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Shia Islamic center in Dearborn, Michigan

Checklist: • Aesthetically pleasing Prayer room, with space for women. Sometimes women are

very happy with separate facilities, such as another room, or a balcony.

• There must be the facilities for women to pray Jumma prayer with jamat.

• Adequate wudu facilities for both men and women. These should obviously be kept in good condition.

• Facilities for washing of the dead body. This will surely be required in bigger Islamic centers. Adequate toilet facilities for male and females kept clean and well provided with necessesities

Facilities for overnight visitor (guest room). This could be a room set aside with a bed and basic furniture for guest Alim and speakers.

• Facilities for I’tikaf in Rajab and Ramadan. As for previous facility.

• It is possible to give privacy for people in I’tikaf by rigging up

sheets suspended from rope.

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• Library. This is a vital facility each Islamic center should have, even if it cannot afford much. Study books are vital, and books to lend out to new converts. It is also most vital that the books should be in two different sections – those in Arabic, Urdu and those in English. I feel that the majority of books should be in English in the UK. Major Muslim texts should be available in English such as the Qur’an itself, Nahjul Balagah, Sahifa Sajjadiya and the major hadith collections, and important historical work.

• Video, and CD libraries, with equipment to use them. A decent screen for doing ‘shows’ for the public. Educational visits from schools could be greatly enhanced if videos, slide shows etc were used and education CD’s software’s Quran software.

• Study group – a halal opportunity for both males and females to attend and learn. For few hours a week, in a study-group atmosphere, you could have a course of video lectures, benefitting from the many excellent videos such as Imam Ali films, Moktharnameh, Prophet Yusuf etc.


• IT equipment. Each Islamic center should have a telephone, and email and internet facilities, and a fax machine. Computer facilities for students who want to do research.

• Bookshop or Islamic Shop. It would be great if there was a shop ‘attached’ to the Islamic center that sold Islamic books, prayer-mats, items of

clothing such as Azadri banners, Islamic decorations, perfumes etc.

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• Madrassa facilities. Good provision should be made for the education of our young boys and girls such as books, equipment, chairs and the community volunteers should wholeheartedly take part in this. Quran translation and akam- e deen, alm e aqaied.

• Social facilities. There are so many community needs. Here are some suggestions. All of these need proper organizers, and responsible volunteers.

• Discussion group. Competition between young people in different Islamic centers. And competition on 7 books published by MUS.

• ‘Who can offer what?’ community projects. Try to get all community members to volunteer some sort of service or activity. There could be lists posted of people willing to do such things as supervising homework clubs where older students can help younger ones with core math’s, English, science, Urdu etc. – Social events organizer. How about once a month organizing trips out to halal

activities such as a day at the seaside, skating, a football match, sports center, a mela, a shopping trip , a cricket match, swimming, trips to museum, picnics.

We pray to Allah to help us improve the Islamic centers. We pray for the reapperence of the imam of our time

Imam Mahdi (a.s) and his repersentative Mujthahid deen

Especailly rahbar e muazzam, ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei (damat bar katoho)

We also pray and thanks all majis e ulema scholars and central cabinet , Organisers , Momeneen and people who are participating in Wali ASR convention 2013.

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